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723 lines
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//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text;
//using Payroll.BO;
//using Ease.CoreV35;
//using Ease.CoreV35.Model;
//using Ease.CoreV35.Caching;
//using System.Data;
//namespace Payroll.Report
// public class rptArrear
// {
// ObjectsTemplate<Department> _Departments = new ObjectsTemplate<Department>();
// ObjectsTemplate<Designation> _Designations = new ObjectsTemplate<Designation>();
// ObjectsTemplate<Bank> _Banks = new ObjectsTemplate<Bank>();
// ObjectsTemplate<Branch> _Branches = new ObjectsTemplate<Branch>();
// ObjectsTemplate<Location> _Locations = new ObjectsTemplate<Location>();
// ObjectsTemplate<Employee> _employees = new ObjectsTemplate<Employee>();
// private double TotalGross = 0;
// private double TotalArrear = 0;
// private double TotalDeduc = 0;
// private double TotalUn = 0;
// string sempNo = string.Empty;
// DateTime _fiscalyearStart;
// DateTime arrearMonth;
// public rptArrear()
// {
// _Designations = Designation.Get(EnumStatus.Active);
// _Branches = Branch.Get(EnumStatus.Active);
// _Banks = Bank.Get();
// _Locations = Location.Get();
// _Departments = Department.Get();
// }
// public void ShowBankAdvice(ArrearProcess oProcess, int bankID, int BranchID, string sEmpID, string type)
// {
// fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
// //arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate);
// arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(oProcess.ProcessMonth);
// int count = 1;
// DataRow oDR = null;
// string itemType = string.Empty;
// if (type == "Salary")
// {
// itemType = "12";
// }
// else if (type == "OPI")
// {
// itemType = "13";
// }
// //DataSet oEmpArrearBankAdvice = MiscellaneousDataset.GetEmpArrearBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(arrearMonth), sEmpID, itemType, oProcess.ID.Integer, BranchID);
// DataSet oEmpArrearBankAdvice = MiscellaneousDataset.GetEmpArrearBankAdvice(sEmpID, itemType, oProcess.ID.Integer, BranchID);
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceDataTable();
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
// double nTotal = 0.0;
// foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpArrearBankAdvice.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
// oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
// oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
// oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
// oDR["Amount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
// oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
// oDR["SalaryMonth"] = arrearMonth;
// oDR["SLNo"] = count;
// bankAdvice.Rows.Add(oDR);
// nTotal += GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]));
// count++;
// }
// string sRefNo = "";//"IDLC/TF/" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/0") + arrearMonth.Month;
// string[] sTempTaka = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.TakaFormat(nTotal).ToString().Split('.');
// string sDateTaka = "" + sTempTaka[0] + " /- (" + Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.MillionFormat(nTotal) + ")";
// Bank oBank = _Banks.Find(delegate(Bank ob) { return ob.ID.Integer == bankID; });
// string sAccount = oBank.Accountingformat;
// string sCheckTk = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.MillionToInWords(Convert.ToInt32(nTotal));
// string totalTaka = sCheckTk;
// string sTaka = "BDT " + sTempTaka[0] + " (" + sCheckTk + " taka only)";
// //bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sTaka, sAccount, "", DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), oBank.Name, Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), sTaka, oBank.Branchs[0].Address);
// bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sTaka, sAccount, "", DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), oBank.Name, Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"));
// form.ShowArrearBankAdvice(bankAdvice, bankAdviceLetter, sCheckTk);
// }
// public void ShowArrear(ArrearProcess arrearProcess, string sEmpID)
// {
// throw new NotImplementedException();
// }
// public void ShowArrearSlip(ArrearProcess arrearProcess, string sEmpID, string _type)
// {
// fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
// //arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate);
// arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(arrearProcess.ProcessMonth);
// int count = 1;
// DataRow oDR = null;
// string itemType = string.Empty;
// if (_type == "Salary")
// {
// itemType = "1,2,4,5";
// DataSet oSalaryMonthlys = MiscellaneousDataset.GetEmpArrerSlipGross(sEmpID, itemType, arrearProcess.ID.Integer);
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.PayslipDataTable PayslipData = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.PayslipDataTable();
// _employees = Employee.GetWithDiscontinue();
// DataRow oRowGr = null;
// TotalGross = 0;
// TotalArrear = 0;
// TotalDeduc = 0;
// TotalUn = 0;
// foreach (DataRow odRow in oSalaryMonthlys.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// //DataRow oRow = this.GetItem(PayslipData, Convert.ToString(odRow["EMPLOYEENO"]), (EnumArearProcessItemType)Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]), Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemID"]));
// //if (oRow == null)
// //{
// oRowGr = PayslipData.NewRow();
// oRowGr = this.GrossMergeForArrearSlip(oRowGr, odRow);
// PayslipData.Rows.Add(oRowGr);
// //}
// SalaryMonthly item = new SalaryMonthly();
// Employee oEmp = _employees.Find(delegate(Employee emp) { return emp.EmployeeNo == Convert.ToString(odRow["EMPLOYEENO"]); });
// IncomeTax otax = null;
// double dTaxPrvAmount = 0.0;
// if ((Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.Ordinary_Hour) || (Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance) || (Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.Over_Time) || (Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.Bonus))
// {
// oRowGr["Earning"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(odRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
// sempNo = odRow["EmployeeNo"].ToString();
// if (sempNo == odRow["EmployeeNo"].ToString())
// {
// TotalGross = TotalGross + Convert.ToDouble(oRowGr["Earning"]);
// oRowGr["TotalGross"] = TotalGross;
// }
// else
// {
// TotalGross = 0.0;
// TotalGross = TotalGross + Convert.ToDouble(oRowGr["Earning"]);
// oRowGr["TotalGross"] = TotalGross;
// }
// }
// }
// int nCount = 0;
// //oSalaryMonthlys = MiscellaneousDataset.GetArrearSlipDeduct(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(arrearMonth), sEmpID, "6,7,13", arrearProcess.ID.Integer);
// oSalaryMonthlys = MiscellaneousDataset.GetArrearSlipDeduct(sEmpID, "6,7, 8, 11, 13", arrearProcess.ID.Integer);
// string employeeNo = "";
// DataRow[] odros = null;
// if (oSalaryMonthlys.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
// {
// employeeNo = oSalaryMonthlys.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString();
// odros = PayslipData.Select(" EmployeeNo='" + oSalaryMonthlys.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() + "'");
// }
// foreach (DataRow odRow in oSalaryMonthlys.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// double damount = Convert.ToDouble(odRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"].ToString());
// if (damount != 0.00)
// {
// DataRow oRow = null;
// if (employeeNo != odRow["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// odros = PayslipData.Select(" EmployeeNo='" + odRow["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() + "'");
// nCount = 0;
// }
// if (odros.Length <= nCount)
// {
// oRow = PayslipData.NewRow();
// oRow = this.GrossMerge(oRow, odRow);
// PayslipData.Rows.Add(oRow);
// }
// else oRow = odros[nCount];
// if (Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.Loan || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.LoanInterest || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.PF || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.IncomeTax || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.OPI)
// {
// oRow["DeducDescription"] = odRow["Description"];//odRow["Description"];
// }
// if (Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.Loan || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.LoanInterest || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.PF || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.IncomeTax || Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemType"]) == (int)enumPayrollComponentType.OPI)
// {
// oRow["DeducAmount"] = odRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"];
// }
// TotalDeduc = TotalDeduc + Convert.ToDouble(oRow["DeducAmount"]);
// nCount = nCount + 1;
// employeeNo = odRow["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString();
// }
// }
// string empNo = string.Empty;
// double nAmount = 0.00;
// double nDeAmount = 0.00;
// double total = 0.00;
// Double dd = -1;
// foreach (DataRow oDR1 in PayslipData)
// {
// if (empNo != oDR1["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// nAmount = 0; nDeAmount = 0;
// total = 0.00;
// nAmount = PayslipData
// .AsEnumerable()
// .Where(r => (String)r["EMPLOYEENO"] == oDR1["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// .Sum(r => (Double)r["Earning"]);
// nDeAmount = PayslipData
// .AsEnumerable()
// .Where(r => (String)r["EMPLOYEENO"] == oDR1["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() )//&& ((Double)r["DeducAmount"]) != dd
// .Sum(r => (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(r["DeducAmount"])) ? 0d : ((double)r["DeducAmount"])));
// total = Convert.ToDouble(nAmount - nDeAmount);
// oDR1["STaka"] = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.MillionToInWords(Convert.ToInt32(total));
// empNo = oDR1["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString();
// }
// else if (empNo == oDR1["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// oDR1["STaka"] = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.MillionToInWords(Convert.ToInt32(total));
// empNo = oDR1["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString();
// }
// }
// string salaryMonth = arrearMonth.ToString("MMMM yyyy");
// string sTaka = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.MillionToInWords(Convert.ToInt32(TotalGross - TotalDeduc));
// form.ShowArrearSlip(PayslipData, salaryMonth, sTaka);
// }
// else if (_type == "OPI")
// {
// itemType = "13";
// DataRow oRow = null;
// // arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate);
// arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(arrearProcess.ProcessMonth);
// DataSet oSalaryMonthlys = MiscellaneousDataset.GetEmpArrerSlipGross(sEmpID, itemType, arrearProcess.ID.Integer);
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.PayslipDataTable PayslipData = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.PayslipDataTable();
// _employees = Employee.GetWithDiscontinue();
// TotalGross = 0;
// TotalArrear = 0;
// foreach (DataRow odRow in oSalaryMonthlys.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// oRow = PayslipData.NewRow();
// oRow = this.GrossMergeArrearOPI(oRow, odRow);
// PayslipData.Rows.Add(oRow);
// }
// string salaryMonth = arrearMonth.ToString("MMMM yyyy");
// form.ShowDlgArrearOPISlip(PayslipData, salaryMonth);
// }
// }
// private DataRow GrossMergeArrearOPI(DataRow destination, DataRow source)
// {
// Department oDepartment = null;
// if (_Departments.Count > 0)
// oDepartment = _Departments.Find(delegate(Department dd) { return dd.ID == Ease.CoreV35.Model.ID.FromInteger(Convert.ToInt32(source["DEPARTMENTID"])); });
// destination["Name"] = source["Name"];
// destination["EMPLOYEENO"] = source["EmployeeNo"];
// destination["Designation"] = source["Designation"];
// DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(source["JOININGDATE"]);
// string sdt = dt.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");
// destination["DateOfJoining"] = sdt;
// destination["LName"] = source["LName"];
// destination["Category"] = source["Category"];
// if (oDepartment.Tier == 1)
// {
// destination["Division"] = "";
// destination["Department"] = "";
// destination["Unit"] = "";
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 2)
// {
// destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 3)
// {
// destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Parent.Name;
// destination["Department"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 4)
// {
// destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Parent.Parent.Name;
// destination["Department"] = oDepartment.Parent.Name;
// destination["Unit"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else
// {
// destination["Division"] = "";
// destination["Department"] = "";
// destination["Unit"] = "";
// }
// if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(2))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Bank Transfer";
// }
// else
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Cheque";
// }
// destination["BName"] = source["Bank"];
// destination["ACCOUNTNO"] = source["ACCOUNTNO"];
// destination["SalaryMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(source["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// destination["Description"] = source["Description"];
// //destination["Arrear"] = Convert.ToDouble(0.00);
// destination["Earning"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(source["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
// return destination;
// }
// private DataRow GrossMerge(DataRow destination, DataRow source)
// {
// if (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.IncomeTax || Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.PF)
// {
// destination["Name"] = source["Name"];
// destination["EMPLOYEENO"] = source["EMPLOYEENO"];
// destination["Grade"] = source["Grade"];
// destination["Designation"] = source["Designation"];
// destination["Department"] = source["Department"];
// destination["LName"] = source["LName"];
// destination["ActualBasic"] = source["BASICSALARY"];
// if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(1))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "CashPayment";
// }
// else if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(2))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "BankTransfer";
// }
// else if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(3))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Provision";
// }
// destination["BName"] = source["Bank"];
// destination["ACCOUNTNO"] = source["ACCOUNTNO"];
// destination["SalaryMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(source["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// destination["Description"] = source["Description"];
// destination["ItemGroup"] = source["ItemType"];
// destination["ItemID"] = source["ITEMID"];
// return destination;
// }
// else
// {
// destination["Name"] = source["Name"];
// destination["EMPLOYEENO"] = source["EMPLOYEENO"];
// destination["Grade"] = source["Grade"];
// destination["Designation"] = source["Designation"];
// destination["Department"] = source["Department"];
// destination["LName"] = source["LName"];
// destination["ActualBasic"] = source["BASICSALARY"];
// if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(1))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "CashPayment";
// }
// else if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(2))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "BankTransfer";
// }
// else if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(3))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Provision";
// }
// destination["BName"] = source["Bank"];
// destination["ACCOUNTNO"] = source["ACCOUNTNO"];
// destination["SalaryMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(source["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// destination["Description"] = source["Description"];
// destination["ItemGroup"] = source["ItemType"];
// destination["ItemID"] = source["ITEMID"];
// return destination;
// }
// }
// private DataRow GrossMergeForArrearSlip(DataRow destination, DataRow source)
// {
// Department oDepartment = null;
// if (_Departments.Count > 0)
// oDepartment = _Departments.Find(delegate(Department dd) { return dd.ID == Ease.CoreV35.Model.ID.FromInteger(Convert.ToInt32(source["DEPARTMENTID"])); });
// if (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.IncomeTax || Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.PF)
// {
// destination["Name"] = source["Name"];
// destination["EMPLOYEENO"] = source["EMPLOYEENO"];
// destination["Grade"] = source["Grade"];
// destination["Designation"] = source["Designation"];
// DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(source["JOININGDATE"]);
// string sdt = dt.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");
// destination["JoiningDate"] = sdt;
// destination["LName"] = source["LName"];
// // destination["Category"] = source["Category"];
// if (oDepartment.Tier == 1)
// {
// //destination["Division"] = "";
// destination["Department"] = "";
// // destination["Unit"] = "";
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 2)
// {
// destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 3)
// {
// //destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Parent.Name;
// destination["Department"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 4)
// {
// // destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Parent.Parent.Name;
// destination["Department"] = oDepartment.Parent.Name;
// //destination["Unit"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else
// {
// //destination["Division"] = "";
// destination["Department"] = "";
// // destination["Unit"] = "";
// }
// destination["ActualBasic"] = source["BASICSALARY"];
// if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(2))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Bank Transfer";
// }
// else
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Cheque";
// }
// destination["BName"] = source["Bank"];
// destination["ACCOUNTNO"] = source["ACCOUNTNO"];
// destination["SalaryMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(source["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// destination["Description"] = "";
// destination["ItemGroup"] = source["ItemType"];
// destination["ItemID"] = source["ITEMID"];
// if (arrearMonth.Month >= 1 && arrearMonth.Month < 7)
// {
// _fiscalyearStart = new DateTime(arrearMonth.Year - 1, 7, 1);
// destination["TaxMonth"] = _fiscalyearStart.ToString("MMM yyyy");
// }
// else
// {
// _fiscalyearStart = new DateTime(arrearMonth.Year, 7, 1);
// destination["TaxMonth"] = _fiscalyearStart.ToString("MMM yyyy");
// }
// return destination;
// }
// else if (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.Allowance || Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.Basic || Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.Bonus || Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemType"]) == (int)EnumArearProcessItemType.OT)
// {
// destination["Name"] = source["Name"];
// destination["EMPLOYEENO"] = source["EMPLOYEENO"];
// destination["Grade"] = source["Grade"];
// destination["Designation"] = source["Designation"];
// DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(source["JOININGDATE"]);
// string sdt = dt.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");
// destination["JoiningDate"] = sdt;
// destination["LName"] = source["LName"];
// //destination["Category"] = source["Category"];
// if (oDepartment.Tier == 1)
// {
// //destination["Division"] = "";
// destination["Department"] = "";
// //destination["Unit"] = "";
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 2)
// {
// //destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 3)
// {
// // destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Parent.Name;
// destination["Department"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else if (oDepartment.Tier == 4)
// {
// //destination["Division"] = oDepartment.Parent.Parent.Name;
// destination["Department"] = oDepartment.Parent.Name;
// //destination["Unit"] = oDepartment.Name;
// }
// else
// {
// //destination["Division"] = "";
// destination["Department"] = "";
// // destination["Unit"] = "";
// }
// destination["ActualBasic"] = source["BASICSALARY"];
// if (source["PAYMENTMODE"].Equals(2))
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Bank Transfer";
// }
// else
// {
// destination["PAYMENTMODE"] = "Cheque";
// }
// destination["BName"] = source["Bank"];
// destination["ACCOUNTNO"] = source["ACCOUNTNO"];
// destination["SalaryMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(source["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// destination["Description"] = source["Description"];
// destination["ItemGroup"] = source["ItemType"];
// destination["ItemID"] = source["ITEMID"];
// if (arrearMonth.Month >= 1 && arrearMonth.Month < 7)
// {
// _fiscalyearStart = new DateTime(arrearMonth.Year - 1, 7, 1);
// destination["TaxMonth"] = _fiscalyearStart.ToString("MMM yyyy");
// }
// else
// {
// _fiscalyearStart = new DateTime(arrearMonth.Year, 7, 1);
// destination["TaxMonth"] = _fiscalyearStart.ToString("MMM yyyy");
// }
// return destination;
// }
// else
// {
// return destination;
// }
// }
// private DataRow GetItem(Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.PayslipDataTable Source, string sEmpNo, EnumArearProcessItemType enumArearProcessItemType, int ITemID)
// {
// foreach (DataRow odRow in Source.Rows)
// {
// if (Convert.ToString(odRow["EMPLOYEENO"]) == sEmpNo &&
// Convert.ToInt32(odRow["ItemID"]) == ITemID)
// {
// return odRow;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public void ShowArrearSheet(ArrearProcess arrearProcess, string sEmpID, string _type)
// {
// fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.ArrSheetDataTable arrDataTable = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.ArrSheetDataTable();
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.ArrSheetDataTable arrDataTableTemp = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.ArrSheetDataTable();
// PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.ArrSheetDataTable arrDataTableSorted = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.ArrSheetDataTable();
// //arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate);
// arrearMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(arrearProcess.ProcessMonth);
// double Total = 0;
// int serialNo = 0;
// string sEmpNo = string.Empty;
// DataRow oDR = null;
// DataRow or = null;
// string itemType = string.Empty;
// string sReportName = string.Empty;
// string tempEmpNo = string.Empty;
// string sl = string.Empty;
// if (_type == "Salary")
// {
// sReportName = "Arrear Sheet of Salary";
// itemType = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,9,13,21";
// DataSet oSalarySheets = MiscellaneousDataset.GetEmpArrerSheet(sEmpID, itemType,arrearProcess.ID.Integer);
// foreach (DataRow row in oSalarySheets.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// if (sEmpNo.Trim() != row["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// serialNo++;
// sEmpNo = row["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString().Trim();
// }
// if (sl != row["SLGroup"].ToString())
// {
// Total = 0;
// }
// sl = row["SLGroup"].ToString();
// oDR = arrDataTable.NewRow();
// oDR["EMPLOYEENO"] = sEmpNo;
// oDR["NAME"] = row["NAME"];
// oDR["GName"] = row["GName"];
// oDR["DName"] = row["DName"];
// oDR["GCode"] = row["GCode"];
// oDR["SL"] = row["SL"];
// oDR["SLGroup"] = row["SLGroup"];
// oDR["EmployeeID"] = row["EmployeeID"];
// oDR["ProcessMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// if ((row["ItemType"]).ToString() !="8")
// {
// Total += GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["ChangedAmount"]));
// oDR["NetPay"] = Total;
// }
// else
// {
// Total -= GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["ChangedAmount"]));
// oDR["NetPay"] = Total;
// }
// oDR["Description"] = row["Description"];
// oDR["SerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(row["SerialNo"]);
// oDR["ChangedAmount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["ChangedAmount"]));
// oDR["ItemSerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(serialNo);
// oDR["DegCode"] = row["dcode"];
// arrDataTable.Rows.Add(oDR);
// }
// DataSet tempDataSet = new DataSet();
// tempDataSet.Tables.Add(arrDataTable);
// for (int i = tempDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1; i > 0; i--)
// {
// DataRow dr = tempDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[i];
// if (tempEmpNo == dr["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// continue;
// }
// tempEmpNo = dr["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString();
// or = arrDataTableTemp.NewRow();
// or["NAME"] = dr["NAME"];
// or["GName"] = dr["GName"];
// or["DName"] = dr["DName"];
// or["GCode"] = dr["GCode"];
// or["EmployeeID"] = dr["EmployeeID"];
// or["ProcessMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// or["Description"] = "Net Pay";
// or["SerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(dr["SerialNo"]);
// or["ChangedAmount"] = dr["NetPay"];
// or["ItemSerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(serialNo);
// //or["DegCode"] = row["dcode"];
// arrDataTableTemp.Rows.Add(or);
// }
// serialNo = 0;
// arrDataTable.Merge(arrDataTableTemp);
// sEmpNo = string.Empty;
// var sortedData = from DataRow dr in arrDataTable.Rows orderby dr["EMPLOYEENO"] select dr;
// foreach (DataRow dr in sortedData)
// {
// if (sEmpNo.Trim() != dr["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// serialNo++;
// sEmpNo = dr["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString().Trim();
// }
// DataRow nDr = arrDataTableSorted.NewRow();
// nDr.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray;
// nDr["ItemSerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(serialNo);
// arrDataTableSorted.Rows.Add(nDr);
// }
// }
// else if (_type == "OPI")
// {
// sReportName = "Arrear Sheet of OPI";
// itemType = "8,10";
// DataSet oSalarySheets = MiscellaneousDataset.GetEmpArrerSheet(sEmpID, itemType, arrearProcess.ID.Integer);
// foreach (DataRow row in oSalarySheets.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// if (sEmpNo.Trim() != row["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// serialNo++;
// sEmpNo = row["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString().Trim();
// }
// oDR = arrDataTable.NewRow();
// oDR["EMPLOYEENO"] = sEmpNo;
// oDR["NAME"] = row["NAME"];
// oDR["GName"] = row["GName"];
// oDR["DName"] = row["DName"];
// oDR["GCode"] = row["GCode"];
// oDR["EmployeeID"] = row["EmployeeID"];
// oDR["ProcessMonth"] = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ProcessMonth"]).ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// oDR["Description"] = row["Description"];
// oDR["SerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(row["SerialNo"]);
// oDR["ChangedAmount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["ChangedAmount"]));
// oDR["ItemSerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(serialNo);
// oDR["DegCode"] = row["dcode"];
// arrDataTable.Rows.Add(oDR);
// }
// serialNo = 0;
// sEmpNo = string.Empty;
// var sortedData = from DataRow dr in arrDataTable.Rows orderby dr["DegCode"] select dr;
// foreach (DataRow dr in sortedData)
// {
// if (sEmpNo.Trim() != dr["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString())
// {
// serialNo++;
// sEmpNo = dr["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString().Trim();
// }
// DataRow nDr = arrDataTableSorted.NewRow();
// nDr.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray;
// nDr["ItemSerialNo"] = Convert.ToDouble(serialNo);
// arrDataTableSorted.Rows.Add(nDr);
// }
// }
// //DataView dv = arrDataTable.DefaultView;
// //dv.Sort("DName", "ASC");
// form.ShowArrearSalarySheet(arrDataTableSorted, arrearMonth, sReportName);
// }
// }