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using HRM.BO;
using Ease.Core.DataAccess;
using System;
using System.Data;
namespace HRM.DA
//internal class NotificationDA
// #region Get
// internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, int id)
// {
// return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Notification where NotificationID=%n",id);
// }
// internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc)
// {
// return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Notification");
// }
// internal static IDataReader GetByDateRange(TransactionContext tc, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
// {
// String sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM Notification n
// WHERE n.NotificationID IN
// (
// SELECT dt.NotificationID FROM
// (SELECT MAX(nr.SendDate) SendDate,nr.NotificationID FROM NotificationRule nr
// GROUP BY nr.NotificationID) dt
// WHERE dt.SendDate BETWEEN %d AND %d
// SELECT dt.NotificationID FROM
// (SELECT MIN(nr.SendDate) SendDate,nr.NotificationID FROM NotificationRule nr
// GROUP BY nr.NotificationID) dt
// WHERE dt.SendDate BETWEEN %d AND %d
// )", startDate, endDate, startDate, endDate);
// return tc.ExecuteReader(sql);
// }
// public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumNotificationStatus status)
// {
// return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Notification WHERE Status=%n",(int)status);
// }
// internal static IDataReader GetParticipants(TransactionContext tc, int id)
// {
// return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM NotificationParticipant where NotificationID=%n",id);
// }
// internal static IDataReader GetNotificationRules(TransactionContext tc, int id)
// {
// return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM NotificationRule where NotificationID=%n ORDER BY BatchNo", id);
// }
// internal static DateTime GetMinDateByID(TransactionContext tc, int iD)
// {
// string sql =
// SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT MIN(nr.SendDate) FROM NotificationRule nr WHERE nr.NotificationID = %n", iD);
// DateTime sendDate = (DateTime)tc.ExecuteScalar(sql);
// return sendDate;
// }
// #endregion
// #region Delete
// internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, int id)
// {
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM Notification WHERE NotificationID=%n", id);
// }
// internal static void DeleteParticipants(TransactionContext tc, int id)
// {
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM NotificationParticipant WHERE NotificationID=%n", id);
// }
// internal static void DeleteNotificationRules(TransactionContext tc, int id)
// {
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM NotificationRule WHERE NotificationID=%n", id);
// }
// #endregion
// #region Insert
// internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, Notification item)
// {
// string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("INSERT INTO Notification(NotificationID, TagOutputID,ObjectID,OptionalObjectID, Subject, Body, Attachment, Footer,Type,IsMailNf,IsSMSNf,IsWebNf,Status)" +
// " VALUES(%n,%n,%n,%n,%s, %s, %s, %s,%n,%b,%b,%b,%n)", item.ID, DataReader.GetNullValue(item.TagOutputID), DataReader.GetNullValue(item.ObjectID), DataReader.GetNullValue(item.OptionalObjectID), item.Subject, item.Body, item.Attachment, item.Footer, (int)item.Type, item.IsMailNf, item.IsSMSNf, item.IsWebNf, (int)item.Status);
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
// }
// internal static void InsertNotificationRule(TransactionContext tc, NotificationRule item)
// {
// string sql =
// SQLParser.MakeSQL(
// "INSERT INTO NotificationRule(NotificationRuleID,BatchNo,NotificationID,PerticipantID,PerticipantType,SendDate, ExtendedBody, Remarks, AllowWrite,SMSSendStatus,WebSendStatus,EmailSendStatus)" +
// " VALUES(%n,%n,%n,%n,%n,%d, %s, %s, %b,%n,%n,%n)", item.ID, item.BatchNo, item.NotificationID,
// item.PerticipantID, (int)item.PerticipantType, item.SendDate, item.ExtendedBody, item.Remarks, item.AllowWrite, (int)item.SMSSendStatus, (int)item.WebSendStatus, (int)item.EmailSendStatus);
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
// }
// #endregion
// #region Update
// internal static void Update(TransactionContext tc, Notification item)
// {
// string sql =
// SQLParser.MakeSQL(
// "UPDATE Notification SET TagOutputID=%n,ObjectID=%n,OptionalObjectID=%n, Subject=%s, Body=%s, Attachment=%s, Footer=%s,Type=%n,IsMailNf=%b,IsSMSNf=%b,IsWebNf=%b,Status=%n" +
// " WHERE NotificationID=%n", DataReader.GetNullValue(item.TagOutputID), DataReader.GetNullValue(item.ObjectID), DataReader.GetNullValue(item.OptionalObjectID), item.Subject,
// item.Body, item.Attachment, item.Footer, (int)item.Type, item.IsMailNf, item.IsSMSNf, item.IsWebNf,
// (int)item.Status, item.ID);
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
// }
// public static void UpdateNotficationRule(TransactionContext tc, NotificationRule item)
// {
// string sql =
// SQLParser.MakeSQL(
// "UPDATE NotificationRule SET BatchNo=%n,NotificationID=%n,PerticipantID=%n,PerticipantType=%n,SendDate=%d, ExtendedBody=%s, Remarks=%s, AllowWrite=%b,SMSSendStatus=%n,WebSendStatus=%n,EmailSendStatus=%n " +
// "Where NotificationRuleID=%n", item.BatchNo, item.NotificationID,
// item.PerticipantID, (int)item.PerticipantType, item.SendDate, item.ExtendedBody, item.Remarks, item.AllowWrite, (int)item.SMSSendStatus, (int)item.WebSendStatus, (int)item.EmailSendStatus, item.ID);
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
// }
// #endregion
// internal static void InsertReply(TransactionContext tc, NotificationParticipant oParticipant)
// {
// string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("INSERT INTO NotificationParticipant(NotificationParticipantID,NotificationID,EmployeeID,Comments, SentTime, Authorized,Locked, ProcessButton,UndoButton,ApproveButton)" +
// " VALUES(%n,%n,%n,%s,%D,%b,%b,%b,%b,%b)",oParticipant.ID,oParticipant.NotificationID,oParticipant.EmployeeID,oParticipant.Comments,oParticipant.SentTime,true, true,false,false,false);
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
// }
} |