2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00

1314 lines
49 KiB

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<Value>No Of Sheets</Value>
<Style />
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<Value>No Of Workers</Value>
<Style />
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<Style />
<Textbox Name="Textbox9">
<Style />
<Textbox Name="Department">
<Style />
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<Style />
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<TablixMember />
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<Style />
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<TablixCell />
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<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
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<Value>="Vendor Code"</Value>
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<Value>="file:///" &amp; Parameters!Logo.Value</Value>
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<Value>="Daily Labour Summary Voucher for: " &amp;Parameters!FromDate.Value</Value>
<Style />
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<Value>="Page " &amp; Globals!PageNumber &amp; " of " &amp; Globals!TotalPages</Value>
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<Value>="Print Date &amp; Time: " &amp; Format(Now(), "dd MMM yyyy, hh:mm:ss tt")</Value>
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<ConnectString>/* Local Connection */</ConnectString>
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<CommandText>/* Local Query */</CommandText>
<Field Name="Department">
<Field Name="NoOfSheets">
<Field Name="NoOfWorkers">
<Field Name="Amounts">
<Field Name="Remarks">
<Field Name="CostCenter">
<Field Name="SapGL">
<rd:SchemaPath>D:\Local\BAT (New)\BAT_Desktop\BAT_Desktop.root\BAT_Desktop\Payroll.Report\Attendence\AttendenceDataSet\AttendenceDataSet.xsd</rd:SchemaPath>
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<rd:TableAdapterGetDataMethod />
<rd:TableAdapterName />
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<ReportParameter Name="Address">
<ReportParameter Name="Phone">
<ReportParameter Name="SearchCriteria">
<ReportParameter Name="FromDate">
<ReportParameter Name="TakaInWord">