using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using Ease.Core.Model;
using HRM.BO;
using HRM.DA;
using Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore;

namespace HRM.Report
    public class rptJV
        DateTime _dEffectDate;

        //public byte[] ShowMultipleTaxCard(string sEmpIDs, bool ITStatus, int nTaxParamID, int systemTaxParamID, DateTime nextPayProcessDate, int payrollTypeID, string reportType)
        public byte[] showJVLoactionWReport(int JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int? nLocID, int payrollTypeID, string reportType)
            ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
            string RDLCName = null;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            DataTable dt = this.JVLoactionWReport(JVTypeID, dEffectDate, nLocID, payrollTypeID);
            dt.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_JVLoactionWReport";
            //DataSet dsSub = new DataSet();

            //bool otherInvestment = false;
            //SystemInformation systemInformation = new SystemInformationService().Get();
            //if ( == "SGS Bangladesh Limited")
            //    otherInvestment = true;

            List<ReportParameter> _parameters = new List<ReportParameter>();

            //ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter("AssesmentYear", _taxParameter.AssessmentYear);

            //parameter = new ReportParameter("FiscalYear", _taxParameter.FiscalYear);

            //parameter = new ReportParameter("OtherInvestment", otherInvestment.ToString());

            RDLCName = "JVLoactionWReport.rdlc";

            return reportProcessor.CommonReportViewForReports(null, ds, null, RDLCName, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
            //return reportProcessor.CommonReportView(null, RDLCName, ds, dsSub, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
        public DataTable JVLoactionWReport(int JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int? nLocID, int payrolltypeId)
            _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
            DataRow dr = null;
            PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVLoactionWReportDataTable dTJVInfo = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVLoactionWReportDataTable();

            //JVSetup osetp = new JVSetupService();
            DateTime maxdate = new JVSetupService().GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate, payrolltypeId);

            List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
            oJVSetups = new JVSetupService().GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

            //bool earnedBasic = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "pf", "earnedbasic");
            //int earnedBasic = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigIntValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "Location", "tier");

            //int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
            int nLocationTire = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigIntValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "Location", "tier");

            List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
            oLocations = new LocationService().GetByTier(2);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

            //int nCCTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("costcenter", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
            int nCCTire = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigIntValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "costcenter", "tier");
            List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
            oCostCenters = new CostcenterService().GetByTire(nCCTire, payrolltypeId); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

            List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new SalaryMonthlyService().Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), payrolltypeId);
            //List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeService().GetAllEmps(payrolltypeId);
            List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeService().GetWithDiscontinue(payrolltypeId);

            string sEmpID = "";
            foreach (SalaryMonthly sm in salaries)
                sm.Employee = employees.Find(x => x.ID == sm.EmployeeID);

                sm.CostCentersInvolments = new SalaryMonthlyService().GetForCC(sm.ID);

                if (sEmpID == "")
                    sEmpID += sm.Employee.ID.ToString();
                //sEmpID += sm.EmployeeID.ToString();
                    sEmpID += "," + sm.Employee.ID.ToString();
            DataSet oSalarySheets = null;
            oSalarySheets = new SalaryMonthlyService().GetSGSSalarySheet(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), sEmpID);
            PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.SalarySheetDataTable dTSalarySheet = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.SalarySheetDataTable();
            DataRow oDR = null;
            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[0].Rows)
                if ((Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == -101 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -101) ||
                    (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == 2 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -113) ||
                    (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == 1 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -113) ||
                    (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == 10 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -113))
                    SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                    if (nLocID == null)
                        osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                        osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                    if (osalary != null)
                        foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                            if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                            oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                            this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);

            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[1].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[0].Rows)
                if ((Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == -101 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -101) ||
                    (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == 2 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -113) ||
                    (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == 1 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -113) ||
                    (Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemID"]) == 10 && Convert.ToInt32(source["ItemCode"]) == -113))
                    SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                    if (nLocID == null)
                        osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                        osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                    if (osalary != null)
                        foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                            if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                            oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                            this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);


            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[2].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);

            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[3].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);

            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[4].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);

            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[5].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[6].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
            foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[7].Rows)
                SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
                if (nLocID == null)
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
                    osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
                if (osalary != null)
                    foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
                        if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
                        oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
                        this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
            //foreach(Location oLocation in oLocations)
            //   foreach(Costcenter oCC in oCostCenters)
            //   {
            //       foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
            //       {
            //           foreach (SalaryMonthly osalary in salaries)
            //           {
            //               if (osalary.LocationID == oLocation.ID)
            //               {
            //                   double percent  = SalaryEmpCostCenter.InvolvedPercent(osalary.CostCentersInvolments, oCC.ID);
            //                   if (percent == 0) continue;
            //                   dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
            //                   dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
            //                   dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Name;
            //                   dr["EmpNo"] = osalary.Employee.EmployeeNo;
            //                   dr["Name"] = osalary.Employee.Name;
            //                   dr["Description"] = osetup.Description;
            //                   dr["Amount"] = osetup.GetAmount(osalary) * percent/100;
            //                   dr["JVMonth"] = dEffectDate;
            //                   dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);
            //               }
            //           }
            //       }
            //   }
            DataView dv = dTJVInfo.DefaultView;
            //dv.Sort = "Tier,CostCenterCode,Description";
            DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable();
            return sortedDT;
        private void CopySS(DataRow source, DataRow destination, SalaryMonthly osalary, List<Location> oLocations, List<Costcenter> oCostCenters, double nPercentage, int nCCID, DateTime dEffectDate)
            Location loc = oLocations.Find(x => x.ID == osalary.LocationID);
            double nAmount = Convert.ToDouble(destination["Amount"]);
            source["Location"] = loc == null ? "" : loc.Name;
            Costcenter cc = oCostCenters.Find(x => x.ID == nCCID);
            string costCenter = string.Empty;
            if (cc != null)
                costCenter = cc.Code + "-" + cc.Name;
                source["CostCenter"] = costCenter;
                source["CostCenter"] = costCenter;
            source["CostCenterCode"] = cc == null ? "" : cc.Code.Trim();
            //source["CostCenter"] = cc == null ? "" : cc.Name;
            source["EmpNo"] = destination["EMPLOYEENO"];
            source["Name"] = destination["Name"];
            source["Description"] = destination["Description"];
            source["Amount"] = nAmount * nPercentage / 100;
            source["JVMonth"] = dEffectDate;

        public byte[] showJVSummaryReport(int JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int? nLocID, int payrollTypeID, string reportType)
            ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
            string RDLCName = null;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            DataTable dt = this.JVLoactionWReport(JVTypeID, dEffectDate, nLocID, payrollTypeID);
            dt.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_JVSummaryReport";

            List<ReportParameter> _parameters = null;

            RDLCName = "JVSummaryReport.rdlc";

            return reportProcessor.CommonReportViewForReports(null, ds, null, RDLCName, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
            //return reportProcessor.CommonReportView(null, RDLCName, ds, dsSub, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);

        //public DataTable JVLoactionWReport(int JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int nLocID, int payrolltypeId)
        //    _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
        //    DataRow dr = null;
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVLoactionWReportDataTable dTJVInfo = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVLoactionWReportDataTable();

        //    DateTime maxdate = new JVSetupService().GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate, payrolltypeId);

        //    JVSetup osetp = new JVSetup();
        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    oJVSetups = new JVSetupService().GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

        //    int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
        //    oLocations = new LocationService().GetByTier(2);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    int nCCTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("costcenter", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
        //    oCostCenters = new CostcenterService().GetByTire(nCCTire, payrolltypeId); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new SalaryMonthlyService().Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), payrolltypeId);
        //    string sEmpID = "";
        //    foreach (SalaryMonthly sm in salaries)
        //    {
        //        if (sEmpID == "")
        //            sEmpID += sm.Employee.ID.ToString();
        //        else
        //            sEmpID += "," + sm.Employee.ID.ToString();
        //    }
        //    DataSet oSalarySheets = null;
        //    oSalarySheets = new SalaryMonthlyService().GetSGSSalarySheet(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), sEmpID);
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.SalarySheetDataTable dTSalarySheet = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.SalarySheetDataTable();
        //    DataRow oDR = null;
        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[0].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[1].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[2].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[3].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[4].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[5].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[6].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    foreach (DataRow source in oSalarySheets.Tables[7].Rows)
        //    {
        //        SalaryMonthly osalary = null;
        //        if (nLocID == null)
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString());
        //        else
        //            osalary = salaries.Find(x => x.Employee.EmployeeNo == source["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() && x.LocationID == nLocID);
        //        if (osalary != null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (SalaryEmpCostCenter ecc in osalary.CostCentersInvolments)
        //            {
        //                if (ecc.Percentage == 0) continue;
        //                oDR = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                this.CopySS(oDR, source, osalary, oLocations, oCostCenters, ecc.Percentage, ecc.CostCenterID, _dEffectDate);
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(oDR);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    //foreach(Location oLocation in oLocations)
        //    //{
        //    //   foreach(Costcenter oCC in oCostCenters)
        //    //   {
        //    //       foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
        //    //       {
        //    //           foreach (SalaryMonthly osalary in salaries)
        //    //           {
        //    //               if (osalary.LocationID == oLocation.ID)
        //    //               {
        //    //                   double percent  = SalaryEmpCostCenter.InvolvedPercent(osalary.CostCentersInvolments, oCC.ID);
        //    //                   if (percent == 0) continue;
        //    //                   dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //    //                   dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //    //                   dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Name;
        //    //                   dr["EmpNo"] = osalary.Employee.EmployeeNo;
        //    //                   dr["Name"] = osalary.Employee.Name;
        //    //                   dr["Description"] = osetup.Description;
        //    //                   dr["Amount"] = osetup.GetAmount(osalary) * percent/100;
        //    //                   dr["JVMonth"] = dEffectDate;
        //    //                   dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);
        //    //               }
        //    //           }
        //    //       }
        //    //   }
        //    //}
        //    DataView dv = dTJVInfo.DefaultView;
        //    dv.Sort = "Tier,CostCenterCode,Description";
        //    DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable();
        //    return sortedDT;

        public byte[] showJVSalaryDetailEmployeeWReport(int JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int? nLocID, int payrollTypeID, string reportType)
            ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
            string RDLCName = null;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            DataTable dt = this.JVSalaryDetail(JVTypeID, dEffectDate, payrollTypeID);
            dt.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_JVSalaryDetail";

            List<ReportParameter> _parameters = null;

            RDLCName = "JVSalaryDetail.rdlc";

            return reportProcessor.CommonReportViewForReports(null, ds, null, RDLCName, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
            //return reportProcessor.CommonReportView(null, RDLCName, ds, dsSub, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
        public DataTable JVSalaryDetail(int JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int payrolltypeId)
            int count = 1;
            _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
            DataRow dr = null;
            PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVSalaryDetailDataTable dTJVSDetail = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVSalaryDetailDataTable();
            JVSetup osetp = new JVSetup();
            DateTime maxdate = new JVSetupService().GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate, payrolltypeId);

            List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
            oJVSetups = new JVSetupService().GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

            //int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
            int nLocationTire = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigIntValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "Location", "tier");
            List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
            oLocations = new LocationService().GetByTier(2);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

            //int nCCTire = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigIntValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "costcenter", "tier");
            int nCCTire = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigIntValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "costcenter", "tier");
            List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
            oCostCenters = new CostcenterService().GetByTire(nCCTire, payrolltypeId); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

            List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new SalaryMonthlyService().Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), payrolltypeId);

            List<JVSetupDetail> oJVSetupDetail = new JVSetupDetailService().Get();
            foreach (SalaryMonthly item in salaries)
                item.Employee = new EmployeeService().Get(item.EmployeeID);
                foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
                    //List<JVSetupDetail> oJVSetupDetail = new JVSetupDetailService().GetByJVSetup(osetup.ID);
                    JVSetupDetail itemDetail = oJVSetupDetail.Find(x=> x.JVSetupID == osetup.ID);
                    dr = dTJVSDetail.NewRow();
                    dr["SLNo"] = count;
                    dr["EmpNo"] = item.Employee.EmployeeNo;
                    dr["Name"] = item.Employee.Name;
                    dr["Description"] = osetup.Description;
                    //dr["Amount"] = new JVSetupService().GetAmount(item, oJVSetupDetail);
                    dr["Amount"] = this.GetAmount(item, itemDetail);
                    dr["JVMonth"] = dEffectDate;
            return dTJVSDetail;


        public double GetAmount(SalaryMonthly salary, JVSetupDetail oItem)
            double nAmount = 0;
            //foreach (JVSetupDetail oItem in JVSetupDetails)
                switch (oItem.JVItemType)
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Basic_salary:
                        nAmount = nAmount + new SalaryMonthlyService().GetGrossAmount(EnumSalaryItemCode.Basic_Salary, (int)EnumSalaryItemCode.Basic_Salary, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance:
                        nAmount = nAmount + new SalaryMonthlyService().GetGrossAmount(EnumSalaryItemCode.Allowance, oItem.ItemID, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Deduction:
                        nAmount = nAmount + new SalaryMonthlyService().GetDeductAmount(EnumSalaryItemCode.Deduction, oItem.ItemID, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Over_Time:
                        nAmount = nAmount + new SalaryMonthlyService().GetGrossAmount(EnumSalaryItemCode.Over_Time_Amount, oItem.ItemID, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Bonus:
                        nAmount = nAmount + new SalaryMonthlyService().GetGrossAmount(EnumSalaryItemCode.Bonus, oItem.ItemID, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Loan:
                        nAmount = nAmount + this.GetAmountValue(EnumSalaryGroup.Deductions, EnumSalaryItemCode.Loan_Monthly_Installment, oItem.ItemID, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.PF:
                        nAmount = nAmount + this.GetAmountValue(EnumSalaryGroup.Deductions, EnumSalaryItemCode.PF_Contribution, (int)EnumSalaryItemCode.PF_Contribution, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Gratuity:
                        //nAmount = nAmount + new SalaryMonthlyService().GetAmount(EnumSalaryGroup.Deductions, EnumSalaryItemCode., oItem.ItemID);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.IncomeTax:
                        nAmount = nAmount + this.GetAmountValue(EnumSalaryGroup.Deductions, EnumSalaryItemCode.Inc_Tax_Deduction, (int)EnumSalaryItemCode.Inc_Tax_Deduction, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Net_pay:
                        if (salary.BranchID != null && oItem.ItemID == salary.BranchID)
                            nAmount = nAmount + this.GetAmountValue(EnumSalaryGroup.OtherItem, EnumSalaryItemCode.Net_Payable, (int)EnumSalaryItemCode.Net_Payable, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.OPI:
                        nAmount = nAmount + this.GetAmountValue(EnumSalaryGroup.OtherItem, EnumSalaryItemCode.OPI, oItem.ItemID, salary.Details);
                    case enumPayrollComponentType.Final_settlement:
            return nAmount;
        public double GetAmountValue(EnumSalaryGroup groupcode, EnumSalaryItemCode itemCode, int itemId, List<SalaryMonthlyDetail> Details)
            double amount = 0;
            foreach (SalaryMonthlyDetail item in Details)
                if (item.ItemCode == itemCode && item.itemGroupCode == groupcode && item.ItemID == itemId)
                    amount = amount + item.ChangedAmount;
            return amount;
        #region Old
        //DateTime _dEffectDate;
        //private ReportSetup _selectedParameter;
        //public ReportSetup SelectedParameter
        //    set
        //    {
        //        _selectedParameter = value;
        //    }
        //public rptJV()

        //public DataTable JVSalaryDetail(ID JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate)
        //    int count = 1;
        //    _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
        //    DataRow dr = null;
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVSalaryDetailDataTable dTJVSDetail = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVSalaryDetailDataTable();
        //    JVSetup osetp = new JVSetup();
        //    DateTime maxdate = osetp.GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate);

        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    oJVSetups = JVSetup.GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

        //    int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
        //    oLocations = Location.GetByTier(2);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    int nCCTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("costcenter", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
        //    oCostCenters = Costcenter.GetByTire(nCCTire); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = SalaryMonthly.Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));

        //    foreach (SalaryMonthly item in salaries)
        //    {
        //        foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
        //        {
        //            dr = dTJVSDetail.NewRow();
        //            dr["SLNo"] = count;
        //            dr["EmpNo"] = item.Employee.EmployeeNo;
        //            dr["Name"] = item.Employee.Name;
        //            dr["Description"] = osetup.Description;
        //            dr["Amount"] = osetup.GetAmount(item);
        //            dr["JVMonth"] = dEffectDate;
        //            dTJVSDetail.Rows.Add(dr);
        //        }
        //        count++;
        //    }
        //    return dTJVSDetail;


        //public DataSet MemorandumSalaryDetail(ID JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate, int nEmpID)
        //    DataSet oDS = new DataSet();
        //    _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
        //    DataRow drDebit = null;
        //    DataRow drCredit = null;

        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.MemoDebitDataTable dTMemoDebit = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.MemoDebitDataTable();
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.MemoCreditDataTable dTMemoCredit = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.MemoCreditDataTable();

        //    string sEmpID = Convert.ToString(nEmpID);

        //    JVSetup osetp = new JVSetup();
        //    DateTime maxdate = osetp.GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate);

        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    oJVSetups = JVSetup.GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

        //    //sEmpID,
        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = SalaryMonthly.Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));

        //    string sFGLCode = "";
        //    double dFAmount = 0.0;

        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetupDebits = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetupCredits = new List<JVSetup>();

        //    foreach (JVSetup oJVItem in oJVSetups)
        //    {
        //        if (oJVItem.Side == (int)EnumTranSide.Debit)
        //        {
        //            oJVSetupDebits.Add(oJVItem);
        //        }
        //        else if (oJVItem.Side == (int)EnumTranSide.Credit)
        //        {
        //            oJVSetupCredits.Add(oJVItem);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    double ItemDebitHeadAmount = 0.0;
        //    foreach (JVSetup oJVDebit in oJVSetupDebits)
        //    {
        //        ItemDebitHeadAmount = 0.0;
        //        if (oJVDebit.ID == 1)
        //        {
        //            sFGLCode = oJVDebit.GLCode;

        //        }
        //        drDebit = dTMemoDebit.NewRow();
        //        drDebit["DDescription"] = oJVDebit.Description;
        //        drDebit["DAccount"] = oJVDebit.GLCode;

        //        drDebit["FGLDes"] = sFGLCode;

        //        foreach (SalaryMonthly oSM in salaries)
        //        {
        //            //if (oJVDebit.ID == 1)
        //            //    dFAmount = oJVDebit.GetAmount(oSM);

        //            ItemDebitHeadAmount += oJVDebit.GetAmount(oSM, oJVDebit.JVSetupDetails);
        //        }
        //        if (oJVDebit.ID == 1)
        //            drDebit["FGLAmount"] = Convert.ToString(ItemDebitHeadAmount);

        //        drDebit["DAmount"] = ItemDebitHeadAmount;
        //        dTMemoDebit.Rows.Add(drDebit);
        //    }

        //    double ItemCreditHeadAmount = 0.0;
        //    foreach (JVSetup oJVCredit in oJVSetupCredits)
        //    {
        //        ItemCreditHeadAmount = 0.0;
        //        drCredit = dTMemoCredit.NewRow();
        //        //drCredit = dTMemoCredit.NewRow();
        //        drCredit["CDescription"] = oJVCredit.Description;
        //        drCredit["CAccount"] = oJVCredit.GLCode;

        //        foreach (SalaryMonthly oSM in salaries)
        //        {
        //            ItemCreditHeadAmount += oJVCredit.GetAmount(oSM, oJVCredit.JVSetupDetails);
        //        }
        //        drCredit["CAmount"] = ItemCreditHeadAmount;
        //        dTMemoCredit.Rows.Add(drCredit);
        //    }

        //    //foreach (SalaryMonthly item in salaries)
        //    //{
        //    //    foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
        //    //    {
        //    //        if(osetup.ID==1)
        //    //        {
        //    //            sFGLCode = osetup.GLCode;
        //    //            dFAmount = osetup.GetAmount(item);
        //    //        }

        //    //        if(osetup.Side==(int)EnumTranSide.Debit)
        //    //        {
        //    //            drDebit = dTMemoDebit.NewRow();
        //    //            drDebit["DDescription"] = osetup.Description;
        //    //            drDebit["DAccount"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //    //            drDebit["DAmount"] = osetup.GetAmount(item);
        //    //            drDebit["FGLDes"] = sFGLCode;
        //    //            drDebit["FGLAmount"] = Convert.ToString(dFAmount);
        //    //            dTMemoDebit.Rows.Add(drDebit);

        //    //        }
        //    //        else if (osetup.Side == (int)EnumTranSide.Credit)
        //    //        {
        //    //            drCredit = dTMemoCredit.NewRow();
        //    //            drCredit["CDescription"] = osetup.Description;
        //    //            drCredit["CAccount"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //    //            drCredit["CAmount"] = osetup.GetAmount(item);
        //    //            dTMemoCredit.Rows.Add(drCredit);                    
        //    //        }
        //    //    }
        //    //    count++;
        //    //}

        //    DolarRate oDRate = new DolarRate();
        //    oDRate = oDRate.Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(_dEffectDate));

        //    if (oDRate != null)
        //    {
        //        drDebit = dTMemoDebit.NewRow();
        //        drDebit["DDescription"] = oDRate.DDescription;
        //        drDebit["DAccount"] = oDRate.DAccountNo;
        //        drDebit["DAmount"] = (oDRate.Amount * oDRate.Rate);
        //        dTMemoDebit.Rows.Add(drDebit);

        //        drCredit = dTMemoCredit.NewRow();
        //        drCredit["CDescription"] = oDRate.DDescription;
        //        drCredit["CAccount"] = oDRate.DAccountNo;
        //        drCredit["CAmount"] = (oDRate.Amount * oDRate.Rate);
        //        dTMemoCredit.Rows.Add(drCredit);
        //    }

        //    dTMemoDebit.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_MemoDebit";
        //    dTMemoCredit.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_MemoCredit";
        //    oDS.Tables.Add(dTMemoDebit);
        //    oDS.Tables.Add(dTMemoCredit);
        //    return oDS;


        //public DataTable JVReport(ID JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate)
        //    _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
        //    DataRow dr = null;
        //    double nAmount = 0.0;
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVReportDataTable dTJVInfo = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVReportDataTable();

        //    JVSetup osetp = new JVSetup();
        //    DateTime maxdate = osetp.GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate);

        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    oJVSetups = JVSetup.GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

        //    List<JVSetupDetail> oJVSetupDetails = new List<JVSetupDetail>();

        //    int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
        //    oLocations = Location.GetByTier(2);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    int nCCTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("costcenter", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
        //    oCostCenters = Costcenter.GetByTire(nCCTire); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = SalaryMonthly.Get(dEffectDate);
        //    foreach (JVSetup oJVSetup in oJVSetups)
        //    {
        //        foreach (Costcenter oCC in oCostCenters)
        //        {
        //            foreach (Location oLocation in oLocations)
        //            {
        //                nAmount = 0.0;
        //                nAmount = GetSalaries(oLocation.ID, oCC.ID, salaries, oJVSetup);
        //                if (nAmount == 0) continue;
        //                oJVSetupDetails = JVSetupDetail.GetByJVSetup(oJVSetup.ID);
        //                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                dr["GLCode"] = oJVSetup.GLCode;
        //                dr["GLDescription"] = oJVSetup.Description;
        //                dr["JType"] = "GJ";
        //                dr["JSource"] = "MA";
        //                dr["Reference"] = "110001";
        //                dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");

        //                if (oJVSetup.Side == (int)EnumTranSide.Debit)
        //                {
        //                    dr["JVTranType"] = "D";
        //                }
        //                else if (oJVSetup.Side == (int)EnumTranSide.Credit)
        //                {
        //                    dr["JVTranType"] = "C";
        //                }
        //                dr["Amount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(nAmount);
        //                dr["Period"] = dEffectDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
        //                if (oCC.Parent.Code == "106X")
        //                {
        //                    dr["T5"] = oCC.Code;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    dr["T5"] = "XX";
        //                }
        //                dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Parent.Code;
        //                dr["Location"] = oLocation.Code;
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return dTJVInfo;

        //public DataTable JVLoactionWReport(ID JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate)
        //    _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
        //    DataRow dr = null;
        //    //PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVLoactionWReportDataTable dTJVInfo = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVLoactionWReportDataTable();
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVReportDataTable dTJVInfo = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVReportDataTable();
        //    JVSetup osetp = new JVSetup();
        //    DateTime maxdate = osetp.GetMaxDate(_dEffectDate);

        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    oJVSetups = JVSetup.GetByJVTypeAndEffectDate(JVTypeID, maxdate);

        //    int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
        //    oLocations = Location.GetByTier(1);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    int nCCTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("costcenter", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
        //    // oCostCenters = Costcenter.GetByTire(nCCTire); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file
        //    oCostCenters = Costcenter.Get();
        //    List<BonusProcess.BonusProcessDetail> bonusprocesss = new List<BonusProcess.BonusProcessDetail>();
        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new List<SalaryMonthly>();
        //    List<OPIProcessDetail> opidetails = new List<OPIProcessDetail>();
        //    List<OPIProcessDetailItem> opis = new List<OPIProcessDetailItem>();
        //    OPIProcessDetail opidetail = null;
        //    if (JVTypeID == 2)
        //    {
        //        // bonusprocesss = BonusProcess.GetBonusDetails(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));
        //    }
        //    else if (JVTypeID == 1)
        //    {
        //        salaries = SalaryMonthly.Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));
        //        opidetails = OPIProcess.GetProcessDetails(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));
        //        opis = OPIProcess.GetOPiProcessItems(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));
        //    }

        //    List<EmployeeCostCenter> epmCostCenters = EmployeeCostCenter.Get();
        //    string preCCCode = "";
        //    ID preOsetupID = null;
        //    string spPreCCCode = "";
        //    ID SpPreOsetupID = null;
        //    double nAmount = 0.0;
        //    string ccc = "";
        //    Costcenter cc = null;
        //    Costcenter cc2 = null;
        //    List<SalaryMonthly> SalaryOfMonth = null;
        //    List<Employee> oEmps = Employee.Get();

        //    Employee oEmp = null;
        //    foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
        //    {

        //        if (osetup.ShowCC) //CC wise Sum ?
        //        {
        //            foreach (Costcenter oCC in oCostCenters)
        //            {

        //                cc2 = null;
        //                ccc = "";
        //                cc = oCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == oCC.ParentID);
        //                if (cc != null)
        //                {
        //                    cc2 = (oCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == cc.ParentID));
        //                }
        //                if (cc2 != null)
        //                {
        //                    ccc = cc2.Code;
        //                }
        //                foreach (SalaryMonthly osalary in salaries)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = null;
        //                    if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                    {
        //                        oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == osalary.EmployeeID);
        //                    }
        //                    if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                    {
        //                        SalaryOfMonth = new List<SalaryMonthly>();
        //                        SalaryOfMonth.Add(osalary);
        //                        if (preCCCode != oCC.Code)
        //                        {
        //                            if (dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //                            {
        //                                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //                            }
        //                            dr = null;
        //                            nAmount = 0.0;
        //                            preOsetupID = osetup.ID;
        //                            preCCCode = oCC.Code;
        //                            dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                            //dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                            if (3 < ccc.Length)
        //                                ccc = ccc.Substring(ccc.Length - 3);
        //                            if (ccc == "WBS")
        //                            {
        //                                dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //                            }
        //                            else
        //                            {
        //                                dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //                            }
        //                            dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;

        //                        }
        //                        nAmount = nAmount + GetSalaries(null, oCC.ID, SalaryOfMonth, osetup);
        //                        //if (nAmount == 0) continue;

        //                        dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //                        dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //                        dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //                        dr["Amount"] = nAmount;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                foreach (OPIProcessDetailItem opi in opis)
        //                {

        //                    oEmp = null;
        //                    if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                    {
        //                        opidetail = opidetails.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opi.OPIProcessDetailID);
        //                        if (opidetail != null)
        //                            oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opidetail.EmployeeID);
        //                    }
        //                    if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                    {

        //                        if (osetup.JVSetupCC.Any(o => o.CCID == oCC.ID))
        //                        {

        //                            if (spPreCCCode != oCC.Code || osetup.ID != SpPreOsetupID)
        //                            {
        //                                if (dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //                                {
        //                                    dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //                                }
        //                                dr = null;
        //                                nAmount = 0.0;
        //                                SpPreOsetupID = osetup.ID;
        //                                spPreCCCode = oCC.Code;
        //                                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                                //dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                                if (3 < ccc.Length)
        //                                    ccc = ccc.Substring(ccc.Length - 3);
        //                                if (ccc == "WBS")
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;

        //                            }
        //                            nAmount = nAmount + GetOPIs(null, oCC.ID, opidetails, opi, epmCostCenters, osetup);
        //                            //if (nAmount == 0) continue;

        //                            dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //                            dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //                            dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //                            dr["Amount"] = nAmount;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                foreach (BonusProcess.BonusProcessDetail bpro in bonusprocesss)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = null;
        //                    if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                    {
        //                        oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == bpro.EmployeeID);
        //                    }
        //                    if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                    {
        //                        if (osetup.JVSetupCC.Any(o => o.CCID == oCC.ID))
        //                        {

        //                            if (spPreCCCode != oCC.Code || osetup.ID != SpPreOsetupID)
        //                            {
        //                                if (dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //                                {
        //                                    dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //                                }
        //                                dr = null;
        //                                nAmount = 0.0;
        //                                SpPreOsetupID = osetup.ID;
        //                                spPreCCCode = oCC.Code;
        //                                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                                //dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                                if (3 < ccc.Length)
        //                                    ccc = ccc.Substring(ccc.Length - 3);
        //                                if (ccc == "WBS")
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;

        //                            }
        //                            nAmount = nAmount + GetBonuses(null, oCC.ID, bpro, epmCostCenters);
        //                            //if (nAmount == 0) continue;

        //                            dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //                            dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //                            dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //                            dr["Amount"] = nAmount;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if (osetup.BookToCC)  //IsSpecificCost ?
        //        {

        //            foreach (Costcenter oCC in oCostCenters)
        //            {

        //                cc2 = null;
        //                ccc = "";
        //                cc = oCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == oCC.ParentID);
        //                if (cc != null)
        //                {
        //                    cc2 = (oCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == cc.ParentID));
        //                }
        //                if (cc2 != null)
        //                {
        //                    ccc = cc2.Code;
        //                }
        //                foreach (SalaryMonthly osalary in salaries)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = null;
        //                    if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                    {
        //                        oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == osalary.EmployeeID);
        //                    }
        //                    if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                    {
        //                        SalaryOfMonth = new List<SalaryMonthly>();
        //                        SalaryOfMonth.Add(osalary);
        //                        if (osetup.JVSetupCC.Any(o => o.CCID == oCC.ID))
        //                        {

        //                            if (spPreCCCode != oCC.Code || osetup.ID != SpPreOsetupID)
        //                            {
        //                                if (dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //                                {
        //                                    dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //                                }
        //                                dr = null;
        //                                nAmount = 0.0;
        //                                SpPreOsetupID = osetup.ID;
        //                                spPreCCCode = oCC.Code;
        //                                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                                //dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                                if (3 < ccc.Length)
        //                                    ccc = ccc.Substring(ccc.Length - 3);
        //                                if (ccc == "WBS")
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;

        //                            }
        //                            nAmount = nAmount + GetSalaries(null, oCC.ID, SalaryOfMonth, osetup);
        //                            //if (nAmount == 0) continue;

        //                            dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //                            dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //                            dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //                            dr["Amount"] = nAmount;
        //                        }
        //                    }

        //                }
        //                foreach (OPIProcessDetailItem opi in opis)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = null;
        //                    if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                    {
        //                        opidetail = opidetails.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opi.OPIProcessDetailID);
        //                        if (opidetail != null)
        //                            oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opidetail.EmployeeID);
        //                    }
        //                    if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                    {
        //                        if (osetup.JVSetupCC.Any(o => o.CCID == oCC.ID))
        //                        {

        //                            if (spPreCCCode != oCC.Code || osetup.ID != SpPreOsetupID)
        //                            {
        //                                if (dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //                                {
        //                                    dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //                                }
        //                                dr = null;
        //                                nAmount = 0.0;
        //                                SpPreOsetupID = osetup.ID;
        //                                spPreCCCode = oCC.Code;
        //                                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                                //dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                                if (3 < ccc.Length)
        //                                    ccc = ccc.Substring(ccc.Length - 3);
        //                                if (ccc == "WBS")
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;

        //                            }
        //                            nAmount = nAmount + GetOPIs(null, oCC.ID, opidetails, opi, epmCostCenters, osetup);
        //                            //if (nAmount == 0) continue;

        //                            dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //                            dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //                            dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //                            dr["Amount"] = nAmount;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                foreach (BonusProcess.BonusProcessDetail bpro in bonusprocesss)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = null;
        //                    if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                    {
        //                        oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == bpro.EmployeeID);
        //                    }
        //                    if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                    {
        //                        if (osetup.JVSetupCC.Any(o => o.CCID == oCC.ID))
        //                        {

        //                            if (spPreCCCode != oCC.Code || osetup.ID != SpPreOsetupID)
        //                            {
        //                                if (dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //                                {
        //                                    dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //                                }
        //                                dr = null;
        //                                nAmount = 0.0;
        //                                SpPreOsetupID = osetup.ID;
        //                                spPreCCCode = oCC.Code;
        //                                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                                //dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                                if (3 < ccc.Length)
        //                                    ccc = ccc.Substring(ccc.Length - 3);
        //                                if (ccc == "WBS")
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                {
        //                                    dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //                                }
        //                                dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;

        //                            }
        //                            nAmount = nAmount + GetBonuses(null, oCC.ID, bpro, epmCostCenters);
        //                            //if (nAmount == 0) continue;

        //                            dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //                            dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //                            dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //                            dr["Amount"] = nAmount;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //double percent = SalaryEmpCostCenter.InvolvedPercent(osalary.CostCentersInvolments, oCC.ID);
        //            //if (percent == 0) continue;
        //            nAmount = 0.0;
        //            foreach (SalaryMonthly osalary in salaries)
        //            {
        //                oEmp = null;
        //                if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == osalary.EmployeeID);
        //                }
        //                if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                {
        //                    nAmount = nAmount + osetup.GetAmount(osalary);
        //                }
        //            }//GetSalaries(null, oCC.ID, SalaryOfMonth, osetup);
        //            foreach (OPIProcessDetailItem opi in opis)
        //            {

        //                foreach (JVSetupDetail item in osetup.JVSetupDetails)
        //                {
        //                    if (item.JVItemType == enumPayrollComponentType.OPI && item.ItemID == opi.OPIItemID)
        //                    {

        //                        // List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new List<SalaryMonthly>();

        //                        //double Percent = 0;

        //                        // OPIProcessDetail
        //                        //OPIProcessDetail opidetail = opidetails.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opi.OPIProcessDetailID);
        //                        //EmployeeCostCenter empC = epmCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EmployeeID == opidetail.EmployeeID && o.CostCenterID == CrgID);
        //                        //Percent = empC != null ? empC.Percentage : 0;
        //                        //if (Percent != 0)
        //                        oEmp = null;
        //                        if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                        {
        //                            opidetail = opidetails.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opi.OPIProcessDetailID);
        //                            if (opidetail != null)
        //                                oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == opidetail.EmployeeID);
        //                        }
        //                        if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                        {

        //                            nAmount = nAmount + (opi.ChangeNetAmount);// * Percent / 100;
        //                            //nAmount = nAmount + oPIProcessDetailItem.OPIProcessDetailItems.Sum(o => o.ChangeNetAmount) * Percent / 100;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            foreach (BonusProcess.BonusProcessDetail bpro in bonusprocesss)
        //            {
        //                oEmp = null;
        //                if (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local)
        //                {
        //                    oEmp = oEmps.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == bpro.EmployeeID);
        //                }
        //                if ((osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Expat && oEmp != null && oEmp.ForeignExPat) || (osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.Local && oEmp != null && !oEmp.ForeignExPat) || osetup.EMPLOYEETYPE == EnumJVEmpType.RegardLess)
        //                {
        //                    nAmount = nAmount + bpro.BonusAmount;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (nAmount == 0) continue;
        //            dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //            // dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //            //if (ccc == "WBS")
        //            //{
        //            //    dr["WBS"] = oCC.Code;
        //            //}
        //            //else
        //            //{
        //            //    dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Code;
        //            //}
        //            dr["Reference"] = "BDC00L";

        //            //dr["EmpNo"] = osalary.Employee.EmployeeNo;
        //            //dr["Name"] = osalary.Employee.Name;
        //            dr["GLDescription"] = osetup.Description + " " + dEffectDate.ToString("MM-yyyy");
        //            dr["Amount"] = nAmount;//osetup.GetAmount(osalary) * percent / 100;
        //            dr["JVDate"] = dEffectDate;
        //            dr["GLCode"] = osetup.GLCode;
        //            dr["JVTranType"] = osetup.SideCode;
        //            dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);
        //            dr = null;
        //        }

        //        if (osetup.ShowCC && dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //        {
        //            dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);

        //        }
        //        if (osetup.BookToCC && dr != null && nAmount != 0)
        //        {
        //            dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);
        //        }
        //        dr = null;
        //    }

        //    return dTJVInfo;

        //public DataTable JVSummaryReport(ID JVTypeID, DateTime dEffectDate)
        //    _dEffectDate = dEffectDate;
        //    DataRow dr = null;
        //    PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVSummaryReportDataTable dTJVInfo = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.JVSummaryReportDataTable();

        //    List<JVSetup> oJVSetups = new List<JVSetup>();
        //    oJVSetups = JVSetup.GetByJVType(JVTypeID);

        //    int nLocationTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("Location", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Location> oLocations = new List<Location>();
        //    oLocations = Location.GetByTier(2);  // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    int nCCTire = ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("costcenter", "tier", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
        //    List<Costcenter> oCostCenters = new List<Costcenter>();
        //    oCostCenters = Costcenter.GetByTire(nCCTire); // get the last tier data and last tier is defined in Logic configuration file

        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = SalaryMonthly.Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate));

        //    foreach (Costcenter oCC in oCostCenters)
        //    {
        //        foreach (Location oLocation in oLocations)
        //        {
        //            foreach (JVSetup osetup in oJVSetups)
        //            {
        //                double amount = GetSalaries(oLocation.ID, oCC.ID, salaries, osetup);
        //                if (amount == 0) continue;
        //                dr = dTJVInfo.NewRow();
        //                dr["Location"] = oLocation.Name;
        //                dr["CostCenter"] = oCC.Name;
        //                dr["Description"] = osetup.Description;
        //                dr["Amount"] = amount;// GetSalaries(oLocation.ID, oCC.ID, salaries, osetup);
        //                dr["JVMonth"] = dEffectDate;
        //                dTJVInfo.Rows.Add(dr);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return dTJVInfo;
        //public double GetBonuses(ID LocationID, ID CrgID, BonusProcess.BonusProcessDetail oBProcessDetail, List<EmployeeCostCenter> epmCostCenters)
        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new List<SalaryMonthly>();
        //    double nAmount = 0;
        //    double Percent = 0;

        //    // OPIProcessDetail
        //    EmployeeCostCenter empC = epmCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EmployeeID == oBProcessDetail.EmployeeID && o.CostCenterID == CrgID);
        //    Percent = empC != null ? empC.Percentage : 0;
        //    if (Percent == 0) return nAmount;
        //    nAmount = nAmount + oBProcessDetail.BonusAmount * Percent / 100;

        //    return nAmount;
        //public double GetOPIs(ID LocationID, ID CrgID, List<OPIProcessDetail> opidetails, OPIProcessDetailItem oPIProcessDetailItem, List<EmployeeCostCenter> epmCostCenters, JVSetup oSetup)
        //    double nAmount = 0;
        //    foreach (JVSetupDetail item in oSetup.JVSetupDetails)
        //    {
        //        if (item.ItemID == oPIProcessDetailItem.OPIItemID)
        //        {

        //            List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new List<SalaryMonthly>();

        //            double Percent = 0;

        //            // OPIProcessDetail

        //            OPIProcessDetail opidetail = opidetails.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == oPIProcessDetailItem.OPIProcessDetailID);
        //            if (opidetail != null)
        //            {
        //                EmployeeCostCenter empC = epmCostCenters.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EmployeeID == opidetail.EmployeeID && o.CostCenterID == CrgID);
        //                Percent = empC != null ? empC.Percentage : 0;
        //                if (Percent == 0) return nAmount;
        //                nAmount = nAmount + (oPIProcessDetailItem.ChangeNetAmount) * Percent / 100;
        //            }
        //            //nAmount = nAmount + oPIProcessDetailItem.OPIProcessDetailItems.Sum(o => o.ChangeNetAmount) * Percent / 100;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return nAmount;

        //public double GetSalaries(ID LocationID, ID CrgID, List<SalaryMonthly> SalaryOfMonth, JVSetup oJvSetup)
        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new List<SalaryMonthly>();
        //    double nAmount = 0;
        //    double Percent = 0;
        //    foreach (SalaryMonthly item in SalaryOfMonth)
        //    {
        //        //if (item.LocationID == LocationID)
        //        //{
        //        Percent = SalaryEmpCostCenter.InvolvedPercent(item.CostCentersInvolments, CrgID);
        //        if (Percent == 0) continue;
        //        nAmount = nAmount + oJvSetup.GetAmount(item) * Percent / 100;
        //        //}
        //    }

        //    return nAmount;

        //public int GetEmp(ID LocationID, ID CrgID, List<SalaryMonthly> SalaryOfMonth, JVSetup oJvSetup)
        //    List<SalaryMonthly> salaries = new List<SalaryMonthly>();
        //    double Percent;
        //    foreach (SalaryMonthly item in SalaryOfMonth)
        //    {
        //        if (item.LocationID == LocationID)
        //        {
        //            Percent = SalaryEmpCostCenter.InvolvedPercent(item.CostCentersInvolments, CrgID);
        //            if (Percent > 0) return item.EmployeeID;
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return 0;
        //public static string WriteToTxtFile(string sStringToWrite, string sFilePath, string sFileName)
        //    string sSuccess = string.Empty;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        DirectoryInfo oFileDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(sFilePath);
        //        if (!oFileDirectory.Exists)
        //        {
        //            oFileDirectory.Create();
        //        }

        //        StreamWriter oSWriter = new StreamWriter(sFilePath + "/" + sFileName + ".txt", false);
        //        oSWriter.WriteLine(sStringToWrite);
        //        sSuccess = "You can find a file named - " + sFileName + " at " + sFilePath;
        //        oSWriter.Flush();
        //        oSWriter.Close();
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        throw new ServiceException(ex.Message);
        //    }

        //    return sSuccess;