using System; using Ease.Core.Model; using Ease.Core.DataAccess; using Ease.Core.Utility; using System.Collections.Generic; using HRM.BO; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using Payroll.BO; using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames; namespace HRM.DA { public class DataUploadColumnDefinationService : ServiceTemplate, IDataUploadColumnDefinition { #region Class variable private List _categorys = new List(); private List _grades = new List(); private List _departments = new List(); private List _locations = new List(); private List _religions = new List(); private List _designations = new List(); private List _banks = new List(); private List _branches = new List(); // private List _subcategorys = new List(); private List _errorOrSuccessList; private List _employees = new List(); private List _incomeTaxs = new List(); private List _accessCards = new List(); private List _allEmployee = new List(); #endregion Class variable private int _departmentid = 0; private int _locationid = 0; private int _categoryID = 0; private int _religionID = 0; private int _designationid = 0; private int _gradeid = 0; private int _branchid = 0; private int _bankid = 0; private int _emloyeeId = 0; private int _accessCardID = 0; private int _payrollTypeID = 0; DepartmentService dserv = new DepartmentService(); MiscellaneousService miserv = new MiscellaneousService(); CategoryService cserv = new CategoryService(); GradeService gserv = new GradeService(); ReligionService rserv = new ReligionService(); LocationService locserv = new LocationService(); DesignationService degserv = new DesignationService(); BankService bankserv = new BankService(); BranchService branchserve = new BranchService(); SearchEmployeeService seserv = new SearchEmployeeService(); public int _userID; public DataUploadColumnDefinationService() { _errorOrSuccessList = new List(); } #region Service Implementation public void RefreshObject() { // MiscellaneousService ms = new MiscellaneousService(); //_departments = Department.Get(_payrollTypeID); //_departmentid = Miscellaneous.Service.GetNextID("Department", "DepartmentID", ""); _departments = dserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); _departmentid = miserv.GetNextID("Department", "DepartmentID", ""); //_categorys = Category.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless); //_categoryID = Category.GetMaxID(); // _categorys = Category.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless); _categorys = cserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); //_categoryID = Miscellaneous.Service.GetNextID("Category", "CategoryID", ""); _categoryID = miserv.GetNextID("Category", "CategoryID", ""); //_subcategorys = SubCategory.GetSubCategories(EnumStatus.Regardless); //_subcategoryID = Miscellaneous.Service.GetNextID("SubCategory", "SubCategoryID", ""); //_subcategorys = SubCategory.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless); //_subcategoryID = SubCategory.GetMaxID(); // _grades = Grade.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless); _grades = gserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); //_gradeid = Miscellaneous.Service.GetNextID("Grades", "GradeID", ""); _gradeid = miserv.GetNextID("Grades", "GradeID", ""); _locations = locserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); //_locationid = Miscellaneous.Service.GetNextID("Location", "LocationID", ""); _locationid = miserv.GetNextID("Location", "LocationID", ""); _religions = rserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless); //_/*religionID = Miscellaneous.Service.GetNextID("Religion", "ReligionID", "");*/ _religionID = miserv.GetNextID("Religion", "ReligionID", ""); _designations = degserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); _designationid = miserv.GetNextID("Designation", "DesignationID", ""); //_designationid = Designation.GetMaxID(); _banks = bankserv.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); _bankid = miserv.GetNextID("Banks", "BankID", ""); _branches = branchserve.Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, this._payrollTypeID); _branchid = miserv.GetNextID("BRANCHES", "BranchID", ""); ; SearchManager omanager = new SearchManager(EnumSearchFrom.Employee); omanager.Parameter.Remove(EnumSearchParameter.PayrollTypeID); // List oemployees = omanager.Find(); List oemployees = seserv.Find(omanager ); if (oemployees.Count > 0) { //_emloyeeId = oemployees.Max(x => x.EmployeeID.Integer); _emloyeeId = oemployees.Max(x => x.EmployeeID); } //_accessCards = AccessCard.Get(); //if (_accessCards.Count > 0) //{ // _accessCardID = _accessCards.Max(x => x.ID.Integer); //} } public List ErrorOrSuccessList { get { return _errorOrSuccessList; } } public void ImportEmpBasicInfo(DataTable odataTable, int payrollTypeID, int userid) { Employee oemployee = null; this._payrollTypeID = payrollTypeID; this._userID = userid; #region Refresh Objects if (ProcessBasicData(odataTable) == false) return; int nRow = 0; bool isGrossApplicable = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "grossapplicable"); _allEmployee = new EmployeeService().GetAllEmps(); try { foreach (DataRow dr in odataTable.Rows) { // Application.DoEvents(); nRow = nRow + 1; oemployee = _employees.Find(delegate (Employee emp) { return emp.EmployeeNo == dr["Employee No"].ToString(); }); if (oemployee == null) throw new ServiceException("Employee not found in the collection; employeeNo:" + dr["Employee No"].ToString()); oemployee.Name = dr["Employee Name"].ToString().Trim(); var empExist = this._allEmployee.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeNo == oemployee.EmployeeNo); if (empExist != null) { _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create("Employee No", nRow, "Employee-No is already exist in the Database" + oemployee.EmployeeNo, oemployee.EmployeeNo, oemployee.Name)); } oemployee.FatherName = dr["Father's Name"].ToString().Trim(); oemployee.BirthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Date of Birth"]); oemployee.JoiningDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Date of Joining"]); oemployee.LineManagerNo = dr["Line Manager ID"].ToString() != string.Empty ? dr["Line Manager ID"].ToString() : null; if (oemployee.EmployeeNo == oemployee.LineManagerNo) throw new ServiceException("Invalid line manager ID, Employee can not be his ownLine-manger; employeeNo:" + dr["Employee No"].ToString()); //For Novartis Discontinue Employee Upload and Fund Management Data Issue //oemployee.Status = EnumEmployeeStatus.Discontinued; oemployee.Gender = (dr["Gender"].ToString().Trim() == "Male" || dr["Gender"].ToString().Trim() == "M" || dr["Gender"].ToString().Trim() == "MALE") ? EnumGender.Male : EnumGender.Female; oemployee.MaritalStatus = (dr["Marital Status"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "MARRIED") ? EnumMaritalStatus.Married : EnumMaritalStatus.UnMarried; // oemployee.TaxCircle = dr["Tax Circle"].ToString() != string.Empty ? (EnumTaxCircle)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumTaxCircle), dr["Tax Circle"].ToString(), true) : EnumTaxCircle.CityCorporation; //oemployee.TaxCircle = dr["Tax Circle"].ToString().Trim(); oemployee.TinNo = dr["TIN"].ToString().Trim(); if (dr["Confirmation Date"].ToString() != "") oemployee.ConfirDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Confirmation Date"]); if (oemployee.ConfirDate != null && oemployee.ConfirDate != DateTime.MinValue) oemployee.IsConfirmed = true; if (dr["PF Membership"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() == "Y") oemployee.PFMemberType = EnumPFMembershipType.Live; //oemployee.ForeignExPat = dr["Is Foreign Expatriate"].ToString() != string.Empty ? (dr["Is Foreign Expatriate"].ToString() == "YES" ? true : false) : false; //Refresh Employee Grade Salary if (oemployee.GradeID != null) { Grade ograde = _grades.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == (int)oemployee.GradeID); // oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.ID = oemployee.ID; // oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.SetObjectID(oemployee.ID); oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary = new EmployeeGradeSalary(); oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.GradeID = (int)oemployee.GradeID; oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.GradeSalaryTypeID = (1); if (isGrossApplicable == true) oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.GrossSalary = dr["Gross Salary"].ToString() != string.Empty ? Convert.ToDouble(dr["Gross Salary"]) : 0.0; oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.BasicSalary = dr["Basic Salary"].ToString() != string.Empty ? Convert.ToDouble(dr["Basic Salary"]) : 0.0; oemployee.BasicSalary = oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.BasicSalary; oemployee.GrossSalary = oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.GrossSalary; oemployee.EmployeeGradeSalary.EffectDate = oemployee.JoiningDate; } //Refresh Employee Posting oemployee.EmployeePosting = new EmployeePosting(); oemployee.EmployeePosting.EffectDate = oemployee.JoiningDate; oemployee.EmployeePosting.SetObjectID(oemployee.ID); oemployee.EmployeePosting.DepartmentID = oemployee.DepartmentID != null ? (int)oemployee.DepartmentID : 0; oemployee.EmployeePosting.LocationID = oemployee.LocationID != null ? (int)oemployee.LocationID : 0; oemployee.EmployeePosting.DesignationID = oemployee.DesignationID != null ? (int)oemployee.DesignationID : 0; //Refresh Emloyee Bank Account if (oemployee.BranchID != null) { if (dr["Salary Account Number"].ToString() != "") { oemployee.AccountNo = dr["Salary Account Number"].ToString(); oemployee.EmployeeBankAccount = new EmployeeBankAccount(); // oemployee.EmployeeBankAccount.SetObjectID(oemployee.ID.Integer); oemployee.PaymentMode = EnumPaymentMode.BankTransfer; oemployee.EmployeeBankAccount.EffectDate = oemployee.JoiningDate; oemployee.EmployeeBankAccount.BranchID = oemployee.BranchID != null ? (int)oemployee.BranchID : 0; oemployee.EmployeeBankAccount.AccountType = EnumBankAccountType.SalaryAccount; oemployee.EmployeeBankAccount.AccountNo = dr["Salary Account Number"].ToString(); } else _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create("Salary Account Number", nRow, "'Salary Account Number' Column not found for the employee No:" + oemployee.EmployeeNo, oemployee.EmployeeNo, oemployee.Name)); } if (oemployee.OutPayBranchID != null) { if (dr["OPI Account Number"].ToString() != "") { oemployee.OutPayAccountNo = dr["OPI Account Number"].ToString(); // oemployee.EmployeeOPIBankAccount.SetObjectID(oemployee.ID.Integer); oemployee.EmployeeOPIBankAccount = new EmployeeBankAccount(); oemployee.OutPayPaymentMode = EnumPaymentMode.BankTransfer; oemployee.EmployeeOPIBankAccount.EffectDate = oemployee.JoiningDate; oemployee.EmployeeOPIBankAccount.BranchID = (int)oemployee.OutPayBranchID; oemployee.EmployeeOPIBankAccount.AccountType = EnumBankAccountType.OutPayAccount; oemployee.EmployeeOPIBankAccount.AccountNo = dr["OPI Account Number"].ToString(); } else _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create("OPI Account Number", nRow, "'OPI Account Number' Column not found for the employee No:" + oemployee.EmployeeNo, oemployee.EmployeeNo, oemployee.Name)); } //if (dr["PROXID"].ToString() != "") //{ // _accessCardID = _accessCardID + 1; // oemployee.CardID = (_accessCardID); // AccessCard ocard = new AccessCard(); // // ocard.SetObjectID(_accessCardID); // ocard.ID = _accessCardID; // ocard.CardNumber = dr["PROXID"].ToString(); // ocard.TypeID = (1); // ocard.Status = EnumCardStatus.Attached; // ocard.CardOperation.EmployeeID = oemployee.ID; // ocard.CardOperation.CardID = ocard.ID; // ocard.CardOperation.AssignDate = oemployee.JoiningDate; // _accessCards.Add(ocard); //} oemployee.CreatedBy = userid; oemployee.CreatedDate = DateTime.Today; } foreach (Employee item in _employees) { if (item.LineManagerNo != null && item.LineManagerNo != string.Empty) { var linemanger = _employees.Find(delegate (Employee emp) { return emp.EmployeeNo == item.LineManagerNo; }); if (linemanger == null) { var existLineManager = _allEmployee.Find(delegate (Employee emp) { return emp.EmployeeNo == item.LineManagerNo; }); if (existLineManager == null) _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create("Line Manager ID", nRow, "Invalid Line Manager")); } } nRow = nRow + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServiceException("Error occered on row:" + nRow + " Reason:" + ex.Message); } #endregion } public void Save(int nPayrollTypeID, int userid, EnumRegularDataUpload uploaid) { try { foreach (Employee item in _employees) { item.PayrollTypeID = nPayrollTypeID; item.CreatedBy = userid; } RegularDataUploadService rdsrv = new RegularDataUploadService(); rdsrv.Save(_categorys, _grades, _departments, _locations, _religions, _designations, _banks, _branches, _employees, _accessCards, nPayrollTypeID, uploaid); //new SystemDataUpload().SaveOrganogram(_employees, _designations); //new SystemDataUpload().ImportPosting(_employees); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex.Message); } } public bool ProcessBasicData(DataTable uploadTable) { RefreshObject(); // ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager(); SystemConfigarationService ocManager = new SystemConfigarationService(); // List deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); List deptConfig = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "department"); List locConfig = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "location"); bool isCategoryCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "category", "codeautogenerate")); bool isGradeCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "codeautogenerate")); bool isDeptCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "department", "codeautogenerate")); bool islocCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "location", "codeautogenerate")); bool isreligionCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "religion", "codeautogenerate")); bool isdesignationCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "designation", "codeautogenerate")); bool isbankCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "bank", "codeautogenerate")); bool isbranchCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "branch", "codeautogenerate")); Employee oemployee = new Employee(); int nRow = 0; int nIndex = 0; int count = 0; foreach (DataRow row in uploadTable.Rows) { //Application.DoEvents(); _emloyeeId = _emloyeeId + 1; count++; oemployee = new Employee(); oemployee.EmployeeNo = row["Employee No"].ToString(); oemployee.SetObjectID(_emloyeeId + 1); object[] obj = row.ItemArray; nRow = nRow + 1; //uploadStatus.Text = string.Format("Processing Basic Data... {0}/{1}", index, uploadTable.Rows.Count); //uploadStatus.Refresh(); /// /// Process category whether it is already in the system or new category /// #region Category upload Category oCategory = null; if (isCategoryCodeAutoGen == false) oCategory = _categorys.Find(delegate (Category item) { return item.Code == row["Category Code"].ToString(); }); else oCategory = _categorys.Find(delegate (Category item) { return item.Name == row["Category Name"].ToString(); }); if (oCategory == null) { oCategory = new Category(); oCategory.Name = row["Category Name"].ToString(); oCategory.Status = EnumStatus.Active; if (isCategoryCodeAutoGen == false) oCategory.Code = row["Category Code"].ToString(); _categoryID = _categoryID + 1; oemployee.CategoryID = (_categoryID); oCategory.SetObjectID(_categoryID); oCategory.WagesType = EnumWagesType.Monthly; oCategory.CreatedBy = _userID; oCategory.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; _categorys.Add(oCategory); } else { oemployee.CategoryID = oCategory.ID; oCategory.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } #endregion Category upload /// /// Process grade whether it is already in the system or new grade /// /// #region Grade upload Grade ograde = null; if (isGradeCodeAutoGen == false) ograde = _grades.Find(delegate (Grade item) { return item.Code == row["Grade Code"].ToString(); }); else ograde = _grades.Find(delegate (Grade item) { return item.Name == row["Grade Name"].ToString(); }); if (ograde == null) { ograde = new Grade(); ograde.Status = EnumStatus.Active; ograde.GradeSegmentID = (1); ograde.HasPayscale = false; //new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "payscaleapplicable "); ograde.HasGrossConcept = false; //new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "grossapplicable"); ograde.Name = row["Grade Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isGradeCodeAutoGen == false) ograde.Code = row["Grade Code"].ToString().Trim(); _gradeid = _gradeid + 1; oemployee.GradeID = (_gradeid); ograde.SetObjectID(_gradeid); ograde.CreatedBy = this._userID; ograde.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; _grades.Add(ograde); if (gserv.Get(ograde.Code) != null) _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create("Grade", nRow, "Grade Code already exist in other payroll type.")); } else { oemployee.GradeID = ograde.ID; ograde.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } #endregion Grade upload /// /// Process Department whether it is already in the system or new location /// #region Department int nparentid = 0; nIndex = 0; var dtires = deptConfig.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in dtires) { //string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); //if (sValue == "") continue; nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString() == "") continue; Department odepartment = null; if (isDeptCodeAutoGen == false) { if (nIndex > 1) odepartment = _departments.Find(delegate (Department item) { return item.Code == row[oconfig.Value + " Code"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex && item.ParentID == nparentid; }); else odepartment = _departments.Find(delegate (Department item) { return item.Code == row[oconfig.Value + " Code"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex; }); } else { if (nIndex > 1) odepartment = _departments.Find(delegate (Department item) { return item.Name == row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex && item.ParentID == nparentid; }); else odepartment = _departments.Find(delegate (Department item) { return item.Name == row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex; }); } if (odepartment == null) { odepartment = new Department(); odepartment.Name = row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString().Trim(); odepartment.Tier = nIndex; odepartment.Status = EnumStatus.Active; odepartment.CreatedBy = this._userID; odepartment.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; if (isDeptCodeAutoGen == false) { odepartment.Code = row[oconfig.Value + " Code"].ToString().Trim(); if (odepartment.Code == "") _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create(oconfig.Value + " Code", nRow, oconfig.Value + " Code can't be empty")); } if (nIndex > 1) odepartment.ParentID = (nparentid); _departmentid = _departmentid + 1; nparentid = _departmentid; oemployee.DepartmentID = (_departmentid); odepartment.SetObjectID(_departmentid); _departments.Add(odepartment); } else { nparentid = odepartment.ID; oemployee.DepartmentID = odepartment.ID; odepartment.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } } #endregion /// /// Process location whether it is already in the system or new location /// #region Location nparentid = 0; nIndex = 0; var ltires = locConfig.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in ltires) { //string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); //if (sValue == "") continue; nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString() == "") continue; Location olocation = null; if (islocCodeAutoGen == false) { if (nIndex > 1) { olocation = _locations.Find(delegate (Location item) { return item.Code == row[oconfig.Value + " Code"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex && item.ParentID == nparentid; }); } else { olocation = _locations.Find(delegate (Location item) { return item.Code == row[oconfig.Value + " Code"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex; }); } } else { if (nIndex > 1) { olocation = _locations.Find(delegate (Location item) { return item.Name == row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex && item.ParentID == nparentid; }); } else { olocation = _locations.Find(delegate (Location item) { return item.Name == row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString().Trim() && item.Tier == nIndex; }); } } if (olocation == null) { olocation = new Location(); olocation.Name = row[oconfig.Value + " Name"].ToString().Trim(); olocation.Tier = nIndex; olocation.Status = EnumStatus.Active; if (olocation.Name == "") _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create(oconfig.Value + " Name", nRow, oconfig.Value + " Name can't be empty")); if (islocCodeAutoGen == false) { olocation.Code = row[oconfig.Value + " Code"].ToString().Trim(); if (olocation.Code == "") _errorOrSuccessList.Add(UploadErrorOrSuccess.Create(oconfig.Value + " Code", nRow, oconfig.Value + " Code can't be empty")); } if (nIndex > 1) olocation.ParentID = (nparentid); _locationid = _locationid + 1; nparentid = _locationid; oemployee.LocationID = (_locationid); olocation.SetObjectID(_locationid); olocation.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; olocation.CreatedBy = this._userID; _locations.Add(olocation); } else { nparentid = olocation.ID; oemployee.LocationID = olocation.ID; olocation.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } } #endregion /// /// Process religion whether it is already in the system or new religion /// #region Religion upload Religion oreligion = null; if (isreligionCodeAutoGen == false) oreligion = _religions.Find(delegate (Religion item) { return item.Code == row["Religion Code"].ToString().Trim(); }); else oreligion = _religions.Find(delegate (Religion item) { return item.Name == row["Religion Name"].ToString().Trim(); }); if (oreligion == null) { oreligion = new Religion(); oreligion.Name = row["Religion Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isreligionCodeAutoGen == false) { oreligion.Code = row["Religion Name"].ToString().Trim(); } _religionID = _religionID + 1; oemployee.ReligionID = (_religionID); oreligion.CreatedBy = this._userID; oreligion.SetObjectID(_religionID); _religions.Add(oreligion); } else { oemployee.ReligionID = oreligion.ID; oreligion.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } #endregion Religion upload /// /// Process designation whether it is already in the system or new designation /// #region Designation upload Designation odesignation = null; if (isdesignationCodeAutoGen == false) odesignation = _designations.Find(delegate (Designation item) { return item.Code == row["Designation Code"].ToString().Trim(); }); else odesignation = _designations.Find(delegate (Designation item) { return item.Name == row["Designation Name"].ToString().Trim(); }); if (odesignation == null) { odesignation = new Designation(); odesignation.Name = row["Designation Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isdesignationCodeAutoGen == false) odesignation.Code = row["Designation Code"].ToString().Trim(); _designationid = _designationid + 1; oemployee.DesignationID = (_designationid); odesignation.SetObjectID(_designationid); odesignation.Status = EnumStatus.Active; odesignation.CreatedBy = this._userID; odesignation.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; _designations.Add(odesignation); } else { oemployee.DesignationID = odesignation.ID; odesignation.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } #endregion Designation upload #region Bank & Branch upload if (row["Salary Bank Name"].ToString().Trim() != "") { Bank obank = null; if (isbankCodeAutoGen == false) { obank = _banks.Where(x => x.Code.ToUpper().Trim() == row["Salary Bank Code"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim()) .FirstOrDefault(); } else { obank = _banks.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == row["Salary Bank Name"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim()) .FirstOrDefault(); } if (obank == null) { obank = new Bank(); obank.Name = row["Salary Bank Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isbankCodeAutoGen == false) obank.Code = row["Salary Bank Code"].ToString().Trim(); _bankid = _bankid + 1; obank.SetObjectID(_bankid); obank.CreatedBy = this._userID; obank.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; _banks.Add(obank); } if (row["Salary Branch Name"].ToString() != "") { Branch oBranch = null; if (isbranchCodeAutoGen == false) { oBranch = _branches.Where(item => item.Code.ToUpper().Trim() == row["Salary Branch Code"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() && item.BankID == obank.ID) .FirstOrDefault(); } else { oBranch = _branches.Where(item => item.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == row["Salary Branch Name"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() && item.BankID == obank.ID) .FirstOrDefault(); } if (oBranch == null) { oBranch = new Branch(); oBranch.Name = row["Salary Branch Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isbranchCodeAutoGen == false) oBranch.Code = row["Salary Branch Code"].ToString().Trim(); _branchid = _branchid + 1; oBranch.BankID = obank.ID; oBranch.SetObjectID(_branchid); oemployee.BranchID = (_branchid); oBranch.CreatedBy = this._userID; oBranch.PayrollTypeID = this._payrollTypeID; _branches.Add(oBranch); } else { oemployee.BranchID = oBranch.ID; oBranch.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } } } bool isOPISeparateAcountApplicable = true; // ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("opi", "separateaccount", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); if (isOPISeparateAcountApplicable) { if (row["OPI Bank Name"].ToString() != "") { Bank obank = null; if (isbankCodeAutoGen == false) { obank = _banks.Where(x => x.Code.ToUpper().Trim() == row["OPI Bank Code"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim()) .FirstOrDefault(); } else { obank = _banks.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == row["OPI Bank Name"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim()) .FirstOrDefault(); } if (obank == null) { obank = new Bank(); obank.Name = row["OPI Bank Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isbankCodeAutoGen == false) obank.Code = row["OPI Bank Code"].ToString().Trim(); _bankid = _bankid + 1; obank.SetObjectID(_bankid); obank.CreatedBy = this._userID; _banks.Add(obank); } if (row["OPI Branch Name"].ToString() != "") { Branch oBranch = null; if (isbranchCodeAutoGen == false) { oBranch = _branches.Where(item => item.Code.ToUpper().Trim() == row["OPI Branch Code"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() && item.BankID == obank.ID) .FirstOrDefault(); } else { oBranch = _branches.Where(item => item.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == row["OPI Branch Name"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() && item.BankID == obank.ID) .FirstOrDefault(); } if (oBranch == null) { oBranch = new Branch(); oBranch.Name = row["OPI Branch Name"].ToString().Trim(); if (isbranchCodeAutoGen == false) oBranch.Code = row["OPI Branch Code"].ToString().Trim(); _branchid = _branchid + 1; oBranch.BankID = obank.ID; oBranch.CreatedBy = this._userID; oBranch.SetObjectID(_branchid); oemployee.OutPayBranchID = (_branchid); _branches.Add(oBranch); } else { oemployee.OutPayBranchID = oBranch.ID; obank.ModifiedBy = this._userID; } } } } #endregion Bank & Branch upload _employees.Add(oemployee); } return true; } #endregion public DataUploadColumnDefinition getEmployeeProfileUpload() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmployeeProfileUpload"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Email", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("Mobile", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("Blood Group", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("National ID", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("TIN", "String", "Yes"); item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload Employee Profile Information"; return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition getBasicInfoColumns() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); SystemConfigarationService ocManager = new SystemConfigarationService(); List deptConfig = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "department"); List locConfig = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "location"); bool isCategoryCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "category", "codeautogenerate")); bool isGradeCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "codeautogenerate")); bool isDeptCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "department", "codeautogenerate")); bool islocCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "location", "codeautogenerate")); bool isreligionCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "religion", "codeautogenerate")); bool isdesignationCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "designation", "codeautogenerate")); bool isbankCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "bank", "codeautogenerate")); bool isbranchCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "branch", "codeautogenerate")); bool isGrossApplicable = ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "grossapplicable"); item.SheetName = "EmpBasicInformation"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); //3 //item.Add("PROXID", "String", "Yes"); //2 item.Add("Employee Name", "String", "No"); //4 item.Add("Father's Name", "String", "Yes"); //5 item.Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "No"); //6 item.Add("Date of Joining", "Date", "No"); //7 if (isCategoryCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add("Category Code", "String", "No"); //14 item.Add("Category Name", "String", "No"); //15 //CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("subcategory", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); //if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // item.Add("Sub Category Code", "String", "No"); //14 item.Add("Sub Category Name", "String", "No"); //15 item.Add("Gender", "String", "No"); //9 if (isreligionCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add("Religion Code", "String", "No"); //14 item.Add("Religion Name", "String", "No"); //15 item.Add("Marital Status", "String", "No"); //11 item.Add("Tax Circle", "String", "Yes"); //12 item.Add("TIN", "String", "Yes"); //13 if (isGradeCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add("Grade Code", "String", "No"); //14 item.Add("Grade Name", "String", "No"); //15 if (isGrossApplicable == true) item.Add("Gross Salary", "Double", "No"); //15 //CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "payscaleapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); //if (CodeautoGenerate == true) // item.Add("PayScaleID", "String", "Yes"); //15 item.Add("Basic Salary", "Double", "No"); //16 item.Add("Confirmation Date", "Date", "Yes"); //17 var dtires = deptConfig.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); #region Department int nIndex = 0; foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in dtires) { nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (isDeptCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 } #endregion //item.Add("Unit Name", "String", "Yes"); //List locConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("location", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); //List locTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(locConfig, "tiernames"); var ltires = locConfig.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); #region Location nIndex = 0; foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in ltires) { string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); if (sValue == "") continue; nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (islocCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 } #endregion if (isdesignationCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add("Designation Code", "String", "No"); item.Add("Designation Name", "String", "No"); //21 con item.Add("PF Membership", "String", "Yes"); //22 //item.Add("Is Foreign Expatriate", "String", "Yes"); //23 item.Add("Salary Bank Name", "String", "Yes"); //24 if (isbranchCodeAutoGen == false) { item.Add("Salary Branch Code", "String", "Yes"); } item.Add("Salary Branch Name", "String", "Yes"); //25 item.Add("Salary Account Number", "String", "Yes"); //26 item.Add("OPI Bank Name", "String", "Yes"); //27 item.Add("OPI Branch Name", "String", "Yes"); //28 item.Add("OPI Account Number", "String", "Yes"); //29 item.Add("Access Card ID", "String", "Yes"); //30 item.Add("Shift", "String", "Yes"); //31 item.Add("Line Manager ID", "String", "Yes"); //32 return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition lifecycleColumns(int statusid) { EmployeeStatus ostatus = new EmployeeStatusService().Get(statusid); DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); SystemConfigarationService ocManager = new SystemConfigarationService(); List deptConfig = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "department"); List locConfig = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "location"); List costcenters = ocManager.GetAllChildrenByParentNode(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "costcenter"); bool isCategoryCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "category", "codeautogenerate")); bool isGradeCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "codeautogenerate")); bool isDeptCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "department", "codeautogenerate")); bool islocCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "location", "codeautogenerate")); bool isreligionCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "religion", "codeautogenerate")); bool isdesignationCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "designation", "codeautogenerate")); bool isbankCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "bank", "codeautogenerate")); bool isbranchCodeAutoGen = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "branch", "codeautogenerate")); bool isGrossApplicable = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "grade", "grossapplicable")); bool IscostCentersCodeAuto = Convert.ToBoolean(ocManager.GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "costcenter", "codeautogenerate")); int nIndex = 0; item.SheetName = ostatus.Description; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); //3 item.Add("EffectDate", "Date", "No"); //3 foreach (EmployeeStatus.EmpStatusComponent com in ostatus.EmployeeStatusComponents) { switch (com.ComponentType) { case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Category: item.Add("Category Code", "String", "No"); //15 break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Department: var dtires = deptConfig.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); #region Department nIndex = 0; foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in dtires) { nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (isDeptCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 } #endregion break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Position_With_Properties: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Designation: if (isdesignationCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add("Designation Code", "String", "No"); item.Add("Designation Name", "String", "No"); //21 con break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Grade: if (isGradeCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add("Grade Code", "String", "No"); //14 item.Add("Grade Name", "String", "No"); break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Location: nIndex = 0; var ltires = locConfig.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in ltires) { string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); if (sValue == "") continue; nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (islocCodeAutoGen == false) item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 } break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Basic_salary: item.Add("Basic Salary", "Double", "No"); break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.PF_Member: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Continue: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Confirm: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Discontinue: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Function: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Company: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Gross_salary: item.Add("Gross Salary", "Double", "No"); //15 break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Cost_Center: nIndex = 0; var cts = costcenters.FindAll(x => x.Node == "text"); foreach (SystemConfigaration oconfig in cts) { string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); if (sValue == "") continue; nIndex = nIndex + 1; if (IscostCentersCodeAuto == false) item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // item.Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 } break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Position_Without_Properties: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Force_Remove_From_Position: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.Role: break; case EnumLifeCycleComponent.IA: break; default: break; } } return item; } #region Functions #region Column Definition for Tax Data public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxData() { PayrollType pType = new PayrollTypeService().Get(this._payrollTypeID); DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); List taxmasters = new TaxMergeMasterService().GetbyTaxParameter((int)pType.TaxParamID, this._payrollTypeID); item.Add("Employee Code", "String", "No"); //1 foreach (TaxMergeMaster tx in taxmasters) { if (tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Basic_Salary || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Bonus || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.House_Rent_Allowance || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Company_Contri_PF || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Other_Allowance || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Conveyance_Allowance || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Bonus || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.LFA_Allowance || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Medical_Allowance || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.TimeCard || tx.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Cmp_Provided_car) { item.Add(tx.Description, "Double", "Yes"); //2.... } } item.Add("Tax Deducted", "Double", "Yes"); //Last Column return item; } #endregion #region Column Definition For LTA Data public DataUploadColumnDefinition LTAdata() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "LTAData"; item.Add("ProcessID", "String", "No"); item.Add("EmpCode", "String", "No"); //3 item.Add("ItemType", "String", "Yes"); //2 item.Add("ItemID", "String", "No"); //4 item.Add("Description", "String", "Yes"); //5 item.Add("Month", "Date", "No"); //6 item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); //7 return item; } #endregion #region Column Definition For EmpWorkPlanSetup Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpWorkPlanSetup() //{ // DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); // item.SheetName = "EmpWorkPlanSetup"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("WorkPlanGroup", "String", "No"); // Add("StartDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("Start Shift", "String", "Yes"); // return item; //} #endregion #region Column Definition For Employee Basic Information //public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpBasicInfo() //{ // bool CodeautoGenerate = false; // ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager(); // List deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // List deptTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(deptConfig, "tiernames"); // this.SheetName = "EmpBasicInformation"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); //3 // Add("PROXID", "String", "Yes"); //2 // Add("Employee Name", "String", "No"); //4 // Add("Father's Name", "String", "Yes"); //5 // Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "No"); //6 // Add("Date of Joining", "Date", "No"); //7 // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("category", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add("Category Code", "String", "No"); //14 // Add("Category Name", "String", "No"); //15 // Add("Gender", "String", "No"); //9 // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("religion", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add("Relegion Code", "String", "No"); //14 // Add("Religion Name", "String", "No"); //15 // Add("Marital Status", "String", "No"); //11 // Add("Tax Circle", "String", "Yes"); //12 // Add("TIN", "String", "Yes"); //13 // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add("Grade Code", "String", "No"); //14 // Add("Grade Name", "String", "No"); //15 // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "grossapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == true) // Add("Gross Salary", "Double", "No"); //15 // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "payscaleapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == true) // Add("PayScaleID", "String", "Yes"); //15 // Add("Basic Salary", "Double", "No"); //16 // Add("Confirmation Date", "Date", "Yes"); //17 // #region Department // int nIndex = 0; // foreach (Configaration oconfig in deptTiers) // { // string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); // if (sValue == "") continue; // nIndex = nIndex + 1; // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("department", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // } // #endregion // Add("Unit Name", "String", "Yes"); // List locConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("location", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // List locTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(locConfig, "tiernames"); // #region Location // nIndex = 0; // foreach (Configaration oconfig in locConfig) // { // string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); // if (sValue == "") continue; // nIndex = nIndex + 1; // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("location", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // } // #endregion // CodeautoGenerate = false; // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("designation", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add("Designation Code", "String", "No"); // Add("Designation Name", "String", "No"); //21 con // Add("PF Membership", "String", "Yes"); //22 // //Add("Is Foreign Expatriate", "String", "Yes"); //23 // Add("Salary Bank Name", "String", "Yes"); //24 // bool branchCodeAutoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("branch", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (!branchCodeAutoGenerate) // { // Add("Salary Branch Code", "String", "Yes"); // } // Add("Salary Branch Name", "String", "Yes"); //25 // Add("Salary Account Number", "String", "Yes"); //26 // Add("OPI Bank Name", "String", "Yes"); //27 // Add("OPI Branch Name", "String", "Yes"); //28 // Add("OPI Account Number", "String", "Yes"); //29 // Add("Access Card ID", "String", "Yes"); //30 // Add("Shift", "String", "Yes"); //31 // //Add("Line Manager ID", "String", "Yes"); //32 // return this; //} //#endregion //public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpDeptInfo() //{ // bool CodeautoGenerate = false; // ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager(); // List deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // List deptTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(deptConfig, "tiernames"); // this.SheetName = "EmpDeptInformation"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); //3 // Add("Employee Name", "String", "No"); //4 // #region Department // int nIndex = 0; // foreach (Configaration oconfig in deptTiers) // { // string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier"); // if (sValue == "") continue; // nIndex = nIndex + 1; // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("department", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == false) // Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16 // } // #endregion // return this; //} #region Column Definition For Employee Basic Information #endregion #region Column Definition For Employee Grade Salary //public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpGradeSalary() //{ // bool CodeautoGenerate = false; // this.SheetName = "EmpGradeSalary"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); //01 // Add("Basic", "Double", "Yes"); //02 // Add("Effect Date", "Date", "No"); //03 // Add("Grade", "String", "No"); //04 // if (User.CurrentUser.LogInPayrollTypeID != 1) // { // Add("IncrementNo", "Double", "No"); // } // CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "grossapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (CodeautoGenerate == true) // Add("Gross", "Double", "Yes"); // List gstypes = new List(); // gstypes = GradeSalaryChangeType.Get(); // ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); // foreach (GradeSalaryChangeType item in gstypes) // { // ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name); // } // this.ItemOneComboText = "Salary Type :"; // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Grade Salary Assignment"; // return this; //} #endregion #region Column Definition For Loan //public DataUploadColumnDefinition LoanInformation() //{ // this.SheetName = "EmpLoanInformation"; // Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); // Add("Loan Number", "String", "No"); // Add("LoanType", "String", "No"); // Add("Loan Amount", "String", "No"); // Add("Interest", "String", "No"); // Add("Schedule", "String", "No"); // Add("Disburse from Month", "String", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Loan Information"; // return this; //} #endregion #region Column Definition For Loan //public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupLoanInformation() //{ // this.SheetName = "SetupEmpLoanInformation"; // Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); // Add("LoanType", "String", "No"); // Add("Principal", "Double", "No"); // Add("Interest", "Double", "No"); // Add("Month", "Date", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Setup Loan Information"; // return this; //} #endregion #region IncomeTaxSalaryData public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupSalaryComponent() { PayrollType pType = new PayrollTypeService().Get(this._payrollTypeID); DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); List taxmasters = new TaxMergeMasterService().GetbyTaxParameter((int)pType.TaxParamID, this._payrollTypeID); item.Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); item.Add("ItemCode", "Double", "No"); item.Add("ItemGroup", "Double", "No"); item.Add("ItemID", "Double", "No"); return item; } #endregion #region Column Definition For Individual Allowance public DataUploadColumnDefinition IndividualAllowance(int payrollTypeID) { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpAllowance"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "Yes"); List types = new List(); //types = AllowanceDeduction.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, EnumPeriodicity.OneOff); types = types = new AllowanceDeductionService().Get(payrollTypeID, EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, EnumPeriodicity.OneOff); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (AllowanceDeduction ADitem in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(ADitem.ID, ADitem.Name); } item.ItemOneComboText = "Allowance Type :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload Individual Allowance"; return item; } //public DataUploadColumnDefinition ExceptionAllowance() //{ // this.SheetName = "EmpAllowance"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Amount", "Double", "Yes"); // List types = new List(); // //types = AllowanceDeduction.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, EnumPeriodicity.OneOff); // types = AllowanceDeduction.GetException(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance); // ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); // foreach (AllowanceDeduction item in types) // { // ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name); // } // this.ItemOneComboText = "Allowance Type :"; // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Exception Allowance"; // return this; //} //public DataUploadColumnDefinition NotApplicableAllowance() //{ // this.SheetName = "EmpAllowance"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // List types = new List(); // //types = AllowanceDeduction.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, EnumPeriodicity.OneOff); // types = AllowanceDeduction.GetException(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance); // ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); // foreach (AllowanceDeduction item in types) // { // ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name); // } // this.ItemOneComboText = "Allowance Type :"; // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Not Applicable Allowance"; // return this; //} //#endregion #region Column Definition For Individual Deduction public DataUploadColumnDefinition IndividualDeduction(int payrollTypeID) { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpDeduction"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "Yes"); List types = new List(); types = new AllowanceDeductionService().Get(payrollTypeID, EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Deduction, EnumPeriodicity.OneOff); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (AllowanceDeduction ADitem in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(ADitem.ID, ADitem.Name); } item.ItemOneComboText = "Deduction Type :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload Individual Deduction"; return item; } #endregion #region Column Definition For Employee Bank Account public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpBankAccount(int payrolltypeID) { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpBankAccount"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Bank Name", "String", "No"); item.Add("Branch Name", "String", "No"); item.Add("Account No", "String", "No"); item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload Employee Bank Account Information"; return item; } #endregion #region Column Definition For Bonus public DataUploadColumnDefinition BonusData() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpBonus"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "String", "No"); item.ItemOneComboText = "Bonus:"; item.FormText = "Upload Bonus Data"; return item; } //public DataUploadColumnDefinition OrganogramData() //{ // this.SheetName = "Organogram"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("Line Manager No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Designation", "String", "Yes"); // this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Data"; // return this; //} //private DataUploadColumnDefinition OrganogramDataInfo() //{ // this.SheetName = "Organogram"; // Add("Position No", "String", "No"); // Add("Parent Position No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Designation", "String", "Yes"); // this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Data"; // return this; //} #endregion #region HR Column Definition #region Column Definition For EmpGeneral Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpGeneralInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("General"); // Add("GDDB ID", "String", "Yes"); // // Add("Nick Name", "String", "Yes"); // Add("First Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Last Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Gender", "String", "No"); // Add("Religion", "String", "No"); // Add("Blood Group", "String", "No"); // Add("Marital Status", "String", "No"); // Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Nationality", "String", "No"); // Add("National ID", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Joining Date", "Date", "No"); // Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "No"); // Add("Category", "String", "No"); // Add("Father's Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Mother's Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Place Of Birth", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "General"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpGeneralInfoIDLC() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("General"); // Add("EmployeeID", "String", "Yes"); // Add("GEID", "String", "Yes"); // Add("First Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Last Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Gender", "String", "No"); // Add("Religion", "String", "No"); // Add("Blood Group", "String", "No"); // //Add("Marital Status", "String", "No"); // Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Passport Issue Place", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Passport Issue Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Passport Expire Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Nationality", "String", "No"); 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// Add("Percentage", "String", "No"); // Add("Nominee's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Nominee's Occupation", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("E-mail Address", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "Nominee"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region Column Definition For All EmpHospitalization Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpHospitalizationInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Hospitalization"); // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("Date Of Registration", "Date", "No"); // Add("Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Registered Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Registered Person's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Registered Person's Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Email", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Mobile No (s)", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "Hospitalization"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion #region Column Definition For EmpGuarantor Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpGuarantorInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Guarantor"); // Add("Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Email", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Document Category", "String", "No"); // Add("Document Path", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "Guarantor"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} #endregion //#region Column Definition For All EmpLanguage Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpLanguageInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Language"); // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("LanguageName", "String", "No"); // Add("SpokenStatus", "String", "No"); // Add("WrittenStatus", "String", "No"); // this.SheetName = "Language"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region Column Definition For All EmpRelative Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpRelativeInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Relative in this Company"); // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Designation", "String", "No"); // Add("Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("JoiningDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("EndDate", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("EmpID", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "Relative in this Company"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region Column Definition For All EmpMembership Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpMemberShipInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Membership"); // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("YourRole", "String", "No"); // Add("OrganizationType", "String", "No"); // //Add("Organization", "String", "No"); // //Add("Activity", "String", "No"); // Add("FromDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("EndDate", "Date", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "Membership"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region Column Definition For All EmpRelation Data //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpRelationInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Immedite Family"); // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Occupation", "String", "No"); // this.SheetName = "Immedite Family"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region Column Definition For All EmpQuestionnaries Data ////public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpQuestionInfo() ////{ //// this.SheetCollection.Add("Questionnarie"); //// Add("QuestionNo", "String", "No"); //// Add("Question", "String", "No"); //// Add("QAnswer", "String", "No"); //// this.SheetName = "Questionnarie"; //// //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; //// //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; //// this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data"; //// return this; ////} //#endregion #endregion //#region HR Employee Only Contact Column Definition //public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpOnlyContactInfo() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("Contacts"); // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("Permanent Address", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Permanent District", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Present Address", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Present District", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Present Thana", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Relation", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes"); // //Add("Offical Mobile No", "String", "No"); // Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Fax", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "Contacts"; // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Contacts"; // return this; //} //#endregion public DataUploadColumnDefinition PFOpeningColumns() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "PFOpening"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Date", "Date", "No"); item.Add("Own Contribution", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Company Contribution", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Own Interest", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Company Interest", "Double", "No"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition PFYearlyInterestColumns() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "PFYearlyInterest"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Date", "Date", "No"); item.Add("Own Yearly Interest", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Company Yearly Interest", "Double", "No"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition LoanInformation() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmployeeLoan"; item.Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); item.Add("LoanType", "String", "No"); item.Add("Loan Amount", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Interest", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Schedule", "Double", "No"); item.Add("Loan Issue Date", "Date", "No"); item.Add("Disburse from Month", "Date", "No"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmployeeAttendance() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmployeeAttendance"; item.Add("Date", "String", "No"); item.Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); item.Add("Shift", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("InTime (24 Hour Exp: 00:00)", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("OutTime (24 Hour Exp: 00:00)", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("Reason", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("OTHour", "String", "Yes"); return item; } #region Line Manager Upload public DataUploadColumnDefinition LineManagerInfo() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpLineManagerInformation"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Line Manager", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("Second Line Manager", "String", "Yes"); return item; } #region Coordinator Upload public DataUploadColumnDefinition CoOrdinatorInfo() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpAttendanceInCharge"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Attendance In Charge", "String", "No"); item.Add("Emp Time Approve (Yes/No)", "String", "Yes"); //item.Add("CreatedDate", "String", "Yes"); return item; } #endregion public DataUploadColumnDefinition LeaveBalanceColumnNames() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "LeaveBalance"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Leave Code", "String", "No"); item.Add("CFDays", "String", "No"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition LeaveEncashDaysColumnNames() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "LeaveEncashDays"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Encash Days", "String", "No"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition LeaveEntryColumnNames() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "LeaveEntry"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Leave Code", "String", "No"); item.Add("From Date", "String", "No"); item.Add("To Date", "String", "No"); item.Add("Leave Availed", "String", "No"); item.Add("Remarks", "String", "No"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition LeaveEntryColumnNamesForLF() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "LeaveUplaod"; item.Add("EMPNO", "String", "No"); //Employee No item.Add("LEAVE_TYPE", "String", "No"); //Leave Code item.Add("LEAVE_START_DATE", "String", "No"); //From Date item.Add("LEAVE_END_DATE", "String", "No"); //To Date item.Add("LEAVE_DURATION", "String", "No"); //Leave Availed item.Add("LEAVE_START_PERIOD", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("LEAVE_END_PERIOD", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("LEAVE_TIME_DATE", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("LEAVE_START_TIME", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("LEAVE_END_TIME", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("Remarks", "String", "Yes"); item.Add("STATUS", "String", "Yes"); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition AitUploadColumnNames() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "ait"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "String", "No"); ; return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition OTImportColumnName(int payrollTypeId) { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); List terms = new TermService().Get(EnumStatus.Active, payrollTypeId); bool fixedotmonth = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "overtime", "fixedotmonth"); item.SheetName = "OT"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Name", "String", "No"); if(!fixedotmonth) item.Add("OT Month", "String", "No"); terms.ForEach(x => { item.Add(x.Name, "String", "Yes"); }); return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpWorkplanUploadColumnName() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpWorkPlanGroup"; item.Add("Employee-ID", "String", "No"); item.FormText = "EmpWorkPlanGroup"; return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition TemporaryShiftAssignmentUploadColumnName() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "TemporaryShiftAssignment"; item.Add("Employee-ID", "String", "No"); item.Add("Name", "String", "Yes"); DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(30); for (DateTime d = DateTime.Today; d < endDate; d = d.AddDays(1)) { item.Add(d.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), "String", "Yes"); } item.FormText = "TemporaryShiftAssignment"; return item; } #endregion Line Manager #region Column Definition For OPI public DataUploadColumnDefinition OPI() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "OPI"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); List types = new List(); types = new OpiItemService().Get(EnumStatus.Active, this._payrollTypeID); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (OpiItem ADitem in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(ADitem.ID, ADitem.Name); } item.ItemOneComboText = "OPI Type :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload OPI Allowance"; return item; } //public DataUploadColumnDefinition BeforeProcessOPI() //{ // this.SheetName = "OPI"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // //Add("FromDate", "Date", "No"); // //Add("ToDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); // List oparams = new List(); // oparams = OpiParameter.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumEntitleType.Individual); // //OpiParameter.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumOpiType.Provision, EnumEntitleType.Individual); // string opiItemId = ""; // foreach (OpiParameter oparam in oparams) // { // if (opiItemId == "") // { // opiItemId = oparam.OpiItemID.ToString(); // } // else if (opiItemId != "") // { // opiItemId = opiItemId + "," + oparam.OpiItemID.ToString(); // } // } // //List types = new List(); // //types = OpiItem.Get(opiItemId); // ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); // foreach (OpiParameter item in oparams) // { // ItemOneComboData.Add(item.OpiItem.ID, item.OpiItem.Name); // } // this.ItemOneComboText = "OPI Type :"; // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload OPI Data Before Process"; // return this; //} #endregion #region EmpCostCenterData public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupEmpCC() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "UploadCostcenter"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Costcenter Code", "String", "No"); item.Add("Involve Percent", "Double", "No"); return item; } #endregion //public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupPFOpening() //{ // this.SheetName = "Upload PFOpening"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("PFAmount", "Double", "No"); // Add("PFInterest", "Double", "No"); // Add("CPFAmount", "Double", "No"); // Add("CPFInterest", "Double", "No"); // Add("Opening Date", "Date", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload PFOpening"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region EmpVendorCode //public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupEmpVendorCode() //{ // this.SheetName = "Upload EmpVendorCode"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("VendorCode", "String", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Vendor Code"; // return this; //} //#endregion #region EmpSingle //public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetUpEmpSingle() //{ // bool CodeautoGenerate = false; // ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager(); // List deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // List deptTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(deptConfig, "tiernames"); // this.SheetCollection.Add("EmployeeInfo"); // this.SheetName = "EmployeeInfo"; // Add("EmployeeID", "String", "No"); // Add("GEID", "String", "No"); // Add("First Name", "String", "Yes"); //2 // Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Last Name", "String", "Yes"); //5 // Add("Gender", "String", "Yes"); //6 // Add("Religion", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Blood Group", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Passport Issue Place", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Passport Issue Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Passport Expire Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Nationality", "String", "Yes"); // Add("National ID", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Joining Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Birth Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Place of Birth", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Category", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Driving Licence No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Father's Name", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Mother's Name", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Permanent Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Permanent District", "String", "No"); // Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "No"); // Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Present Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Present District", "String", "No"); // Add("Present Thana", "String", "No"); // Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "No"); // Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "No"); // Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Fax", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Spouse Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Spouse Level of Education", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Spouse Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Date of Marriage", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Child's Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Child's Gender", "String", "No"); // Add("Child's Date of Birth", "Date", "No"); // Add("Child's Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Child's Marital Status", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Employer", "String", "No"); // Add("Contact Person", "String", "No"); // Add("ConPer Address", "String", "No"); // Add("ConPer Telephone No", "String", "No"); // Add("Industry/ Business Type", "String", "No"); // Add("ConPer Designation", "String", "No"); // Add("Role Description", "String", "No"); // Add("Employed From Date", "Date", "No"); // Add("Employed To Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Training Type", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Training Title", "String", "No"); // Add("Nature of Training", "String", "No"); // Add("Training Description", "String", "No"); // Add("Institution", "String", "No"); // Add("Training Place", "String", "No"); // Add("Country", "String", "No"); // Add("Achievements", "String", "No"); // Add("Sponsor Type", "String", "No"); // Add("Training Fees", "Double", "Yes"); // Add("Other Cost", "Double", "Yes"); // Add("Training From Date", "Date", "No"); // Add("Training To Date", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Education Type", "String", "No"); // Add("Degree Title", "String", "No"); // Add("Discipline/ Department", "String", "No"); // Add("Institution (Board/University)", "String", "No"); // Add("Institution Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Exam Held on", "String", "No"); // Add("Passing Year", "String", "No"); // Add("EduResult", "String", "Yes"); // Add("CGPA/ Marks", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Highest Education", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Referee's Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Referee's Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Referee's Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Referee's Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Referee's E-mail Address", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Referee's Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Referee's Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Publication Title", "String", "No"); // Add("Publication Type", "String", "No"); // Add("Publication Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Publication Description", "String", "No"); // Add("Publication Remarks", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Date of Publication", "Date", "No"); // Add("Nomination Purpose", "String", "No"); // Add("Date Of Nomination", "Date", "No"); // Add("Nominee's Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Nominee's Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Nominee's Percentage", "String", "No"); // Add("Nominee's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Nominee's Occupation", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Nominee's Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Nominee's Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Nominee's E-mail Address", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Date Of Registration", "Date", "No"); // Add("Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Registered Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Registered Person's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Registered Person's Occupation", "String", "No"); // Add("Registered Person's Email", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Registered Person's Address", "String", "No"); // Add("Registered Person's Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("Registered Person's Mobile No (s)", "String", "Yes"); // Add("LanguageName", "String", "No"); // Add("SpokenStatus", "String", "No"); // Add("WrittenStatus", "String", "No"); // Add("Relative's Name", "String", "No"); // Add("Relative's Designation", "String", "No"); // Add("Relative's Relation", "String", "No"); // Add("Relative's JoiningDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("Relative's EndDate", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("Membership Organization", "String", "No"); // Add("YourRole", "String", "No"); // Add("OrganizationType", "String", "No"); // Add("Membership FromDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("Membership EndDate", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("IRName", "String", "No"); // Add("IRRelation", "String", "No"); // Add("IROccupation", "String", "No"); // Add("QuestionNo", "String", "No"); // Add("Question", "String", "No"); // Add("QAnswer", "String", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Single Employee Information"; // return this; //} #endregion //#region EmpMultiple //public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetUpEmpMultiple() //{ // this.SheetName = "EmpMultipleInfo"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload Multiple Employee Information"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region EmpGeneral&Contact //public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetUpEmpGeneralCont() //{ // this.SheetName = "EmpGeneralInfo"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // this.FormText = "Upload General and Contact"; // return this; //} //#endregion //#region EmpGeneral&Contact //public DataUploadColumnDefinition LineManager() //{ // this.SheetName = "LineManager"; // Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); // Add("LineManagerNo", "String", "No"); // return this; //} //#endregion #region Column Definition For TaxAdjustData public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmployeeCardInfo() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "EmpCardInfo"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Card No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Assign Date", "Date", "No"); item.Add("Expire Date", "Date", "Yes"); item.FormText = "Upload Card Operation Information"; // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Card Info"; return item; } //public DataUploadColumnDefinition WPPFAllowanceData() //{ // this.SheetName = "WPPFAllowance"; // Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); // Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); // //List types = new List(); // //types = TaxAdjustment.Get(EnumStatus.Active); // //ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); // //foreach (TaxAdjustment item in types) // //{ // // ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name); // //} // //this.ItemOneComboText = "Adjustment Type :"; // //this.ItemThreeDateData = null; // //this.FormText = "Upload WPPF AllowanceData Data"; // return this; //} #endregion #region Column Definition For TaxAdjustData public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxInvestmentData() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "TaxInvestment"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); List types = new List(); types = new TaxInvestmentService().Get(EnumStatus.Active); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (TaxInvestment i in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(i.ID, i.Name); } item.ItemOneComboText = "Investment Type :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload TaxInvestment Data"; return item; } public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxAdjustData() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "TaxAdjustment"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); List types = new List(); types = new TaxAdjustmentService().Get(EnumStatus.Active); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (TaxAdjustment taxAdjustment in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(taxAdjustment.ID, taxAdjustment.Name); } item.ItemOneComboText = "Adjustment Type :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload TaxAdjustment Data"; return item; } #endregion public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxAdjustmentDataUpload() { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "TaxAdjustment"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); List types = new List(); types =new TaxAdjustmentService().Get(EnumStatus.Active); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (TaxAdjustment i in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(i.ID, i.Name); } item.ItemOneComboText = "Adjustment Type :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload TaxAdjustment Data"; return item; } #region Column Definition For TaxChallanData public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxChallanData(int payrollTypeID) { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = new DataUploadColumnDefinition(); item.SheetName = "TaxChallan"; item.Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); item.Add("Month", "Date", "No"); item.Add("Amount", "Double", "No"); item.Add("ChallanNo", "String", "No"); List types = new List(); //types = TaxParameter.Get(); types = new TaxParameterService().GetbyPayrolltype(payrollTypeID); Dictionary ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary(); foreach (TaxParameter i in types) { ItemOneComboData.Add(i.ID, i.FiscalYear); } item.ItemOneComboText = "Tax Year :"; item.ItemThreeDateData = null; item.FormText = "Upload TaxChallan Data"; return item; } #endregion //#region CVDocument Uplaod //public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVMainData() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("CVMain"); // //this.SheetName = "CVMain"; // Add("TrackNo", "String", "No"); // Add("TotalYearOfExperience", "Double", "Yes"); // Add("SpecialSkill", "String", "Yes"); // Add("NationalId", "String", "No"); // Add("Name", "String", "No"); // Add("MotherName", "String", "No"); // Add("MobileNo", "String", "No"); // Add("FileAddress", "String", "Yes"); // Add("FatherName", "String", "No"); // Add("ExpectedMinimumSalary", "Double", "Yes"); // Add("LandPhoneNo", "String", "Yes"); // Add("EmailAddress", "String", "Yes"); // Add("IsFresher", "String", "No"); // Add("ContactAddress", "String", "No"); // Add("ApplicationDate", "Date", "No"); // Add("Designation", "String", "No"); // this.SheetName = "CVMain"; // this.FormText = "Upload CVDocument Data"; // return this; //} //public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVExperienceData() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("CVExperience"); // //this.SheetName = "CVExperience"; // Add("ContactNo", "String", "No"); // Add("ContactPerson", "String", "No"); // Add("Employer", "String", "No"); // Add("FromDate", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("ToDate", "Date", "Yes"); // Add("RoleDefination", "String", "Yes"); // this.SheetName = "CVExperience"; // this.FormText = "Upload CVExperience Data"; // return this; //} //public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVReferredByData() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("CVReferredBy"); // //this.SheetName = "CVReferredBy"; // Add("Name", "String", "No"); // Add("OtherDetail", "String", "No"); // Add("ReferredBy", "String", "No"); // Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No"); // this.SheetName = "CVReferredBy"; // this.FormText = "Upload CVReferredBy Data"; // return this; //} //public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVEductionalQualificationData() //{ // this.SheetCollection.Add("CVEductionalQualification"); // //this.SheetName = "CVEductionalQualification"; // Add("Board", "String", "No"); // Add("CgpaOrMarks", "String", "No"); // Add("CgpaOrMarksOutOf", "String", "No"); // Add("DegreeTitle", "String", "No"); // Add("Discipline", "String", "No"); // Add("IsHighestEducation", "String", "No"); // //Add("Name", "String", "No"); // Add("PassingYear", "String", "No"); // Add("Result", "String", "No"); // Add("InstituteName", "String", "No"); // this.SheetName = "CVEductionalQualification"; // this.FormText = "Upload CVEductionalQualification Data"; // return this; //} //#endregion #region Prepare Upload public DataUploadColumnDefinition GetColumnDefinition(int uploadId, int? itemid, int payrollTypeID) { DataUploadColumnDefinition item = null; this._payrollTypeID = payrollTypeID; switch (uploadId) { case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Allowance: item = this.IndividualAllowance(payrollTypeID); break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.ExceptionAllowance: // this.ExceptionAllowance(); // this.FormText = "Upload Exception Allowance Information"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.NotApplicableAllowance: // this.NotApplicableAllowance(); // this.FormText = "Upload Exception Allowance Information"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LifeCycle: item = this.lifecycleColumns((int)itemid); item.FormText = "Upload Employee Life-Cycle Information"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeWithBasic: item = this.getBasicInfoColumns(); item.FormText = "Upload Employee Opening Information"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeRegularUpload: item = this.getBasicInfoColumns(); item.FormText = "Upload Employee Regular Information"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeProfileUpload: item = this.getEmployeeProfileUpload(); item.FormText = "Upload Employee Mobile-Email info"; break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeDepartmentBasic: // this.EmpDeptInfo(); // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Department Information"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LTAdata: // this.LTAdata(); // this.FormText = "Upload LTA Data"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpWorkPlanSetup: // this.EmpWorkPlanSetup(); // this.FormText = "Upload Employee WorkPlan Setup Data"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Bonus: item = this.BonusData(); break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Organogram: // this.OrganogramData(); // this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Data"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpHRData: // this.HREmpGeneralInfo(); // this.HREmpContactInfo(); // this.HREmpSpouseInfo(); // this.HREmpChildrenInfo(); // this.HREmpExperienceInfo(); // this.HREmpTrainingInfo(); // this.HREmpAcademicInfo(); // this.HREmpReferenceInfo(); // this.HREmpPublicationInfo(); // this.HREmpNomineeInfo(); // this.HREmpHospitalizationInfo(); // this.HREmpLanguageInfo(); // this.HREmpRelativeInfo(); // this.HREmpMemberShipInfo(); // this.HREmpRelationInfo(); // this.HREmpQuestionInfo(); // this.FormText = "Upload HR Employee Data"; // //this.FormText = "Upload Single Employee Information"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpAllHRData: // this.HRAllEmpGeneralInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpContactInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpSpouseInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpChildrenInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpExperienceInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpTrainingInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpAcademicInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpReferenceInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpPublicationInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpNomineeInfo(); // //this.HRAllEmpHospitalizationInfo(); // //this.HREmpGuarantorInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpLanguageInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpRelativeInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpMemberShipInfo(); // this.HRAllEmpRelationInfo(); // // this.HREmpQuestionInfo(); // this.FormText = "Upload Emploee General and Contact"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.CVDocument: // this.CVMainData(); // this.CVExperienceData(); // this.CVReferredByData(); // this.CVEductionalQualificationData(); // this.FormText = "Upload CV Data"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxChallan: // this.TaxChallanData(); // this.FormText = "Upload Tax Challan Data"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Deduction: item = this.IndividualDeduction(payrollTypeID); break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpDiscontinue: // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeBankAccount: item = this.EmpBankAccount(payrollTypeID); break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeConfirmation: // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.ESB: // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxInvestment: item = this.TaxInvestmentData(); break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpCardInfo: item =this.EmployeeCardInfo(); //this.FormText = "Upload Employee Card Info"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Leave: break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OPI: item = this.OPI(); item.FormText = "Upload Employee OPI Data"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.SalaryData: break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.SalaryRemarks: break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxAdjustCurrYear: item = this.TaxAdjustData(); break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.WPPFAllowance: // this.WPPFAllowanceData(); // this.FormText = "Upload WPPF Allowance Data"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TC: // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpGradeSalary: // this.EmpGradeSalary(); // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Grade Salary Assignment"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeAttendance: case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeAttendanceLM: case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeAttendanceCordinator: item = this.EmployeeAttendance(); item.SheetName = "EmployeeAttendance"; item.FormText = "Upload Employee Attendance Information"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxData: item = this.TaxData(); item.SheetName = "TaxOpeningData"; item.FormText = "Upload Employee Tax Opening Data"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeLoan: item = this.LoanInformation(); item.SheetName = "EmployeeLoan"; item.FormText = "Upload Employee Loan Information"; break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeLoanSetup: // this.SetupLoanInformation(); // this.FormText = "Employee Loan Setup"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpSalaryComponent: item = this.SetupSalaryComponent(); item.SheetName = "Salary Component"; item.FormText = "Upload Salary Component Data"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpCC: item = this.SetupEmpCC(); item.SheetName = "Employee Costenter"; item.FormText = "Upload Employee Costcenter Involvement"; break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpVendorCode: // this.SetupEmpVendorCode(); // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Vendor Code"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpSingle: // this.SetUpEmpSingle(); // this.FormText = "Upload Single Employee Information"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpMultiple: // this.SetUpEmpMultiple(); // this.FormText = "Upload Multiple Employee Information"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpGeneralCont: // this.SetUpEmpGeneralCont(); // this.FormText = "Upload General and Contact"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.PFOpening: item = this.PFOpeningColumns(); item.FormText = "Upload PF Opening Data"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.PFYearlyInterest: item = this.PFYearlyInterestColumns(); item.FormText = "Upload PF Yearly Interest Data"; break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OPI_Parameter_Individual: // this.BeforeProcessOPI(); // this.FormText = "Upload OPI Before Process"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LineManager: // this.LineManager(); // this.FormText = "Upload Line Manager"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeLineManagerUpload: item = this.LineManagerInfo(); item.FormText = "Upload Employee Line Manager Information"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LeaveBalance: item = this.LeaveBalanceColumnNames(); item.FormText = "Upload Leave Balance"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LeaveEncashDays: item = this.LeaveEncashDaysColumnNames(); item.FormText = "Upload Leave Encash Days"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LeaveEntry: item = this.LeaveEntryColumnNames(); item.FormText = "Upload Leave Entry"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LeaveEntryLf: //Only For Li&Fung, enum(int) = 55 item = this.LeaveEntryColumnNamesForLF(); item.FormText = "Upload Leave Entry"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.AitUpload: item = this.AitUploadColumnNames(); item.FormText = "Upload AIT"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OTImport: item = this.OTImportColumnName(payrollTypeID); item.FormText = "Upload OT"; break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpAddressData: // this.HREmpOnlyContactInfo(); // this.FormText = "Upload Employee Contacts Info"; // break; //case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OrganogramData: // this.OrganogramDataInfo(); // this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Data"; // break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpWorkplanUpload: item = this.EmpWorkplanUploadColumnName(); break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TemporaryShiftAssignmentUpload: item = this.TemporaryShiftAssignmentUploadColumnName(); break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.CoordinatorUpload: item = this.CoOrdinatorInfo(); item.FormText = "Upload Employee Attendance In Charge"; break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxAdjustmentDataUpload: item = this.TaxAdjustmentDataUpload(); break; case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxChallan: item = this.TaxChallanData(payrollTypeID); break; default: // this.UploadException(uploadId, this); break; } item.uploadID = uploadId; item.uploadItemID = itemid; return item; } #endregion #region Add Column Name, Data Type, Allow Null Property #endregion #region Get Column Names //public string getColumnNames(DataTable oTable) //{ // string scolName = ""; // foreach (string col in oTable.Columns) // { // scolName = scolName + col + ", "; // } // if (scolName.Length > 2) // scolName = scolName.Substring(0, scolName.Length - 2); // return scolName; //} #endregion #region Check Null #endregion #region Get Column Data Type #endregion #region Get Column Index #endregion #region Data Validation public List ValidateUploadedData(DataUploadColumnDefinition columns, DataTable uploadedData) { DataUploadValidation ovalidation = new DataUploadValidation(); ovalidation.ColumnNameValidation(columns, uploadedData); if (ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList.Count > 0) return ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList; ovalidation.ValidateInput(columns, uploadedData); return ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList; } #endregion #endregion #endregion #endregion protected override T CreateObject(Ease.Core.DataAccess.DataReader dr) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }