0 System.Data.DataSet /* Local Connection */ c0dec914-1be0-4358-a478-bdc43cb8889f System.Data.DataSet /* Local Connection */ 53ed27eb-9905-4897-ba6a-d595ea219003 PayrollDataSet /* Local Query */ LoanAppNO System.String ApplyDate System.String Member System.String EmployeeCode System.String LoanAmount System.String NoOfInstallment System.String InstallmentAmount System.String Principal System.String Interest System.String Purpose System.String Attachment System.String OwnContribution System.String CmpContribution System.String TotalContribution System.String EligibleLoanAmount System.String LoanApplied System.String EmpDept System.String LoanAmountInWords System.String Remarks System.String EmployeeName System.String FundEssDataSet D:\Local\R&D\SanofiNew\HRM.Report\FundEssDataSet\FundEssDataSet.xsd LoanApplication true true APPLICATION FOR LOAN FROM PROVIDENT FUND Textbox78 0.125in 0.26041in 7.49781in 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 1) NAME WITH EMP. ID : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!EmployeeName.Value & " [" & First(Fields!EmployeeCode.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") &"] " 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2) DEPARTMENT : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!EmpDept.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 3) AMOUNT OF LOAN APPLIED FOR (TK) : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!LoanAmount.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ( TAKA =First(Fields!LoanAmountInWords.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") ONLY) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 4) REFUNDABLE/NON-REFUNDABLE IN 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!NoOfInstallment.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS OF TK 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!InstallmentAmount.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true W. E. F. 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 5) PURPOSE ( P ) : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 1 Or Fields!Purpose.Value = 2, Chr(82), Chr(83)) To pay expenses incurred in connection with the illness of 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 6) DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 7) INTEREST ON THE AMOUNT SANCTIONED WILL BE PAID BY ME ACCORDING TO THE RULES. 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true The Trustees 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Banglalink Digital Communications Limited Provident Fund 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true or =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 2, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Family member 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true : =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 1, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Myself 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 3 Or Fields!Purpose.Value = 4, Chr(82), Chr(83)) To pay for the passage over the sea or by road or by air of 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true or =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 4, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Family member 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true : =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 3, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Myself 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 5 Or Fields!Purpose.Value = 6 Or Fields!Purpose.Value = 7 Or Fields!Purpose.Value = 8, Chr(82), Chr(83)) To pay expenses in connection with performance of 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true or =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 6, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Marriage 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true : =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 5, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Pilgrimage 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 9, Chr(82), Chr(83)) To meet the expenditure on building or purchasing a house or a site for a house or a ready-made house/flat or repairing the house/flat 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true or =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 7, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Funeral 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =IIf(Fields!Purpose.Value = 8, Chr(82), Chr(83)) Other Religious Ceremony: ....................... 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ............................................. SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT Textbox9 4.15036in 5.50831in 0.40625in 2.11102in 32 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!EmployeeName.Value, "FundEssDataSet_LoanApplication") Textbox9 3.96645in 5.50831in 0.25in 2.11102in 33 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Date : =Format(Today(),"dd MMM yyyy") Textbox9 0.07514in 6.16062in 0.25in 1.4483in 34 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Textbox9 4.6227in 0.12152in 0.25in 7.51516in 35 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Textbox9 4.8102in 0.125in 0.23958in 7.51168in 36 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 1) DATE OF JOINING PROVIDENT FUND ......................................... Textbox9 5.25291in 0.41103in 0.23958in 7.23607in 37 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2) SALARY TK ............................. PER MONTH Textbox9 5.47861in 0.41103in 0.23958in 7.23608in 38 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 3) AMOUNT OF MEMBER"S CONTRIBUTION, TK ............................. ........ AS ON .................................................... Textbox9 5.73208in 0.41103in 0.23958in 7.23608in 39 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 4) PREVIOUS LOAN, IF ANY 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true : =Chr(42) NO 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Chr(42) YES 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true [ IF YES THEN, 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Chr(42) Settled 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Chr(42) NOT SETTLED ] 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ............................................ SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTS Textbox9 6.69401in 3.7625in 0.40625in 1.95966in 46 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ............................... SIGNATURE OF HR Textbox9 6.69401in 5.85507in 0.40625in 1.79204in 47 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true (FOR USE OF TRUSTEES OF PROVIDENT FUND ONLY) Textbox9 7.3572in 0.14236in 0.23958in 7.51169in 48 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Textbox9 7.1697in 0.13888in 0.25in 7.51517in 49 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true LOAN OF TK ................................... SANCTIONED/NON-SANCTIONED, REFUNDABLE/NON-REFUNDABLE IN .................. MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS OF TK ........................................ PER MONTH WITH EFFECT FROM ................................................. Textbox9 7.87792in 0.14236in 0.23958in 7.49194in 50 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true INTEREST Textbox9 8.53931in 0.14236in 0.27455in 1.41451in 51 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true TOTAL AMOUNT OF TK ................................... Textbox9 8.81386in 0.13888in 0.23958in 3.62362in 52 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ............... TRUSTEES Textbox9 8.85217in 5.85507in 0.40625in 1.79204in 53 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 9.52894in 7.82897in 0.83831in true true true =Parameters!CompanyInfo.Value Textbox1 0.19332in 0.11112in 0.24778in 7.52318in =Parameters!CompanyInfo.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Parameters!Address.Value Textbox1 0.48277in 0.11112in 0.24778in 7.52318in 1 =Parameters!Address.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 11.69in 8.27in 0.1in 0.1in 0.2in 0.2in