using HRM.BO; using Ease.Core.DataAccess; using Ease.Core.Model; using Ease.Core.Utility; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Reflection; namespace HRM.DA { #region PFTransaction Service public class PFTransactionService : ServiceTemplate { #region Private functions and declaration #endregion public PFTransactionService() { } private void MapObject(PFTransaction oPFTransaction, DataReader oReader) { base.SetObjectID(oPFTransaction, oReader.GetInt32("PFTRANID").Value); oPFTransaction.EmployeeID = oReader.GetString("EmployeeID") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("EmployeeID").Value; oPFTransaction.MonthDate = oReader.GetDateTime("tranDate").Value; oPFTransaction.TranAmount = oReader.GetDouble("tranAmount").Value; oPFTransaction.TranType = (EnumPFTranType)oReader.GetInt32("tranType").Value; oPFTransaction.CreatedBy = oReader.GetString("CreatedBy") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("CreatedBy").Value; oPFTransaction.CreatedDate = oReader.GetDateTime("CreationDate").Value; this.SetObjectState(oPFTransaction, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); } protected override T CreateObject<T>(DataReader oReader) { PFTransaction oPFTransaction = new PFTransaction(); MapObject(oPFTransaction, oReader); return oPFTransaction as T; } protected PFTransaction CreateObject(DataReader oReader) { PFTransaction oPFTransaction = new PFTransaction(); MapObject(oPFTransaction, oReader); return oPFTransaction; } #region Service implementation public List<PFTransaction> Get() { List<PFTransaction> pFTransactions = new List<PFTransaction>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(PFTransactionDA.Get(tc)); pFTransactions = this.CreateObjects<PFTransaction>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return pFTransactions; } public double GetPFAmount(int nEmpID) { double nAmount = 0.0; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); nAmount = PFTransactionDA.GetPFAmount(tc, nEmpID); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return nAmount; } public DataSet GetPFBalance(int nEmpID, DateTime saalryMonth) { DataSet pfBalance = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); pfBalance = PFTransactionDA.GetPFBalance(tc, nEmpID, saalryMonth); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return pfBalance; } public DataSet GetPFBalance(DateTime saalryMonth) { DataSet pfBalance = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); pfBalance = PFTransactionDA.GetPFBalance(tc, saalryMonth); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return pfBalance; } public DataSet GetPFBalanceBAT(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { DataSet pfBalance = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); pfBalance = PFTransactionDA.GetPFBalanceBAT(tc, fromDate, toDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return pfBalance; } public int Save(PFTransaction oPFTransaction) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); if (oPFTransaction.IsNew) { int id = tc.GenerateID("PFTransaction", "PfTranID"); base.SetObjectID(oPFTransaction, id); PFTransactionDA.Insert(tc, oPFTransaction); } else { PFTransactionDA.Update(tc, oPFTransaction); } tc.End(); return oPFTransaction.ID; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void SaveAll(List<PFTransaction> oTrans) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); foreach (PFTransaction oItem in oTrans) { PFTransactionDA.Delete(tc, oItem.EmployeeID, oItem.MonthDate, oItem.TranType); } foreach (PFTransaction oItem in oTrans) { int id = tc.GenerateID("PFTransaction", "PfTranID"); base.SetObjectID(oItem, id); PFTransactionDA.Insert(tc, oItem); } tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(List<T> items) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(typeof(T).Name); //Get all the properties PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in Props) { //Setting column names as Property names dataTable.Columns.Add(prop.Name); } foreach (T item in items) { var values = new object[Props.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++) { //inserting property values to datatable rows values[i] = Props[i].GetValue(item, null); } dataTable.Rows.Add(values); } //put a breakpoint here and check datatable return dataTable; } public int Save(TransactionContext tc, PFTransaction oPFTransaction) { try { if (oPFTransaction.IsNew) { PFTransactionDA.Insert(tc, oPFTransaction); } else { PFTransactionDA.Update(tc, oPFTransaction); } return oPFTransaction.ID; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void Delete(int employeeId, DateTime month, EnumPFTranType type) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); PFTransactionDA.Delete(tc, employeeId, month, type); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } #endregion } #endregion }