using Ease.Core.DataAccess; using Ease.Core.Model; using Ease.Core.Utility; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using HRM.BO; using System.Linq; using NPOI.POIFS.Storage; using HRM.BO.Configuration; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS.Core; using static iTextSharp.text.pdf.AcroFields; using System.IO; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; namespace HRM.DA { #region Leave Entry Service public class LeaveEntryService : ServiceTemplate, ILeaveEntryService { #region Private functions and declaration public LeaveEntryService() { } private void MapObject(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry, DataReader dr) { base.SetObjectID(oLeaveEntry, dr.GetInt32("TranId").Value); oLeaveEntry.EmpID = dr.GetInt32("EmpId").Value; oLeaveEntry.EmpGradeId = dr.GetInt32("EmpGradeId").Value; oLeaveEntry.LeaveYearId = dr.GetInt32("LeaveYear").Value; oLeaveEntry.AppliedParamId = dr.GetInt32("AppParamId", true, 0); oLeaveEntry.AppliedLeaveDate = dr.GetDateTime("AppLeaveDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.AppliedFromDate = dr.GetDateTime("AppFromDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.AppliedToDate = dr.GetDateTime("AppToDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.AppliedTotalDays = dr.GetDouble("AppTotalDays").Value; oLeaveEntry.ApprovedParamId = dr.GetInt32("AprParamId", true, 0); oLeaveEntry.ApprovedLeaveDate = dr.GetDateTime("AprLeaveDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.ApprovedFromDate = dr.GetDateTime("AprFromDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.ApprovedToDate = dr.GetDateTime("AprToDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.ApprovedTotalDays = dr.GetDouble("AprTotalDays").Value; oLeaveEntry.LeaveName = dr.GetString("description", true, string.Empty); oLeaveEntry.SalaryMonth = dr.GetDateTime("SalaryMonth") == null ? DateTime.MinValue : dr.GetDateTime("SalaryMonth").Value; oLeaveEntry.LFAAmount = dr.GetDouble("LFAAmount", true, 0); oLeaveEntry.LFASmokingAmount = dr.GetDouble("LFASmokingAmount", true, 0); oLeaveEntry.ApprovedBy = dr.GetString("ApprovedBy") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("ApprovedBy").Value; oLeaveEntry.ResponsiblePersonID = dr.GetString("ResponsiblePersonID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("ResponsiblePersonID").Value; oLeaveEntry.Remarks = dr.GetString("Remarks"); oLeaveEntry.IsDrafted = dr.GetString("IsDrafted") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("IsDrafted").Value; oLeaveEntry.IsHalfday = dr.GetString("IsHalfday") == null ? false : dr.GetBoolean("IsHalfday").Value; oLeaveEntry.IsAvailed = dr.GetString("IsAvailed") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("IsAvailed").Value; oLeaveEntry.EntryDate = dr.GetDateTime("EntryDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus = (EnumLeaveStatus)dr.GetInt32("LeaveStatus").Value; oLeaveEntry.SystemType = (EnumSystemType)dr.GetInt32("SystemType", true, 0); //transectional properties oLeaveEntry.ErnLeaveRemarks = dr.GetString("ErnLeaveRemarks") == null ? "" : dr.GetString("ErnLeaveRemarks"); oLeaveEntry.LeaveID = dr.GetString("LeaveID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("LeaveID").Value; oLeaveEntry.AppliedLeaveID = dr.GetString("AppliedLeaveID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("AppliedLeaveID").Value; oLeaveEntry.SbuID = dr.GetString("SbuID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("SbuID").Value; oLeaveEntry.DepartmentID = dr.GetString("DepartmentID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("DepartmentID").Value; oLeaveEntry.FunctionID = dr.GetString("FunctionID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("FunctionID").Value; oLeaveEntry.LocationID = dr.GetString("LocationID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("LocationID").Value; oLeaveEntry.DesignationID = dr.GetString("DesignationID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("DesignationID").Value; // avail properties oLeaveEntry.AvailRemarks = dr.GetString("AvailRemarks") == null ? "" : dr.GetString("AvailRemarks"); oLeaveEntry.AvailedBy = dr.GetString("AvailedBy") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("AvailedBy").Value; oLeaveEntry.LeaveAgainstDate = dr.GetDateTime("leaveAgainstDate") == null ? DateTime.MinValue : dr.GetDateTime("leaveAgainstDate").Value; oLeaveEntry.ItemId = dr.GetInt32("ItemId", true, 0); oLeaveEntry.OtValue = dr.GetDouble("OtValue", true, 0); string DayPeriodStrinh = dr.GetString("DayPeriod"); if(DayPeriodStrinh != string.Empty) oLeaveEntry.DayPeriod = dr.GetDouble("DayPeriod", true, 0); oLeaveEntry.LeaveDayPeriod = dr.GetString("LeaveDayPeriod", true, string.Empty); oLeaveEntry.CompensatoryLeaveFor = dr.GetString("CompensatoryLeaveFor") == null ? EnumCompensatoryLeaveFor.None : (EnumCompensatoryLeaveFor)dr.GetInt32("CompensatoryLeaveFor").Value; oLeaveEntry.SelectedHalf = (EnumHalf)dr.GetInt32("SelectedHalf").GetValueOrDefault(); oLeaveEntry.CompensatoryDate = dr.GetDateTime("CompensatoryDate", true, DateTime.MinValue); oLeaveEntry.isLFA = dr.GetString("isLFA") == null ? false : dr.GetBoolean("isLFA").Value; //oLeaveEntry.AvailTotalDays = dr.GetDouble("AvailTotalDays").Value ; this.SetObjectState(oLeaveEntry, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); //this.SetObjectState(oLeaveEntry, ObjectState.Saved); } private void MapObject(LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport, DataReader oReader) { oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.LeaveEntryID = oReader.GetInt32("LeaveEntryID").Value; oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.EmployeeId = oReader.GetInt32("EMPLOYEEID", 0); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.EmployeeNo = oReader.GetString("EMPLOYEENO", string.Empty); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.Name = oReader.GetString("NAME", string.Empty); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.Designation = oReader.GetString("DESIGNATION", string.Empty); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.Department = oReader.GetString("DEPARTMENT", string.Empty); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.LeaveStatus = Enum.GetName(typeof(EnumAttendanceType), oReader.GetInt32("LEAVESTATUS", 0)); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.FromDate = oReader.GetDateTime("APPFROMDATE", DateTime.MinValue); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.ToDate = oReader.GetDateTime("APPTODATE", DateTime.MinValue); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.AprovedDate = oReader.GetDateTime("APRLEAVEDATE", DateTime.MinValue); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.Reason = oReader.GetString("Reason", string.Empty); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.LocationName = oReader.GetString("LOCATION", string.Empty); oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport.LeaveName = oReader.GetString("LeaveName", string.Empty); this.SetObjectState(oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); } //For Single employee Leave Ledger and Upcoming Team Leave Mobile App private void MapObject(LeaveLedgerMobile oLeaveLedgerMobile, DataReader oReader) { oLeaveLedgerMobile.employeeNo = oReader.GetString("employeeNo", true, "") ; oLeaveLedgerMobile.employeeName = oReader.GetString("Name", true, ""); oLeaveLedgerMobile.LeaveName = oReader.GetString("LeaveName", string.Empty); oLeaveLedgerMobile.FromDate = oReader.GetDateTime("FromDate", DateTime.MinValue); oLeaveLedgerMobile.ToDate = oReader.GetDateTime("ToDate", DateTime.MinValue); oLeaveLedgerMobile.TotalDays = oReader.GetDouble("TotalDays").Value; oLeaveLedgerMobile.Reason = oReader.GetString("Reason", string.Empty); this.SetObjectState(oLeaveLedgerMobile, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); } protected override T CreateObject<T>(DataReader dr) { LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); MapObject(oLeaveEntry, dr); return oLeaveEntry as T; } LeaveEntry CreateObject(DataReader dr) { LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); MapObject(oLeaveEntry, dr); return oLeaveEntry; } protected LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport CreateObjectForSchedular(DataReader oReader) { LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport = new LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport(); MapObject(oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport, oReader); return oLeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport; } //For Single employee Leave Ledger Mobile App protected LeaveLedgerMobile CreateObjectForLeaveLedgerMobile(DataReader oReader) { LeaveLedgerMobile oLeaveLedgerMobile = new LeaveLedgerMobile(); MapObject(oLeaveLedgerMobile, oReader); return oLeaveLedgerMobile; } #endregion private void MapObjectForSum(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry, DataReader dr) { oLeaveEntry.LeaveYearId = dr.GetInt32("LeaveYear").Value; oLeaveEntry.LeaveID = dr.GetString("LeaveID") == null ? 0 : dr.GetInt32("LeaveID").Value; //dr.GetInt32("LeaveID").Value; oLeaveEntry.EmpID = dr.GetInt32("EmpId").Value; oLeaveEntry.ApprovedTotalDays = dr.GetDouble("AprTotalDays").Value; oLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus = (EnumLeaveStatus)dr.GetInt32("LeaveStatus").Value; this.SetObjectState(oLeaveEntry, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); } private List<LeaveEntry> CreateObjectForSums(DataReader dr) { List<LeaveEntry> sumItems = new List<LeaveEntry>(); while (dr.Read()) { sumItems.Add(CreateObjectForSum(dr)); } return sumItems; } private LeaveEntry CreateObjectForSum(DataReader dr) { LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); MapObjectForSum(oLeaveEntry, dr); return oLeaveEntry; } private void MapLeaveAttachmentObject(LeaveAttachment leaveAttachment, DataReader dr) { base.SetObjectID(leaveAttachment, dr.GetInt32("LeaveAttachmentID").Value); leaveAttachment.LeaveEntryID = dr.GetInt32("LeaveEntryID").Value; leaveAttachment.AttachmentPath = dr.GetString("AttachmentPath"); this.SetObjectState(leaveAttachment, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); } #region Service Implementation public LeaveEntry GetMaternityLeave(int empID, string code) { LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetMaternityLeave(tc, empID, code)); if (dr.Read()) { oLeaveEntry = this.CreateObject<LeaveEntry>(dr); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(ex); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + ex.Message, ex); #endregion } return oLeaveEntry; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate, (int)leaveStatus)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public LeaveEntry Get(int id) { LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, id)); if (dr.Read()) { oLeaveEntry = this.CreateObject<LeaveEntry>(dr); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(ex); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + ex.Message, ex); #endregion } return oLeaveEntry; } /* Uswed for WFTraversPath */ public LeaveEntry Get(TransactionContext tc, int id) { LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); try { DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, id)); if (dr.Read()) { oLeaveEntry = this.CreateObject<LeaveEntry>(dr); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(ex); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + ex.Message, ex); #endregion } return oLeaveEntry; } public DataTable GetPendingJobDetail(int ID) { DataSet oSet; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); oSet = LeaveEntryDA.GetPendingJobDetail(tc, ID); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Detail" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oSet.Tables[0]; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetByLeaveID(int nLeaveID, int nEmpID, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetByLeaveID(tc, nLeaveID, nEmpID, fromDate, toDate)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(string EmpIds, int? employeeid, int? leaveYearid, int? leaveid, DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate, EnumLeaveStatus? leaveStatus, bool? isLfa) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, employeeid, EmpIds, leaveYearid, leaveid, fromDate, toDate, leaveStatus, isLfa)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(string empIds, int leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empIds, leaveYear, (int)leaveStatus)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(string empIds, int leaveYear, int leaveId, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus, DateTime leaveFromMonth, DateTime leaveToMonth) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empIds, leaveYear, leaveId, (int)leaveStatus, leaveFromMonth, leaveToMonth)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, fromDate, toDate, (int)leaveStatus)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public DataTable GetSumOfBalance(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { TransactionContext tc = null; DataTable otab = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); otab = LeaveEntryDA.GetSumOfBalance(tc, fromDate, toDate, (int)leaveStatus); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return otab; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetAll() { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetAll(tc)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(DateTime attnDate) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, attnDate)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetLFAOnMonth(DateTime onMonth, int payrolltypeid) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetLFAOnMonth(tc, onMonth, payrolltypeid)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public bool IsExist(Employee oEmployee, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { TransactionContext tc = null; bool IsExist = false; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); IsExist = LeaveEntryDA.IsExist(tc, oEmployee, fromDate, toDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return IsExist; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empIds, fromDate, toDate, (int)leaveStatus)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetPending(int empId, int leaveID, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetPending(tc, empId, leaveID, (int)leaveStatus)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(int empId, int leaveYearID) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empId, leaveYearID)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetByLeaveYear(int nLeaveYear) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetByLeaveYear(tc, nLeaveYear)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string leaveStatuss) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empIds, fromDate, toDate, leaveStatuss)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> Get(string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus, string sortExpresion) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.Get(tc, empIds, fromDate, toDate, (int)leaveStatus, sortExpresion)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetForAdminPanel(int employeeID) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetForAdminPanel(tc, employeeID)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(string empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int leaveType) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate, leaveType)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(string empId, int leaveYear, int leaveType) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(tc, empId, leaveYear, leaveType)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int leaveType) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader( LeaveEntryDA.GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate, leaveType)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); LeaveService leaveService = new LeaveService(); foreach (var oLeaveEntry in oLeaveEntrys) { oLeaveEntry.Leave = leaveService.Get(oLeaveEntry.LeaveID); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public int GetEmployeeLeaveBalance(int empId, int leaveYear, int leaveType) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); int amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetEmployeeLeaveBalance(tc, empId, leaveYear, leaveType); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public double GetLeaveAmtByType(int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); double amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetLeaveAmtByType(tc, empId, leaveParamId, leaveYear, (int)leaveStatus); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public List<LeaveEntry> GetLeaveEntries(int empId, int leaveYearID) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetLeaveEntries(tc, empId, leaveYearID)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetSumOfAvailedLeave(int empId, int leaveYearID) { TransactionContext tc = null; List<LeaveEntry> avliedLeaveSum = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetSumOfAvailedLeave(tc, leaveYearID, empId)); //if (dr.Read()) { avliedLeaveSum = this.CreateObjectForSums(dr); } tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return avliedLeaveSum; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetSumOfAvailedLeave(int leaveYearID) { TransactionContext tc = null; List<LeaveEntry> avliedLeaveSum = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetSumOfAvailedLeave(tc, leaveYearID)); avliedLeaveSum = this.CreateObjectForSums(dr); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return avliedLeaveSum; } public double GetAvailedLeave(int empId, int leaveId, int leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); double amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetAvailedLeave(tc, empId, leaveId, leaveYear, (int)leaveStatus); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public double GetTotalLeaveAmountInYear(int empId, int leaveYearId, int leaveID, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); double amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetTotalLeaveAmountInYear(tc, empId, leaveYearId, leaveID, leaveStatus); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public double GetAmountOnFromDate(int empId, int leaveYearId, int leaveID, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); double amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetAmountOnFromDate(tc, empId, leaveYearId, leaveID, leaveStatus, startdate, enddate); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public double GetAmountOnFromDate(int empId, int leaveID, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); double amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetAmountOnFromDate(tc, empId, leaveID, leaveStatus, startdate, enddate); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } #region Old Code /* public double GetSubmittedAmt(int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); return LeaveEntryDA.GetSubmittedAmt(tc, empId, leaveParamId, leaveYear); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to GetLeaveEntrys", e); #endregion } return 0; } public double GetApprovedAmt(int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); return LeaveEntryDA.GetApprovedAmt(tc, empId, leaveParamId, leaveYear); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to GetLeaveEntrys", e); #endregion } return 0; } public double GetAvailedAmt(int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); return LeaveEntryDA.GetAvailedAmt(tc, empId, leaveParamId, leaveYear); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to GetLeaveEntrys", e); #endregion } return 0; } */ #endregion public bool SaveValidation(LeaveEntry lEntry, LeaveYear lyear, Employee employee) { LeaveYear oLvYear = lyear; if (oLvYear == null) oLvYear = new LeaveYearService().Get(lEntry.LeaveYearId); Leave oleave = new LeaveService().Get(lEntry.LeaveID); List<Employee> employeeList = new List<Employee>(); employeeList.Add(employee); List<EmpLeaveStatus> leaveStatusList = new LeaveProcessService().GetLeaveBalance(employeeList, oLvYear, employee.PayrollTypeID); lEntry.Leave = oleave; // lEntry.Leave = new LeaveService().Get(lEntry.LeaveID); if (!lEntry.Leave.AllowNegativeBalance) { var leaveStatus = leaveStatusList.Find(x => x.LeaveId == lEntry.LeaveID); if (leaveStatus == null) leaveStatus = new EmpLeaveStatus(); if (lEntry.Leave.IsBalanceCalculationNeeded && (leaveStatus.ClosingBalance <= 0 || leaveStatus.ClosingBalance < lEntry.AppliedTotalDays)) { throw new Exception("You do not have enough leaves"); } if (lEntry.Leave.IsBalanceCalculationNeeded) { int onApprovalLeaveCount = this.GetOnApprovalLeaveCount(employee.ID, lEntry.LeaveID, lEntry.LeaveYearId, EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval); if((leaveStatus.ClosingBalance - onApprovalLeaveCount) < lEntry.AppliedTotalDays) { throw new Exception("You are out of balance. You already have pending " + lEntry.Leave.Description); } } } if (lEntry.AppliedFromDate > lEntry.AppliedToDate) { throw new Exception("To date can not be less than from date"); } //if (lEntry.AppliedFromDate.Year < DateTime.Today.Year) //{ // throw new Exception("You can not apply for “Leave” on previous year"); //} if (oleave.RemarksNeeded && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lEntry.Remarks)) { throw new Exception("Reason is Needed"); } if (lEntry.AppliedFromDate.Date > oLvYear.EndDate.Date || lEntry.AppliedToDate.Date > oLvYear.EndDate.Date) { throw new Exception("Your leave date range exceeds the current leave year"); } //if (oLeave.Code.ToUpper() == "CL" || oLeave.Code.ToUpper() == "SL") //{ // if (closingBalance <= 0 && closingBalance < AppliedTotalDays) // { // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, string.Format("You can not apply for “{0} Leave” as the balance is zero or less than the number of applied days.", oLeave.Code.ToUpper() == "CL" ? "Casual" : "Blocked")); // } //} //if (oLeave.Code.ToUpper() == "AL") //{ // if ((currentLeaveStatus.OpeningBalance - currentLeaveStatus.LeaveAvailed) < AppliedTotalDays) // { // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Total days exceeding your available balance"); // } // if (isLFA) // { // if (ResponsiblePersonID == null || ResponsiblePersonID.Integer == 0) // { // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Responsible Person cannot be empty."); // } // } //} //if (oLeave.Code.ToUpper() == "ML") //{ // HREmployee oHREmp = new HREmployee().Get(oEmployee.EmployeeNo); // List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntries = LeaveEntry.GetByLeaveID(oLeave.ID.Integer, oEmployee.ID.Integer, oEmployee.JoiningDate, DateTime.Today); // if (AppliedTotalDays > 180) // { // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "You Cannot apply for more than 6 Months"); // } // if ((currentLeaveStatus.OpeningBalance - currentLeaveStatus.LeaveAvailed) < AppliedTotalDays) // { // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Total days exceeding your available balance"); // } // //TimeSpan dt = DateTime.Today - oEmployee.JoiningDate; // //if (dt.Days < 120) // //{ // // throw new Exception("You are not eligible for Maternity Leave!!!Eligible service length=120 Days."); // //} //} List<LeaveEntry> oLEs = new List<LeaveEntry>(); int currentLeaveEntryID = lEntry.ID; oLEs = this.Get(string.Empty, lEntry.EmpID, lEntry.LeaveYearId, null, lEntry.AppliedFromDate, lEntry.AppliedToDate, null, null); oLEs = oLEs.Where(x => x.LeaveStatus != EnumLeaveStatus.Declined && x.LeaveStatus != EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel && x.ID != currentLeaveEntryID).ToList(); // Previous Logic //oLEs = LeaveEntry.Get(oEmployee.ID.Integer.ToString(), AppliedFromDate, ApprovedToDate, EnumLeaveStatus.Drafted) // .Where(x => x.LeaveStatus != EnumLeaveStatus.Declined // || (x.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Declined && x.LeaveID.Integer == oLeave.ID.Integer && LeaveDayPeriod.Trim().ToUpper() == x.LeaveDayPeriod.Trim().ToUpper())) // .ToList(); if (oLEs.Count > 0) { throw new Exception("Overlap with previously applied leaves."); } //if (LeaveEntry.IsAttachmentAplicable(oLeave, (decimal)AppliedTotalDays)) //{ // if (this.Attachments == null || this.Attachments.Count <= 0) // { // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Medical documents for sick leave needs to be attached"); // } //} return true; } public int GetOnApprovalLeaveCount(int empId, int leaveId, int leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); int count = LeaveEntryDA.GetOnApprovalLeaveCount(tc, empId, leaveId, leaveYear, leaveStatus); tc.End(); return count; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get OnApproval Leave Count" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public List<LeaveAttachment> GetAllAttachmentsById(int leaveEntry) { List<LeaveAttachment> items = new List<LeaveAttachment>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader oreader = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetAttachments(tc, leaveEntry)); while (oreader.Read()) { LeaveAttachment item = new LeaveAttachment(); item.ID = oreader.GetInt32("LEAVEATTACHMENTID").Value; item.FileAsByteArray = oreader.GetLob("FILEDATA"); item.LeaveEntryID = oreader.GetInt32("LEAVEENTRYID").Value; item.FileType = (EnumFileType)oreader.GetInt32("FILETYPE").Value; item.OriginalFileName = oreader.GetString("ORIGINALFILENAME"); items.Add(item); } oreader.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return items; } public int Save(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { if (oLeaveEntry.Leave == null) { oLeaveEntry.Leave = new LeaveService().Get(oLeaveEntry.LeaveID); } if (oLeaveEntry.Employee == null) { oLeaveEntry.Employee = new EmployeeService().Get(oLeaveEntry.EmpID); } this.SaveValidation(oLeaveEntry, null, oLeaveEntry.Employee); tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); Save(oLeaveEntry, tc); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntry.ID; } public double GetLeaveExceptionAmtByType(int empId, int leaveId, LeaveException oLeaveEx, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); double amount = LeaveEntryDA.GetLeaveExceptionAmtByType(tc, empId, leaveId, oLeaveEx, (int)leaveStatus); tc.End(); return amount; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void LeaveApplicationApprove(WFMovementTran approver) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { SearchEmployee s = new SearchEmployeeService().get(approver.FromEmployeeID); LeaveEntry le = new LeaveEntryService().Get(approver.ObjectID); Leave oleave = new LeaveService().Get(le.LeaveID); tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); string approveString = s.EmployeeNo + "-" + s.Name + ", has approved your " + oleave.Description + " from " + le.AppliedFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " to " + le.AppliedToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " days:" + le.AppliedTotalDays.ToString("0") + "."; WFMovementTran newTran = new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>().Approve(tc, approver.ID, approver.FromEmployeeID, approver.Remarks, approveString); if (newTran.Status == EnumwfStatus.End) { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, le.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved); new DailyAttnProcessService().UpdateLeave(tc, le.EmpID, le.LeaveID, approver.UserID, le.ApprovedFromDate, le.ApprovedToDate); } else { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, le.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval); } tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void CancelRequestApprove(WFMovementTran approver) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { SearchEmployee s = new SearchEmployeeService().get(approver.FromEmployeeID); LeaveEntry le = new LeaveEntryService().Get(approver.ObjectID); Leave oleave = new LeaveService().Get(le.LeaveID); tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); string approveString = s.EmployeeNo + "-" + s.Name + ", has approved your Cancel Request of " + oleave.Description + " from " + le.AppliedFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " to " + le.AppliedToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " days:" + le.AppliedTotalDays.ToString("0") + "."; WFMovementTran newTran = new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>().Approve(tc, approver.ID, approver.FromEmployeeID, approver.Remarks, approveString); if (newTran.Status == EnumwfStatus.End) { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, le.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancelled_by_user); new DailyAttnProcessService().UndoLeave(tc, le.EmpID, approver.UserID, le.ApprovedFromDate, le.ApprovedToDate); } else { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, le.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request); } tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void ForceReject(TransactionContext tc, int leaveEntryID) { LeaveEntry oleaveEntry = new LeaveEntryService().Get(leaveEntryID); try { if (oleaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request) { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, leaveEntryID, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved); } else LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, leaveEntryID, EnumLeaveStatus.Declined); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void ForceComplete(TransactionContext tc, int leaveEntryID) { LeaveEntry oleaveEntry = new LeaveEntryService().Get(tc, leaveEntryID); try { if (oleaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request) { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, leaveEntryID, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancelled_by_user); new DailyAttnProcessService().UndoLeave(tc, oleaveEntry.EmpID, oleaveEntry.CreatedBy, oleaveEntry.ApprovedFromDate, oleaveEntry.ApprovedToDate); } else { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, leaveEntryID, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved); new DailyAttnProcessService().UpdateLeave(tc, oleaveEntry.EmpID, oleaveEntry.LeaveID, oleaveEntry.CreatedBy, oleaveEntry.ApprovedFromDate, oleaveEntry.ApprovedToDate); } } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void LeaveApplicationReject(WFMovementTran rejectTran) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { SearchEmployee s = new SearchEmployeeService().get(rejectTran.FromEmployeeID); LeaveEntry le = new LeaveEntryService().Get(rejectTran.ObjectID); Leave oleave = new LeaveService().Get(le.LeaveID); tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); string rejectString = s.EmployeeNo + "-" + s.Name + ", has rejected your " + oleave.Description + " from " + le.AppliedFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " to " + le.AppliedToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " days:" + le.AppliedTotalDays.ToString("0") + "."; new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>().Reject(tc, rejectTran.ID, rejectTran.FromEmployeeID, rejectTran.Remarks, rejectString); LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, le.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.Declined); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void CancelRequestReject(WFMovementTran rejectTran) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { SearchEmployee s = new SearchEmployeeService().get(rejectTran.FromEmployeeID); LeaveEntry le = new LeaveEntryService().Get(rejectTran.ObjectID); Leave oleave = new LeaveService().Get(le.LeaveID); tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); string rejectString = s.EmployeeNo + "-" + s.Name + ", has rejected your Cancel Request of " + oleave.Description + " from " + le.AppliedFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " to " + le.AppliedToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " days:" + le.AppliedTotalDays.ToString("0") + "."; new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>().Reject(tc, rejectTran.ID, rejectTran.FromEmployeeID, rejectTran.Remarks, rejectString); LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, le.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void LeaveApplicationRevert(WFMovementTran revertTran) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { SearchEmployee s = new SearchEmployeeService().get(revertTran.FromEmployeeID); LeaveEntry le = new LeaveEntryService().Get(revertTran.ObjectID); tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); string revertString = s.EmployeeNo + "-" + s.Name + ", has Rejected your " + le.LeaveName + "."; new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>().Revert(tc, revertTran.ID, revertTran.FromEmployeeID, revertTran.Remarks, revertString); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public int Save(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry, TransactionContext tc) { try { oLeaveEntry.ApprovedTotalDays = oLeaveEntry.AppliedTotalDays; bool isNew = oLeaveEntry.IsNew; if (oLeaveEntry.IsNew) { oLeaveEntry.ID = LeaveEntryDA.GetNewID(tc); LeaveEntryDA.Insert(tc, oLeaveEntry); this.SetObjectID(oLeaveEntry, oLeaveEntry.ID); } else { LeaveEntryDA.Update(tc, oLeaveEntry); } if (isNew == true && oLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval) { string subject = oLeaveEntry.Employee.EmployeeNo + "-" + oLeaveEntry.Employee.Name + ", has applied " + oLeaveEntry.Leave.Description + " from " + oLeaveEntry.AppliedFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " to " + oLeaveEntry.AppliedToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " days:" + oLeaveEntry.AppliedTotalDays.ToString() + ". Your Approval is required"; WFManager<IworkflowInterface> om = new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>(oLeaveEntry); om.InitiateProcess(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, oLeaveEntry.SetupID, oLeaveEntry.ID, "", subject); } else if(oLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved) { new DailyAttnProcessService().UpdateLeave(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, oLeaveEntry.LeaveID, oLeaveEntry.CreatedBy, oLeaveEntry.ApprovedFromDate, oLeaveEntry.ApprovedToDate); } } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntry.ID; } public void InitiateCancelRequest(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry) { Leave oleave = new LeaveService().Get(oLeaveEntry.LeaveID); if (oLeaveEntry.Employee == null) oLeaveEntry.Employee = new EmployeeService().Get(oLeaveEntry.EmpID); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); oLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus = EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request; LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, oLeaveEntry.ID, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request); string subject = oLeaveEntry.Employee.EmployeeNo + "-" + oLeaveEntry.Employee.Name + ", has applied for Cancellation of " + oleave.Description + " from " + oLeaveEntry.AppliedFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " to " + oLeaveEntry.AppliedToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") + " days:" + oLeaveEntry.AppliedTotalDays.ToString() + ". Your Approval is required"; WFManager<IworkflowInterface> om = new WFManager<IworkflowInterface>(oLeaveEntry); om.InitiateProcess(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, oLeaveEntry.SetupID, oLeaveEntry.ID, "", subject); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void OnapprovalCancelRequest(int tranId) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); LeaveEntryDA.OnapprovalCancelRequest(tc, tranId, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel, EnumwfStatus.Reject); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public List<string> SendMailToTheApproversForCancellation(int tranId, EmailSettings emailSettings) { DataTable approvarinfo = AllApproverInfo(tranId); List<string> errorList = new List<string>(); string body = "Dear <<TOEMPLOYEE>>," + "<br/><br/>" + "<<APPLIERID>>-<<APPLIERNAME>>, has cancelled <<LEAVENAME>> from <<FROMDATE>> to <<TODATE>> days : <<TOTALDAYS>>."; foreach (DataRow item in approvarinfo.Rows) { try { body = body.Replace("<<TOEMPLOYEE>>", item["NAME"].ToString()); body = body.Replace("<<APPLIERID>>", item["EMPNO"].ToString()); body = body.Replace("<<APPLIERNAME>>", item["EMPLOYEENAME"].ToString()); body = body.Replace("<<LEAVENAME>>", item["LEAVENAME"].ToString()); body = body.Replace("<<FROMDATE>>", Convert.ToDateTime(item["FROMDATE"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM yyyy")); body = body.Replace("<<TODATE>>", Convert.ToDateTime(item["TODATE"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM yyyy")); body = body.Replace("<<TOTALDAYS>>", Convert.ToDouble(item["TOTALDAYS"].ToString()).ToString()); MailSender mailSender = new MailSender(); mailSender.AddTo(item["EMAILADDRESS"].ToString()); mailSender.Subject = "Leave Cancellation"; mailSender.Body = "<p>" + body + "</p>"; mailSender.SendMail(emailSettings); } catch (Exception) { errorList.Add("Could Not Send Mail to " + item); } } return errorList; } public DataTable AllApproverInfo(int tranId) { DataTable tempdt = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); tempdt = LeaveEntryDA.AllApproverInfo(tc, tranId); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return tempdt; } public void UplaodFileInProfileUpdate(LeaveAttachment item) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); LeaveEntryDA.UploadFile(tc, item); tc.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(ex); throw new ServiceException("Failed to save file", ex); } } public void SaveLeaveEntryLifFung(List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); int leaveEntryID = tc.GenerateID("LeaveEntry", "TranId"); foreach (LeaveEntry lEntry in oLeaveEntrys) { if (lEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved) { base.SetObjectID(lEntry, leaveEntryID); LeaveEntryDA.Insert(tc, lEntry); new DailyAttnProcessService().UpdateLeaveAndReason(tc, lEntry.EmpID, lEntry.LeaveID, lEntry.CreatedBy, lEntry.ApprovedFromDate, lEntry.ApprovedToDate); } else if (lEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Cancelled_by_user) { //Cancelled_by_user //oItem.ApprovedFromDate, oItem.ApprovedToDate, empid, fromdate, todate, totaldays, leavestausApprove LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatusLiFung(tc, lEntry); DailyAttnProcessDA.RevertLeaveStatus(tc, lEntry.EmpID, lEntry.LeaveID, lEntry.CreatedBy, lEntry.ApprovedFromDate, lEntry.ApprovedToDate); } leaveEntryID++; } tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void SaveLeaveEntry(List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); SaveLeaveEntry(oLeaveEntrys, tc); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void SaveLeaveEntry(List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntry, TransactionContext tc) { try { int leaveEntryID = tc.GenerateID("LeaveEntry", "TranId"); foreach (LeaveEntry lEntry in oLeaveEntry) { base.SetObjectID(lEntry, leaveEntryID); LeaveEntryDA.Insert(tc, lEntry); leaveEntryID++; } } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void Delete(int id, int userid) { LeaveEntry ol = new LeaveEntryService().Get(id); if (ol.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval) { throw new Exception("Not allowed to delete on Approval leave"); } TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); LeaveEntryDA.Delete(tc, id); new DailyAttnProcessService().UndoLeave(tc, ol.EmpID, userid, ol.ApprovedFromDate, ol.ApprovedToDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } //public void Delete(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry) //{ // TransactionContext tc = null; // try // { // int nDays = 0; // tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); // AttnMonthlyBenefitService attnMonthlyService = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService(); // AttendanceProcess attnProcess = new AttendanceProcess(); // List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> attnmb = new List<AttnMonthlyBenefit>(); // List<DailyAttnProcess> _dAttnProcessess = null; // _dAttnProcessess = new List<DailyAttnProcess>(); // Payroll.Service.Attendence.Service.DailyAttnProcessService oAtt = new Payroll.Service.Attendence.Service.DailyAttnProcessService(); // DateTime fromDate = oLeaveEntry.ApprovedFromDate.Date; // DateTime toDate = oLeaveEntry.ApprovedToDate.Date; // List<DailyAttnProcess> daProcesses = DailyAttnProcess.Get(oLeaveEntry.EmpID.ToString(), fromDate, toDate); // if (daProcesses != null && daProcesses.Count > 0) // { // nDays = (int)((toDate.Ticks - fromDate.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) + 1; // DateTime date = fromDate; // for (int i = 1; i <= nDays; i++) // { // DailyAttnProcess dap = daProcesses.Where(o => o.AttnDate == date).FirstOrDefault(); // if (dap != null) // { // if (dap.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Leave) // { // dap.leaveEntry = null; // if (dap.InTime == DateTime.MinValue && dap.OutTime == DateTime.MinValue) // { // dap.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; // oAtt.UndoAttendanceStatus(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, date, dap.AttenType); // } // else if (dap.InTime != DateTime.MinValue && dap.OutTime == DateTime.MinValue) // { // dap.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; // oAtt.UndoAttendanceStatus(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, date, dap.AttenType); // } // else if (dap.InTime == DateTime.MinValue && dap.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue) // { // dap.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; // oAtt.UndoAttendanceStatus(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, date, dap.AttenType); // } // else // { // dap.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Present; // oAtt.UndoAttendanceStatus(tc, oLeaveEntry.EmpID, date, dap.AttenType); // } // } // } // date = date.AddDays(1); // } // } // LeaveEntryDA.Delete(tc, oLeaveEntry.ID); // tc.End(); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // #region Handle Exception // if (tc != null) // tc.HandleError(); // ExceptionLog.Write(e); // throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); // #endregion // } //} public void DeleteByLeaveYear(int nYear, int nLeaveid) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); LeaveEntryDA.DeleteByLeaveYear(tc, nYear, nLeaveid); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void UpdateStatus(TransactionContext tc, LeaveEntry oItem) { try { LeaveEntryDA.UpdateLeaveStatus(tc, oItem.ID, oItem.LeaveStatus); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Delete Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public DataTable GetYearEndData(int leaveYear) { DataTable oDT = new DataTable(); oDT.Columns.Add("LeaveId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("EmpId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("TotalDays", typeof(double)); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetYearEndData(tc, leaveYear)); //DataReader dr = new DataReader(dr); while (dr.Read()) { DataRow oRow = oDT.NewRow(); oRow["LeaveId"] = dr.GetInt32("LeaveId"); oRow["EmpId"] = dr.GetInt32("EmpId"); oRow["TotalDays"] = dr.GetDouble("TotalDays"); oDT.Rows.Add(oRow); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oDT; } public bool IsEntered(DateTime year) { bool res = false; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); res = LeaveEntryDA.IsEntered(tc, year); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Entry Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return res; } public DataTable GetAvailedLeave(DateTime stDate, DateTime endDate, string empIds) { DataTable oDT = new DataTable(); oDT.Columns.Add("EmpId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("LeaveId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("OrgId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("Organization", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("MonthCode", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("TotalDays", typeof(double)); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetAvailedLeave(tc, stDate, endDate, empIds)); while (dr.Read()) { DataRow oRow = oDT.NewRow(); oRow["LeaveId"] = dr.GetInt32("LeaveId"); oRow["EmpId"] = dr.GetInt32("EmpId"); oRow["OrgId"] = dr.GetInt32("OrgId"); oRow["Organization"] = dr.GetString("Organization"); oRow["MonthCode"] = 0; oRow["TotalDays"] = dr.GetDouble("TotalDays"); oDT.Rows.Add(oRow); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oDT; } public DataTable GetTotalLeaveAmountInYear(int leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { DataTable oDT = new DataTable(); oDT.Columns.Add("EmpId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("LeaveId", typeof(Int32)); oDT.Columns.Add("Days", typeof(Int32)); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetTotalLeaveAmountInYear(tc, leaveYear, leaveStatus)); while (dr.Read()) { DataRow oRow = oDT.NewRow(); oRow["LeaveId"] = dr.GetInt32("LeaveId"); oRow["Empid"] = dr.GetInt32("Empid"); oRow["Days"] = dr.GetInt32("Days"); oDT.Rows.Add(oRow); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oDT; } public DataSet GetLeaveReport(int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { DataSet oSet; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); oSet = LeaveEntryDA.GetLeaveReport(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Report" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oSet; } public DataSet GetAvailedLeave(int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { DataSet oSet; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); oSet = LeaveEntryDA.GetAvailedLeave(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Report" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oSet; } public DataTable GetMyTeamLeave(int linemanagerid, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate) { DataTable dSet = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); dSet = LeaveEntryDA.GetMyTeamLeave(tc, linemanagerid, fromdate, todate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return dSet; } public DataSet GetRecord(string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable oDT = new DataTable(); oDT.Columns.Add("TranID", typeof(System.Int64)); oDT.Columns.Add("Remarks", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("AppLeaveDate", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("AprFromDate", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("AprToDate", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("AprTotalDays", typeof(System.String)); oDT.Columns.Add("LeaveStatus", typeof(System.String)); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetRecord(tc, empIds, fromDate, toDate, (int)leaveStatus)); while (dr.Read()) { DataRow oRow = oDT.NewRow(); oRow["TranID"] = dr.GetDouble("TranID"); oRow["Remarks"] = dr.GetString("Remarks"); oRow["AprFromDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr.GetString("AprFromDate")).ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); oRow["AprToDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr.GetString("AprToDate")).ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); oRow["AprTotalDays"] = dr.GetString("AprTotalDays"); oRow["Description"] = dr.GetString("Description"); oRow["AppLeaveDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr.GetString("AppLeaveDate")).ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); short x = (short)dr.GetInt16("LeaveStatus"); switch (x) { case 0: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Drafted"; break; case 1: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Waiting for Approval"; break; case 2: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Approved"; break; case 3: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "reverted"; break; case 4: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Declined"; break; case 5: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Approved"; break; case 6: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Approved"; break; case 9: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Requested for Cancel"; break; case 10: oRow["LeaveStatus"] = "Cancelled"; break; } oDT.Rows.Add(oRow); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } ds.Tables.Add(oDT); return ds; } public DataSet GetReport(string query) { DataSet oSet; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); oSet = LeaveEntryDA.GetReport(tc, query); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Report" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oSet; } public List<LeaveAttachment> GetAttachments(int leaveEntryID) { TransactionContext tc = null; List<LeaveAttachment> leaveAttachments = null; LeaveAttachment leaveAttachment = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetAttachments(tc, leaveEntryID)); leaveAttachments = new List<LeaveAttachment>(); while (dr.Read()) { leaveAttachment = new LeaveAttachment(); MapLeaveAttachmentObject(leaveAttachment, dr); leaveAttachments.Add(leaveAttachment); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Attachment Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return leaveAttachments; } #region methods for WorkFlow internal protected static void UpdateForWF(TransactionContext tc, LeaveEntry leaveEntry) { LeaveEntryDA.Update(tc, leaveEntry); } public List<LeaveEntry> GetLFAOnMonth(DateTime onMonth) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void Delete(LeaveEntry oLeaveEntry) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion public List<HolidayCalendar> getCalenderByLocatin(List<HolidayCalendar> items, int locationID, int payrollTypeID) { List<Location> locs = new LocationService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, payrollTypeID); List<HolidayCalendar> locItems = items.FindAll(x => x.LocationID == locationID); // Region if (locItems == null || locItems.Count == 0) { Location loc = locs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == locationID); Location parent = locs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == loc.ParentID); if (parent != null) locItems = items.FindAll(x => x.LocationID == parent.ID); // Zone } if (locItems == null || locItems.Count == 0) { locItems = items.FindAll(x => x.LocationID == null || x.LocationID == 0); // Entire Company } return locItems; } private void ThrowMessageForMinimumDays(Leave leave, double calculatedDays) { if (leave.HasMinimumDays && leave.MinimumDays < calculatedDays) throw new Exception($"You have to take this leave for minimum {leave.MinimumDays} days!"); } public double CalculatedLeaveDays(int leaveid, int itemid, int locationID, EnumLeaveparamOn paramType, int payrollTypeid, DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate, bool fistHalf, bool SecondHalf, bool IsHalfDay, int employeeId) { if (FromDate == DateTime.MinValue || ToDate == DateTime.MinValue) return 0; if (FromDate.Date > ToDate.Date) return 0; double nDays = 0; bool bIgnoreHoliday = false; int sandwichLeave = 0; int nDiff = 0; int totalDayOff = 0; WorkPlanGroup workPlanGroup = new WorkPlanGroupService().GetByEmpId(employeeId); LeaveParameter oLeaveParam = new LeaveParameterService().GetApplicableParam(itemid, paramType, leaveid); totalDayOff = new ActingResponsibilitySetupService().GetTotalDayOff(employeeId, FromDate, ToDate); bIgnoreHoliday = oLeaveParam == null ? false : oLeaveParam.IgnoreHoliday; Leave leaveType = new LeaveService().Get(leaveid); if (workPlanGroup != null) { List<AttnNationalHoliday> _attnNationalHolidays; AttnNationalHoliday holiday = null; DateTime dtStart = FromDate.Date; _attnNationalHolidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetByMonthAndPayrollTypeWithDetails(FromDate.Date, ToDate.Date, payrollTypeid); for (int i = 0; dtStart <= ToDate.Date; i++) { holiday = new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetHoliday(_attnNationalHolidays, dtStart.Date, locationID, workPlanGroup.ID); if (!bIgnoreHoliday) // ignore holiday == true => consider holiday as normal day { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); nDays++; } else if (dtStart.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == workPlanGroup.HolidayOne.ToString().ToLower()) { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); continue; } else if (dtStart.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == workPlanGroup.HolidayTwo.ToString().ToLower()) { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); continue; } else if (holiday != null) { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); continue; } else { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); nDays++; } } nDays += sandwichLeave; nDays -= bIgnoreHoliday ? totalDayOff : 0; ThrowMessageForMinimumDays(leaveType, nDays > 0 ? (IsHalfDay ? (nDays - 0.5) : nDays) : 0); return nDays > 0 ? (IsHalfDay ? (nDays - 0.5) : nDays) : 0; } else { nDays = 0; workPlanGroup = null; LeaveParameterService lservice = new LeaveParameterService(); LeaveParameter lp = lservice.GetApplicableParam(itemid, paramType, leaveid); if (lp == null) return 0; AttnNationalHolidayService holidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService(); #region MyRegion nDiff = (int)(ToDate - FromDate).Days + 1; if (lp != null && lp.IgnoreHoliday) { HolidayCalendarService hcService = new HolidayCalendarService(); List<HolidayCalendar> oItems = new List<HolidayCalendar>(); oItems = hcService.GetbyDateRange(FromDate, ToDate); oItems = this.getCalenderByLocatin(oItems, locationID, payrollTypeid); if (oItems == null) oItems = new List<HolidayCalendar>(); var results = from p in oItems group p by p.HolidayDate into g select g; foreach (var hc in results) { if (hc.Key >= FromDate && hc.Key <= ToDate) { nDays += 1; } } } if (lp.CalculationType == EnumLeaveCalculationType.Hourly_365Day) { nDays = (nDiff - nDays) > 0 ? (nDiff - nDays) * 8 : 0; } else if (lp.CalculationType == EnumLeaveCalculationType.Days_365) { nDays = (nDiff - nDays) > 0 ? nDiff - nDays : 0; } else { nDays = (nDiff - nDays) > 0 ? nDiff - nDays : 0; } nDays -= totalDayOff; ThrowMessageForMinimumDays(leaveType, IsHalfDay && nDays == 1 ? nDays - 0.5 : nDays); return IsHalfDay && nDays == 1 ? nDays - 0.5 : nDays; } #endregion } public double GetApplicableDays(Leave oLeave, Employee oEmployee, DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate, bool IsHalfDay = false) { if (FromDate == DateTime.MinValue || ToDate == DateTime.MinValue) return 0; if (FromDate.Date > ToDate.Date) return 0; if (oLeave == null) return 0; if (oEmployee == null) return 0; int nDays = 0; bool bIgnoreHoliday = false; int sandwichLeave = 0; int nDiff = 0; //int nDiff = (int)((ToDate.Date.Ticks - FromDate.Date.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay) + 1; LeaveParameter oLeaveParam = new LeaveParameterService().ApplicableParam(oEmployee, oLeave.ID); bIgnoreHoliday = oLeaveParam == null ? false : oLeaveParam.IgnoreHoliday; //if (!bIgnoreHoliday) // ignore holiday == true => consider holiday as normal day //{ // return nDiff > 0 ? (IsHalfDay ? nDiff - 0.5 : nDiff) : 0; //} WorkPlanGroup workPlanGroup = new WorkPlanGroupService().Get(oEmployee); if (workPlanGroup != null) { List<AttnNationalHoliday> _attnNationalHolidays; AttnNationalHoliday holiday = null; DateTime dtStart = FromDate.Date; _attnNationalHolidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetByMonthAndPayrollType(FromDate.Date, ToDate.Date, oEmployee.PayrollTypeID); for (int i = 0; dtStart <= ToDate.Date; i++) { holiday = new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetHoliday(_attnNationalHolidays, dtStart.Date, oEmployee.LocationID ?? 0, workPlanGroup.ID); if (!bIgnoreHoliday) // ignore holiday == true => consider holiday as normal day { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); nDays++; } else if (dtStart.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == workPlanGroup.HolidayOne.ToString().ToLower()) { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); continue; } else if (dtStart.ToString("dddd").ToLower() == workPlanGroup.HolidayTwo.ToString().ToLower()) { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); continue; } else if (holiday != null) { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); continue; } else { dtStart = dtStart.AddDays(1); nDays++; } } nDays += sandwichLeave; return nDays > 0 ? (IsHalfDay ? (nDays - 0.5) : nDays) : 0; } else { List<HolidayCalendar> oItems = new HolidayCalendarService().GetWeeklyAndLocHoliday(oEmployee.LocationID); nDays = oItems.Where(x => x.HolidayDate.Date >= FromDate.Date && x.HolidayDate.Date <= ToDate.Date && bIgnoreHoliday).Count(); return (nDiff - nDays) > 0 ? (IsHalfDay ? (nDiff - nDays) - 0.5 : (nDiff - nDays)) : 0; } } public LeaveEntry RefreshObject(int responsiblePersonID, string address, int leaveid, Employee oEmployee, DateTime FromDate, DateTime Todate, double TotalDays, string Reason, string LeaveDayPeriod, EnumHalf SelectedHalf, int userid, int LeaveEntryID = 0, bool isLFA = false, bool IsHalfDay=false) { //LeaveParameter oLeaveParameter = null; LeaveEntry _oLeaveEntry = null; //oLeaveParameter = new LeaveParameterService().ApplicableParam(oEmployee, leaveid); //if (oLeaveParameter == null) //{ // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Setup not found for " + oLeave.Description); //} LeaveYear currentLeaveYear = new LeaveYearService().GetCurrentYear(oEmployee.PayrollTypeID); if (currentLeaveYear == null) { throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Current Leave Year not set"); } //if (address.Trim() == string.Empty) //{ // throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "Please enter Address"); //} if (LeaveEntryID == 0) { _oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntry(); _oLeaveEntry.EmpID = oEmployee.ID; _oLeaveEntry.DesignationID = oEmployee.DesignationID ?? 0; _oLeaveEntry.DepartmentID = oEmployee.DepartmentID ?? 0; _oLeaveEntry.EmpGradeId = oEmployee.GradeID ?? 0; _oLeaveEntry.LocationID = oEmployee.LocationID ?? 0; _oLeaveEntry.LeaveYearId = currentLeaveYear.ID; _oLeaveEntry.ApprovedBy = 1; _oLeaveEntry.AvailedBy = oEmployee.ID; _oLeaveEntry.AppliedLeaveDate = DateTime.Today; _oLeaveEntry.IsAvailed = 0; _oLeaveEntry.AvailRemarks = address != null ? address.Trim() : string.Empty; _oLeaveEntry.LeaveEntryType = 0; _oLeaveEntry.CreatedBy = leaveid; _oLeaveEntry.CreatedDate = DateTime.Today; } else { _oLeaveEntry = new LeaveEntryService().Get(LeaveEntryID); _oLeaveEntry.ModifiedBy = userid; _oLeaveEntry.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Today; } //_oLeaveEntry.ApprovedParamId = oLeaveParameter.ID; //_oLeaveEntry.AppliedParamId = oLeaveParameter.ID; _oLeaveEntry.LeaveID = leaveid; _oLeaveEntry.AppliedTotalDays = TotalDays; _oLeaveEntry.ApprovedTotalDays = _oLeaveEntry.AppliedTotalDays; _oLeaveEntry.AppliedFromDate = FromDate; _oLeaveEntry.AppliedToDate = Todate; _oLeaveEntry.ApprovedFromDate = _oLeaveEntry.AppliedFromDate; _oLeaveEntry.ApprovedToDate = _oLeaveEntry.AppliedToDate; _oLeaveEntry.Remarks = Reason; _oLeaveEntry.ResponsiblePersonID = responsiblePersonID; _oLeaveEntry.AvailRemarks = address != null ? address.Trim() : ""; _oLeaveEntry.IsDrafted = 0; _oLeaveEntry.isLFA = isLFA; _oLeaveEntry.IsHalfday = IsHalfDay; _oLeaveEntry.SelectedHalf = SelectedHalf; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LeaveDayPeriod)) { _oLeaveEntry.LeaveDayPeriod = LeaveDayPeriod; } _oLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus = EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval; return _oLeaveEntry; } public List<LeaveEntry> GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { List<LeaveEntry> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(empIds)) { oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntry>(); } else { DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(tc, empIds, fromDate, toDate)); oLeaveEntrys = this.CreateObjects<LeaveEntry>(dr); dr.Close(); } tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } public List<LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport> GetPreviousDateApprovedLeaveEntry(DateTime leaveApprovedDate, string salesHeadEmailAddress, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus) { List<LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport> oLeaveEntrys = new List<LeaveEntryDetailsMailSenderReport>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetPreviousDateApprovedLeaveEntry(tc, leaveApprovedDate, salesHeadEmailAddress, leaveStatus)); while (dr.Read()) { oLeaveEntrys.Add(this.CreateObjectForSchedular(dr)); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveEntrys; } //For Single employee Leave Ledger Mobile App public List<LeaveLedgerMobile> GetEmpLeaveLedger(int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { List<LeaveLedgerMobile> oLeaveLedgerMobiles = new List<LeaveLedgerMobile>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetEmpleaveLedger(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate)); while (dr.Read()) { oLeaveLedgerMobiles.Add(this.CreateObjectForLeaveLedgerMobile(dr)); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch(Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveLedgerMobiles; } //For Team Upcoming Leave Mobile App public List<LeaveLedgerMobile> GetMyTeamUpcomingLeave(int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { List<LeaveLedgerMobile> oLeaveLedgerMobiles = new List<LeaveLedgerMobile>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveEntryDA.GetMyTeamUpcomingLeave(tc, empId, fromDate, toDate)); while (dr.Read()) { oLeaveLedgerMobiles.Add(this.CreateObjectForLeaveLedgerMobile(dr)); } dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaveLedgerMobiles; } public string UploadLeaveAttachment(int leaveId, string fileName, byte[] fileData) { // for mobile application string base64String = string.Empty; LeaveAttachment item = new LeaveAttachment(); string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); item.OriginalFileName = fileName; item.LeaveEntryID = leaveId; item.FileType = extension == ".pdf" ? EnumFileType.PDF : EnumFileType.Image; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { new MemoryStream(fileData).CopyTo(ms); item.FileAsByteArray = ms.ToArray(); byte[] textAsBytes = ms.ToArray(); new LeaveEntryService().UplaodFileInProfileUpdate(item); base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(textAsBytes); } return base64String; } public DataTable GetMultipleLeaveLedgerData(int leaveYearId, int leaveId, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { TransactionContext tc = null; DataTable dt = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); fromDate = fromDate.FirstDateOfMonth(); toDate = toDate.LastDateOfMonth(); dt = LeaveEntryDA.GetMultipleLeaveLedgerData(tc, leaveYearId, leaveId, empIds, fromDate, toDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return dt; } public DataTable GetMultipleLeaveLedgerData(int leaveYearId, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { TransactionContext tc = null; DataTable dt = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); fromDate = fromDate.FirstDateOfMonth(); toDate = toDate.LastDateOfMonth(); dt = LeaveEntryDA.GetMultipleLeaveLedgerData(tc, leaveYearId, empIds, fromDate, toDate); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave Information" + e.Message, e); #endregion } return dt; } public DataSet GetAnnualLeave(int empId) { DataSet dsetDSB = new DataSet(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); dsetDSB = LeaveEntryDA.GetAnnualLeave(tc, empId); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return dsetDSB; } public DataTable GetLeaveTodayAndNextWeek(Employee oEmp, EnumLeaveStatus status) { DataTable dt = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); dt = LeaveEntryDA.GetLeaveTodayAndNextWeek(tc, oEmp, status); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return dt; } public DataTable getTopLeaveChartData(Employee oEmp, int leaveYearId, EnumLeaveStatus status) { DataTable dt = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); dt = LeaveEntryDA.getTopLeaveChartData(tc, oEmp, leaveYearId, status); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return dt; } public DataTable getcorehrLeaveChartData(Employee oEmp, int leaveYearId, EnumLeaveStatus status) { DataTable dt = null; TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); dt = LeaveEntryDA.getcorehrLeaveChartData(tc, oEmp, leaveYearId, status); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return dt; } #endregion } #endregion }