using System.Data; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using HRM.BO; using HRM.DA; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; namespace HRM.UI.Controllers { [ApiController] [Route("api/DynamicPicker")] [Authorize] public class DynamicPickerController : ControllerBase { private string ServiceAssemblyName = "HRM.DA"; private string BOAssemblyName = "HRM.BO"; public DynamicPickerController() { } [HttpPost] [Route("PickerSearch")] public ActionResult PickerSearch(DynamicPicker cty) { Type t = this.GetTypeofObject(cty.sourceObject, true); var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t); //return Ok(); string fName = "Get"; if (cty.searchFunctionName != null && cty.searchFunctionName != "undefined") { fName = cty.searchFunctionName; } #region function parameter setup // var svalues = cty.seachControls.Where(x => x.value != null && x.value != "undefined" && x.value != ""); object[] param = new object[cty.searchControls.Count()]; Type[] paramtypes = new Type[cty.searchControls.Count()]; int i = 0; bool emptyvalue = false; foreach (DynamicPickerSearch item in cty.searchControls) { if (item.value == "undefined" && item.value == "") { emptyvalue = true; } if(item.PropertyName.ToUpper() == "PAYROLLTYPEID" ) { CurrentUser currentUser = CurrentUser.GetCurrentUser(HttpContext.User); if(currentUser.PayrollTypeID !=null) param[i] = currentUser.PayrollTypeID; else if (cty.PayrollTypeID !=null) { param[i] = cty.PayrollTypeID; } else { throw new Exception("Failed to get PayrollTypeID"); } paramtypes[i] = typeof(int); i = i + 1; continue; } switch (item.controlType) { case EnumDynamicControlType.TextBox: { if (emptyvalue == true) param[i] = string.Empty; else param[i] = item.value; paramtypes[i] = typeof(string); break; } case EnumDynamicControlType.DropDownEnumData: { paramtypes[i] = this.GetTypeofObject(item.PropertyName, false); if (emptyvalue == true) param[i] = null; else Enum.TryParse(paramtypes[i], item.value, out param[i]); // This code is used to get only active status data for dynamic-picker #region Active Status param = new object[2]; param[i] = EnumStatus.Active; if(cty.PayrollTypeID == null) param[i + 1] = (int)CurrentUser.GetCurrentUser(HttpContext.User).PayrollTypeID; else param[i + 1] = (int)cty.PayrollTypeID; paramtypes = new Type[2]; paramtypes[i] = typeof(EnumStatus); paramtypes[i + 1] = typeof(int); #endregion Active Status break; } case EnumDynamicControlType.DropDownServerData: { int Newintvlaue = 0; if (emptyvalue == true) param[i] = null; else Int32.TryParse(item.value, out Newintvlaue); param[i] = Newintvlaue; paramtypes[i] = ((string) param[i]).GetType(); break; } case EnumDynamicControlType.CheckBox: paramtypes[i] = ((Boolean) param[i]).GetType(); break; case EnumDynamicControlType.DateTime: paramtypes[i] = ((DateTime) param[i]).GetType(); break; case EnumDynamicControlType.NumText: paramtypes[i] = ((int) param[i]).GetType(); break; case EnumDynamicControlType.IntNumText: paramtypes[i] = Convert.ToInt32(param[i]).GetType(); // ((int) param[i]).GetType(); int intvlaue = 0; if (emptyvalue == true) param[i] = null; else Int32.TryParse(item.value, out intvlaue); param[i] = intvlaue; break; default: break; } i = i + 1; } #endregion MethodInfo voidMethodInfo = t.GetMethod(fName, paramtypes); object ost = voidMethodInfo.Invoke(obj, param); dynamic collection = ost as IEnumerable; return collection; } private Type GetTypeofObject(string objectName, bool IsService) { string AssName = IsService == false ? this.BOAssemblyName + "." + objectName : this.ServiceAssemblyName + "." + objectName + "Service"; Assembly assem = Assembly.Load(IsService == false ? this.BOAssemblyName : this.ServiceAssemblyName); Type t = assem.GetType(AssName); return t; } } public class DynamicPicker { public string sourceObject { get; set; } public List searchControls { get; set; } public string IDColumnName { get; set; } public string parentID { get; set; } public string parentColumnName { get; set; } public string searchFunctionName { get; set; } public int? PayrollTypeID { get; set; } public DynamicPicker() { } } public class DynamicPickerSearch { public string value { get; set; } public string PropertyName { get; set; } public string controlID { get; set; } public EnumDynamicControlType controlType { get; set; } } }