true true Letter of Appointment. 2pt true true With reference to your interview with us, we are pleassed to make the following agrement between true true Echotex Limited textbox3 0.47916in 0.26042in 4.12916in 2 true House # 139, Lane-4, New DOSH, Mohakhali Dhaka, Factory: Chandra,Pallibiddut,Kaliakoir Gazipur, Bangladesh true true and textbox5 1.625in 0.22917in 0.5in 4 true true = First(Fields!EmpName.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") textbox6 1.85417in 0.25in 4.11527in 5 true true Vill: true true Post: true true Dist: true true Home Phone: true true Mobile: true true Date Of Birth: true true Nationality: true true Maritual Status: true true Sex: true true Religion: true true Police Station: true true =First(Fields!VillagePA.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true =First(Fields!PostOfficePA.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true =First(Fields!ThanaPA.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true =First(Fields!DistrictPA.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true true true =First(Fields!Nationality.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true =First(Fields!Religion.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true =First(Fields!Gender.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true =First(Fields!MartialStatus.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true true true true =First(Fields!BirthDate.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true The two parties agree to work and co-operate togather to achive the company's goal based on the following terms and conditions. true 1. Designation true The Employee will be employeed as true true =First(Fields!Designation.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") true 2. Duties and Responsibilites true a. He should Come in to the factory in time. true b. He should make trim list according to order . true c. He should make measurement sheet. true d. He should make booking according to order sheet. true e. He should give needed consumtion againest order. true f. He will report to marchandiser. true g. He should obey the rules and regulation of the company. true true 3. Reporting true marchandiser and textbox42 6.52in 2.4986in 0.2in 1.1257in 41 true would also be required to report, from time to time, to the true Asst. Manager of marchandiser. true 4. Remuneration true The employee would be entitled to an all inclusive salary of TK. true =Sum(Fields!Basic.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!HouseRent.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!Conveyence.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!Medical.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!Food.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") textbox48 7.225in 4.02916in 0.18in 0.84028in 47 2pt 2pt true per month as under: true =Parameters!AmountInWord.Value 7.225in 4.86944in 0.18in 2.99513in 49 true Item 2pt 2pt true Taka 7.65583in 2.86874in 0.18in 1in 51 2pt 2pt true Basic 2pt 2pt true House Rent 2pt 2pt true Conveyance true =Sum(Fields!HouseRent.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") 8.04417in 2.85833in 0.18in 1in 55 2pt 2pt true Medical true =Sum(Fields!Basic.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") 7.86417in 2.85833in 0.18in 1in 57 2pt 2pt true =Sum(Fields!Conveyence.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") 8.22417in 2.85833in 0.18in 1in 58 2pt 2pt true =Sum(Fields!Medical.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") 8.40417in 2.85833in 0.18in 1in 59 2pt 2pt true Total true =Sum(Fields!Basic.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!HouseRent.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!Conveyence.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!Medical.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo")+Sum(Fields!Food.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") 8.61042in 2.85833in 0.18in 1in 61 2pt 2pt true You will be ib probation priode of true Six months true which may be extended up to depending on your performance upon. There would true be an annual performance evaluation and the feedback would be intimated to The Employee. true =First(Fields!JoiningDate.Value, "dsCompany_EmployeeAppointmentInfo") 2pt 2pt true 2pt 2pt true 5. Income Tax true Your income tax (if applicable) will be deducted at source and you will receive a statment of tax deduction in this true 6. Contract Periode true This is an open ended contact. The employee would be currently based in Echotex Limited, Chandra, Pallibiddut ,Kaliakoir, Gazipur. true 7. Working hours true You shall work six days a week, and the official working hours from 8:00 till 17:30 hours. But the employee have no fixed hours of work if it is so necessary to full fill the obligation of the post and to meet the company's objectives. true 8. Leave Benefits true As per company policy. true 9. Bonus true As per company policy. true 10. Termination true Your service may be terminated without notice in the event of disobedence, fraud, neglect of duty, breach of any of the regulations oth the company or any kind of misconduct, which is likely to bring disrepute to the company. Otherwise two calender months written notice is to be given by either party for normal. Terminating of employment, intimatching such a decision or make good to the other party two months full pay in cash, in leu of such notice. true 11. Obligations true Your obligations under this contract of employment include inter alias, To serve the company exclusively, faithfully and diligently and to observe and perform all lawfull directions weather written r oral that may be given to you from time to time. true 12. Rules true You are required to abide by all the rules and regulations of the company. true 13. Acceptance true In all points of this agreement, both the parties solemnly pledge to satisfy the company's mission and objectives. true The date of joining the company would be true or by which the employee reports to the employeer , 2pt 2pt true which erver is later. 2pt 2pt true 2pt 2pt true Director and Ethical Traders 17.25153in 0.22291in 0.18in 2.56875in 91 2pt 2pt true Employee 17.25153in 5.29582in 0.18in 2.56875in 92 2pt 2pt true (60%) 2pt 2pt true (30%) 2pt 2pt true (4%) 2pt 2pt true (6%) 2pt 2pt true true (herein after alled the Company) Textbox98 0.49236in 4.12916in 0.25in 3.69792in 97 2pt 2pt true true (herein after alled the Employee) Textbox100 1.85902in 4.12916in 0.25in 3.73541in 98 2pt 2pt 17.48153in Textbox93 0.47792in 7.82708in 2pt 2pt true true [Ref No: Echotex Ltd/Recruitment 2pt 2pt true true ="Date:" &Format(Today(), "dd MMM yyyy") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt