using HRM.BO; using Ease.Core.DataAccess; using Ease.Core.Model; using Ease.Core.Utility; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace HRM.DA { #region Leave Service public class LeaveService : ServiceTemplate, ILeaveService { #region Private functions and declaration public LeaveService() { } private void MapObject(Leave oLeave, DataReader oReader) { base.SetObjectID(oLeave, oReader.GetInt32("LeaveID").Value); oLeave.Code = oReader.GetString("Code"); oLeave.Description = oReader.GetString("Description"); oLeave.DescriptionInBangla = oReader.GetString("DescriptionInBangla", true, null); oLeave.RemarksNeeded = oReader.GetBoolean("RemarksNeeded").Value; oLeave.ApplicableFor = (EnumGender)oReader.GetInt32("ApplicableFor").Value; oLeave.IsBalanceCalculationNeeded = oReader.GetBoolean("IsBalanceCalRequired").Value; oLeave.AutoLeaveReason = oReader.GetBoolean("AutoLeaveReason").Value; oLeave.Status = (EnumStatus)oReader.GetInt32("Status").Value; oLeave.IsEarnedLeave = oReader.GetBoolean("IsEarnedLeave").Value; oLeave.Sequence = oReader.GetInt32("SequenceNo").Value; oLeave.CreatedBy = oReader.GetString("CreatedBy") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("CreatedBy").Value; oLeave.CreatedDate = oReader.GetDateTime("CreatedDate").Value; oLeave.ModifiedBy = oReader.GetString("ModifiedBy") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("ModifiedBy").Value; ; oLeave.ModifiedDate = oReader.GetDateTime("ModifiedDate"); oLeave.IsHalfDayLeave = oReader.GetBoolean("IsHalfDayLeave").Value; oLeave.IsAttachmentNeeded = oReader.GetBoolean("IsAttachmentNeeded").HasValue ? oReader.GetBoolean("IsAttachmentNeeded").Value : false; oLeave.PayrollTypeID = oReader.GetString("payrollTypeID") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("payrollTypeID").Value; oLeave.AttachmentMaxDays = oReader.GetString("AttachmentMaxDays") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("AttachmentMaxDays").Value; oLeave.AttachmentMaxDays = oReader.GetString("AttachmentMaxDays") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("AttachmentMaxDays").Value; oLeave.IsLFA = oReader.GetBoolean("IsLFA").HasValue ? oReader.GetBoolean("IsLFA").Value : false; oLeave.LfaMaxDays = oReader.GetString("LfaMaxDays") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("LfaMaxDays").Value; oLeave.AllowNegativeBalance = oReader.GetBoolean("AllowNegativeBalance").HasValue ? oReader.GetBoolean("AllowNegativeBalance").Value : false; oLeave.MaxConsequentDays = oReader.GetString("MaxConsequentDays") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("MaxConsequentDays").Value; oLeave.IsCompensatoryLeave = oReader.GetBoolean("IsCompensatoryLeave").Value; oLeave.IsPreApproval = oReader.GetBoolean("IsPreApproval").HasValue ? oReader.GetBoolean("IsPreApproval").Value : false; oLeave.PreApprovalDays = oReader.GetString("PreApprovalDays") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("PreApprovalDays").Value; oLeave.IsSelfCancellation = oReader.GetBoolean("IsSelfCancellation").HasValue ? oReader.GetBoolean("IsSelfCancellation").Value : false; oLeave.SelfCancellationDays = oReader.GetString("SelfCancellationDays") == null ? 0 : oReader.GetInt32("SelfCancellationDays").Value; oLeave.CancelOnApprovalLeaveEntry = oReader.GetBoolean("CancelOnApprovalLeaveEntry", false); oLeave.HasMinimumDays = oReader.GetBoolean("HasMinimumDays", true, false); oLeave.MinimumDays = oReader.GetInt32("MinimumDays", true, 0); oLeave.BalanceRoundofDigit = oReader.GetInt32("BalanceRoundofDigit", true, 1); this.SetObjectState(oLeave, Ease.Core.ObjectState.Saved); //this.SetObjectState(oLeave, ObjectState.Saved); } protected override T CreateObject<T>(DataReader oReader) { Leave oLeave = new Leave(); MapObject(oLeave, oReader); return oLeave as T; } private Leave CreateObject(DataReader oReader) { Leave oLeave = new Leave(); MapObject(oLeave, oReader); return oLeave; } #endregion #region Service implementation public Leave Get(int id) { Leave oLeave = new Leave(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader oreader = new DataReader(LeaveDA.Get(tc, id)); if (oreader.Read()) { oLeave = this.CreateObject<Leave>(oreader); } oreader.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave", e); #endregion } return oLeave; } //public Leave GetIDByName(string sLeave, int payrollTypeID) //{ // Leave oLeave = new Leave(); // TransactionContext tc = null; // try // { // tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); // DataReader oreader = new DataReader(LeaveDA.GetIDByName(tc, sLeave, payrollTypeID)); // if (oreader.Read()) // { // oLeave = this.CreateObject<Leave>(oreader); // } // oreader.Close(); // tc.End(); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // #region Handle Exception // if (tc != null) // tc.HandleError(); // ExceptionLog.Write(e); // throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave", e); // #endregion // } // return oLeave; //} //public Leave GetIDByCode(string sLeave, int payrollTypeID) //{ // Leave oLeave = new Leave(); // TransactionContext tc = null; // try // { // tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); // DataReader oreader = new DataReader(LeaveDA.GetIDByCode(tc, sLeave, payrollTypeID)); // if (oreader.Read()) // { // oLeave = this.CreateObject<Leave>(oreader); // } // oreader.Close(); // tc.End(); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // #region Handle Exception // if (tc != null) // tc.HandleError(); // ExceptionLog.Write(e); // throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave", e); // #endregion // } // return oLeave; //} public List<Leave> GetAll() { List<Leave> oLeaves = new List<Leave>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveDA.GetAll(tc)); oLeaves = this.CreateObjects<Leave>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return oLeaves; } public List<Leave> getEmpApplicableLeave(int employeeid) { List<Leave> leaves = new List<Leave>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveDA.GetEmpApplicableLeave(tc, employeeid)); leaves = this.CreateObjects<Leave>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return leaves; } public List<Leave> Get(EnumStatus status, string code, string name, int payrollTypeID) { List<Leave> leaves = new List<Leave>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveDA.Get(tc, status, code, name, payrollTypeID)); leaves = this.CreateObjects<Leave>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return leaves; } public List<Leave> Get(EnumStatus status, int payrollTypeID) { List<Leave> leaves = new List<Leave>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveDA.Get(tc, status, String.Empty, String.Empty, payrollTypeID)); leaves = this.CreateObjects<Leave>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return leaves; } public List<Leave> Get() { List<Leave> leaves = new List<Leave>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveDA.Get(tc)); leaves = this.CreateObjects<Leave>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return leaves; } public int Save(Leave oLeave) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); if (oLeave.IsNew) { int id = tc.GenerateID("Leave", "LeaveID"); base.SetObjectID(oLeave, id); int seqNo = tc.GenerateID("Leave", "SequenceNO"); oLeave.Sequence = seqNo; LeaveDA.Insert(tc, oLeave); } else { LeaveDA.Update(tc, oLeave); } tc.End(); return oLeave.ID; } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); //throw new ServiceException("Failed to Get Leave", e); throw new Exception("Failed to Insert Leave. Because " + e.Message, e); #endregion } } public void Delete(int id, int payrollTypeID) { TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(true); LeaveDA.Delete(tc, id, payrollTypeID); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } } public List<Leave> GetLeaves(int payrollTypeID) { List<Leave> leaves = new List<Leave>(); TransactionContext tc = null; try { tc = TransactionContext.Begin(); DataReader dr = new DataReader(LeaveDA.GetLeaves(tc, payrollTypeID)); leaves = this.CreateObjects<Leave>(dr); dr.Close(); tc.End(); } catch (Exception e) { #region Handle Exception if (tc != null) tc.HandleError(); ExceptionLog.Write(e); throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); #endregion } return leaves; } public string Get(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { string str = (toDate.Day - fromDate.Day + 1).ToString(); return str; } public bool IsAttachmentAplicable(Leave leave, decimal totalDays) { //if (totalDays > 3 && (leave.Code.ToLower() == "sl" || leave.Code.ToLower() == "ml") && leave.IsAttachmentNeeded) if ((leave.Code.Trim().ToLower().Contains("sl".ToString()) || leave.Code.Trim().ToLower().Contains("ml".ToString())) && leave.IsAttachmentNeeded && totalDays >= leave.AttachmentMaxDays) { return true; } else return false; } #endregion } #endregion }