import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {NavigationEnd, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {AppComponent} from './app.component'; import {AppMainComponent} from './app.main.component'; import {Employee} from './_models/Employee/employee'; import {AuthService} from './_services/auth/auth.service'; import {AuthGuard} from './_guards/auth.guard'; import {User} from './_models/Authentication/user'; import {ApiService} from './app.api.service'; import {MenuService} from './'; import {Bookmark} from './_models/Basic/bookmark'; import {HRMNotificationService} from './app.notification.service'; import {PendingJobDTO} from './_models/Work-Flow/pendingJobDTO'; import {RolePermission} from './_models/Authentication/role'; import {JwtHelperService} from '@auth0/angular-jwt'; import { EnumUserType } from './_models/enums'; import { loadingPanelService } from './hrm-loding panel/loding.panel.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-topbar', templateUrl: './app.topbar.component.html', styles: [`.topbar-bar-icon { color: #000000; } `] }) export class AppTopBarComponent implements OnInit { model: any = {}; employee: Employee; loginName: string = ''; selectedMenuName: string = 'selected Menu'; bookmarkIcon = 'pi pi-bookmark'; currentRoute: string; pendingJobDTOs: PendingJobDTO[] = []; pendingJobCount: number = 0; isSuperUser: boolean = false; swithtypeName: string = "Super-User" switchUserID: number = undefined; constructor(public userService: AuthService, public app: AppComponent, public appMain: AppMainComponent, public loadingPanel: loadingPanelService, public authService: AuthService, private router: Router, public _auth: AuthGuard, public apiService: ApiService, public menuService: MenuService, public notificationService: HRMNotificationService,) { this._auth.menuEvent.subscribe(value => this.getloginUser()); this.bookmarkIcon = this.menuService?.clickedMenuItem?.isBookmarked ? 'pi pi-bookmark-fill' : 'pi pi-bookmark'; this.pendingJobCount = 0; if (performance.navigation.type == performance.navigation.TYPE_RELOAD) { this.pendingJobDTOs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pendingjobs')); if (this.pendingJobDTOs != undefined) { this.pendingJobCount = this.pendingJobDTOs != null || this.pendingJobDTOs != undefined ? this.pendingJobDTOs.length : 0; } this.pendingJobDTOs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pendingjobs')); this.menuService.clickedMenuItem = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('selectedMenu')); this.menuService.bookMarkpages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('bookmark')); const jwtHelper = new JwtHelperService(); const user = jwtHelper.decodeToken(localStorage.getItem('token')); if (user != undefined) { this.loginName = user.UserName; this.isSuperUser = true; var spItem = localStorage.getItem('switchUserID'); if (spItem != undefined && spItem != null) { this.isSuperUser = false; this.swithtypeName = "Switch to Super-User"; this.switchUserID = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('switchUserID')); } else if (user.UserType == EnumUserType.SuperUser && user.EmployeeID != undefined) { this.swithtypeName = "Switch to ESS"; } } } if (this.pendingJobDTOs != undefined && this.pendingJobDTOs.length === 0) { this.pendingJobDTOs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pendingjobs')); this.pendingJobCount = this.pendingJobDTOs != null || this.pendingJobDTOs != undefined ? this.pendingJobDTOs.length : 0; } // => event instanceof NavigationEnd) // .subscribe(event => { // this.currentRoute = event.url; // console.log(event); // }); //this.userService.GetLogInUserType().subscribe( // (resc: any) => { // console.log(resc); // }, // (errmenu: any) => { // }, // () => { // } //); } ngOnInit() { //this.loadBookmark(); this.loadPendingJobs(); } loadBookmark() { this.authService.subject.subscribe( (resp) => { this.menuService.bookMarkpages = resp; }, () => { }, () => { }, ); } loadPendingJobs() { this.authService.subject2.subscribe( (resp) => { this.pendingJobDTOs = resp; this.pendingJobCount = this.pendingJobDTOs.length; }, () => { }, () => { }, ); } getloginUser() { debugger; const jwtHelper = new JwtHelperService(); const user = jwtHelper.decodeToken(localStorage.getItem('token')); this.loginName = user.UserName; this.isSuperUser = true; localStorage.removeItem('switchUserID'); this.switchUserID = undefined; if ((user.UserType == EnumUserType.Employee || user.UserType == EnumUserType.User) && user.EmployeeID != undefined) { // if (this.apiService.isSSO ==true && user.UserType == EnumUserType.User && user.EmployeeID != undefined) { this.isSuperUser = false; console.log(user); this.swithtypeName = "Switch to Super-User"; this.switchUserID = undefined; var userid = undefined; this.authService.getSwitchUserId(EnumUserType.SuperUser).subscribe(next => { userid = next; }, error => { this.swithtypeName = undefined; console.log(error); }, () => { if (userid != 0){ this.switchUserID = userid; localStorage.setItem('switchUserID', JSON.stringify(this.switchUserID)); } }); } //else (this.apiService.isSSO ==true && user.UserType == EnumUserType.SuperUser && user.EmployeeID != undefined) else if (user.UserType == EnumUserType.SuperUser && user.EmployeeID != undefined) { this.swithtypeName = "Switch to ESS"; } //this.loginName = ''; //var ouser: User = undefined; //this.userService.GetCurrentUser().subscribe( // (resp) => { // ouser = resp; // }, // () => { // }, // () => { // if (ouser != undefined) { // this.loginName = ouser.userName; // if (this.loginName.length > 6) { // this.loginName = this.loginName.substring(0, 6); // } // } // }, //); } //ngOnInit() { // this.employee = new Employee(); // this.loadData(); //} loadData() { //this.employeeService.getCurrentEmployee().subscribe( // (resp) => { // this.employee = resp; // }, // () => { }, // () => { // }, //); } login() { this.authService.login(this.model).subscribe(next => { //show notification }, error => { console.log(error); }, () => { this.router.navigate(['/training']); }); } loggedIn() { return this.authService.loggedIn(); } SwitchUser() { const jwtHelper = new JwtHelperService(); const user = jwtHelper.decodeToken(localStorage.getItem('token')); if (user.UserType != EnumUserType.SuperUser) { user.UserID = this.switchUserID; user.UserType = EnumUserType.SuperUser; this.swithtypeName = "Switch to ESS"; } else { user.UserType = EnumUserType.Employee; this.swithtypeName = "Switch to Super-User"; } return this.switchTheUser(user); } switchTheUser(oUser: User) { const data = { user: oUser, payrollTypeId: oUser.payrollTypeID, }; this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = true; this.userService.SwtichUserMode(data).subscribe( (resp: any) => { localStorage.setItem('token', resp); ApiService.AuthenticationToken = resp; }, (err: any) => { this.notificationService.showError('Invalid Login-ID or Password'); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, () => { const jwtHelper = new JwtHelperService(); const user = jwtHelper.decodeToken(localStorage.getItem('token')); if (user.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon === 'True') { localStorage.removeItem('menuList'); this._auth.menuEvent.emit(false); } else { this.userService.GetRolePermissionbyUserID().subscribe( (menu: any) => { localStorage.setItem('menuList', JSON.stringify(menu)); }, (errmenu: any) => { }, () => { this._auth.menuEvent.emit(true); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; if (user.UserType == EnumUserType.Employee) { this.router.navigate(['/ess/ess-dashboard']); } else { this.router.navigate(['/']); } } ); } } ); } logout() { this.authService.logout(); //localStorage.removeItem('forgotpass'); //localStorage.removeItem('token'); //localStorage.removeItem('menuList'); ////show notification //this.router.navigate(['/login']); } onBookMark() { const bookmark: Bookmark = new Bookmark(); if (this.menuService.clickedMenuItem !== undefined) { if (this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.isBookmarked === false) { =; bookmark.description =; bookmark.menuCode = this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.menuKey; this.menuService.bookMarkpages.push(bookmark); // this.bookmarkIcon = 'pi pi-bookmark-fill' ; this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.isBookmarked = true; this.authService.SaveBookmark(bookmark).subscribe( (x) => { }, (x) => { this.notificationService.showError(x.error); }, () => { this.notificationService.showSuccess('You have successfully bookmarked this page.'); this.getBookmark(); localStorage.setItem('selectedMenu', JSON.stringify(this.menuService.clickedMenuItem)); }); } else { =; bookmark.description =; bookmark.menuCode = this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.menuKey; const index = this.menuService.bookMarkpages.findIndex(x => x.menuCode === bookmark.menuCode); this.menuService.bookMarkpages.splice(index, 1); this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.isBookmarked = false; this.authService.deleteBookmarkByMenuKey(bookmark).subscribe( (x) => { }, (x) => { this.notificationService.showError(x.error); }, () => { this.notificationService.showSuccess('You have successfully removed bookmark this page.'); this.getBookmark(); localStorage.setItem('selectedMenu', JSON.stringify(this.menuService.clickedMenuItem)); }); } } } bookMarkedLinkClicked(b: Bookmark) { this.menuService.clickedMenuItem = new RolePermission(); = b.description; this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.menuKey = b.menuCode; this.menuService.clickedMenuItem.isBookmarked = true; this.router.navigate([]); } getBookmark() { this.userService.getBookmarks() .subscribe( (resp: any) => { if (resp != undefined) { this.menuService.bookMarkpages = resp; } }, (x) => { }, () => { localStorage.removeItem('bookmark'); localStorage.setItem('bookmark', JSON.stringify(this.menuService.bookMarkpages)); }); } }