true true 7/Jul/2016 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true FINAL BENEFIT STATEMENT- RESIGNATION 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1in 2.06126in 1.375in 1.42708in 0.77083in 0.72917in 0.25in true true NAME: 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!EmpName.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true JOB GRADE 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true SERV.LENGTH 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true YR 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true MN 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 0.25in true true DEPARTMENT 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Department.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Grade.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ServiceLength.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 0.25in true true ID 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!EmployeeNo.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true COST CENTRE: 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Costcenter.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 3 0.25in true true DESIGNATION 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Designation.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!AcountNo.Value 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 3 After dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp 0.86333in 1in 7.36334in 2 true true I. GENERAL INFORMATION : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Date of Birth 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Date of Normal Retirement 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Date of Joining 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Date of Resignation 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!DateOfBirth.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!NormalRetirementDate.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!DateofJoining.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!ResignationDate.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp") 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 3.31542in 0in 7.29042in 12 true true II. 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 1 Basic Salary 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2 Festival Bonus & LFA 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 3 House Rent Allowance 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 4 Transportation Allowance (Tk. 25,000) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Textbox43 3.75292in 6.29043in 0.2in 1in 18 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Textbox44 4.00431in 6.29039in 0.2in 1in 19 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Textbox45 4.24875in 6.29039in 0.2in 1in 20 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Textbox46 4.4807in 6.29039in 0.2in 1in 21 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 4.73417in 3.86331in 0in 3.42708in 22 5.01958in 3.86335in 0in 3.42708in 23 true true TOTAL: 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Textbox48 4.77444in 5.68625in 0.2in 1.60417in 25 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true III. TERMINAL BENEFITS : 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 1 Provident Fund up to 09 July 2016 (Both Part) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2 Pro-rata revenue for 2016 @ 9.12% 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 4 Gratuity for 09 Years 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 8 Leave encashment 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 12 Medical Reimbursement Claim 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 13 Fuel Claim 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 10 Salary from 01 July to 09 July 2016 (9 Days) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 9 Income Tax refund 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 7 WPPF-Investment Fund 2013, 2014 & 2015 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 3 Pension (Lump sum commutation payment) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 5 Voluntary Gratuity Scheme (VGS) Benefit for 0 Years 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 11 Pro-Rata Festival Bonus & LFA for 2016 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!ProvidentFund.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox51 5.43972in 6.29042in 0.2in 1in 39 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!ProrataRevenue.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox52 5.69805in 6.29043in 0.2in 0.99999in 40 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!Gratuity.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox53 6.18694in 6.29042in 0.2in 1in 41 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!LeaveEncashment.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox54 6.92027in 6.29042in 0.2in 0.99999in 42 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!Medical.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox55 7.92305in 6.29042in 0.2in 1in 43 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!Fuel.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox56 8.18in 6.29042in 0.2in 1in 44 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!ProRataSalary.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox57 7.42166in 6.29042in 0.2in 0.99999in 45 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!IncomeTaxRefund.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox58 7.1786in 6.29043in 0.2in 0.99999in 46 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!WPPF.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox59 6.67583in 6.29042in 0.2in 1in 47 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!Pension.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox60 5.9425in 6.29042in 0.2in 0.99999in 48 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!VoluntaryGratuity.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox61 6.43139in 6.29042in 0.2in 1in 49 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!ProRataFestivalBonus.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox62 7.67861in 6.29042in 0.2in 0.99999in 50 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 14 Own & Driver TE and others 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!WonDriver.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit") Textbox56 8.43556in 6.29041in 0.2in 1in 52 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true TOTAL RECEIVABLES 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 8.7175in 6.02999in 0in 1.26042in 54 8.9675in 6.02999in 0in 1.26042in 55 8.99875in 6.02999in 0in 1.26042in 56 true true =Format(CDbl(First(Fields!ProvidentFund.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!ProrataRevenue.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Pension.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Gratuity.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!VoluntaryGratuity.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!WPPF.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!LeaveEncashment.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!IncomeTaxRefund.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!ProRataFestivalBonus.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!ProRataSalary.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Medical.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Fuel.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!WonDriver.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Others.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit")),"###,##") Textbox79 8.74875in 6.02999in 0.17014in 1.26042in 57 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true LESS: 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 1 Income Tax Deduction 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 2 O/S SCI for GP SIM Transfer 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 4 Realisation of Education Assistance Cost 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 7 Realisation of House Rent Advance 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 8 Festival Bonus excess paid 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 6 Realisation of PF Loan 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 3 PF deduction 01 July to 09 July 2016 (9 Days) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 5 Realisation for excess leave enjoy for 10 day 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!OSSCI.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox54 9.48555in 6.29043in 0.2in 0.99999in 67 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!RealisationofPF.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox55 10.50221in 6.29041in 0.2in 1in 68 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!RealisationofHouse.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox56 10.75708in 6.29041in 0.2in 1in 69 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!RealisationofEducation.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox57 9.98832in 6.29043in 0.2in 0.99999in 70 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!PFDeduction.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox58 9.74388in 6.29041in 0.2in 0.99999in 71 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!IncomeTax.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox59 9.24249in 6.29041in 0.2in 1in 72 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!RealisationforExcess.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox62 10.24527in 6.29041in 0.2in 0.99999in 73 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =First(Fields!FestivalBonusexcess.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess") Textbox56 11.00222in 6.2904in 0.2in 1in 74 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true TOTAL DEDUCTION 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 11.24874in 6.02998in 0in 1.26042in 76 11.49874in 6.02998in 0in 1.26042in 77 11.52999in 6.02998in 0in 1.26042in 78 true true =Format(CDbl(First(Fields!OSSCI.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!IncomeTax.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!PFDeduction.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationofEducation.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationforExcess.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationofPF.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationofHouse.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!FestivalBonusexcess.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))+CDbl(First(Fields!Others.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess")),"###,##") Textbox79 11.27999in 6.02998in 0.2in 1.26042in 79 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 11.79583in 6.02998in 0in 1.26042in 80 11.82708in 6.02998in 0in 1.26042in 81 true true =Format(CDbl(First(Fields!ProvidentFund.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!ProrataRevenue.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Pension.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Gratuity.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!VoluntaryGratuity.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!WPPF.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!LeaveEncashment.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!IncomeTaxRefund.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!ProRataFestivalBonus.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!ProRataSalary.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Medical.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Fuel.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!WonDriver.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))+ CDbl(First(Fields!Others.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSTerminalBenifit"))- CDbl(First(Fields!OSSCI.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!IncomeTax.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!PFDeduction.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationofEducation.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationforExcess.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationofPF.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!RealisationofHouse.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!FestivalBonusexcess.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess"))- CDbl(First(Fields!Others.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSLess")),"###,##") Textbox79 11.57708in 6.02998in 0.20833in 1.26042in 82 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true NET PAYABLE TO 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true ** The caln. has been arrived at without the consideration of any o/s bank loan. 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Confidential 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 11.56333in 6.02999in 0in 1.26043in 86 true true =First(Fields!EmpName.Value, "dsEmpLeaveLedger_FSEmp") Textbox77 11.59792in 2.49875in 0.2in 3.36459in 87 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 12.67708in