| Copyright © Computer Ease Limited |
| Address: 1/9 Bloack-A Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh |
| Email: info@celimited.com, cease@bol-online.com, web: www.celimited.com |
| Unauthorized copy or distribution is strictly prohibited |
| Author: S. M. Russel, Last modified date: 23/07/2012 |
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Ease.Core.Utility
#region Framework: Object utility
/// Summary description for ObjectUtility.
public sealed class ObjectUtility
#region Create Instance
/// Create instance reference of an object for the given class full name
/// A valid class name
/// Returns an instance of the class
public static object CreateInstance(string className)
return ObjectUtility.CreateInstance(className, null);
/// Create instance reference of an object for the given class full name
/// A valid class name
/// Argument with comma separated
/// Returns an instance of the class
public static object CreateInstance(string className, object[] args)
return ObjectUtility.CreateInstance(className, args, typeof(ObjectUtility));
/// Create instance reference of an object for the given class full name
/// A valid class name
/// Type of object to be created
/// Returns an instance of the class
public static object CreateInstance(string className, object[] args, System.Type type)
return ObjectUtility.CreateInstance(className, args, type, true);
/// Create instance reference of an object for the given class full name
/// into the given assembly
/// A valid assembly name and must be located withing the same folder
/// A valid class name
/// Returns an instance of the class
public static object CreateInstance(string assembly, string className, object[] args)
return ObjectUtility.CreateInstance(assembly, className, args, true);
/// Create instance reference of an object for the given class full name
/// into the given assembly
/// A valid assembly name and must be located withing the same folder
/// A valid class name
/// Returns an instance of the class
public static object CreateInstance(string assembly, string className, object[] args, bool throwNullError)
Type type = null;
Assembly asm = null;
asm = Assembly.Load(assembly);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ArgumentException(
string.Format("Failed to load the assembly '{0}' due to following message:\n{1}", assembly,
ex.Message), "assembly", ex);
type = asm.GetType(className, true);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ArgumentException(
string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Class {0} does not exists in assembly {1}", className,
asm.FullName), "className", ex);
return ObjectUtility.CreateInstance(className, args, type, throwNullError);
/// Create instance reference of an object for the given class full name
/// Returns an instance of the class
public static object CreateInstance(string className, object[] args, System.Type type, bool throwNullError)
if (type == null)
type = typeof(ObjectUtility);
object obj = null;
if (args == null)
obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(className);
obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(className, false,
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, args, null, null);
if (obj == null && throwNullError)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Class {0} does not exists in assembly {1}", className,
return obj;
#region Get Custome Attribute
/// Finds out the custom attribute in the value
/// Tyep of attribute
/// Instance of an object
/// Returns the attribute if found otherwise null
public static object GetCustomAttribute(Type type, object value)
if (type == null || value == null)
return null;
object[] attrs = null;
Type valueType = value.GetType();
if (valueType.IsEnum)
FieldInfo field = valueType.GetField(value.ToString());
if (field == null)
return null;
attrs = field.GetCustomAttributes(type, true);
if (value is PropertyInfo)
attrs = ((PropertyInfo)value).GetCustomAttributes(type, true);
attrs = valueType.GetCustomAttributes(type, true);
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
return attrs[0];
return null;
/// Find out the property from the given type, where property can
/// consists of key path.
/// Returns PropertyInfo object of the given property
public static object GetProperty(Type type, string property)
if (type == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(property))
return null;
if (property.IndexOf(".") == -1)
return type.GetProperty(property,
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null;
string[] propertyPath = property.Split('.');
foreach (string prop in propertyPath)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop))
propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(prop,
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (propertyInfo == null)
return null;
type = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
return propertyInfo;
#region Get Property Value
/// Find out the property from the given type, where property can
/// consists of key path and returns the value of the property
/// Returns value of the given property
public static object GetPropertyValue(object source, string property)
return ObjectUtility.GetPropertyValue(source, property, new object[] { });
/// Find out the property from the given type, where property can
/// consists of key path and returns the value of the property
/// Returns value of the given property
public static object GetPropertyValue(object source, string property, object[] indexes)
if (source == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(property))
return null;
if (property.IndexOf(".") == -1)
return source.GetType().GetProperty(property).GetValue(source, indexes);
string[] propertyPath = property.Split('.');
foreach (string prop in propertyPath)
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop)))
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = source.GetType().GetProperty(prop);
if (propertyInfo == null)
return null;
source = propertyInfo.GetValue(source, indexes);
return source;
#region Get Properties
/// Find out all properties that have set functionality from the given type
/// Returns list of PropertyInfo object of the given type
public static object[] GetProperties(Type type)
if (type == null)
return null;
return (object[])type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
/// Find out all properties that have set functionality from the given type
/// Returns list of PropertyInfo object of the given type
public static object[] GetProperties(Type type, Type attributeType)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
if (attributeType != null)
PropertyInfo[] props = (PropertyInfo[])ObjectUtility.GetProperties(type);
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
object[] attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, true);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
return (object[])list.ToArray(typeof(PropertyInfo));
/// Find out all properties that have set functionality from the given type
/// Returns list of PropertyInfo object of the given type
public static object[] GetProperties(Type type, Type attributeType, bool includeChildProperties,
Type ignoreType)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
if (attributeType != null)
PropertyInfo[] props = (PropertyInfo[])ObjectUtility.GetProperties(type);
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
object[] attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, true);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
if (includeChildProperties && prop.PropertyType.BaseType != null
&& prop.PropertyType.BaseType.Equals(type.BaseType))
attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(ignoreType, true);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length == 0)
list.AddRange(ObjectUtility.GetProperties(prop.PropertyType, attributeType,
includeChildProperties, ignoreType));
return (object[])list.ToArray(typeof(PropertyInfo));
#region Get Source Property Value
/// Find the property value from the given object
public static object GetSourcePropertyValue(object source, object property)
PropertyInfo prop = property as PropertyInfo;
if (prop == null)
return source;
object src = source;
if (source.GetType().Equals(prop.DeclaringType) == false)
src = null;
PropertyInfo[] props = (PropertyInfo[])ObjectUtility.GetProperties(source.GetType());
if (props != null && props.Length > 0)
foreach (PropertyInfo sourceProp in props)
if (sourceProp.PropertyType.Equals(prop.DeclaringType))
src = ObjectUtility.GetPropertyValue(source, sourceProp.Name);
if (sourceProp.PropertyType.BaseType != null &&
object objVal = ObjectUtility.GetPropertyValue(src, sourceProp.Name);
if (objVal != null)
src = ObjectUtility.GetSourcePropertyValue(objVal, prop);
if (src != null)
return src;
#region Set Property
/// Find out the property from the given object, where property can
/// consists of key path and set the value for that property.
public static void SetProperty(object source, object property, object value, object[] index)
PropertyInfo pi = property as PropertyInfo;
if (pi == null)
object src = ObjectUtility.GetSourcePropertyValue(source, pi);
if (src != null)
ObjectUtility.SetProperty(src, pi.Name, value, index);
/// Find out the property from the given object, where property can
/// consists of key path and set the value for that property.
public static void SetProperty(object source, string propertyName, object value, object[] index)
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)ObjectUtility.GetProperty(source.GetType(), propertyName);
if (prop == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
"Class {0} does not have a property named {1}", source.GetType().FullName, propertyName));
if (prop.PropertyType.IsEnum)
prop.SetValue(source, Enum.Parse(prop.PropertyType, value.ToString(), true), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(bool)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToBoolean(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(DateTime)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToDateTime(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(double)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToDouble(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(decimal)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToDecimal(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int16)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToInt16(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int32)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int64)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToInt64(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
else if (prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(byte)))
prop.SetValue(source, Convert.ToByte(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), index);
prop.SetValue(source, value, index);
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
"System failed to set value for property named {0} of class {1}", prop.Name,