import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {ApiService} from '../../app.api.service'; import {HRMNotificationService} from '../../app.notification.service'; import {loadingPanelService} from '../../hrm-loding panel/loding.panel.service'; import { PayrollType } from '../../_models/Authentication/payrollType'; import {EnumStatus} from '../../_models/enums'; import { EmployeeConfirmation } from '../../_models/Payroll/EmployeeConfirmation'; import { AuthService } from '../../_services/auth/auth.service'; import { EmployeeServices } from '../../_services/employee/employee.service'; import {LeaveService} from '../../_services/leave/leave.service'; import {PmpService} from '../../_services/pmp/pmp.service'; import { ReportServices } from '../../_services/reports/report.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-emp-confirmation-duration', templateUrl: './emp-confirmation-duration.component.html', styleUrls: ['./emp-confirmation-duration.component.css'] }) export class EmpConfirmationDurationComponent implements OnInit { fromDate = new Date(); toDate = new Date(); isDisplay = false; payrolltype: PayrollType; confirmationMonth = new Date(); PDFTitle = '' showPopUp = false; src: any; employeeConfirmation: EmployeeConfirmation; employeeConfirmationList: EmployeeConfirmation[] = []; empupcomingConfirmations: any; constructor(public _apiService: ApiService, public empService: EmployeeServices, public notificationService: HRMNotificationService, public loadingPanel: loadingPanelService, public authService: AuthService, public reportService: ReportServices,) { this.employeeConfirmation = new EmployeeConfirmation(); this._apiService.selectedMenuName = 'Employee Confirmation Duration'; this.PDFTitle = 'Employee Confirmation Duration'; } refresh() { this.loadData(); } ngOnInit() { this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = true; this.authService.GetPayrollTypeByLoginID().subscribe( (x) => { this.payrolltype = x; }, (x) => { // console.log(x); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, () => { this.fromDate = new Date(this.payrolltype.nextPayProcessDate); this.toDate = new Date(this.payrolltype.nextPayProcessDate); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; this.loadData(); }); } loadData() { this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = true; this.empService.getupcomingConfirmation(this.payrolltype.nextPayProcessDate).subscribe( (resp) => { this.empupcomingConfirmations = resp; //console.log(this.empupcomingConfirmations); }, (x) => { console.log(x.message); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, () => { this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; } ); } add() { this.isDisplay = true; this.employeeConfirmation = new EmployeeConfirmation(); } removeHandler({ dataItem }) { if (!confirm('Are you sure to delete the Item')) { return; } const item = dataItem as EmployeeConfirmation; this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = true; this.empService.deleteEmployeeConfirmationData(item).subscribe( () => { }, (x) => { console.log(x); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, () => { this.notificationService.showSuccess('Deleted Successfully'); this.loadData(); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; } ); } cancel() { this.isDisplay = false; } onUpdate() { this.isDisplay = false; } editHandler(rowIndex: any) { this.employeeConfirmation = this.employeeConfirmationList[rowIndex]; this.isDisplay = true; } saveHandler(dataItem:any) { if (dataItem.month == undefined || dataItem.month == 0 ) { this.notificationService.showError("Extended must be greater Zero"); return; } if (!confirm('Are you sure to extend ' + dataItem.month + ' Months more.')) { return; } //if (dataItem.month < dataItem.duration) { // this.notificationService.showError("Extended must be greater service length"); // return; //} const item: EmployeeConfirmation = new EmployeeConfirmation(); if (dataItem.empconfirmid != undefined) { = dataItem.empconfirmid; } item.employeeID = dataItem.employeeid; item.joiningDate = dataItem.joiningdate; item.gradeConfirmDuration = dataItem.confirmMonthDuration; item.month = dataItem.month + dataItem.prvExteded ; this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = true; this.empService.saveEmployeeConfirmationData(item).subscribe( () => { }, (x) => { console.log(x); this.notificationService.showError(x); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, () => { this.notificationService.showSuccess('Data Saved'); this.loadData(); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, ); this.isDisplay = false; this.loadData(); this.employeeConfirmation = new EmployeeConfirmation(); } closeForm(): void { this.showPopUp = false; } upcomingConfirmation() { debugger const data = { confirmationDate: this.confirmationMonth.toDateString() }; this.showPopUp = true; this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = true; this.reportService.getEmployeeConfirmationData(data).subscribe( (resp: any) => { // this.src = URL.createObjectURL(this.b64toBlob(resp, 'data:application/pdf;base64', 1024)); // this.showPopUp = true; this.src = URL.createObjectURL(this.b64toBlob(resp, 'application/pdf', 1024)); var element = (document.getElementById("pdf-viewer-report-pcomming-confirmation")); element.src = this.src; }, (err) => { console.log(err); this.notificationService.showError(err.error); this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; }, () => { this.loadingPanel.ShowLoadingPanel = false; // this.loadGrid(); } ); } b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType, sliceSize) { const byteCharacters = atob(b64Data); const byteArrays = []; for (let offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) { const slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize); const byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length); for (let i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) { byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i); } const byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers); byteArrays.push(byteArray); } const blob = new Blob(byteArrays, { type: contentType }); return blob; } public onCancel(e): void { this.closeForm(); } }