using System; using System.Linq; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using Ease.Core.Model; using System.IO; using Ease.Core.Utility; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace HRM.BO { public class DefaultConfigurationValue { public DefaultConfigurationValue() { } public DefaultConfigurationValue(int _roundDigit, string _dayFractionType, bool _isMidPointRound) { roundOfDigit = _roundDigit; DayFactionType = _dayFractionType; IsMidPointRound = _isMidPointRound; } public int roundOfDigit { get; } public string DayFactionType { get; } public bool IsMidPointRound { get; } } public class GlobalFunctions { private static DefaultConfigurationValue _defaultConfigVal; public static bool bDataFound = false; public static DefaultConfigurationValue defaultConfigVal { get { if (_defaultConfigVal == null) { _defaultConfigVal = GlobalFunctions.Service.RefreshServerValue(); } return _defaultConfigVal; } set { _defaultConfigVal = value; } } #region Service Factory IGlobalFunctionService : IGlobalFunctionService internal static IGlobalFunctionService Service { get { return Services.Factory.CreateService<IGlobalFunctionService>(typeof(IGlobalFunctionService)); } } public static int MONTH_START_DATE { get; set; } #endregion public static string GetApiDefaultData(string str) { str = (str == "" || str == "null" || str == "undefined") ? string.Empty : str; return str; } public static int? GetApiDefaultIntData(string str) { int? intData = null; ; if (str != null && str != "" && str.ToLower() != "null" && str.ToLower() != "undefined") { intData = Convert.ToInt32(str); } return intData; } public static DateTime GetApiDefaultDateData(string str) { DateTime dateData = DateTime.MinValue; if (str != null && str != "" && str.ToLower() != "null" && str.ToLower() != "undefined") { dateData = Convert.ToDateTime(str); } return dateData; } public static string AgeCalculate(DateTime Bday, DateTime Cday) { int Years = 0; int Months = 0; int Days = 0; if ((Cday.Year - Bday.Year) > 0 || (((Cday.Year - Bday.Year) == 0) && ((Bday.Month < Cday.Month) || ((Bday.Month == Cday.Month) && (Bday.Day <= Cday.Day))))) { int DaysInBdayMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(Bday.Year, Bday.Month); int DaysRemain = Cday.Day + (DaysInBdayMonth - Bday.Day); if (Cday.Month > Bday.Month) { Years = Cday.Year - Bday.Year; Months = Cday.Month - (Bday.Month + 1) + Math.Abs(DaysRemain / DaysInBdayMonth); Days = (DaysRemain % DaysInBdayMonth + DaysInBdayMonth) % DaysInBdayMonth; } else if (Cday.Month == Bday.Month) { if (Cday.Day >= Bday.Day) { Years = Cday.Year - Bday.Year; Months = 0; Days = Cday.Day - Bday.Day; } else { Years = (Cday.Year - 1) - Bday.Year; Months = 11; Days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(Bday.Year, Bday.Month) - (Bday.Day - Cday.Day); } } else { Years = (Cday.Year - 1) - Bday.Year; Months = Cday.Month + (11 - Bday.Month) + Math.Abs(DaysRemain / DaysInBdayMonth); Days = (DaysRemain % DaysInBdayMonth + DaysInBdayMonth) % DaysInBdayMonth; } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Birthday date must be earlier than current date"); } return Years + " Years, " + Months + " Months, " + Days + " Days"; } //public static DateTime GetOperationDate() //{ // try // { // return Service.GetOperationDate(); // } // catch (ServiceException e) // { // throw new Exception(e.Message, e); // } //} public static string GetShortAttnType(EnumAttendanceType atype, EnumWorkPlanDayType daytype, double latehour) { string type = string.Empty; switch (atype) { case EnumAttendanceType.Absent: type = "AB"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Delay: type = "LP"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Holiday: type = "H"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Late: type = "LP"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Leave: type = "Lv"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Present: type = "PR"; if (daytype == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay && latehour > 0) { type = "L-PR"; } else if (daytype == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday && latehour > 0) { type = "WD-L-PR"; } else if (daytype == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday && latehour <= 0) { type = "WD-PR"; } else if (daytype == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday && latehour > 0) { type = "H-L-PR"; } else if (daytype == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday && latehour <= 0) { type = "H-PR"; } break; case EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty: type = "OD"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Early: type = "E"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday: type = "WD"; break; } return type; } public static double GetHourtoMinutes(double hours) { return Math.Floor(hours) * ((hours - Math.Floor(hours))/100); } public static double GetOTDailyRate(double nBasic, DateTime dMonthDate) { double amount = 0; amount = nBasic / Convert.ToDouble(DateTime.DaysInMonth(dMonthDate.Year, dMonthDate.Month)); return amount; } public static double GetOTHourlyRate(double nBasic, DateTime dMonthDate) { double amount = 0; int hours = 0;//ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("overtime", "hoursonmonth", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); if (hours <= 0) hours = 208; double doubleHOur = Convert.ToDouble(hours); amount = nBasic / doubleHOur; return amount; } public static double ConvertToDailyRate(double nBasic, DateTime dMonthDate) { enumfractionCalculatinType ntype = getFractionateCalType(); double amount = 0; switch (ntype) { case enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly: amount = nBasic / Convert.ToDouble(DateTime.DaysInMonth(dMonthDate.Year, dMonthDate.Month)); break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.Yearly: amount = (nBasic * 12) / 365; break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonth: case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonthActual: amount = nBasic / 30; break; default: break; } return amount; } public static int GetDaysInMonth(DateTime dMonthDate) { enumfractionCalculatinType ntype = getFractionateCalType(); int amount = 0; switch (ntype) { case enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly: amount = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dMonthDate.Year, dMonthDate.Month); break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonthActual: case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonth: amount = 30; break; default: amount = 30; break; } return amount; } public static string ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute(double totalHour) { string[] strParts = totalHour.ToString("0.000000").Split('.'); strParts[1] = "." + strParts[1]; string hourPart = Convert.ToInt32(strParts[0]).ToString("00"); string minutepart = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(strParts[1]) * 60, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString("00"); return string.Format("{0}:{1}", hourPart, minutepart); } public static string GetShortAttnType(EnumAttendanceType attnType) { string type = string.Empty; switch (attnType) { case EnumAttendanceType.Absent: type = "A"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Delay: type = "L"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Holiday: type = "H"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Late: type = "L"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Leave: type = "Lv"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Present: type = "P"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty: type = "OD"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Early: type = "E"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday: type = "W"; break; } return type; } public static string BloodGroupToBangla(EnumBloodGroup eBloodGrp) { string str = string.Empty; switch (eBloodGrp) { case EnumBloodGroup.None: break; case EnumBloodGroup.APos: str = "G cwRwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.ANeg: str = "G ‡b‡MwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.BPos: str = "we cwRwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.BNeg: str = "we ‡b‡MwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.OPos: str = "I cwRwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.ONeg: str = "I ‡b‡MwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.ABPos: str = "Gwe cwRwUf"; break; case EnumBloodGroup.ABNeg: str = "Gwe ‡b‡MwUf"; break; default: break; } return str; } public static string GetFullAttnType(EnumAttendanceType attnType) { Regex r = new Regex(@"(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])|(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z])|(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])"); return r.Replace(attnType.ToString(), " "); } //public static DateTime AttendanceMonthStart(DateTime date) //{ // if (date.Day > 20) // return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 21); // else if (date.Month == 1) // return new DateTime(date.Year - 1, 12, 21); // else return new DateTime(date.Year, date.AddMonths(-1).Month, 21); //} //public static DateTime AttendanceMonthEnd(DateTime date) //{ // if (date.Day < 20) // return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 20); // else // if (date.Month == 12) // return new DateTime(date.Year + 1, 1, 20); // else return new DateTime(date.Year, date.AddMonths(1).Month, 20); //} //public static DateTime GetServerDate() //{ // object serverDate = null; // try // { // serverDate = Service.GetServerDate(); // } // catch (ServiceException e) // { // throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); // } // return Convert.ToDateTime(serverDate); //} //public static DataTable AvailableUserObject() //{ // DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); // try // { // dataTable = Service.AvailableUserObject(); // } // catch (ServiceException e) // { // throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); // } // return dataTable; //} public static string TagSQL(string sPrevious, string sNew) { string sSearch = string.Empty; if (sPrevious == string.Empty) { return sSearch = " Where " + sNew; } else { return sSearch = sPrevious + " And " + sNew; } } public static void ExportToExcel(StreamWriter wr, DataTable dt) { try { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { wr.Write(dt.Columns[i].ToString().ToUpper() + "\t"); } wr.WriteLine(); //write rows to excel file for (int i = 0; i < (dt.Rows.Count); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { if (dt.Rows[i][j] != null) { wr.Write(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i][j]) + "\t"); } else { wr.Write("\t"); } } //go to next line wr.WriteLine(); } //close file wr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } public static int GetDayofWeek(DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate, int day) { int i; DateTime dateTemp; i = 0; dateTemp = FromDate; while (dateTemp <= ToDate) { if (((int)dateTemp.DayOfWeek == day)) i = i + 1; dateTemp = dateTemp.AddDays(1); } return i; } public static DateTime GetAttandaceSalaryMonth(DateTime dDate) { return GetAttandaceSalaryMonth(dDate, -1); } public static DateTime GetAttandaceSalaryMonth(DateTime dDate, int MonthStartDate) { if (MonthStartDate == 1) // Fisrt date of Current Month { return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate); } else if (MonthStartDate == -1) // Fisrt date of Current Month { dDate = dDate.AddMonths(-1); return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate.AddMonths(1)); } else { if (dDate.Day >= MonthStartDate) return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate.AddMonths(1)); else return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate); } } public static DateTime AttendanceMonthStart(DateTime date, int MonthStartDate) { if (MonthStartDate == 1) // Fisrt date of Current Month { return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1); } else if (MonthStartDate == -1) // Fisrt date of Current Month { date = date.AddMonths(-1); return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1); } else { if (date.Day > MonthStartDate) return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, MonthStartDate); else if (date.Month == 1) return new DateTime(date.Year - 1, 12, MonthStartDate); else return new DateTime(date.Year, date.AddMonths(-1).Month, MonthStartDate); } } public static DateTime AttendanceMonthEnd(DateTime date, int MonthStartDate) { if (MonthStartDate == 1) // Fisrt date of Current Month { return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(date); } else if (MonthStartDate == -1) // Fisrt date of Current Month { date = date.AddMonths(-1); return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(date); } else { if (date.Day < MonthStartDate) return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, MonthStartDate); else if (date.Month == 12) return new DateTime(date.Year + 1, 1, MonthStartDate); else return new DateTime(date.Year, date.AddMonths(1).Month, MonthStartDate); } } //public static DateTime GetCurrentDate() //{ // object currentDate = null; // try // { // currentDate = Service.GetCurrentDate(); // } // catch (ServiceException e) // { // throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); // } // return Convert.ToDateTime(currentDate); //} //private static ErrorProvider _err = new ErrorProvider(); //public static void CatchError(Control ctrl, string msg) //{ // _err.Clear(); // _err.BlinkRate = 250; // _err.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.BlinkIfDifferentError; // _err.SetError(ctrl, msg); //} public static double Round(double value) { double roundedValue = 0.00; try { roundedValue = Math.Round(value, GetRoundOfDigit(), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // roundedValue = Math.Round(value,2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex.InnerException.Message); } return roundedValue; } public static double Round(double value, int roundofdegit) { double roundedValue = 0.00; try { roundedValue = Math.Round(value, GetRoundOfDigit(roundofdegit), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex.InnerException.Message); } return roundedValue; } public static double ConvertToHourlyRate(double nBasic) { double amount = 0; int hours = 0;//ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("overtime", "hoursonmonth", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); if (hours <= 0) hours = 208; double doubleHOur = Convert.ToDouble(hours); amount = nBasic / doubleHOur; return amount; } public static enumfractionCalculatinType getFractionateCalType() { enumfractionCalculatinType type = enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly; string caltype = GlobalFunctions.defaultConfigVal.DayFactionType; //ConfigurationManager.GetStringValue("root", "monthfraction", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); if (caltype.ToUpper() == "THIRTYDAYS") type = enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonth; else if (caltype.ToUpper() == "THIRTYDAYSACTUAL") type = enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonthActual; else if (caltype.ToUpper() == "YEARLY") type = enumfractionCalculatinType.Yearly; else type = enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly; return type; } //public static int GetdaysInMonth(DateTime dMonth) //{ // int daysinMonth = 30; // enumfractionCalculatinType type = enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly; // string caltype = GlobalFunctions.defaultConfigVal.DayFactionType; //ConfigurationManager.GetStringValue("root", "monthfraction", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); // if (caltype.ToUpper() == "THIRTYDAYS") // daysinMonth = 30; // else // daysinMonth = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dMonth) - GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dMonth) // return type; //} public static double GetFraction(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate) { double WorkDays; double MonDays; double TotFract; double nFraction = 1; TotFract = 0; // bool isYearly = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("root", "fractionalcalculationyearly", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); //bool isYearly = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("root", "fractionalcalculation", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); enumfractionCalculatinType ntype = getFractionateCalType(); WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; switch (ntype) { case enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly: while (StartDate <= EndDate) { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; MonDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; if (StartDate.Month == EndDate.Month && EndDate != GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1; } TotFract = TotFract + WorkDays / MonDays; StartDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate).AddDays(1); } nFraction = TotFract; break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.Yearly: //0.032876712328767123287671232876712 //0.0328767123 //if (StartDate == GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate) && EndDate == GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) //{ // WorkDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("m", StartDate, EndDate) + 1; // nFraction = WorkDays; //} //else //{ // WorkDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, EndDate) + 1; // double yearlyFraction = 0.0328767123; // which mean 12/365 // nFraction = yearlyFraction * WorkDays; //} nFraction = 0; if (Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("m", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) > 2) { nFraction = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("m", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate.AddMonths(1)), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate.AddMonths(-1))); nFraction = nFraction + (Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1) * 0.0328767123; nFraction = nFraction + (Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1) * 0.0328767123; } else { if (StartDate.Month == EndDate.Month && StartDate.Year == EndDate.Year) // if cross two month { if (StartDate == FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate) && EndDate == LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) nFraction = 1; else nFraction = nFraction + (Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, EndDate) + 1) * 0.0328767123; } else { if (StartDate == FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate) && EndDate == LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) nFraction = 1; else nFraction = nFraction + (Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1) * 0.0328767123; if (EndDate == LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) nFraction = nFraction + 1; else nFraction = nFraction + (Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1) * 0.0328767123; } } //while (StartDate <= EndDate) //{ // if (StartDate.Day != 1 ) // { // nFraction = nFraction + ((double)(Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1)) * 0.0328767123; // } // WorkDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, // GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; // MonDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), // GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; // if (StartDate.Month == EndDate.Month && EndDate != GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) // { // nFraction = nFraction + ((double) (Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1)) * 0.0328767123; // } // TotFract = TotFract + WorkDays / MonDays; // StartDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate).AddDays(1); //} break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonth: WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; while (StartDate <= EndDate) { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; MonDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; int tempDaya = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; if (tempDaya == 31) WorkDays = WorkDays - 1; else if (tempDaya < 30) if (tempDaya == 28) WorkDays = WorkDays + 2; else WorkDays = WorkDays + 1; MonDays = 30; if (StartDate.Month == EndDate.Month && EndDate != GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1; MonDays = 30; } TotFract = TotFract + WorkDays / MonDays; StartDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate).AddDays(1); } nFraction = TotFract; break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonthActual: WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; while (StartDate <= EndDate) { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", StartDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; MonDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; int tempDaya = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", FirstDateOfMonth(StartDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate)) + 1; //if (tempDaya == 31) WorkDays = WorkDays - 1; //else if (tempDaya < 30) // if (tempDaya == 28) WorkDays = WorkDays + 2; // else WorkDays = WorkDays + 1; MonDays = 30; if (StartDate.Month == EndDate.Month && EndDate != GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(EndDate)) { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(EndDate), EndDate) + 1; MonDays = 30; } double temp = WorkDays / MonDays; if (temp > 1) temp = 1; TotFract = TotFract + temp; StartDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(StartDate).AddDays(1); } nFraction = TotFract; break; default: break; } return nFraction; } private static int GetRoundOfDigit() { int RoundofDigit = 2; try { if (RoundofDigit != -1) { //#### RoundofDigit = GlobalFunctions.defaultConfigVal.roundOfDigit; // ConfigurationManager.GetIntValue("root", "roundofdegit", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); if (RoundofDigit > 4 || RoundofDigit < 0) { RoundofDigit = -1; throw new ServiceException("Round of digit not greater 4 digit. Location: " + "logic-Configuration; Node:Root, Child-Node:RoundOfDegit, Value:" + RoundofDigit.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex.InnerException.Message); } return RoundofDigit; } private static int GetRoundOfDigit(int roundofDigit) { try { if (roundofDigit > 4 || roundofDigit < 0) { roundofDigit = -1; throw new ServiceException("Round of digit not greater 4 digit. Location: " + "logic-Configuration; Node:Root, Child-Node:RoundOfDegit, Value:" + roundofDigit.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex.InnerException.Message); } return roundofDigit; } public static double GetFractinalOfMonth(DateTime dDate) { double WorkDays; double TotalDays; double nFraction = 1; WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", dDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; // bool isYearly = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("root", "fractionalcalculationyearly", EnumConfigurationType.Logic); enumfractionCalculatinType ntype = getFractionateCalType(); switch (ntype) { case enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly: TotalDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; nFraction = (WorkDays / TotalDays); break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.Yearly: double yearlyFraction = 0.0328767123; // which mean 12/365 if (dDate.Day == 1) // if date is first of month, fractionate should be 1 nFraction = 1; else nFraction = yearlyFraction * WorkDays; if (nFraction > 1) nFraction = 1; // monthly fraction can't greater 1, break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonth: if (dDate == LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) return 1; else { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", dDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; int tempDaya = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; if (tempDaya == 31) WorkDays = WorkDays - 1; else if (tempDaya < 30) if (tempDaya == 28) WorkDays = WorkDays + 2; else WorkDays = WorkDays + 1; TotalDays = 30; // TotalDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)); nFraction = (WorkDays / TotalDays); } break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonthActual: if (dDate == LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) return 1; else { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", dDate, GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; int tempDaya = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; //if (tempDaya == 31) WorkDays = WorkDays - 1; //else if (tempDaya < 30) // if (tempDaya == 28) WorkDays = WorkDays + 2; // else WorkDays = WorkDays + 1; TotalDays = 30; // TotalDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)); nFraction = (WorkDays / TotalDays); } break; default: break; } return nFraction; } public static double GetFractinalOfTillDate(DateTime dDate) { double WorkDays; double TotalDays; double nFraction = 1; WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), dDate) + 1; enumfractionCalculatinType ntype = getFractionateCalType(); switch (ntype) { case enumfractionCalculatinType.Monthly: TotalDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; nFraction = (WorkDays / TotalDays); break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.Yearly: double yearlyFraction = 0.0328767123; // which mean 12/365 if (WorkDays == dDate.Day) nFraction = 1; else nFraction = yearlyFraction * WorkDays; break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonth: if (dDate == FirstDateOfMonth(dDate)) return 1; else { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), dDate) + 1; int tempDaya = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; if (tempDaya == 31) WorkDays = WorkDays - 1; else if (tempDaya < 30) if (tempDaya == 28) WorkDays = WorkDays + 2; else WorkDays = WorkDays + 1; TotalDays = 30; // TotalDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)); nFraction = (WorkDays / TotalDays); } break; case enumfractionCalculatinType.ThirtyDaysMonthActual: if (dDate == FirstDateOfMonth(dDate)) return 1; else { WorkDays = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), dDate) + 1; int tempDaya = Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)) + 1; //if (tempDaya == 31) WorkDays = WorkDays - 1; //else if (tempDaya < 30) // if (tempDaya == 28) WorkDays = WorkDays + 2; // else WorkDays = WorkDays + 1; TotalDays = 30; // TotalDays = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.DateFunctions.DateDiff("d", // GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dDate)); nFraction = (WorkDays / TotalDays); } break; default: break; } return nFraction; } //public static DateTime GetYearEnd() //{ // object yearEndDate = null; // try // { // yearEndDate = Service.GetYearEndDate(); // } // catch (ServiceException e) // { // throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); // } // return Convert.ToDateTime(yearEndDate); //} public static DateTime FirstDateOfMonth(DateTime date) { return Global.DateFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(date); } public static string GetShortAttnType(EnumAttendanceType attnType, ref int presentDays, ref int absentDays, ref int lateDays, ref int leaveDays, ref int weeklyHolidays, ref int osdDays, ref int festivalHolidays) { string type = string.Empty; switch (attnType) { case EnumAttendanceType.Absent: type = "AB"; absentDays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Delay: type = "LP"; lateDays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Holiday: type = "FH"; festivalHolidays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Late: type = "LP"; lateDays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Leave: type = "Lv"; leaveDays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Present: type = "PR"; presentDays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty: type = "OD"; osdDays++; break; case EnumAttendanceType.Early: type = "E"; break; case EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday: type = "WD"; weeklyHolidays++; break; } return type; } public static string GetLeaveType(int? ReferenceID, List<Leave> _leaves) { string leaveType = "Lv"; Leave leave = null; if (ReferenceID != 0) { leave = new Leave(); leave = _leaves.Where(o => o.ID == ReferenceID).FirstOrDefault(); if (leave != null) { leaveType = leave.Code; } } return leaveType; } //return Total Hour and Minutes In string Format(Hour.Minutes) public static string GetHourMinutes(List<String> hours) { string HoursMinutes = string.Empty; double hour = 0; double minutes = 0; foreach (String hr in hours) { //string[] x = hr.ToString("f").Split('.'); //string xx = hr.ToString(); if (hr.Contains(":")) { hour = hour + Convert.ToDouble(hr.Split(':')[0]); if (hr.Split('.').Length > 1) minutes = minutes + Convert.ToDouble(hr.Split(':')[1]); } else { hour = hour + Convert.ToDouble(hr.Split('.')[0]); if(hr.Split('.').Length >1) minutes = minutes + Convert.ToDouble(hr.Split('.')[1]); } } if (minutes > 60) { //int hr = Convert.ToInt32(minutes) / 60; long hr = Convert.ToInt64(minutes) / 60; hour = hour + Convert.ToDouble(hr); minutes = minutes % 60; } return HoursMinutes = Convert.ToString(hour) + ":" + minutes.ToString("00"); } public static string TakaFormat(double _Number) { //Written by Shaila string _sign = ""; string _NumStr; string _TakaFormat; if (_Number < 0) { _sign = "-"; _Number = (-_Number); } _NumStr = _Number.ToString("0.00"); _TakaFormat = Right(_NumStr, 6); if ((_NumStr.Length) <= 6) { _NumStr = ""; } else _NumStr = Left(_NumStr, _NumStr.Length - 6); if (_NumStr == "") { _TakaFormat = _sign + _TakaFormat; return _TakaFormat; } int _CommaCount = 1; int _DigitCount = 0; do { if (_CommaCount % 3 == 0) { _DigitCount = 3; } else _DigitCount = 2; _TakaFormat = Right(_NumStr, _DigitCount) + "," + _TakaFormat; if (_NumStr.Length <= _DigitCount) { _NumStr = ""; } else _NumStr = Left(_NumStr, _NumStr.Length - _DigitCount); _CommaCount = _CommaCount + 1; } //end do while (_NumStr != ""); _TakaFormat = _sign + _TakaFormat; return _TakaFormat; } //End of TakaFormat public static string Right(string _Str, int _Len) { //Written by Shaila string sStr; if (_Len < _Str.Length) { sStr = _Str.Substring(_Str.Length - _Len, _Len); } else sStr = _Str; return sStr; } //EndofRight public static string Left(string _Str, int _Len) { //Written by Shaila string sStr; if (_Len < _Str.Length) { sStr = _Str.Substring(0, _Len); } else sStr = _Str; return sStr; } //EndofLeft public static string GetHourMinutes(double hours) { var ts = TimeSpan.FromHours(hours); return string.Format("{0}:{1}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes); } public static DateTime LastPayProcessDate(DateTime nextPayProcessDate) { return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(nextPayProcessDate.AddMonths(-1)); } public static DateTime LastDateOfMonth(DateTime date) { return Global.DateFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(date); } public static String NumWordsWrapper(double value) { string words = ""; double intPart; double decPart = 0; if (value == 0) return "zero"; try { string[] splitter = value.ToString().Split('.'); intPart = double.Parse(splitter[0]); if (splitter.Length > 1) { decPart = double.Parse(splitter[1]); } } catch { intPart = value; } words = NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(intPart)); if (decPart > 0) { if (words != "") words += " and "; int counter = decPart.ToString().Length; switch (counter) { case 1: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// tenths case 2: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// hundredths case 3: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// thousandths case 4: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// ten-thousandths case 5: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// hundred-thousandths case 6: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// millionths case 7: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// ten-millionths } } return words + " Taka Only"; } private static string NumWords(int Num) { #region Old Code //string[] numbersArr = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" }; //string[] tensArr = new string[] { "twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninty" }; //string[] suffixesArr = new string[] { "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion", "duodecillion", "tredecillion", "Quattuordecillion", "Quindecillion", "Sexdecillion", "Septdecillion", "Octodecillion", "Novemdecillion", "Vigintillion" }; //string words = ""; //bool tens = false; //if (n < 0) //{ // words += "negative "; // n *= -1; //} //int power = (suffixesArr.Length + 1) * 3; //while (power > 3) //{ // double pow = Math.Pow(10, power); // if (n > pow) // { // if (n % Math.Pow(10, power) > 0) // { // words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / pow)) + " " + suffixesArr[(power / 3) - 1] + " and "; // } // else if (n % pow > 0) // { // words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / pow)) + " " + suffixesArr[(power / 3) - 1]; // } // n %= pow; // } // power -= 3; //} //if (n >= 1000) //{ // if (n % 1000 > 0) words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / 1000)) + " thousand and "; // else words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / 1000)) + " thousand"; // n %= 1000; //} //if (0 <= n && n <= 999) //{ // if ((int)n / 100 > 0) // { // words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / 100)) + " hundred"; // n %= 100; // } // if ((int)n / 10 > 1) // { // if (words != "") // words += " "; // words += tensArr[(int)n / 10 - 2]; // tens = true; // n %= 10; // } // if (n < 20) // { // if (words != "" && tens == false) // words += " "; // words += (tens ? "-" + numbersArr[(int)n - 1] : numbersArr[(int)n - 1]); // n -= Math.Floor(n); // } //} //return words; #endregion string[] Below20 = { "", "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ", "Five ", "Six " , "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine ", "Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve " , "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ","Fifteen ", "Sixteen " , "Seventeen ","Eighteen " , "Nineteen " }; string[] Below100 = { "", "", "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety " }; string InWords = ""; if (Num >= 1 && Num < 20) InWords += Below20[Num]; if (Num >= 20 && Num <= 99) InWords += Below100[Num / 10] + Below20[Num % 10]; if (Num >= 100 && Num <= 999) InWords += NumWords(Num / 100) + " Hundred " + NumWords(Num % 100); if (Num >= 1000 && Num <= 99999) InWords += NumWords(Num / 1000) + " Thousand " + NumWords(Num % 1000); if (Num >= 100000 && Num <= 9999999) InWords += NumWords(Num / 100000) + " Lac " + NumWords(Num % 100000); if (Num >= 10000000) InWords += NumWords(Num / 10000000) + " Crore " + NumWords(Num % 10000000); return InWords; } } #region Interface IGlobalFunctionService public interface IGlobalFunctionService { DateTime GetOperationDate(); //DateTime GetServerDate(); //DataTable AvailableUserObject(); //DateTime GetCurrentDate(); //DateTime GetYearEndDate(); DefaultConfigurationValue RefreshServerValue(); } #endregion }