using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Ease.Core; using Ease.Core.Model; using System.Data; namespace HRM.BO { public class OpiExceptionCalculator { //private int _opiLFA = 1; //private int _opiUtility = 11; //private int _opiKpi = 4; //private int _opiPTI = 25; public OpiExceptionCalculator() { } /// /// // find the employee is applicable for KPI // if Kpi eligible, find out LFA and unitilty monthlyAmount from OPI Process detail Item // KPI = LFA + Utility + (2100 percent basic)/12 // No_of_paid_month = Jan to Next_Pay_Process_Month // paidAmount= get cumalative monthlyAmount on month range // net_Amount= KPI + {(No_of_paid_month * KPI) - paidAmount} // find the KPI paramter for percent of base/gross // do percent of Net_amount; // update opiprocessdetailItem of kpi /// /// public void CalculationException(List oprocessdetails, DateTime opiMonth) { } } }