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<Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2016/01/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner">
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    <DataSet Name="PayrollDataSet_dtEncashmentReport">
        <CommandText />
        <Field Name="Sl">
        <Field Name="EmpID">
        <Field Name="Name">
        <Field Name="EncashmentDays">
        <Field Name="EncashmentAmount">
        <Field Name="LeaveType">
        <Field Name="EmpNo">
        <Field Name="grossSalary">
        <Field Name="Department">
        <Field Name="Designation">
        <Field Name="Location">
        <Field Name="JOININGDATE">
        <Field Name="CC">
        <Field Name="LeaveBalance">
        <Field Name="Grade">
        <Field Name="Category">
        <Field Name="Opening">
        <Field Name="Availed">
        <Field Name="OnApprovedLeave">
        <Field Name="DailyAmount">
          <Tablix Name="table1">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox3">
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                                  <Value>Employee No.</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox5">
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                        <Textbox Name="textbox10">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox13">
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                                  <Value>Cost Center</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox23">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox20">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox25">
                                  <Value>Gross Salary</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox35">
                                  <Value>No. of Annual Leave at the Beginning of the Year</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox31">
                                  <Value>No. of Annual Leave already approved Till End of the Year</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox33">
                                  <Value>No. of Annual Leave Pending for Approval Till End of the Year</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox27">
                                  <Value>No. of Annual Leave Balance During Leave Encashment Application</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox12">
                                  <Value>No. of Annual Leave Encashed (50% of the Balance)</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox37">
                                  <Value>Per Day Annual Leave Encashment Cost</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="textbox15">
                                  <Value>Total Leave Encashment Amount</Value>
                        <Textbox Name="Sl">
                        <Textbox Name="EmpNo">
                        <Textbox Name="Name">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox7">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox9">
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                        <Textbox Name="textbox34">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox28">
                        <Textbox Name="EncashmentDays">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox38">
                        <Textbox Name="EncashmentAmount">
                        <Textbox Name="textbox19">
                                  <Value>Total: </Value>
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                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
                    <TablixCell />
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                        <Textbox Name="textbox43">
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                <TablixMember />
                  <Group Name="table1_Details_Group">
                    <TablixMember />
            <Style />
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            <Textbox Name="textbox2">
                      <Value>="Employee Wise Encashment Report for the year : "&amp;Parameters!LeaveYear.Value</Value>
          <Style />
            <Textbox Name="textbox30">
                      <Value>="Page " &amp; Globals!PageNumber &amp; " of " &amp; Globals!TotalPages</Value>
            <Textbox Name="textbox18">
                      <Value>="Print Date : " &amp; Format(Today(), "dd MMM yyyy")</Value>
          <Style />
        <Style />
    <ReportParameter Name="CompanyInfo">
    <ReportParameter Name="Logo">
    <ReportParameter Name="Address">
    <ReportParameter Name="Phone">
    <ReportParameter Name="SearchCriteria">
    <ReportParameter Name="LeaveYear">