using Ease.Core.DataAccess; using Ease.Core.Model; using HRM.BO; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Threading; using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions; namespace HRM.DA { public class AttendanceProcess { #region Declaration //public event System.EventHandler RefreshStatus; //List<Employee> _employees = null; //List<MonthlyWorkPlan> _monthlyWorkPlans = null; List<AttnNationalHoliday> _AttNHolidays = null; EnumWorkPlanGroup _empWPtype = EnumWorkPlanGroup.Fixed; List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> _atnMonthlyBenifits = null; DateTime Attdate = DateTime.MinValue; AttnProcessRunSummary _attnRunSummary; List<Shift> shifts = null; List<Shift> _shifts = null; List<Employee> employees = null; double _lateHour, _earlyHour, _oTHour; Employee employee = null; AttnParametarization _AttnParam = null; DailyAttnProcess _DailyAttnProcess = null; #endregion #region Private functions private EnumAttendanceType GetAttnType(DateTime empInTime, DateTime empOutTime, Shift shift, DateTime attnDate, MonthlyWorkPlan empMonthlyWorkPlan) { EnumAttendanceType attntype = EnumAttendanceType.Present; DateTime shiftInTime = attnDate.Subtract(attnDate.TimeOfDay).Add(shift.InTime.TimeOfDay); DateTime shiftOutTime = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime shiftOutTimeWithMinimumOT = DateTime.MinValue; double _oTHour = 0; if (shift.InTime <= shift.OutTime) { shiftOutTime = attnDate.Subtract(attnDate.TimeOfDay).Add(shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); shiftOutTimeWithMinimumOT = attnDate.Subtract(attnDate.TimeOfDay).Add(shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay) .AddMinutes(shift.MinimumOutOTHour); } else { shiftOutTime = attnDate.AddDays(1).Subtract(attnDate.TimeOfDay).Add(shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); shiftOutTimeWithMinimumOT = attnDate.AddDays(1).Subtract(attnDate.TimeOfDay) .Add(shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay).AddMinutes(shift.MinimumOutOTHour); } // DateTime shiftInTimeWithLatehour = attnDate.Subtract(attnDate.TimeOfDay).Add(shift.InTime.TimeOfDay).AddMinutes(shift.LateCalcualtion); if (empMonthlyWorkPlan.Type != EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay) { TimeSpan OTHour = empOutTime.Subtract(empInTime); _oTHour = Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Hours) + (Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes) >= Convert.ToDouble(shift.MinimumOutOTHour) ? 1 : 0); //For Launch break if (_oTHour > 6) { _oTHour = _oTHour - 1; } OTHour = empOutTime.Subtract(empOutTime); // for fixed group employee, night 1 am to 2 pm is rest time, so this one hour will be not included in overtime. if (_empWPtype == EnumWorkPlanGroup.Fixed && empInTime.Date > empOutTime.Date && empOutTime.Hour >= 1 && empOutTime.Minute >= shift.MinimumOutOTHour) { _oTHour = _oTHour - 1; } if (empMonthlyWorkPlan.Type == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday) { attntype = EnumAttendanceType.Holiday; } else if (empMonthlyWorkPlan.Type == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday) { attntype = EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday; } } else { if (empOutTime > shiftOutTimeWithMinimumOT) { TimeSpan OTHour = empOutTime.Subtract(shiftOutTime); _oTHour = Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Hours) + (Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes) >= Convert.ToDouble(shift.MinimumOutOTHour) ? 1 : 0); } } if (_oTHour < 0) _oTHour = 0; return attntype; } private void CalcullateWorkdayType(DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, EmployeeWorkPlanSetup oEmpWorkplan, WorkPlanGroup oEmpWPlanGroup, int payrollTypeID) { //List<ShiftRotation> oShiftRotations = null; //oShiftRotations = ShiftRotation.Get(oEmpWPlanGroup.Type); attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay; if (_AttNHolidays == null) { DateTime oLastDate = attnProcess.AttnDate.LastDateOfMonth(); DateTime oFirstDate = attnProcess.AttnDate.FirstDateOfMonth(); _AttNHolidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetByMonthAndPayrollType(oFirstDate, oLastDate, payrollTypeID); } AttnNationalHoliday oAttNHoliday = _AttNHolidays.Where(o => attnProcess.AttnDate.Date >= o.FromDate.Date && attnProcess.AttnDate.Date <= o.ToDate.Date) .FirstOrDefault(); if (oAttNHoliday != null) { attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday; attnProcess.ReferenceID = oAttNHoliday.ID; return; } if (oEmpWPlanGroup.Type == EnumWorkPlanGroup.Fixed) { if ((oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn != null && attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn) || (oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn2 != null && attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn2)) { attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday; } } else { if (oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn != null) { if (attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn) //if (attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)(((int)oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn + 1) % 7)) { DayOfWeek DayOfWeekValue = (DayOfWeek)(((int)oEmpWorkplan.WeekEndOn + 1) % 7); attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday; } } //if ((oEmpWorkplan.HolidayOne != null && // attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)oEmpWorkplan.HolidayOne) // || (oEmpWorkplan.HolidayTwo != null && // attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)oEmpWorkplan.HolidayTwo)) //{ // if (attnProcess.AttnDate.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)oEmpWorkplan.HolidayOne) // { // attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday; // } //} else { attnProcess.WorkDayType = AutoRotationHolidayCalc(oEmpWorkplan, attnProcess.AttnDate); //if (attnProcess.AttnDate >= oEmpWorkplan.CreatedDate) //{ // int nShiftInterval = 7; // TimeSpan st = attnProcess.AttnDate - oEmpWorkplan.CreatedDate; // int dayCount = st.Days; // int nCircleDay = (dayCount % nShiftInterval); // if ((nShiftInterval - nCircleDay - 1) == 0) // { // attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday; // } //} } } } public static EnumWorkPlanDayType AutoRotationHolidayCalc(EmployeeWorkPlanSetup oEmpWorkplan, DateTime targetDate) { EnumWorkPlanDayType oEnumWPDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay; if (targetDate >= oEmpWorkplan.StartDate) { int nShiftInterval = 7; TimeSpan st = targetDate - oEmpWorkplan.StartDate; int dayCount = st.Days; int nCircleDay = (dayCount % nShiftInterval); if ((nShiftInterval - nCircleDay - 1) == 0) { oEnumWPDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday; } } return oEnumWPDayType; } //private void CalcullateOT(DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, Shift oshift, DateTime Attdate) //{ // attnProcess.OTHour = 0; // DateTime actualInTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.InTime; // DateTime actualOutTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime; // DateTime shiftInTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); // DateTime shiftOutTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); // if (shiftOutTime < shiftInTime) // { // shiftOutTime = shiftOutTime.AddDays(1); // } // double standardHourWorked = shiftOutTime.Subtract(shiftInTime).TotalHours; // double actualHourWorked = actualOutTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalHours; // if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay) // { // if (actualHourWorked > standardHourWorked) // { // double minutesBeforeShiftTime = 0; // double minutesAfterShiftTime = 0; // double inOTMinutes, outOTMinutes; // inOTMinutes = outOTMinutes = 0; // if (actualInTime < shiftInTime) // { // minutesBeforeShiftTime = shiftInTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalMinutes; // var minimumOtInMinutes = oshift.MinimumInOTHour; // if (minutesBeforeShiftTime > minimumOtInMinutes) // { // inOTMinutes = minutesBeforeShiftTime; // } // } // if ((actualHourWorked * 60.0) - (standardHourWorked * 60.0) > minutesBeforeShiftTime) // { // minutesAfterShiftTime = (actualHourWorked * 60.0) - (standardHourWorked * 60.0) - // minutesBeforeShiftTime; // var minimumOtOutMinutes = oshift.MinimumOutOTHour; // if (minutesAfterShiftTime > minimumOtOutMinutes) // { // outOTMinutes = minutesAfterShiftTime; // } // } // if (inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes > 0) // { // attnProcess.OTHour = (inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes) / 60.0; // } // } // } // else // { // //For Launch break // if (actualHourWorked > 6 && oshift.LunchHour > 0) // { // actualHourWorked -= (oshift.LunchHour / 60.0); // } // attnProcess.OTHour = actualHourWorked; // } // if (attnProcess.OTHour < 0) // { // attnProcess.OTHour = 0; // } //} private void CalcullateOT(bool isOtEligible, DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, Shift oshift, DateTime Attdate) { // all in one attnProcess.OTHour = 0; // it will calculate total working hour if (attnProcess.InTime != null && attnProcess.OutTime != null) { attnProcess.OTHour = 0; DateTime actualInTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.InTime; DateTime actualOutTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime; DateTime shiftInTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); DateTime shiftOutTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); if (shiftOutTime < shiftInTime) { shiftOutTime = shiftOutTime.AddDays(1); } double standardHourWorked = shiftOutTime.Subtract(shiftInTime).TotalHours; double actualHourWorked = actualOutTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalHours; if (isOtEligible) { if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay) { #region working day double minutesBeforeShiftTime = 0; double minutesAfterShiftTime = 0; double inOTMinutes, outOTMinutes; inOTMinutes = outOTMinutes = 0; if (actualInTime < shiftInTime) { minutesBeforeShiftTime = shiftInTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalMinutes; var minimumOtInMinutes = oshift.MinimumInOTHour; if (minutesBeforeShiftTime > minimumOtInMinutes) { inOTMinutes = minutesBeforeShiftTime; } } if (shiftOutTime < actualOutTime) { minutesAfterShiftTime = actualOutTime.Subtract(shiftOutTime).TotalMinutes; var minimumOtOutMinutes = oshift.MinimumOutOTHour; if (minutesAfterShiftTime > minimumOtOutMinutes) { outOTMinutes = minutesAfterShiftTime; } } if (inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes > 0) { attnProcess.OTHour = (inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes); attnProcess.OTHour = Math.Round(Math.Floor(attnProcess.OTHour / 60) + ((attnProcess.OTHour % 60) / 100),2); } #endregion working day } else { double tempactualHourWorked = actualOutTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalHours; actualHourWorked -= oshift.LunchHour ; attnProcess.OTHour = Math.Round(Math.Floor(actualHourWorked / 60) + ((actualHourWorked % 60) / 100), 2); } if (attnProcess.OTHour < 0) attnProcess.OTHour = 0; } } //only for lifung attnProcess.OTHour = 0; if (attnProcess.WorkHour > 8) attnProcess.OTHour = Math.Round( attnProcess.WorkHour - 8,2); } private void CalcullateOTEchoTex(bool isOtEligible, DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, Shift oshift, DateTime Attdate, bool _IsOTFractionate) { double _oTHour = 0; attnProcess.OTHour = 0; if (isOtEligible == false || (attnProcess.InTime == DateTime.MinValue || attnProcess.InTime == null) || (attnProcess.OutTime == DateTime.MinValue || attnProcess.OutTime == null)) { return; } DateTime shiftInTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.InTime; DateTime originalShiftInTime = Attdate.Subtract(Attdate.TimeOfDay).Add(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); // if anyone comes early than shift time // then that will not be considderred in OT if (originalShiftInTime > shiftInTime) { shiftInTime = originalShiftInTime; } DateTime shiftOutTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime; DateTime originalShiftOutTime = DateTime.MinValue; TimeSpan shiftTimeDifference = new TimeSpan(0); TimeSpan shiftTotalTimeWithMinimumOT = new TimeSpan(0); if (oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay > oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay) { originalShiftOutTime = originalShiftInTime.Date.AddDays(1).Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); } else { originalShiftOutTime = originalShiftInTime.Date.Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); } shiftTimeDifference = originalShiftOutTime - originalShiftInTime; shiftTotalTimeWithMinimumOT = shiftTimeDifference.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(oshift.MinimumOTHour)); TimeSpan OTHour = TimeSpan.FromHours(0); if (attnProcess.WorkDayType != EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay) { OTHour = attnProcess.OutTime.Value.Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime); } else { if (shiftOutTime.Subtract(shiftInTime).TotalHours > shiftTotalTimeWithMinimumOT.TotalHours) { OTHour = shiftOutTime.Subtract(shiftInTime) - shiftTimeDifference; } } // Normal OT Calcullation //_oTHour = Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Hours) + (Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes) >= Convert.ToDouble(oshift.MinimumOTHour) ? // (_IsOTFractionate? (Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes)/60) : 1) // : 0); // Echo OT Calcullation _oTHour = OTHour.Hours; if (Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes) >= Convert.ToDouble(oshift.MinimumOTHour)) { if (_IsOTFractionate) { _oTHour += (60 - Convert.ToDouble(oshift.MinimumOTHour)) > Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes) ? (Convert.ToDouble(OTHour.Minutes) / 60) : 1; } else { _oTHour += 1; } } // Echo OT Calcullation End if (_oTHour < 0) _oTHour = 0; attnProcess.OTHour = _oTHour; } #endregion public void MobileDataThreadProcess(List<AttnMobileRawData> offlineData) { if (offlineData == null || offlineData.Count == 0) return; var Groupdate = from dateGroup in offlineData group dateGroup by dateGroup.AttnDate; Employee oemp = new EmployeeService().Get(offlineData[0].EmpID); List<Employee> emps = new List<Employee>(); emps.Add(oemp); User ouser = new UserService().Get(oemp.EmployeeNo); foreach(var item in Groupdate) { Thread myNewThread = new Thread(() => Process(item.Key, EnumProcessMode.Auto, oemp.PayrollTypeID, ouser.ID, emps)); myNewThread.Start(); } //Thread myNewThread = new Thread(() => SendMail(oTran)); //myNewThread.Start(); } #region Public Functions public void Process(DateTime ProcessDate, EnumProcessMode prMode, int payrollTypeID, int processUserID) { DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today.Date; List<Employee> emp = new EmployeeService().Get(EnumEmployeeStatus.Regardless, payrollTypeID); _shifts = new ShiftService().GetAllShift(); for (DateTime currentDate = ProcessDate; currentDate <= endDate; currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(1)) { Process(currentDate, EnumProcessMode.Auto, payrollTypeID, processUserID, emp); } } public void Process(DateTime fromDate, EnumProcessMode prMode, int payrollTypeID, int processUserID, List<Employee> emps) { bool isEchoTex = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "attendence", "echotexprocess"); if (isEchoTex == true) { echoTexProcess(fromDate, prMode, payrollTypeID, processUserID, emps); return; } _attnRunSummary = new AttnProcessRunSummary(); _attnRunSummary.ProcessMode = prMode; // bool isInOutApplicable = false; _shifts = _shifts ?? new ShiftService().GetAllShift(); string msg = ""; try { #region Initialization for Attendence Process Attdate = fromDate; // isInOutApplicable = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "attendence", "inoutapplicable"); List<DailyAttnProcess> dailyattProcesses = new List<DailyAttnProcess>(); List<DailyAttendanceAllowance> dailyAttendanceAllowances = new List<DailyAttendanceAllowance>(); List<EmpFieldTrack> oEmpFieldTracks = new List<EmpFieldTrack>(); DateTime startTime = new DateTime(Attdate.Year, Attdate.Month, Attdate.Day, 5, 20, 0); DateTime ToTime = Attdate.AddDays(1); ToTime = new DateTime(ToTime.Year, ToTime.Month, ToTime.Day, 10, 0, 0); LeaveEntry empLeaveEntry = null; List<ActingResponsibilitySetup> _tempraryShifts = new ActingResponsibilitySetupService().GetTemporaryShiftEmployee(Attdate); List<EmployeeWorkPlanSetup> empWPGroups = new EmployeeWorkPlanSetupService().Get(); List<DailyAttnProcess> manualAttnProcesses = null; List<SearchEmployee> _employees = emps !=null? Employee.getSearchEmp(emps): null; if (emps == null || emps.Count == 0) { SearchManager omg = new SearchManager(); omg.SearchFrom = EnumSearchFrom.Employee; omg.Parameter.AddDefaultParameter(payrollTypeID, EnumEmployeeStatus.Live); omg.Parameter.Add(EnumSearchParameter.JoiningDate, EnumSQLOperator.SmallerThan, EnumSearchObjDataType.Date, Attdate.AddDays(1)); _employees = new SearchEmployeeService().Find(omg); } List<Employee> discontinueEmps = new EmployeeService().GetDiscontinueEmp(Attdate, DateTime.Now, payrollTypeID); DateTime oLastDate = fromDate; DateTime oFirstDate = fromDate; _AttNHolidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetByMonthAndPayrollType(oFirstDate, oLastDate, payrollTypeID); List<AttnRawData> attRawdata = new AttnRawDataService().Get(startTime, ToTime, payrollTypeID);// get raw data by a date and order by date, employee, punchTime List<EmployeeOutsideDuty> outSideDuties = new EmployeeOutsideDutyService().Get(Attdate); // get transaction by the a rate List<LeaveEntry> leaves = new LeaveEntryService().Get(Attdate); // workplans by the date List<LeaveParameter> lvParameters = new LeaveParameterService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, payrollTypeID, null, false); if (discontinueEmps != null && discontinueEmps.Count > 0) { foreach (Employee emp in discontinueEmps) { if (_employees.Any(x => x.ID == emp.ID) == false) _employees.Add(emp.getSearchEmployee()); } } manualAttnProcesses = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetManualProcess(payrollTypeID, Attdate); if (_employees.Count == 1) { manualAttnProcesses.RemoveAll(o => o.EmployeeID != _employees[0].ID); } foreach (DailyAttnProcess item in manualAttnProcesses) { //if (leaves != null && leaves.Count > 0) //{ // if (item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Leave) // { // empLeaveEntry = leaves.Where(lv => lv.EmpID == item.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault(); // item.leaveEntry = empLeaveEntry; // } //} dailyattProcesses.Add(item); } List<MonthlyWorkPlan> monthlyWorkPlans = new MonthlyWorkPlanService().GetByDate(Attdate, payrollTypeID); #endregion if (monthlyWorkPlans == null || monthlyWorkPlans.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Monthly work plan is not yet set for the selected date of month."); } foreach (SearchEmployee emp in _employees) { Shift oshift = null; msg = emp.EmployeeNo + " " + emp.Name + " Date:" + Attdate.ToString(" dd MMM yy"); #region EmployeeWise Setup // 1. If Joining date is after Attendendence date then no attendence // if (emp.JoiningDate > Attdate) continue; var manualEntry = manualAttnProcesses.Where(obj => obj.EmployeeID == emp.ID).ToList(); if (manualEntry.Count > 0) continue; //#### DailyAttnProcess attnProcess = new DailyAttnProcess(); attnProcess.SearchEmployee = emp; attnProcess.CreatedBy = processUserID; attnProcess.CreatedDate = DateTime.Today; attnProcess.AttnDate = Attdate; attnProcess.EmployeeID = emp.EmployeeID; attnProcess.IsManualEntry = false; _lateHour = 0; _earlyHour = 0; _oTHour = 0; List<AttnRawData> empAttnData = null; EmployeeOutsideDuty empOutsideDuty = null; if (attRawdata != null && attRawdata.Count > 0) empAttnData = attRawdata.Where(erd => erd.EmployeeID == emp.ID).OrderBy(erd => erd.PunchTime).ToList(); if (outSideDuties != null && outSideDuties.Count > 0) empOutsideDuty = outSideDuties.Where(od => od.EmployeeID == emp.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (leaves != null && leaves.Count > 0) empLeaveEntry = leaves.Where(lv => lv.EmpID == emp.ID).FirstOrDefault(); EmployeeWorkPlanSetup oEmpWorkplan = empWPGroups.Where(oGr => oGr.EmployeeID == emp.ID).FirstOrDefault(); // 3. If There is no EmployeeWorkPlanSetup then no attendence //if (oEmpWorkplan == null) //{ // continue; // //throw new Exception("Employee Work-Group is not Defined for " + emp.Name + " (" + emp.EmployeeNo + ")"); //} // WorkPlanGroup oEmpWPlanGroup = workPlanGroups.Where(o => o.ID.Integer == oEmpWorkplan.WorkPlanGroupID.Integer).Single(); #endregion #region Calcullate ShiftID and WorkPlan Day Type MonthlyWorkPlan mplan = null; ActingResponsibilitySetup tempShiftEmployee = _tempraryShifts.Where(o => o.EmployeeID == attnProcess.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault(); mplan = GetPlanwithEmployee(Attdate, emp.EmployeeID, empWPGroups, monthlyWorkPlans, null); if(emp.EmployeeNo=="BP0010") { } attnProcess.MonthlyWorkPlan = mplan; if (attnProcess.MonthlyWorkPlan != null) { attnProcess.ShiftID = mplan.ShiftID; attnProcess.Shift = _shifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == mplan.ShiftID); attnProcess.WorkDayType = mplan.Type; attnProcess.ActualShiftID = null; if (tempShiftEmployee != null) { // set original shift into the temporary shiftt if (tempShiftEmployee.ShiftID == null) { attnProcess.ActualShiftID = attnProcess.ShiftID; mplan = GetPlanwithEmployee(Attdate, emp.ID, empWPGroups, monthlyWorkPlans, tempShiftEmployee); attnProcess.ShiftID = mplan.ShiftID; } else { attnProcess.ActualShiftID = attnProcess.ShiftID; attnProcess.ShiftID = tempShiftEmployee.ShiftID; } if (tempShiftEmployee.IsHoliday) { _earlyHour = 0; _lateHour = 0; attnProcess.InTime = null; attnProcess.OutTime = null; attnProcess.IsLate = false; attnProcess.EarlyHour = 0; attnProcess.LateHour = 0; attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday; } else { attnProcess.WorkDayType = EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay; } } } else { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; attnProcess.Comments = "Roster is not yet assigned."; dailyattProcesses.Add(attnProcess); continue; //throw new Exception("Monthly Roster not found for the employee(" + attnProcess.Employee.EmployeeNo + ")" + attnProcess.Employee.Name); } //attnProcess.WorkDayType = 0;// attnProcess.MonthlyWorkPlan.Type; //attnProcess.ReferenceID = 0;// attnProcess.MonthlyWorkPlan.HolidayID; #endregion #region calculate In/Out time & work day type /* * if ShiftID found and attendence data exists * Calcullate InTime and OutTime * If elligable for OT calcullate OT according to DayType(Holiday or Workday) */ if (empAttnData != null && empAttnData.Count > 0 && attnProcess.ShiftID != null) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Present; attnProcess.InTime = null; attnProcess.OutTime = null; oshift = _shifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == attnProcess.ShiftID); if (oshift == null) continue; attnProcess.InTime = GetShiftInOutTime(empAttnData, attnProcess, oshift.ID, true); attnProcess.OutTime = GetShiftInOutTime(empAttnData, attnProcess, oshift.ID, false); if (attnProcess.InTime != null) attnProcess.InTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).RemoveSecondsAndMiliseconds(); if (attnProcess.OutTime != null) attnProcess.OutTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).RemoveSecondsAndMiliseconds(); #region Calcullate Late & Delay & Early #region previous Early and Late calculation //if (attnProcess.InTime != null && totalLateMinute > oshift.LateCalcualtion) //{ // // attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Late; // attnProcess.IsLate = true; // _lateHour = (totalLateMinute) / 60; //} //if (attnProcess.OutTime != null && attnProcess.OutTime != null && ((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).Day == attnProcess.AttnDate.Day) //{ // if (oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay.Subtract(((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).TimeOfDay).TotalMinutes > 0) // { // _earlyHour = oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay.Subtract(((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).TimeOfDay).TotalMinutes / 60; // } //} #endregion this.CalculateLateAndDelay(attnProcess, _shifts); #endregion } #endregion if (empOutsideDuty != null) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empOutsideDuty.ID; } if (empLeaveEntry != null && (empLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved)) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Leave; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empLeaveEntry.LeaveID; } #region Calcullate not present status if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday || attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday) { if (empOutsideDuty != null) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empOutsideDuty.ID; attnProcess.Comments = empOutsideDuty.Comments; } if (empLeaveEntry != null && (empLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved) && lvParameters.Where(x => x.LeaveId == empLeaveEntry.LeaveID).Any(x => x.IgnoreHoliday == false)) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Leave; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empLeaveEntry.LeaveID; attnProcess.Comments = empLeaveEntry.Remarks; } } if (attnProcess.InTime == null || attnProcess.OutTime == null) { if (empLeaveEntry != null && (empLeaveEntry.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved)) { #region Check Leave Entry // Check wether Ignore Holidays if (lvParameters.Where(x => x.LeaveId == empLeaveEntry.LeaveID).Any(x => x.IgnoreHoliday)) { if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday) attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday; else if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday) attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Holiday; else { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Leave; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empLeaveEntry.LeaveID; } } else { if (attnProcess.AttenType != EnumAttendanceType.Present) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Leave; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empLeaveEntry.LeaveID; } else { _earlyHour = 0; _lateHour = 0; attnProcess.IsLate = false; attnProcess.EarlyHour = 0; attnProcess.LateHour = 0; } } #endregion } else if (empOutsideDuty != null) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empOutsideDuty.ID; } else if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday) attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday; else if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday) attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Holiday; else if ((attnProcess.InTime != null && attnProcess.InTime != DateTime.MinValue) || (attnProcess.OutTime != null && attnProcess.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue)) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Present; } else { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; } } if (attnProcess.InTime != null && attnProcess.Shift.hasAbsentTime == true && attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay) { if (attnProcess.Shift.InTime.TimeOfDay <= attnProcess.Shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay) { if (((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay > attnProcess.Shift.AbsentTime.TimeOfDay) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; } } else { if (attnProcess.Shift.AbsentTime.TimeOfDay <= attnProcess.Shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay) { if (((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay > attnProcess.Shift.AbsentTime.TimeOfDay && ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay <= attnProcess.Shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; } } else { if (!(((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay < attnProcess.Shift.AbsentTime.TimeOfDay && ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay > attnProcess.Shift.OutTime.TimeOfDay)) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; } } } } #endregion CalcullateOT(true, attnProcess, attnProcess.Shift, Attdate); #region New Attendance Benefit Process if(attnProcess.AttenType != EnumAttendanceType.Absent && attnProcess.InTime != null && attnProcess.OutTime != null) attnProcess.Benifits = CalculateDailyAttendanceAllowance(attnProcess, payrollTypeID, processUserID); #endregion dailyattProcesses.Add(attnProcess); // Add the process to collection } msg = "Saving Data: "; new DailyAttnProcessService().Save(dailyattProcesses, _atnMonthlyBenifits); // msg = "Saving Allowance Data: "; // new DailyAttendanceAllowanceService().Save(dailyAttendanceAllowances); } catch (ServiceException ex) { throw new ServiceException(msg + ex.Message, ex); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException(msg + e.Message, e); } } public void CalculateLateAndDelay(DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, List<Shift> shifts) { double totalLateMinute = 0; DateTime temptime; if (attnProcess.ShiftID == null) return; Shift oshift = shifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == (int)attnProcess.ShiftID); if (oshift == null) return; CalculateLateAndDelay(attnProcess, oshift); } public void CalculateOverTime(DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, Shift shift) { if (attnProcess.ShiftID == null) return; CalcullateOT(true, attnProcess, shift, attnProcess.AttnDate); } public void CalculateLateAndDelay(DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, Shift oshift) { double totalLateMinute = 0; DateTime temptime; attnProcess.IsLate = false; attnProcess.LateHour = 0; attnProcess.EarlyHour = 0; _lateHour =0; _earlyHour = 0; if (oshift != null && attnProcess.InTime != null) { temptime = oshift.InTime.AddMinutes(oshift.FlexibleHour); if (((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay > temptime.TimeOfDay) { totalLateMinute = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay.Subtract(temptime.TimeOfDay).TotalMinutes; totalLateMinute = Math.Floor(totalLateMinute);// removing second if (totalLateMinute > oshift.LateCalcualtion) { attnProcess.IsLate = true; _lateHour = Math.Round( Math.Floor(totalLateMinute/60) + (totalLateMinute % 60)/100,2); } } } double earlyhour = 0; if (oshift != null && attnProcess.InTime !=null && attnProcess.OutTime != null) { DateTime tempshiftTime = oshift.OutTime; if (oshift.FlexibleHour == 0) { DateTime workInTime = (DateTime) attnProcess.InTime; DateTime shiftInTime = new DateTime(workInTime.Year, workInTime.Month, workInTime.Day, oshift.InTime.Hour, oshift.InTime.Minute, 0); if(workInTime < shiftInTime) workInTime = shiftInTime; DateTime workoutTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime; DateTime shiftoutTime = new DateTime(workoutTime.Year, workoutTime.Month, workoutTime.Day, oshift.OutTime.Hour, oshift.OutTime.Minute, 0); if (workoutTime > shiftoutTime) workoutTime = shiftoutTime; // double workHour = (workoutTime).Subtract((DateTime)workInTime).TotalMinutes; double workHour = ((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TotalMinutes; workHour = Math.Floor(workHour); //removing second attnProcess.OTHour = workHour - 480;// Math.Round(Math.Floor(workHour / 60) + (workHour % 60) / 100, 2); if (attnProcess.OTHour < 0) attnProcess.OTHour = 0; else attnProcess.OTHour = Math.Round(Math.Floor(attnProcess.OTHour / 60) + (attnProcess.OTHour % 60) / 100, 2); workHour = workHour - oshift.LunchHour; if (workHour < 0) workHour = 0; // if (workHour> oshift.WorkHour*60) workHour = oshift.WorkHour * 60; attnProcess.WorkHour = Math.Round(Math.Floor(workHour / 60) + (workHour % 60) / 100, 2); if (((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).TimeOfDay < shiftoutTime.TimeOfDay) { _earlyHour = (shiftoutTime).Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).TotalMinutes; _earlyHour = Math.Floor(_earlyHour);// removing second earlyhour = _earlyHour; _earlyHour = Math.Round(Math.Floor(_earlyHour / 60) + (_earlyHour % 60) / 100, 2); } } // let calcualte workhour with flexible time later } attnProcess.LateHour = _lateHour; attnProcess.EarlyHour = _earlyHour; _DailyAttnProcess= attnProcess; } public DailyAttnProcess CalulateLateAndDelayForMobileAttendance(DailyAttnProcess oAttnProcess, Shift oShift) { CalculateLateAndDelay(oAttnProcess, oShift); return _DailyAttnProcess; } public DailyAttnProcess CalulateOverTimeForMobileAttendance(DailyAttnProcess oAttnProcess, Shift oShift) { CalcullateOT(true,oAttnProcess, oShift, oAttnProcess.AttnDate); return _DailyAttnProcess; } public List<DailyAttendanceAllowance> CalculateDailyAttendanceAllowance(DailyAttnProcess pDailyattProcesses, int payrolltypeid, int userid) { List<DailyAttendanceAllowance> items = new List<DailyAttendanceAllowance>(); //DailyAttendanceAllowance tempDailyAttendanceAllowance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.AttnDate = pDailyattProcesses.AttnDate; //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.EmployeeID = pDailyattProcesses.EmployeeID; //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.ShiftID = (int)pDailyattProcesses.ShiftID; //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.PayrollTypeID = pEmployee.PayrollTypeID; if (pDailyattProcesses.ShiftID == null) return items; if (pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasBenefits) { if (pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasExtraHourAllowance && pDailyattProcesses.OutTime != null && pDailyattProcesses.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue && ((DateTime)pDailyattProcesses.OutTime).TimeOfDay > pDailyattProcesses.Shift.ExtraHourAllowanceFromTime.TimeOfDay) { DailyAttendanceAllowance ExtraHour = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); ExtraHour.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance; ExtraHour.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.ExtraHourAllowanceID; ExtraHour.OtherBenifitValue = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(((DateTime)pDailyattProcesses.OutTime).TimeOfDay.Subtract(pDailyattProcesses.Shift.ExtraHourAllowanceFromTime.TimeOfDay).TotalHours)); items.Add(ExtraHour); } if ((pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasHolidayAllowance && pDailyattProcesses.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday || pDailyattProcesses.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Holiday) && ((pDailyattProcesses.InTime != null && pDailyattProcesses.InTime != DateTime.MinValue) && (pDailyattProcesses.OutTime != null && pDailyattProcesses.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue))) { //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.HolidayAllowance = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(((DateTime)pDailyattProcesses.OutTime).Subtract(((DateTime)pDailyattProcesses.InTime)).TotalHours)); // tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.HolidayAllowance = 1; DailyAttendanceAllowance hilidayAlloance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); hilidayAlloance.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance; hilidayAlloance.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HolidayAllowanceID; hilidayAlloance.OtherBenifitValue = 1; items.Add(hilidayAlloance); } if (pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasNightAllowance && pDailyattProcesses.Shift.IsOverlapingDay) { DailyAttendanceAllowance NightAllowance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); NightAllowance.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance; NightAllowance.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.NightAllowanceID; NightAllowance.OtherBenifitValue = 1; items.Add(NightAllowance); } if(pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasOtherAllowance) { DailyAttendanceAllowance OtherAllowance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); OtherAllowance.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance; OtherAllowance.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.OtherAllowanceID; OtherAllowance.OtherBenifitValue = 1; items.Add(OtherAllowance); } if (pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasTiffinAllowance) { DailyAttendanceAllowance OtherAllowance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); OtherAllowance.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance; OtherAllowance.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.TiffinAllowanceID; OtherAllowance.OtherBenifitValue = 1; items.Add(OtherAllowance); } if (pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasSpecialAllowance) { DailyAttendanceAllowance OtherAllowance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); OtherAllowance.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance; OtherAllowance.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.SpecialAllowanceID; OtherAllowance.OtherBenifitValue = 1; items.Add(OtherAllowance); } if (pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasRegularOverTime == true && pDailyattProcesses.OTHour > 0) { if ( pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasHolidayOverTime == true && (pDailyattProcesses.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday || pDailyattProcesses.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyAndNational )) { // do nothing } else { DailyAttendanceAllowance RegularOverTime = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); RegularOverTime.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.OT; RegularOverTime.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.RegularOverTimeAllowanceID; RegularOverTime.OtherBenifitValue = pDailyattProcesses.OTHour; items.Add(RegularOverTime); } } if(pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasRegularOverTime == true && pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HasHolidayOverTime == true && pDailyattProcesses.OTHour > 0 && (pDailyattProcesses.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday || pDailyattProcesses.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyAndNational )) { DailyAttendanceAllowance HolidayOverTime = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); HolidayOverTime.BenifitsType = EnumattnBeniftsType.OT; HolidayOverTime.OtherBenifitItemID = pDailyattProcesses.Shift.HolidayOverTimeAllowanceID; HolidayOverTime.OtherBenifitValue = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(pDailyattProcesses.OTHour)); items.Add(HolidayOverTime); } if (this._AttnParam == null) this._AttnParam = new AttnParametarizationService().Get(payrolltypeid); if (this._AttnParam == null) throw new Exception("Failed to get Attendance parameters"); items.ForEach(x => { x.AttnDate = pDailyattProcesses.AttnDate; x.EmployeeID = pDailyattProcesses.EmployeeID; x.ShiftID = (int)pDailyattProcesses.ShiftID; x.PayrollTypeID = payrolltypeid; x.CreatedBy = userid; x.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; x.SalaryMonth = GlobalFunctions.GetAttandaceSalaryMonth(x.AttnDate, this._AttnParam.MonthStartDay); }); } //DailyAttendanceAllowance tempDailyAttendanceAllowance = new DailyAttendanceAllowance(); //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.AttnDate = pDailyattProcesses.AttnDate; //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.EmployeeID = pDailyattProcesses.EmployeeID; //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.ShiftID = (int)pDailyattProcesses.ShiftID; //tempDailyAttendanceAllowance.PayrollTypeID = pEmployee.PayrollTypeID; return items; } public List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> AttnMonthlyBenefitProcess_prev(List<DailyAttnProcess> dailyattProcesses, bool IsManualEntry, int payrollTypeId) { // this function is per previous system List<AttnWiseAllowance> oAttnWiseAllowances = new AttnWiseAllowanceService().Get(payrollTypeId); if (oAttnWiseAllowances == null || oAttnWiseAllowances.Count == 0) return null; AttnParametarization oAttnParam = new AttnParametarizationService().Get(payrollTypeId); #region AttnMonthlyBenefit Process string empids = string.Empty; DateTime tempIntime = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime tempOuttime = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime outTime = DateTime.MinValue; try { #region Distinct Employee List<DailyAttnProcess> distinctEmployee = dailyattProcesses .GroupBy(p => p.EmployeeID) .Select(g => g.First()) .ToList(); if (distinctEmployee.Count == 1) { empids = distinctEmployee[0].EmployeeID.ToString(); } else { foreach (DailyAttnProcess dap in distinctEmployee) { empids += dap.EmployeeID.ToString() + ","; } empids = empids.Trim(','); } #endregion List<DailyAttnProcess> distinctAttnDate = dailyattProcesses .GroupBy(p => p.AttnDate) .Select(g => g.First()) .ToList(); DateTime fromdate = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date); DateTime todate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date); List<Shift> shifts = new ShiftService().GetAllShift(); string propertyName = string.Empty; bool isCalculatedValue = false; DateTime applicableMonth = DateTime.MinValue; double calculatedfValue = 0; _atnMonthlyBenifits = new List<AttnMonthlyBenefit>(); // omonthlyWorkPlan = new List<MonthlyWorkPlan>(); if (distinctAttnDate.Count == 1) { // omonthlyWorkPlan = MonthlyWorkPlan.GetByDate(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date); AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper obj_Mapper = new AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date, oAttnParam.MonthStartDay, out applicableMonth); _atnMonthlyBenifits = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().Get(empids, applicableMonth); } else { foreach (DailyAttnProcess daProcess in distinctAttnDate) { DateTime tempTime = DateTime.MinValue; AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper obj_Mapper = new AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper(daProcess.AttnDate.Date, oAttnParam.MonthStartDay, out applicableMonth); List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> _atnMonthlyBenifitTemp = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().Get(empids, applicableMonth); // omonthlyWorkPlan.AddRange(MonthlyWorkPlan.GetByDate(daProcess.AttnDate.Date)); foreach (AttnMonthlyBenefit itemAMB in _atnMonthlyBenifitTemp) { if (!_atnMonthlyBenifits.Exists(o => o.EmployeeID == itemAMB.EmployeeID && o.SalaryMonth == itemAMB.SalaryMonth && o.ItemType == itemAMB.ItemType && o.ItemID == itemAMB.ItemID)) { _atnMonthlyBenifits.Add(itemAMB); } } } } Employee employee = null; foreach (DailyAttnProcess item in dailyattProcesses) { employee = item.Employee; PropertyInfo propertyInfo, propertyInfoIs; AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper objMapper = new AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper(item.AttnDate.Date, oAttnParam.MonthStartDay, out applicableMonth); propertyName = objMapper[item.AttnDate]; List<AttnWiseAllowance> itemAttnWiseAllowwances = new AttnWiseAllowanceService().GetAllApplicableItem(oAttnWiseAllowances, item); if (itemAttnWiseAllowwances == null) continue; itemAttnWiseAllowwances = itemAttnWiseAllowwances.GroupBy(p => p.ID).Select(g => g.First()).ToList(); propertyInfo = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == propertyName); propertyInfoIs = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Is" + propertyName); List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> _aMBenifits = _atnMonthlyBenifits.Where(o => o.EmployeeID == item.EmployeeID).ToList(); if (IsManualEntry == true) { for (int i = 0; i < _aMBenifits.Count(); i++) { calculatedfValue = 0; propertyInfo.SetValue(_aMBenifits[i], 0, null); propertyInfoIs.SetValue(_aMBenifits[i], false, null); _aMBenifits[i] = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().CalculateTotal(_aMBenifits[i]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _aMBenifits.Count(); i++) { calculatedfValue = 0; isCalculatedValue = (bool)propertyInfoIs.GetValue(_aMBenifits[i], null); if (isCalculatedValue) continue; propertyInfo.SetValue(_aMBenifits[i], 0, null); _aMBenifits[i] = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().CalculateTotal(_aMBenifits[i]); } } foreach (AttnWiseAllowance attSetup in itemAttnWiseAllowwances) { employee = item.Employee; AttnMonthlyBenefit oAttnWiseBenefit = _atnMonthlyBenifits .FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == item.EmployeeID && attSetup.ProvisionID == x.ItemID && attSetup.ProvisionType == x.ItemType && x.SalaryMonth == GlobalFunctions.GetAttandaceSalaryMonth(item.AttnDate.Date, oAttnParam.MonthStartDay)); if (oAttnWiseBenefit == null) { oAttnWiseBenefit = new AttnMonthlyBenefit(); oAttnWiseBenefit.EmployeeID = item.EmployeeID; oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemType = attSetup.ProvisionType; oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemID = attSetup.ProvisionID; oAttnWiseBenefit.SalaryMonth = GlobalFunctions.GetAttandaceSalaryMonth(item.AttnDate.Date, oAttnParam.MonthStartDay); _atnMonthlyBenifits.Add(oAttnWiseBenefit); } propertyInfo = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == propertyName); calculatedfValue = (double)propertyInfo.GetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, null); propertyInfoIs = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Is" + propertyName); isCalculatedValue = (bool)propertyInfoIs.GetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, null); if (IsManualEntry == false) { if (isCalculatedValue) { continue; } } if (oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemType == enumPayrollComponentType.Over_Time) { calculatedfValue = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().CalculateOvertimeValue(attSetup, item, payrollTypeId); propertyInfo.SetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, calculatedfValue, null); } if (oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance) { calculatedfValue = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().CalculateAllowanceValue(attSetup, item); propertyInfo.SetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, calculatedfValue, null); } oAttnWiseBenefit = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().CalculateTotal(oAttnWiseBenefit); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return _atnMonthlyBenifits; #endregion } #endregion public static MonthlyWorkPlan GetPlanwithEmployee(DateTime EffectDate, int employeeid, List<EmployeeWorkPlanSetup> plans, List<MonthlyWorkPlan> MworkPlans, ActingResponsibilitySetup temporaryShiftEmp) { MonthlyWorkPlan dPlan = null; if (temporaryShiftEmp == null) { EmployeeWorkPlanSetup workGroup = plans.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == employeeid); if (workGroup != null) { dPlan = MworkPlans.FirstOrDefault(x => x.WorkPlanGroupID == workGroup.WorkPlanGroupID && x.WorkDate == EffectDate); if (dPlan != null) dPlan.EmployeeID = employeeid; } } else { dPlan = MworkPlans.FirstOrDefault(x => x.WorkPlanGroupID == temporaryShiftEmp.WorkPlanGroupID && x.WorkDate == EffectDate); dPlan.EmployeeID = employeeid; } return dPlan; } private DateTime? GetShiftInOutTime(List<AttnRawData> RawData, DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, int shiftID, bool InCheck) { DateTime? Returntime = null; Shift oShift = _shifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == shiftID); if (InCheck == true) { DateTime MinInTime = new DateTime(attnProcess.AttnDate.Year, attnProcess.AttnDate.Month, attnProcess.AttnDate.Day, oShift.InTime.Hour - 3, 0, 0); DateTime inDate = attnProcess.AttnDate; int hour = oShift.InTime.Hour + 4; if (hour > 23) { inDate = inDate.AddDays(1); hour = hour - 23; } DateTime MaxInTime = new DateTime(inDate.Year, inDate.Month, inDate.Day, hour, 0, 0); List<AttnRawData> rsts = RawData.Where(x => x.PunchTime > MinInTime && x.PunchTime < MaxInTime).ToList(); if (rsts != null && rsts.Count > 0) Returntime = rsts.Min(x => x.PunchTime); } else { DateTime fromtime = attnProcess.AttnDate; int hour = oShift.InTime.Hour + 2; if (oShift.InTime.Hour + 2 > 23) { fromtime = fromtime.AddDays(1); hour = oShift.InTime.Hour + 2 - 23; } DateTime MinOutTime = new DateTime(attnProcess.AttnDate.Year, fromtime.Month, fromtime.Day, hour, 0, 0); DateTime oDate = attnProcess.AttnDate; hour = 23; if (oShift.IsOverlapingDay) { hour = 11; oDate = attnProcess.AttnDate.AddDays(1); } else { hour = 5; oDate = attnProcess.AttnDate.AddDays(1); } DateTime MaxOutTime = new DateTime(oDate.Year, oDate.Month, oDate.Day, hour, 0, 0); List<AttnRawData> rsts = RawData.Where(x => x.PunchTime > MinOutTime && x.PunchTime < MaxOutTime).ToList(); if (rsts != null && rsts.Count > 0) Returntime = rsts.Max(x => x.PunchTime); } return Returntime; } private void AddError(AttnProcessRunSummary oAttnRunSummary, EnumErrorType enumErrorType, string errorDescription, Employee emp) { if (oAttnRunSummary.AttnProcessRunDetails == null) oAttnRunSummary.AttnProcessRunDetails = new List<AttnProcessRunDetail>(); oAttnRunSummary.AttnProcessRunDetails.Add(new AttnProcessRunDetail() { EnumErrorType = enumErrorType, Description = errorDescription, EmployeeNo = emp == null ? string.Empty : emp.EmployeeNo, EmployeeName = emp == null ? string.Empty : emp.Name }); if (enumErrorType == EnumErrorType.ServiceException || enumErrorType == EnumErrorType.Exception) { oAttnRunSummary.ProcessStatus = EnumAttnProcessStatus.Error; } else { oAttnRunSummary.ProcessStatus = EnumAttnProcessStatus.SuccessWithError; } } //private void CalcullateOTandWorkHour(DailyAttnProcess attnProcess, bool isOTEligable, DateTime Attdate) //{ // attnProcess.OTHour = 0; // attnProcess.WorkHour = 0; // if (attnProcess.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Present || attnProcess.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Late) // { // if (attnProcess.InTime != null && attnProcess.InTime != DateTime.MinValue && attnProcess.OutTime != null && attnProcess.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue) // { // DateTime actualInTime = (DateTime)attnProcess.InTime; // double actualHourWorked = ((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TotalHours; // //if (attnProcess.HasDualShift) // //{ // // if (attnProcess.InTime2 != DateTime.MinValue && attnProcess.OutTime2 != DateTime.MinValue) // // { // // actualHourWorked += attnProcess.OutTime2.Subtract(attnProcess.InTime2).TotalHours; // // } // //} // //else if (attnProcess.OutTime2 != DateTime.MinValue) // //{ // // actualHourWorked = attnProcess.OutTime2.Subtract(attnProcess.InTime).TotalHours; // //} // double standardHourWorked = attnProcess.Shift.WorkHour + (attnProcess.Shift.LunchHour / 60.0); // DateTime shiftInTime = ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(attnProcess.Shift.InTime.TimeOfDay); // //DateTime shiftOutTime = shiftInTime.AddHours(standardHourWorked); // if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay) // { // if (actualHourWorked > standardHourWorked) // { // attnProcess.WorkHour = attnProcess.Shift.WorkHour; // double minutesBeforeShiftTime = 0; // double minutesAfterShiftTime = 0; // double inOTMinutes, outOTMinutes; // inOTMinutes = outOTMinutes = 0; // if (actualInTime < shiftInTime) // { // minutesBeforeShiftTime = shiftInTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalMinutes; // var minimumOtInMinutes = attnProcess.Shift.MinimumInOTHour; // if (minimumOtInMinutes == 0) // inOTMinutes = minutesBeforeShiftTime; // else // inOTMinutes = minimumOtInMinutes * // Math.Floor((minutesBeforeShiftTime + // attnProcess.Shift.MinimumInGraceTime) / // minimumOtInMinutes); // } // if ((actualHourWorked * 60.0) - (standardHourWorked * 60.0) > minutesBeforeShiftTime) // { // minutesAfterShiftTime = (actualHourWorked * 60.0) - (standardHourWorked * 60.0) - // minutesBeforeShiftTime; // var minimumOtOutMinutes = attnProcess.Shift.MinimumOutOTHour; // if (minimumOtOutMinutes == 0) // outOTMinutes = minutesAfterShiftTime; // else // outOTMinutes = minimumOtOutMinutes * // Math.Floor((minutesAfterShiftTime + // attnProcess.Shift.MinimumOutGraceTime) / // minimumOtOutMinutes); // } // if (inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes > 0) // { // attnProcess.OTHour = (inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes) / 60.0; // } // } // else // { // attnProcess.WorkHour = actualHourWorked - (attnProcess.Shift.LunchHour / 60.0); // } // } // else // { // double minutesBeforeShiftTime = 0; // double minutesAfterShiftTime = 0; // double inOTMinutes, outOTMinutes; // inOTMinutes = outOTMinutes = 0; // if (actualInTime < shiftInTime) // { // minutesBeforeShiftTime = shiftInTime.Subtract(actualInTime).TotalMinutes; // var minimumOtInMinutes = attnProcess.Shift.MinimumInOTHour; // if (minimumOtInMinutes == 0) // inOTMinutes = minutesBeforeShiftTime; // else // inOTMinutes = minimumOtInMinutes * // Math.Floor( // (minutesBeforeShiftTime + attnProcess.Shift.MinimumInGraceTime) / // minimumOtInMinutes); // } // if ((actualHourWorked * 60.0) - (standardHourWorked * 60.0) > minutesBeforeShiftTime) // { // minutesAfterShiftTime = (actualHourWorked * 60.0) - (standardHourWorked * 60.0) - // minutesBeforeShiftTime; // var minimumOtOutMinutes = attnProcess.Shift.MinimumOutOTHour; // if (minimumOtOutMinutes == 0) // outOTMinutes = minutesAfterShiftTime; // else // outOTMinutes = minimumOtOutMinutes * // Math.Floor( // (minutesAfterShiftTime + attnProcess.Shift.MinimumOutGraceTime) / // minimumOtOutMinutes); // } // var regualarMinutes = (actualHourWorked * 60) - minutesBeforeShiftTime - minutesAfterShiftTime; // //Holiday OT applicable after 6 Hours // if (actualHourWorked >= 6) // { // attnProcess.OTHour = ((regualarMinutes + inOTMinutes + outOTMinutes) / 60.0) - // (attnProcess.Shift.LunchHour / 60.0); // } // else // { // attnProcess.WorkHour = actualHourWorked; // } // } // attnProcess.OTHour = attnProcess.OTHour > 0 && isOTEligable ? attnProcess.OTHour : 0; // attnProcess.WorkHour = attnProcess.WorkHour < 0 // ? 0 // : attnProcess.WorkHour - (attnProcess.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Late ? 1 : 0); // } // } //} private int GetAppropriateShiftID(List<Shift> oShifts, int currentShiftID, DateTime inTime) { int shiftID = currentShiftID; var currentShift = oShifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == shiftID); double minuteDifference = 24 * 60; if (currentShift != null) { minuteDifference = Math.Abs((new DateTime(inTime.Year, inTime.Month, inTime.Day, currentShift.InTime.Hour, currentShift.InTime.Minute, currentShift.InTime.Second) - inTime) .TotalMinutes); } foreach (var shift in oShifts) { var shiftInTime = new DateTime(inTime.Year, inTime.Month, inTime.Day, shift.InTime.Hour, shift.InTime.Minute, shift.InTime.Second); // +/- 10 minutes if ((Math.Abs((shiftInTime - inTime).TotalMinutes) + 10) < minuteDifference) { minuteDifference = Math.Abs((shiftInTime - inTime).TotalMinutes); shiftID = shift.ID; } } return shiftID; } private List<Shift> GetLocationTypewiseShifts(List<Shift> shifts, int shiftID) { List<Shift> oSameLocationShifts = new List<Shift>(); if (shifts.Any(x => x.ID == shiftID)) { var locationType = shifts.First(x => x.ID == shiftID).Location; oSameLocationShifts = shifts.Where(x => x.Location == locationType).ToList(); } return oSameLocationShifts; } public static void GetAttendanceDateRange(out DateTime startDate, out DateTime endDate) { startDate = endDate = DateTime.MinValue; startDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7); endDate = DateTime.Today; } public static List<DailyAttnProcess> GetNotSubmittedAttnData(Employee oEmp, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) //,bool isCurrentMonth) { if (oEmp == null) { throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "No Employee selected."); } List<DailyAttnProcess> oNotYetSubmittedAttnDatas = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetAttnDataByWFStatus(fromDate, toDate, oEmp.ID.ToString(), EnumWFAttnStatus.None); return oNotYetSubmittedAttnDatas; } //public List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> AttnMonthlyBenefitProcess(List<DailyAttnProcess> dailyattProcesses, // bool IsManualEntry, int payrollTypeID) //{ // List<DailyAttnProcess> tempATT = new List<DailyAttnProcess>(); // List<AttnNationalHoliday> attNHolidays = null; // List<ActingResponsibilitySetup> _tempShiftEmployees = null; // List<EmployeeWorkPlanSetup> _EmployeeWorkPlanSetups = null; // EmployeeWorkPlanSetup ewps = null; // AttnShiftWiseNationalHoliday attnShiftHoliday = null; // List<MonthlyWorkPlan> _monthlyWorkPlan = null; // MonthlyWorkPlan monthlyWorkPlanActual = null; // MonthlyWorkPlan monthlyWorkPlanTemp = null; // Shift temporaryShift = null; // bool IsWorkingDay = true; // #region AttnMonthlyBenefit Process // string empids = string.Empty; // //double totalOT = 0; // DateTime tempIntime = DateTime.MinValue; // DateTime tempOuttime = DateTime.MinValue; // DateTime outTime = DateTime.MinValue; // try // { // List<DailyAttnProcess> distinctEmployee = dailyattProcesses // .GroupBy(p => p.EmployeeID) // .Select(g => g.First()) // .ToList(); // List<DailyAttnProcess> distinctAttnDate = dailyattProcesses // .GroupBy(p => p.AttnDate) // .Select(g => g.First()) // .ToList(); // if (distinctEmployee.Count == 1) // { // empids = distinctEmployee[0].EmployeeID.ToString(); // } // else // { // foreach (DailyAttnProcess dap in distinctEmployee) // { // empids += dap.EmployeeID.ToString() + ","; // } // empids = empids.Trim(','); // } // DateTime fromdate = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date); // DateTime todate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date); // attNHolidays = // new AttnNationalHolidayService().GetByMonthAndPayrollType(fromdate, todate, payrollTypeID); // List<Shift> shifts = new ShiftService().Get(string.Empty, string.Empty, EnumStatus.Regardless, payrollTypeID); // string propertyName = string.Empty; // bool isCalculatedValue = false; // DateTime applicableMonth = DateTime.MinValue; // double calculatedfValue = 0; // _atnMonthlyBenifits = new List<AttnMonthlyBenefit>(); // _tempShiftEmployees = new List<ActingResponsibilitySetup>(); // _EmployeeWorkPlanSetups = new EmployeeWorkPlanSetupService().Get(); // _monthlyWorkPlan = new List<MonthlyWorkPlan>(); // if (distinctAttnDate.Count == 1) // { // // _monthlyWorkPlan = new MonthlyWorkPlanService().GetByDate(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date); // AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper obj_Mapper = // new AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper(distinctAttnDate[0].AttnDate.Date, out applicableMonth); // _atnMonthlyBenifits = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().Get(empids, applicableMonth); // } // else // { // foreach (DailyAttnProcess daProcess in distinctAttnDate) // { // DateTime tempTime = DateTime.MinValue; // AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper obj_Mapper = // new AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper(daProcess.AttnDate.Date, out applicableMonth); // List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> _atnMonthlyBenifitTemp = // new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().Get(empids, applicableMonth); // // _monthlyWorkPlan.AddRange(new MonthlyWorkPlanService().GetByDate(daProcess.AttnDate.Date)); // foreach (AttnMonthlyBenefit itemAMB in _atnMonthlyBenifitTemp) // { // if (!_atnMonthlyBenifits.Exists(o => // o.EmployeeID == itemAMB.EmployeeID && o.SalaryMonth == itemAMB.SalaryMonth && // o.ItemType == itemAMB.ItemType && o.ItemID == itemAMB.ItemID)) // { // _atnMonthlyBenifits.Add(itemAMB); // } // } // } // } // AttnNationalHoliday oAttNHoliday = null; // List<AttnWiseAllowance> oAttnWiseAllowances = new List<AttnWiseAllowance>(); // oAttnWiseAllowances = new AttnWiseAllowanceService().Get(payrollTypeID); // Employee employee = null; // List<Leave> oLeaves = // new LeaveService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, string.Empty, string.Empty, payrollTypeID); // foreach (DailyAttnProcess item in dailyattProcesses) // { // ewps = _EmployeeWorkPlanSetups.Where(o => o.EmployeeID == item.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault(); // if (ewps == null) // { // //throw new Exception("Employee WorkPlan Not Defined for " + employee.EmployeeNo); // continue; // } // //totalOT = 0; // employee = item.Employee; // attnShiftHoliday = null; // monthlyWorkPlanActual = _monthlyWorkPlan.Where(o => // o.WorkPlanGroupID == ewps.WorkPlanGroupID && o.WorkDate == item.AttnDate.Date).FirstOrDefault(); // temporaryShift = null; // PropertyInfo propertyInfo; // PropertyInfo propertyInfoIs; // AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper objMapper = // new AttnMnthBenefitValueMapper(item.AttnDate.Date, out applicableMonth); // propertyName = objMapper[item.AttnDate]; // if (attNHolidays.Count > 0) // oAttNHoliday = attNHolidays.Where(o => // item.AttnDate.Date >= o.FromDate.Date && item.AttnDate.Date <= o.ToDate.Date) // .FirstOrDefault(); // if (oAttNHoliday != null && oAttNHoliday.AttnShiftWiseNationalHolidays.Count > 0) // { // //if (item.TempShiftID != null) // //{ // // monthlyWorkPlanTemp = _monthlyWorkPlan.Where(o => // // o.WorkDate == item.AttnDate.Date && o.Type == item.WorkDayType && // // o.ShiftID == item.TempShiftID).FirstOrDefault(); // // if (monthlyWorkPlanTemp != null) // // attnShiftHoliday = oAttNHoliday.AttnShiftWiseNationalHolidays // // .Where(o => o.WorkPlanGroupID == monthlyWorkPlanTemp.WorkPlanGroupID) // // .FirstOrDefault(); // //} // //else // attnShiftHoliday = oAttNHoliday.AttnShiftWiseNationalHolidays // .Where(o => o.WorkPlanGroupID == monthlyWorkPlanActual.WorkPlanGroupID) // .FirstOrDefault(); // if (attnShiftHoliday == null) // oAttNHoliday = null; // } // List<AttnWiseAllowance> itemAttnWiseAllowwances = // AttnWiseAllowanceService.GetAllApplicableItem(oAttnWiseAllowances, item, oAttNHoliday, oLeaves, // IsWorkingDay); // if (itemAttnWiseAllowwances == null) continue; // itemAttnWiseAllowwances = itemAttnWiseAllowwances // .GroupBy(p => p.ID) // .Select(g => g.First()) // .ToList(); // // Make Zero of Current Date // propertyInfo = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties() // .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == propertyName); // propertyInfoIs = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties() // .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Is" + propertyName); // List<AttnMonthlyBenefit> _aMBenifits = // _atnMonthlyBenifits.Where(o => o.EmployeeID == item.EmployeeID).ToList(); // if (IsManualEntry == true) // { // foreach (AttnMonthlyBenefit attnMB in _aMBenifits) // { // calculatedfValue = 0; // propertyInfo.SetValue(attnMB, 0, null); // propertyInfoIs.SetValue(attnMB, false, null); // attnMB.Total = attnMB.Value1 + attnMB.Value2 + attnMB.Value3 + attnMB.Value4 + // attnMB.Value5 + attnMB.Value6 + attnMB.Value7 + attnMB.Value8 + // attnMB.Value9 + attnMB.Value10 // + attnMB.Value11 + attnMB.Value12 + attnMB.Value13 + attnMB.Value14 + // attnMB.Value15 + attnMB.Value16 + attnMB.Value17 + attnMB.Value18 + // attnMB.Value19 + attnMB.Value20 // + attnMB.Value21 + attnMB.Value22 + attnMB.Value23 + attnMB.Value24 + // attnMB.Value25 + attnMB.Value26 + attnMB.Value27 + attnMB.Value28 + // attnMB.Value29 + attnMB.Value30 // + attnMB.Value31 + attnMB.Adjustment; // } // } // else // { // foreach (AttnMonthlyBenefit attnMB in _aMBenifits) // { // calculatedfValue = 0; // isCalculatedValue = (bool)propertyInfoIs.GetValue(attnMB, null); // if (isCalculatedValue) continue; // propertyInfo.SetValue(attnMB, 0, null); // attnMB.Total = attnMB.Value1 + attnMB.Value2 + attnMB.Value3 + attnMB.Value4 + // attnMB.Value5 + attnMB.Value6 + attnMB.Value7 + attnMB.Value8 + // attnMB.Value9 + attnMB.Value10 // + attnMB.Value11 + attnMB.Value12 + attnMB.Value13 + attnMB.Value14 + // attnMB.Value15 + attnMB.Value16 + attnMB.Value17 + attnMB.Value18 + // attnMB.Value19 + attnMB.Value20 // + attnMB.Value21 + attnMB.Value22 + attnMB.Value23 + attnMB.Value24 + // attnMB.Value25 + attnMB.Value26 + attnMB.Value27 + attnMB.Value28 + // attnMB.Value29 + attnMB.Value30 // + attnMB.Value31 + attnMB.Adjustment; // } // } // //if (totalOT > 0 && (item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Leave || item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Absent || item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday)) // //{ // // if (!itemAttnWiseAllowwances.Exists(o => o.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance && o.ProvisionID == 82)) // // { // // itemAttnWiseAllowwances.Add(oAttnWiseAllowances.Where(o => o.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance && o.ProvisionID == 82).FirstOrDefault()); // // } // //} // //if (item.TempShiftID != null) // //{ // // if (totalOT == 0 && monthlyWorkPlanActual.Type == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday) // // { // // itemAttnWiseAllowwances.RemoveAll(o => o.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance && o.ProvisionID == 107); // // } // // if (monthlyWorkPlanActual.Type == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WorkingDay && monthlyWorkPlanActual.Shift.IsOverlapingDay == true && (item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Present || item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday) && item.AttenType != EnumAttendanceType.Absent) // // { // // if (!itemAttnWiseAllowwances.Exists(o => o.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance && o.ProvisionID == 107)) // // { // // itemAttnWiseAllowwances.Add(oAttnWiseAllowances.Where(o => o.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance && o.ProvisionID == 107).FirstOrDefault()); // // } // // } // //} // foreach (AttnWiseAllowance attSetup in itemAttnWiseAllowwances) // { // employee = item.Employee; // AttnMonthlyBenefit oAttnWiseBenefit = _atnMonthlyBenifits // .FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == item.EmployeeID // && attSetup.ProvisionID == x.ItemID // && attSetup.ProvisionType == x.ItemType // && x.SalaryMonth == // GlobalFunctions.AttendanceMonthEnd(item.AttnDate.Date)); // //if oAttnWiseBenefit is not null and IsEdited true for the selected date, then continue // if (oAttnWiseBenefit == null) // { // oAttnWiseBenefit = new AttnMonthlyBenefit(); // oAttnWiseBenefit.EmployeeID = item.EmployeeID; // oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemType = attSetup.ProvisionType; // oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemID = attSetup.ProvisionID; // oAttnWiseBenefit.SalaryMonth = GlobalFunctions.AttendanceMonthEnd(item.AttnDate.Date); // _atnMonthlyBenifits.Add(oAttnWiseBenefit); // } // propertyInfo = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties() // .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == propertyName); // calculatedfValue = (double)propertyInfo.GetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, null); // propertyInfoIs = typeof(AttnMonthlyBenefit).GetProperties() // .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Is" + propertyName); // isCalculatedValue = (bool)propertyInfoIs.GetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, null); // if (IsManualEntry == false) // { // if (isCalculatedValue) // { // continue; // } // } // //else // //{ // //if (attSetup.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Over_Time) // //{ // // if (isCalculatedValue) // // { // // continue; // // } // //} // //} // //Shift sft = shifts.Where(o => o.ID == item.ShiftID).FirstOrDefault(); // //if (item.TempShiftID != null) // // temporaryShift = shifts.Where(o => o.ID == item.TempShiftID).FirstOrDefault(); // //if (temporaryShift != null && attSetup.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Ordinary_Hour) // // calculatedfValue = attSetup.GetCalculatedHour(item, temporaryShift, oLeaves); // //else // // calculatedfValue = attSetup.GetCalculatedHour(item, sft, oLeaves); // //#region InsurancePolicy // //The reason behind this code block: Sometimes employee don't get their applicable conveyance even if he/she is present. // //if (attSetup.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Allowance && attSetup.ProvisionID == AttendanceBenefitTypeIDConstant.Conveyance_Allowance && calculatedfValue == 0) // //{ // // if (item.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Present && item.InTime != DateTime.MinValue && item.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue) // // { // // calculatedfValue = 1; // // propertyInfoIs.SetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, true, null); // // } // //} // //if (attSetup.ProvisionType == enumPayrollComponentType.Ordinary_Hour) // // item.ORDHour = calculatedfValue; // //#endregion // //if (calculatedfValue > 0 || newValue >0) // //{ // if (oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemType == enumPayrollComponentType.Over_Time) // { // calculatedfValue = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().CalculateOvertimeValue(attSetup, item, payrollTypeID); // } // propertyInfo.SetValue(oAttnWiseBenefit, calculatedfValue, null); // oAttnWiseBenefit.Total = // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value1 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value2 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value3 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value4 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value5 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value6 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value7 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value8 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value9 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value10 // + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value11 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value12 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value13 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value14 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value15 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value16 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value17 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value18 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value19 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value20 // + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value21 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value22 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value23 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value24 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value25 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value26 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value27 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value28 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value29 + // oAttnWiseBenefit.Value30 // + oAttnWiseBenefit.Value31 + oAttnWiseBenefit.Adjustment; // if (oAttnWiseBenefit.ItemType == enumPayrollComponentType.Over_Time) // { // oAttnWiseBenefit.Amount = // AttnMonthlyBenefitService.CalculateOvertimeAmount(attSetup, item, // oAttnWiseBenefit.Total, payrollTypeID); // } // //} // } // } // // process go here // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw new Exception(ex.Message); // } // return _atnMonthlyBenifits; // #endregion //} public static void RefreshAttendanceRegularizationApplyObject(AttendanceRegularizationDTO attendanceRegularizationDTO, DailyAttnProcess dailyAttnProcess) { bool isChanged = false; DateTime tempDateTime = DateTime.MinValue; EnumAttendanceType previousStatus; DateTime? previousInTime = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime? previousOutTime = DateTime.MinValue; previousInTime = dailyAttnProcess.InTime; previousOutTime = dailyAttnProcess.OutTime; previousStatus = dailyAttnProcess.AttenType; dailyAttnProcess.IsManualEntry = true; EnumAttendanceType value = attendanceRegularizationDTO.Status; dailyAttnProcess.AttenType = value; if (previousStatus != value) isChanged = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attendanceRegularizationDTO.Comments)) { dailyAttnProcess.Comments = attendanceRegularizationDTO.Comments; isChanged = true; } if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime != null && attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime != DateTime.MinValue) { if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime != null) { tempDateTime = (DateTime)attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime; dailyAttnProcess.InTime = new DateTime(dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.Year, dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.Month, dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.Day, tempDateTime.Hour, tempDateTime.Minute, tempDateTime.Second); } } if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue) { if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime != null) { dailyAttnProcess.OutTime = (DateTime)attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime; } } if (previousInTime != dailyAttnProcess.InTime) isChanged = true; if (previousOutTime != dailyAttnProcess.OutTime) isChanged = true; if (isChanged == true) { dailyAttnProcess.ActualInTime = previousInTime; dailyAttnProcess.ActualOutTime = previousOutTime; dailyAttnProcess.WFStatus = EnumWFAttnStatus.EmpSubmitted; } else { dailyAttnProcess.WFStatus = EnumWFAttnStatus.NotApplicable; } } public static void RefreshAttendanceRegularizationApproveOrRejectObject(AttendanceRegularizationDTO attendanceRegularizationDTO, DailyAttnProcess dailyAttnProcess) { bool isChanged = false; EnumAttendanceType previousStatus; DateTime? previousInTime = dailyAttnProcess.InTime; DateTime? previousOutTime = dailyAttnProcess.OutTime; previousStatus = dailyAttnProcess.AttenType; dailyAttnProcess.IsManualEntry = true; EnumAttendanceType value = attendanceRegularizationDTO.Status; dailyAttnProcess.AttenType = value; if (previousStatus != value) isChanged = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attendanceRegularizationDTO.LMRemarks)) { dailyAttnProcess.LMRemarks = attendanceRegularizationDTO.LMRemarks; isChanged = true; } if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime != null && attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime != DateTime.MinValue) { if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime != null) { DateTime tempDateTime = (DateTime)attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime; dailyAttnProcess.InTime = new DateTime(dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.Year, dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.Month, dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.Day, tempDateTime.Hour, tempDateTime.Minute, tempDateTime.Second); } } if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue) { if (attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime != null) { dailyAttnProcess.OutTime = (DateTime)attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime; } } if (previousInTime != dailyAttnProcess.InTime) isChanged = true; if (previousOutTime != dailyAttnProcess.OutTime) isChanged = true; dailyAttnProcess.WFStatus = attendanceRegularizationDTO.WFStatus; if (isChanged == true) { dailyAttnProcess.ActualInTime = previousInTime; dailyAttnProcess.ActualOutTime = previousOutTime; } } public static List<AttendanceRegularizationDTO> GetNotSubmittedAttnData(List<DailyAttnProcess> dailyAttnProcesses, int payrollTypeId) { List<AttendanceRegularizationDTO> attendanceRegularizationDTOs = new List<AttendanceRegularizationDTO>(); List<Shift> Shifts = new ShiftService().GetAllShift(); List<Leave> oLeaves = new LeaveService().GetAll(); List<AttnNationalHoliday> nationalHolidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, payrollTypeId); foreach (DailyAttnProcess dailyAttnProcess in dailyAttnProcesses) { Shift shift = Shifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == dailyAttnProcess.ShiftID); AttendanceRegularizationDTO attendanceRegularizationDTO = new AttendanceRegularizationDTO(); attendanceRegularizationDTO.DailyAttnProcessID = dailyAttnProcess.ID; attendanceRegularizationDTO.AttendanceDate = dailyAttnProcess.AttnDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); attendanceRegularizationDTO.Shift = shift != null ? shift.Name : string.Empty; attendanceRegularizationDTO.InTime = dailyAttnProcess.InTime != null ? dailyAttnProcess.InTime : null; attendanceRegularizationDTO.OutTime = dailyAttnProcess.OutTime != null ? dailyAttnProcess.OutTime : null; attendanceRegularizationDTO.lateHour = dailyAttnProcess.LateHour; attendanceRegularizationDTO.earlyHour = dailyAttnProcess.EarlyHour; attendanceRegularizationDTO.workHour = dailyAttnProcess.WorkHour; attendanceRegularizationDTO.otHour = dailyAttnProcess.OTHour; attendanceRegularizationDTO.IsLate = dailyAttnProcess.IsLate; attendanceRegularizationDTO.ActualInTime = dailyAttnProcess.ActualInTime != null ? dailyAttnProcess.ActualInTime : null; attendanceRegularizationDTO.ActualOutTime = dailyAttnProcess.ActualOutTime != null ? dailyAttnProcess.ActualOutTime : null; attendanceRegularizationDTO.WFStatus = dailyAttnProcess.WFStatus; attendanceRegularizationDTO.WFStatusDescription = DailyAttnProcess.getWFstatusDescription(dailyAttnProcess.WFStatus); attendanceRegularizationDTO.Status = dailyAttnProcess.AttenType; attendanceRegularizationDTO.StatusDescription = dailyAttnProcess.AttenType.ToString(); attendanceRegularizationDTO.Comments = dailyAttnProcess.Comments; attendanceRegularizationDTO.LMRemarks = dailyAttnProcess.LMRemarks; attendanceRegularizationDTO.empRemarks = dailyAttnProcess.EmpRemarks; if (dailyAttnProcess.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Leave && dailyAttnProcess.ReferenceID != null) { Leave oLeave = oLeaves.Where(o => o.ID == dailyAttnProcess.ReferenceID).FirstOrDefault(); attendanceRegularizationDTO.ReferenceId = (int)dailyAttnProcess.ReferenceID; attendanceRegularizationDTO.Reference = oLeave == null ? "" : oLeave.Description; } else if (dailyAttnProcess.AttenType == EnumAttendanceType.Holiday && dailyAttnProcess.ReferenceID != null) { AttnNationalHoliday nationalHoliday = nationalHolidays.Where(o => o.ID == dailyAttnProcess.ReferenceID).FirstOrDefault(); attendanceRegularizationDTO.ReferenceId = (int)dailyAttnProcess.ReferenceID; attendanceRegularizationDTO.Reference = nationalHoliday == null ? "" : nationalHoliday.Description; } else { attendanceRegularizationDTO.ReferenceId = 0; attendanceRegularizationDTO.Reference = string.Empty; } attendanceRegularizationDTOs.Add(attendanceRegularizationDTO); } return attendanceRegularizationDTOs; } public static List<DailyAttnProcess> GetNotSubmittedAttnDataForLM(string oEmps, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) //,bool isCurrentMonth) { if (oEmps == "") { throw new CustomException(EnumExceptionType.Validation, "No Employee selected."); } List<DailyAttnProcess> oNotYetSubmittedAttnDatas = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetAttnDataByWFStatusForLM(fromDate, toDate, oEmps, EnumWFAttnStatus.EmpSubmitted); return oNotYetSubmittedAttnDatas; } public List<SalaryProcessStatus> BenifitProcess(int userid, int PayrollTypeId) { try { List<SalaryProcessStatus> ErrorList = new List<SalaryProcessStatus>(); List<ADParameterEmployee> AdparamEmployee = new List<ADParameterEmployee>(); List<EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave> uleaves = new List<EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave>(); List<EmployeeOverTime> EmpOverTimes = new List<EmployeeOverTime>(); DailyAttnProcessService dapService = new DailyAttnProcessService(); TermParameterService tps = new TermParameterService(); AttnWiseAllowance attnAllow = new AttnWiseAllowance(); // List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeService().GetByEmpIDs("352,70"); List<Employee> employees = new EmployeeService().GetAllEmps(); List<ADParameter> oadParameters = new ADParameterService().GetWithDetail(EnumStatus.Active, PayrollTypeId); PayrollType oPayrollType = new PayrollTypeService().Get(PayrollTypeId); List<TermParameter> termParameters = tps.GetwithDetail(oPayrollType.ID); AttnParametarization oAttnParam = new AttnParametarizationService().Get(oPayrollType.ID); DateTime attnStartDate = GlobalFunctions.AttendanceMonthStart(GlobalExtensions.FirstDateOfMonth(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate), oAttnParam.MonthStartDay); DateTime attnEndDate = GlobalFunctions.AttendanceMonthEnd(attnStartDate.AddDays(1), oAttnParam.MonthStartDay); List<UnAuthorizeLeaveParam> oauthParams = new UnAuthorizeLeaveParamService().Get(oPayrollType.ID, true); DateTime nextPayMonth = oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate; if (oauthParams == null || oauthParams.Count == 0) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus("", "", " No Authorize Leave parameter found")); } #region Absent Deduct DataSet EmpAbsentDays = dapService.GetUnauthorizeCount(attnStartDate, attnEndDate, oPayrollType.ID); if (EmpAbsentDays != null && EmpAbsentDays.Tables[0] != null && EmpAbsentDays.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && oauthParams.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow oRow in EmpAbsentDays.Tables[0].Rows) { Employee oemp = employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); if (oemp == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus("", "", " Employee not found, Internal ID:" + oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); continue; } double tempAmount = 0; double absentAcount = 0; double provAbsent = 0; if (oAttnParam.AbsentProvLeaveID != null && (oemp.ConfirDate == DateTime.MinValue || (oemp.ConfirDate > attnStartDate && oemp.ConfirDate < attnEndDate))) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, (int)oemp.GradeID, (int)oAttnParam.AbsentProvLeaveID); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Absent Provisional Parameter not found.")); continue; } absentAcount = dapService.AbsentCount(attnStartDate, (DateTime)oemp.ConfirDate == DateTime.MinValue ? attnEndDate : (DateTime)oemp.ConfirDate, oemp.ID, oPayrollType.ID); if (absentAcount > 4) { tempAmount = absentAcount - 4; absentAcount = 1; } provAbsent = absentAcount + tempAmount / 3; EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave uProvisionEmp = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.AbsentProvLeaveID, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, provAbsent, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(uProvisionEmp); } tempAmount = 0; if (oRow["TOTAL"] == DBNull.Value) { continue; } absentAcount = Convert.ToDouble(oRow["TOTAL"]); if (absentAcount > 0) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, (int)oemp.GradeID, 1); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Absent Parameter not found.")); continue; } EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave uleave = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, 1, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, absentAcount, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(uleave); } } } #endregion Absent Deduct if (oAttnParam.lwpLeaveTypeID != null) { DataSet EmpLWPDays = dapService.GetZandDocLeaveDays(attnStartDate, attnEndDate, EnumAttendanceType.Leave, oPayrollType.ID, oAttnParam.lwpLeaveTypeID); #region LWP deduct if (EmpLWPDays != null && EmpLWPDays.Tables[0] != null && EmpLWPDays.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && oauthParams.Count > 0 ) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam oprm = new BO.UnAuthorizeLeaveParam(); foreach (DataRow oRow in EmpLWPDays.Tables[0].Rows) { Employee oemp = employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); if (oemp == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus("", "", " Employee not found, Internal ID:" + oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); continue; } int absentAcount = 0; absentAcount = Convert.ToInt32(oRow["TOTAL"].ToString()) - absentAcount; if (oAttnParam.lwpProvLeaveID > 0 && (oemp.ConfirDate == DateTime.MinValue || (oemp.ConfirDate > attnStartDate && oemp.ConfirDate < attnEndDate))) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, (int)oemp.GradeID, (int)oAttnParam.lwpProvLeaveID); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Absent Provisional Parameter not found.")); continue; } if (absentAcount > 0) { EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave uProvisionEmp = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.lwpProvLeaveID, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, absentAcount, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(uProvisionEmp); } absentAcount = Convert.ToInt32(oRow["TOTAL"].ToString()) - absentAcount; } if (absentAcount > 0) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, (int)oemp.GradeID, (int)oAttnParam.lwpLeaveID); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Absent Provisional Parameter not found.")); continue; } EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave uleave = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.lwpLeaveID, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, absentAcount, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(uleave); } } } #endregion LWP deduct } if (oAttnParam.MaternityLeaveTypeID != null) { DataSet EmpMaternitydays = dapService.GetZandDocLeaveDays(attnStartDate, attnEndDate, EnumAttendanceType.Leave, oPayrollType.ID, oAttnParam.MaternityLeaveTypeID); #region Maternity Deduction if (EmpMaternitydays != null && EmpMaternitydays.Tables[0] != null && EmpMaternitydays.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && oauthParams.Count > 0 ) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam oprm = new BO.UnAuthorizeLeaveParam(); foreach (DataRow oRow in EmpMaternitydays.Tables[0].Rows) { Employee oemp = employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); if (oemp == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus("", "", " Employee not found, Internal ID:" + oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); continue; } int absentAcount = 0; absentAcount = Convert.ToInt32(oRow["TOTAL"].ToString()) ; if (absentAcount > 0) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, (int)oemp.GradeID, (int)oAttnParam.MaternityUnAuthLeaveID); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Maternity Benifits Parameters not found.")); continue; } EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave uleave = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.MaternityLeaveTypeID, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, absentAcount, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(uleave); } } } #endregion Maternity Deduction } #region Late Deduct // Late Calculation if(oAttnParam.lateAbsentLeaveID != null) { DataSet LateDays = dapService.GetWorkingDayLateCount(attnStartDate, attnEndDate, oPayrollType.ID); if (LateDays != null && LateDays.Tables[0] != null && LateDays.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && oAttnParam.lateAbsentLeaveID > 0) { foreach (DataRow oRow in LateDays.Tables[0].Rows) { int nCount = Convert.ToInt32(oRow["TOTAL"].ToString()); if (nCount < oAttnParam.MonthlyLateForAbsent) continue; if (oAttnParam.MonthlyLateForAbsent == 0) continue; nCount = nCount / oAttnParam.MonthlyLateForAbsent; Employee oemp = employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(oRow["EMPLOYEEID"].ToString())); int ProvisionLateAcount = 0; int lateAbsentCount = 0; if (oAttnParam.lateAbsentProvLeaveID != null && (oemp.ConfirDate == DateTime.MinValue || (oemp.ConfirDate > attnStartDate && oemp.ConfirDate < attnEndDate))) { ProvisionLateAcount = dapService.GetLateCount(attnStartDate, (DateTime)oemp.ConfirDate == DateTime.MinValue ? attnEndDate : (DateTime)oemp.ConfirDate, oemp.ID, oPayrollType.ID); UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.lateAbsentProvLeaveID); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Late Absent Provisional Parameter not found.")); } int tempAmount = 0; if (ProvisionLateAcount > 4) { lateAbsentCount = 1; tempAmount = ProvisionLateAcount - 4; } lateAbsentCount = lateAbsentCount + tempAmount / 3; if (lateAbsentCount > 0) { EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave uProvisionEmp = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.lateAbsentProvLeaveID, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, lateAbsentCount, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(uProvisionEmp); } } int TotallateCount = Convert.ToInt32(oRow["TOTAL"].ToString()) - ProvisionLateAcount; int lateAbsent = 0; if (TotallateCount > 4) { lateAbsent = 1; TotallateCount = TotallateCount - 4; } lateAbsent = lateAbsent + TotallateCount / 3; if (lateAbsent > 0) { UnAuthorizeLeaveParam param = UnAuthorizeLeaveParam.GetParameter(oauthParams, (int)oemp.GradeID, (int)oAttnParam.lateAbsentLeaveID); if (param == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(oemp.EmployeeNo, oemp.Name, " Late Absent Parameter not found.")); } EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave ulateCount = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave(oemp.ID, (int)oAttnParam.lateAbsentLeaveID, nextPayMonth, nextPayMonth, attnStartDate, attnEndDate, null, lateAbsent, param.ID, false); uleaves.Add(ulateCount); } } } } #endregion if (oAttnParam.AllPresentAllowanceID != null) { DataSet PresentDays = dapService.GetZandDocLeaveDays(attnStartDate, attnEndDate, EnumAttendanceType.Present, oPayrollType.ID, null); foreach (Employee emp in employees) { if (emp.PayrollTypeID != oPayrollType.ID) continue; if (emp.GradeID == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(emp.EmployeeNo, emp.Name, " Employee Not yet Assigned to grade")); continue; } List<ADParameter> applicableParams = new ADParameterService().GetApplicableParameters(emp, (int)emp.GradeID, oadParameters); if (applicableParams == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(emp.EmployeeNo, emp.Name, " No Alloance parameters found for Attendance Bonus")); continue; } ADParameter applicableParam = new ADParameterService().GetApplicableParameter(emp, (int)emp.GradeID, oadParameters, (int)oAttnParam.AllPresentAllowanceID); if (applicableParam != null) { DataRow pdr = PresentDays.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(x => Convert.ToInt32(x["EmployeeID"].ToString()) == emp.ID); if (pdr == null) continue; double prdays = Convert.ToDouble(pdr["TOTAL"].ToString()); if (prdays >= oAttnParam.AllPresentAllowanceDays) { ADParameterEmployee adparamEmp = new ADParameterEmployee(); adparamEmp.EmployeeID = emp.ID; adparamEmp.MonthlyAmount = prdays * applicableParam.FlatAmount; adparamEmp.Days = prdays; adparamEmp.Periodicity = EnumPeriodicity.Monthly; adparamEmp.FormDate = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate); adparamEmp.TillDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate); adparamEmp.ADParameterID = applicableParam.ID; adparamEmp.ADEmpType = EnumADEmpType.AppliedToIndividual; adparamEmp.AllowDeductID = (int)oAttnParam.AllPresentAllowanceID; adparamEmp.Arreartype = EnumArrearType.NotPresent; adparamEmp.CreatedBy = userid; adparamEmp.CreatedDate = DateTime.Today; AdparamEmployee.Add(adparamEmp); } } } } #region Attendance Allowance process List<Shift> shifts = new List<Shift>(); DataTable dtDailyAttendanceAllowances = new DataTable(); shifts = new ShiftService().GetAllShiftByPayrollType(PayrollTypeId); dtDailyAttendanceAllowances = new DailyAttendanceAllowanceService().GetByAttnbySalaryMonth(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate, PayrollTypeId); if (dtDailyAttendanceAllowances != null && dtDailyAttendanceAllowances.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in dtDailyAttendanceAllowances.Rows) { Employee tempEmployee = employees.Where(emp => emp.ID.ToString() == item["EmployeeID"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); EnumattnBeniftsType btype = (EnumattnBeniftsType)Convert.ToInt32(item["type"].ToString()); if (btype == EnumattnBeniftsType.Allowance) AdparamEmployee = MakeADParameterEmployeeObj(ref AdparamEmployee, ref ErrorList, tempEmployee, oadParameters, oPayrollType, Convert.ToInt32(item["ItemID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(item["value"].ToString()), userid); else if(btype == EnumattnBeniftsType.OT) EmpOverTimes = MakeEmployeeOvertimeObj(ref EmpOverTimes, ref ErrorList, tempEmployee, termParameters, oPayrollType, Convert.ToInt32(item["ItemID"].ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(item["value"].ToString()), userid); } } else { List<Term> terms = new TermService().Get(EnumStatus.Active, PayrollTypeId); foreach (Term trm in terms) { DataSet EmpOTHours = new ShiftTermService().GetEmpOT(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate, trm.ID); foreach (DataRow Dr in EmpOTHours.Tables[0].Rows) { Employee tempEmployee = employees.Where(emp => emp.ID.ToString() == Dr["EmployeeID"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempEmployee == null) continue; if (tempEmployee.GradeID == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(tempEmployee.EmployeeNo, tempEmployee.Name, "Grade not assinged")); continue; } if (Dr["TotalOT"] == DBNull.Value) { // ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(tempEmployee.EmployeeNo, tempEmployee.Name, "value can't be null ")); continue; } EmpOverTimes = MakeEmployeeOvertimeObj(ref EmpOverTimes, ref ErrorList, tempEmployee, termParameters, oPayrollType, trm.ID, Convert.ToDouble(Dr["TotalOT"]), userid); } } } #endregion if (ErrorList.Count == 0) { if (AdparamEmployee.Count > 0 || EmpOverTimes.Count > 0 || uleaves.Count > 0) { new AttnMonthlyBenefitService().SaveAsBenifits(oPayrollType.ID, AdparamEmployee, EmpOverTimes, uleaves); } else ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus("", "", "There is nothing to process or Save. please check your Attandance data and related setups")); } return ErrorList; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } private List<ADParameterEmployee> MakeADParameterEmployeeObj(ref List<ADParameterEmployee> AdparamEmployee, ref List<SalaryProcessStatus> ErrorList, Employee tempEmployee, List<ADParameter> oadParameters, PayrollType oPayrollType, int allowanceId, double total, int userid) { List<ADParameter> applicableParams = new ADParameterService().GetApplicableParameters(tempEmployee, (int)tempEmployee.GradeID, oadParameters); if (applicableParams == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(tempEmployee.EmployeeNo, tempEmployee.Name, " No Alloance/Benifits parameters found in live allowance/Benifits list")); return AdparamEmployee; } var AppliedIndvParam = applicableParams.Where(x => x.EntitleType == EnumEntitleType.Individual && x.IsDependsOnAttendance == true && x.Periodicity == EnumPeriodicity.Monthly && x.AllowDeductID == allowanceId).ToList(); if (AppliedIndvParam == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(tempEmployee.EmployeeNo, tempEmployee.Name, " Individualy and depand on Attandance declared Alloance/Benifits parameters found in live allowance/Benifits list")); return AdparamEmployee; } foreach (ADParameter indvParam in AppliedIndvParam) { ADParameterEmployee adparamEmp = new ADParameterEmployee(); adparamEmp.EmployeeID = tempEmployee.ID; adparamEmp.MonthlyAmount = total * indvParam.FlatAmount; adparamEmp.Periodicity = EnumPeriodicity.Monthly; adparamEmp.Days = total; adparamEmp.FormDate = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate); adparamEmp.TillDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate); adparamEmp.ADParameterID = indvParam.ID; adparamEmp.ADEmpType = EnumADEmpType.AppliedToIndividual; adparamEmp.AllowDeductID = allowanceId; adparamEmp.Arreartype = EnumArrearType.NotPresent; adparamEmp.CreatedBy = userid; adparamEmp.CreatedDate = DateTime.Today; AdparamEmployee.Add(adparamEmp); } return AdparamEmployee; } private List<EmployeeOverTime> MakeEmployeeOvertimeObj(ref List<EmployeeOverTime> EmpOverTimes, ref List<SalaryProcessStatus> ErrorList, Employee tempEmployee, List<TermParameter> oParameters, PayrollType oPayrollType, int termid, double total, int userid) { AttnWiseAllowance attnAllow = new AttnWiseAllowance(); if(oParameters.Count ==0) return EmpOverTimes; TermParameter empTermParam = TermParameter.GetParameter(oParameters, (int) tempEmployee.GradeID, termid); if (empTermParam == null) { ErrorList.Add(new SalaryProcessStatus(tempEmployee.EmployeeNo, tempEmployee.Name, "OT setup not found")); return EmpOverTimes; } EmployeeOverTime empot = new EmployeeOverTime(); empot.EmployeeID = tempEmployee.ID; empot.OTMonth = oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate; empot.PayrollTypeID = oPayrollType.ID; empot.TermID = termid; empot.TermParameterID = empTermParam.TermID; empot.OTHours = total; empot.Value = empTermParam.Amount; empot.CreatedBy = userid; empot.CreatedDate = DateTime.Today; empot.MonthDate = oPayrollType.NextPayProcessDate; EmpOverTimes.Add(empot); return EmpOverTimes; } public void echoTexProcess(DateTime Attdate, EnumProcessMode prMode, int payrolltypeid, int processUserID, List< Employee> employees) { AttnProcessRunSummary oAttnRunSummary = new AttnProcessRunSummary(); bool isInOutApplicable = false; try { #region Load Attendence Raw Data // AttnRawData.RunScriptCollectRawData(Attdate); new AttnRawDataService().RunScriptCollectRawData(Attdate); #endregion #region Initialization for Attendence Process isInOutApplicable = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "attendence", "inoutapplicable"); bool _IsOTFractionate = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigBooleanValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "overtime", "fractionateothour"); var sinMissingHour = new SystemConfigarationService().GetconfigValue(EnumConfigurationType.Logic, "overtime", "inmissinghour" ); double inMissingHour = 0; if (sinMissingHour != null) inMissingHour = Convert.ToDouble(sinMissingHour); List<DailyAttnProcess> dailyattProcesses = new List<DailyAttnProcess>(); List<EmpFieldTrack> oEmpFieldTracks = new List<EmpFieldTrack>(); List<AccessCard> oAccessCards =new AccessCardService().Get(EnumCardStatus.Attached); List<CardOperation> oCardOperations =new CardOperationService().Get(); DateTime startTime = new DateTime(Attdate.Year, Attdate.Month, Attdate.Day, 4, 0, 0); DateTime ToTime = Attdate.AddDays(1); ToTime = new DateTime(ToTime.Year, ToTime.Month, ToTime.Day, 10, 0, 0); List<ShiftRotation> CounterClockRotation = new ShiftRotationService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, payrolltypeid); List<EmployeeWorkPlanSetup> empWPGroups = new EmployeeWorkPlanSetupService().GetAll(); List<Shift> shifts =new ShiftService().GetAllShift(); List<WorkPlanGroup> workPlanGroups = new WorkPlanGroupService().GetAll(); if( employees == null) employees = new EmployeeService().GetAllLive(); List<Employee> discontinueEmps =new EmployeeService().GetDiscontinueEmp(Attdate, DateTime.Now, payrolltypeid); //List<AttnRawData> attRawdata = new AttnRawDataService().Get(startTime, ToTime, payrolltypeid);// get raw data by a date and order by date, employee, punchTime List<AttnRawData> attRawdata = new AttnRawDataService().GetWithoutMobileRawData(startTime, ToTime, payrolltypeid);// get raw data by a date without MobileRawData and order by date, employee, punchTime List<EmployeeOutsideDuty> outSideDuties = new EmployeeOutsideDutyService().Get(Attdate); // get transaction by the a rate List<LeaveEntry> leaves = new LeaveEntryService().Get(Attdate); // workplans by the date // Short leave for a particullar Day Should be between 6:00 AM Current Day to 6:00 AM Next Day. [Change can be done according to business logic] List<EmployeeShortLeave> shortLeaves = new EmployeeShortLeaveService().Get(Attdate.Date.AddHours(6), Attdate.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(6)); //oEmpFieldTracks =new EmpFieldTrackService().Get().Where(obj => obj.TranDateTime.Date == Attdate.Date).ToList(); List<LeaveParameter> lvParameters = new LeaveParameterService().Get(true, payrolltypeid); if (discontinueEmps != null && discontinueEmps.Count > 0) { foreach (Employee emp in discontinueEmps) { if (employees.FindIndex(x=>x.ID == emp.ID) != -1) employees.Add(emp); } } List<DailyAttnProcess> prvDayattns = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetshotList(Attdate.AddDays(-1)); List<DailyAttnProcess> manualAttnProcesses = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetManualProcess(payrolltypeid, Attdate); //foreach (DailyAttnProcess item in manualAttnProcesses) //{ // dailyattProcesses.Add(item); //} #endregion foreach (Employee emp in employees) { //EmpTempid = emp.ID.Integer; #region EmployeeWise Setup // 1. If Joining date is after Attendendence date then no attendence if (emp.JoiningDate > Attdate) { continue; } // 2. If End of Contract date is less than or equal Attendendence date then no attendence if (emp.EndOfContractDate != null && emp.EndOfContractDate.Value <= Attdate) { continue; } DailyAttnProcess attnProcess = new DailyAttnProcess(); DailyAttnProcess manualEntry = manualAttnProcesses .FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.EmployeeID == emp.ID); // 2. If Attendendence is manually enterred if (manualEntry != null) { // 2.1 If Both In and Out are Manually Enterred then add the item if (!manualEntry.OnlyManualInTime && !manualEntry.OnlyManualOutTime) { dailyattProcesses.Add(manualEntry); continue; } attnProcess = manualEntry; } else { attnProcess.AttnDate = Attdate; attnProcess.EmployeeID = emp.ID; attnProcess.IsManualEntry = false; } attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Present; List<AttnRawData> empAttnData = null; EmployeeOutsideDuty empOutsideDuty = null; LeaveEntry empLeaveEntry = null; #region Some fine tuning in Employee's attendence RawData if (attRawdata != null && attRawdata.Count > 0) { empAttnData = attRawdata.Where(erd => erd.EmployeeID == emp.ID) .OrderBy(erd => erd.PunchTime) .ToList(); #region Remove Previously assigned Cards data in Current Date if (emp.CardID != null && emp.CardID !=null) { AccessCard accessCardEmp = oAccessCards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == emp.CardID); if (accessCardEmp != null) { CardOperation oEmpCardOperation = oCardOperations .FirstOrDefault(x => x.CardNumber.Trim().ToUpper() == accessCardEmp.CardNumber.Trim().ToUpper() && x.EmployeeID == emp.ID); if (oEmpCardOperation != null) { // if Current Date is Greater than currently assigned Cards assingnDate if (Attdate.Date > oEmpCardOperation.AssignDate) { // Remove Previously assigned Cards Data empAttnData = empAttnData.Where(x => x.CardNo.Trim().ToUpper() == oEmpCardOperation.CardNumber.ToUpper()).ToList(); } } } } #endregion // If empAttendence Data exist and if (empAttnData.Count > 0) { // If empAttendence Data's first punchTime is greater than current date's last Time if (empAttnData[0].PunchTime > new DateTime(ToTime.Year, ToTime.Month, ToTime.Day, 2, 0, 0)) { // We Clear empAttendence Data empAttnData = new List<AttnRawData>(); } else { // Gets Employees Previous Days Attendence DailyAttnProcess op = prvDayattns.Where(itm => itm.EmployeeID == emp.ID) .OrderByDescending(itm => itm.OutTime) .FirstOrDefault(); // if Previous day attendence exists if (op != null) { // Previous Day's Out time Exists if (op.OutTime != null) { while (empAttnData.Count > 0) { // Take the Current First Attndence Data AttnRawData ordata = empAttnData[0]; // If PunchTime is less than Previous Date's OutTime OR // Difference is less Than 10 minutes if (ordata.PunchTime <= op.OutTime || Math.Abs((((DateTime)ordata.PunchTime - (DateTime)op.OutTime)).TotalMinutes) < 10) { // discard that attendence entry empAttnData.Remove(ordata); } else { break; } } } else { // What to do?? } } } if (isInOutApplicable) { empAttnData = empAttnData .OrderBy(erd => (int)erd.EntryMode) .ThenBy(erd => erd.PunchTime) .ToList(); } } } #endregion if (outSideDuties != null && outSideDuties.Count > 0) { empOutsideDuty = outSideDuties.Where(od => od.EmployeeID == emp.ID) .FirstOrDefault(); } EmployeeWorkPlanSetup oEmpWorkplan = empWPGroups.Where(oGr => oGr.EmployeeID == emp.ID) .SingleOrDefault(); // 3. If There is no EmployeeWorkPlanSetup then no attendence if (oEmpWorkplan == null) { //oAttnRunSummary.AddError(EnumErrorType.WorkGroupUndefine, "Employee WorkPlan Not Defined.", emp); continue; } WorkPlanGroup oEmpWPlanGroup = workPlanGroups.Where(o => o.ID == oEmpWorkplan.WorkPlanGroupID) .Single(); //oEmpWPlanGroup = workPlanGroups.Where(o => o.ID == 28) // .Single(); #endregion #region Calcullate ShiftID and WorkPlan Day Type // not needed now // _empWPtype = oEmpWPlanGroup.Type; // Set Workplan Type // Get ShiftID from WorkPlan for Fixed workplan if (oEmpWPlanGroup.Type == EnumWorkPlanGroup.Fixed) { switch (Attdate.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Friday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.FridayShiftID; break; case DayOfWeek.Monday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.MondayShiftID; break; case DayOfWeek.Saturday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.SaturdayShiftID; break; case DayOfWeek.Sunday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.SundayShiftID; break; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.ThursdayShiftID; break; case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.TuesdayShiftID; break; case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: attnProcess.ShiftID = oEmpWorkplan.WednesdayShiftID; break; default: break; } } // Calcullate ShiftID for Rotation workplan else { if (empAttnData != null && empAttnData.Count > 0) { DateTime inTime = empAttnData[0].PunchTime; double nminutes = 10000; List<ShiftRotation> osrs; DateTime shiftInTime, shiftOutTime; Shift oshift; osrs = CounterClockRotation.Where(x => x.WorkPlanType == oEmpWPlanGroup.Type).ToList(); foreach (ShiftRotation sr in osrs) { oshift = shifts.Single(o => o.ID == sr.ShiftID); shiftInTime = Attdate.Subtract(Attdate.TimeOfDay).Add(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); TimeSpan ospan = (inTime - shiftInTime); if (nminutes > Math.Abs(ospan.TotalMinutes)) { nminutes = Math.Abs(ospan.TotalMinutes); if(!attnProcess.IsManualEntry) //This Condition is added for manual Shift change attnProcess.ShiftID = sr.ShiftID; } } oshift = shifts.Single(o => o.ID == attnProcess.ShiftID); shiftInTime = Attdate.Subtract(Attdate.TimeOfDay).Add(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); shiftOutTime = Attdate.Subtract(Attdate.TimeOfDay).Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); if (shiftOutTime < shiftInTime) shiftOutTime = shiftOutTime.AddDays(1); if (Math.Abs((shiftOutTime - shiftInTime).TotalMinutes) < nminutes) { attnProcess.ShiftID = null; empAttnData = new List<AttnRawData>(); } } } CalcullateWorkdayType(attnProcess, oEmpWorkplan, oEmpWPlanGroup, 1); #region Leave Calcullation if (leaves != null && leaves.Count > 0) { empLeaveEntry = leaves.Where(lv => lv.EmpID == emp.ID && (lv.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved || lv.LeaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Availed)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (empLeaveEntry != null) { // Check wether Ignore Holidays if (lvParameters.Where(x => x.LeaveId == empLeaveEntry.LeaveID).Any(x => x.IgnoreHoliday)) { if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday; } else if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Holiday; } else { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Leave; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empLeaveEntry.LeaveID; dailyattProcesses.Add(attnProcess); continue; } } else { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Leave; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empLeaveEntry.LeaveID; dailyattProcesses.Add(attnProcess); continue; } } } #endregion #endregion #region calculate In/Out time and With Other Things /* * if ShiftID found and attendence data exists * Calcullate InTime and OutTime * If elligable for OT calcullate OT according to DayType(Holiday or Workday) */ if (empAttnData != null && empAttnData.Count > 0 && attnProcess.ShiftID != null && attnProcess.ShiftID != 0) { Shift oshift = shifts.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.ID == attnProcess.ShiftID); oshift.OutTime = oshift.InTime.Date .AddDays(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay < oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay ? 1 : 0) .Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); #region Calcullate In Out if (!isInOutApplicable) { attnProcess.InTime = attnProcess.IsManualEntry && attnProcess.OnlyManualInTime ? attnProcess.InTime : empAttnData[0].PunchTime; if (!(attnProcess.IsManualEntry && attnProcess.OnlyManualOutTime)) { int outInitialIndex = attnProcess.IsManualEntry && attnProcess.OnlyManualInTime ? 0 : 1; if (empAttnData.Count > outInitialIndex) { attnProcess.OutTime = empAttnData[empAttnData.Count - 1].PunchTime; //TimeSpan otime = attnProcess.OutTime - attnProcess.InTime; // here we defined that total working hour is 19 hour in a day. for (int i = empAttnData.Count - 1; i >= outInitialIndex; i--) { TimeSpan ntime =(DateTime) empAttnData[i].PunchTime - (DateTime) attnProcess.InTime; if (oEmpWPlanGroup.Type != EnumWorkPlanGroup.Fixed) { if (!oshift.IsOverlapingDay // if not overlapping days && empAttnData[i].PunchTime.Date > attnProcess.InTime // But it overlaps && empAttnData[i].PunchTime.Subtract(empAttnData[i].PunchTime.Date).TotalHours > 4) //then check weather it is more than 4 hour next Day { // then ignore continue; } else { if (ntime.TotalHours <= 14) { attnProcess.OutTime = empAttnData[i].PunchTime; break; } } } else { attnProcess.OutTime = null; if (empAttnData[i].PunchTime.Date > attnProcess.InTime && ntime.TotalHours > 16) continue; else { attnProcess.OutTime = empAttnData[i].PunchTime; break; } } } if (attnProcess.OutTime != null) { if (Math.Abs( ((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime - (DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).TotalMinutes) < 10) { attnProcess.OutTime = null; } } } } } else { List<AttnRawData> empInRawData = empAttnData.Where(rd => rd.EntryMode == EnumEntryMode.In) .OrderBy(rd => rd.PunchTime) .ToList(); List<AttnRawData> empOutRawData = empAttnData.Where(rd => rd.EntryMode == EnumEntryMode.Out) .OrderByDescending(rd => rd.PunchTime) .ToList(); if (empInRawData.Count > 0) { attnProcess.InTime = attnProcess.IsManualEntry && attnProcess.OnlyManualInTime ? attnProcess.InTime : empInRawData[0].PunchTime; if (!(attnProcess.IsManualEntry && attnProcess.OnlyManualOutTime)) { if (empOutRawData.Count > 0) { attnProcess.OutTime = empOutRawData[0].PunchTime; foreach (AttnRawData item in empOutRawData) { TimeSpan ntime = (DateTime) item.PunchTime - (DateTime) attnProcess.InTime; if (oEmpWPlanGroup.Type != EnumWorkPlanGroup.Fixed) { if (ntime.TotalHours <= 16) { attnProcess.OutTime = item.PunchTime; break; } } else { attnProcess.OutTime = null; if (item.PunchTime.Date > ((DateTime) attnProcess.InTime).Date && item.PunchTime.Hour > 5) continue; else { attnProcess.OutTime = item.PunchTime; break; } } } } if (attnProcess.OutTime != null) { if (Math.Abs(((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime - (DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).TotalMinutes) < 10) { attnProcess.OutTime = null; } } } } } #endregion CalcInOutCorrection(inMissingHour, shifts, attnProcess); if (attnProcess.InTime != null) { oshift.InTime = ((DateTime) attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); oshift.OutTime = oshift.InTime.Date .AddDays(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay < oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay ? 1 : 0) .Add(oshift.OutTime.TimeOfDay); oshift.AbsentTime = oshift.InTime.Date .AddDays(oshift.AbsentTime.TimeOfDay < oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay ? 1 : 0) .Add(oshift.AbsentTime.TimeOfDay); #region Calcullate Late, Delay, Early & Absent double lateOrDelayTime = ((DateTime) attnProcess.InTime).TimeOfDay.Subtract(oshift.InTime.TimeOfDay).TotalMinutes; if (oshift.LateCalcualtion != 0 && lateOrDelayTime > oshift.LateCalcualtion) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Late; attnProcess.IsLate = true; attnProcess.LateHour = (lateOrDelayTime - oshift.LateCalcualtion) / 60; } if (oshift.DelayCalcualtion != 0 && lateOrDelayTime > oshift.DelayCalcualtion) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Delay; attnProcess.IsLate = true; attnProcess.LateHour = (lateOrDelayTime - oshift.DelayCalcualtion) / 60; } if (oshift.EarlyExitBefore != 0 && attnProcess.OutTime != null) { double minutesEarly; minutesEarly = oshift.OutTime.Subtract(oshift.InTime).TotalMinutes - ((DateTime) attnProcess.OutTime).Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TotalMinutes; if (minutesEarly > oshift.EarlyExitBefore) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Early; attnProcess.EarlyHour = (minutesEarly - oshift.EarlyExitBefore) / 60; } } //if(attnProcess.OutTime != DateTime.MinValue && oshift.HalfdayBarrierHour >0 && attnProcess.OutTime.Subtract(attnProcess.InTime).TotalHours <= oshift.HalfdayBarrierHour) //{ // attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.HalfDay; //} if (attnProcess.OutTime != null && oshift.HalfdayBarrierHour > 0 && ((DateTime)attnProcess.OutTime).Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TotalHours <= oshift.HalfdayBarrierHour) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.HalfDay; EmployeeShortLeave empShortLeave = shortLeaves.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == emp.ID); double totalWorkingHour = 0; if (empShortLeave != null) { // Mutually Exclusive if (attnProcess.InTime >= empShortLeave.ToDate || attnProcess.OutTime <= empShortLeave.FromDate) { totalWorkingHour =((DateTime) attnProcess.OutTime).Subtract((DateTime)attnProcess.InTime).TotalHours + empShortLeave.ToDate.Subtract(empShortLeave.FromDate).TotalHours; } else { DateTime calStartTime =(DateTime) attnProcess.InTime <(DateTime) empShortLeave.FromDate ? (DateTime) attnProcess.InTime : empShortLeave.FromDate; DateTime calEndTime =(DateTime) attnProcess.OutTime > empShortLeave.ToDate ? (DateTime) attnProcess.OutTime : empShortLeave.ToDate; totalWorkingHour = calEndTime.Subtract(calStartTime).TotalHours; } if (totalWorkingHour >= oshift.HalfdayBarrierHour) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Present; attnProcess.Comments = "Short Leave"; attnProcess.Reason = "Short Leave"; } } } if (oshift.hasAbsentTime) { if (attnProcess.InTime > oshift.AbsentTime) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; } } #endregion CalcullateOTEchoTex(emp.IsEligibleOT, attnProcess, oshift, Attdate, _IsOTFractionate); //CalcullateOTEchoTex(!emp.IsEligibleOT, attnProcess, oshift, Attdate, true); } } #endregion #region Calcullate MobileAttendence if Not found in rawData if (attnProcess.InTime == null && oEmpFieldTracks.Any(obj => obj.EmployeeID == attnProcess.EmployeeID)) { List<EmpFieldTrack> oCurrentEmpFTracks = oEmpFieldTracks.Where(obj => obj.EmployeeID == attnProcess.EmployeeID).OrderBy(o => o.TranDateTime).ToList(); attnProcess.InTime = oCurrentEmpFTracks[0].TranDateTime; if (oCurrentEmpFTracks.Count > 1) attnProcess.OutTime = oCurrentEmpFTracks[oCurrentEmpFTracks.Count - 1].TranDateTime; attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Present; } #endregion CalcInOutCorrection(inMissingHour, shifts, attnProcess); #region Calcullate not present status if (attnProcess.InTime == null && attnProcess.OutTime == null) { if (empOutsideDuty != null) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty; attnProcess.ReferenceID = empOutsideDuty.ID; } else if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.WeeklyHoliday) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.WeeklyHoliday; } else if (attnProcess.WorkDayType == EnumWorkPlanDayType.NationalHoliday) { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Holiday; } else { attnProcess.AttenType = EnumAttendanceType.Absent; } } #endregion dailyattProcesses.Add(attnProcess); // Add the process to collection } //if (dailyattProcesses.Count == 0) // throw new ServiceException("After process Raw data, no attandance found for the selected date."); //DailyAttnProcess.Save(dailyattProcesses, false); new DailyAttnProcessService().Save(dailyattProcesses, null); } catch (ServiceException ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex.Message, ex); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException(e.Message, e); } } private static void CalcInOutCorrection(double inMissingHour, List<Shift> shifts, DailyAttnProcess attnProcess) { // If There is InMissing Hour in Logic if (inMissingHour > 0) { Shift oEmpshift = shifts.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.ID == attnProcess.ShiftID); if (oEmpshift != null) { if(attnProcess.InTime != null ) oEmpshift.InTime = ((DateTime) attnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(oEmpshift.InTime.TimeOfDay); if (attnProcess.InTime != null && oEmpshift.InTime.AddHours(inMissingHour) < attnProcess.InTime) { DateTime previousIn = (DateTime) attnProcess.InTime; attnProcess.InTime = null; attnProcess.LateHour = 0; if (attnProcess.OutTime == null || oEmpshift.OutTime.AddHours(inMissingHour) < attnProcess.OutTime) { attnProcess.OutTime = previousIn; } } } } } } }