/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Copyright © Computer Ease Limited | | Address: 1/9 Bloack-A Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh | | Email: info@celimited.com, cease@bol-online.com, web: www.celimited.com | | Unauthorized copy or distribution is strictly prohibited | | Author: S. M. Russel, Last modified date: 23/07/2012 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using Ease.Core.Utility; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ease.Core.Utility { #region Utility: Exception Log /// <summary> /// This object is used to log error raised in service. /// This class cannot be inherited. /// This class cannot be instantiated. /// All functions are static. /// </summary> public sealed class ExceptionLog { private static string _mode; private static int _maxSize; private static int _maxFiles; private static string _source; private static object _syncObject = new object(); static ExceptionLog() { AppConfigParser config = new AppConfigParser(); string configvalue = ""; //#### ConfigUtility.GetAppSettings("exceptionHandler"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configvalue)) config.Parse(configvalue); //Mod of error _mode = "File"; //if (config.Contains("mode")) // _mode = config["mode"]; //Source property _source = "Log"; //if (config.Contains("source")) // _source = config["source"]; //No max of file in this folder _maxFiles = 10; //if (config.Contains("maxFiles")) //{ // try // { // _maxFiles = int.Parse(config["maxFiles"]); //1 KB // } // catch { } //} //File size _maxSize = 5000 * 1024; //5 MB //if (config.Contains("maxFileSize")) //{ // try // { // _maxSize = int.Parse(config["maxFileSize"]) * 1024; //1 KB // } // catch { } //} } private static void WriteToEventLog(string log) { try { //#### EventLog.WriteEntry(_source, log, EventLogEntryType.Error); } catch { WriteToFile(log); } } private static void WriteToFile(string log) { string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, _source); string logFileSpec = Path.Combine(path, "Error.log"); try { lock (_syncObject) { if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); StreamWriter writer; if (!File.Exists(logFileSpec)) { writer = File.CreateText(logFileSpec); } else { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(path, logFileSpec)); if (fi.Length > _maxSize) { // Check no of files ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList(Directory.GetFiles(path, "~*.log")); if (fileList.Count >= _maxFiles - 1) { fileList.Sort(); for (int i = 0; i <= fileList.Count - _maxFiles + 1; i++) File.Delete((string)fileList[i]); } fi.MoveTo(Path.Combine(path, "~" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".log")); writer = File.CreateText(logFileSpec); } else { writer = File.AppendText(logFileSpec); } } writer.WriteLine(log); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } } catch { } } /// <summary> /// Log application into file/eventviewer according to configuration of application file. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Valid instance of an exception object.</param> public static void Write(Exception e) { string log = new string('*', 80) + Environment.NewLine; log += string.Format(" TimeStamp: {0} {1}{2}", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), Environment.NewLine); log += new string('*', 80) + Environment.NewLine; while (e != null) { log += Environment.NewLine; log += string.Format("Exception..: {0}{1}", e.GetType().Name, Environment.NewLine); log += string.Format("Source.....: {0}{1}", e.Source, Environment.NewLine); log += string.Format("Message....: {0}{1}", e.Message, Environment.NewLine); log += string.Format("Stack Trace: {0}", e.StackTrace.Trim()); e = e.InnerException; log += Environment.NewLine + new string('-', 80) + Environment.NewLine; } if (_mode == "EventLog") { WriteToEventLog(log); } else if (_mode == "File") { WriteToFile(log); } } /// <summary> /// Log application into file/eventviewer according to configuration of application file. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Valid instance of an ServiceException object.</param> /// #### //public static void Write(ServiceException e) //{ // Write(e as Exception); //} private ExceptionLog() { } } internal sealed class AppConfigParser { private Dictionary<string, string> _attributes; public void Parse(string configValue) { _attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string[] segments = configValue.Trim().Split(';'); foreach (string segment in segments) { string[] keyValue = segment.Trim().Split('='); if (keyValue.Length != 2) continue; string key = keyValue[0].Trim(); string value = keyValue[1].Trim(); _attributes.Add(key, value); } } public bool Contains(string key) { return _attributes.ContainsKey(key); } public string this[string key] { get { return _attributes[key]; } } public AppConfigParser() { } } #endregion }