using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AutoMapper.Configuration; using Ease.Core; using Ease.Core.Model; using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes; using HRM.BO; using HRM.DA; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Newtonsoft.Json; using NPOI.POIFS.Crypt.Dsig; using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions; using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.Sig; using Payroll.BO; using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType; using IConfiguration = Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration; namespace HRM.UI.Controllers { [ApiController] [Route("api/DataIntergration")] [Authorize] public class DataIntergrationController : Controller { private List _errorList; List _oHRDataUploads = null; List _oErrorList = null; List _oEmployeeCollection = null; List _oDepartments = null; List _oEmployeeStatus = null; List _oDesignations = null; List _oLocations = new List(); List _oEmployees = new List(); List _oBanks = new List(); List _oBranchs = new List(); List _oReligions = new List(); List _oCategories = new List(); List _oGrades = new List(); List _oSuccessOrErrorList = null; // List _oEmployeeCollection = new List(); #region Declerations private readonly IDepartmentService _departmentService; private readonly ILocationService _locationService; private readonly IBankService _bankService; private readonly IConfiguration _config; private readonly IBranchService _branchService; private readonly IEmployeeService _employeeService; private readonly IDesignationService _designationService; private readonly IDataIntergrationRequestService _dataIntergrationRequestService; private readonly IClaimBalaceService _claimBalaceService; private readonly IApiIntegrationService _apiIntegrationService; private readonly IPayrollTypeService _payrollTypeService; List _oIADataUploads = null; List _oIADataUploadItems = null; #endregion #region Constructor public DataIntergrationController(IConfiguration config, IDepartmentService departmentService, ILocationService locationService, IBankService bankService, IEmployeeService employeeService, IBranchService branchService, IDesignationService desinationService, IDataIntergrationRequestService dataIntergrationRequestService, IClaimBalaceService claimBalaceService, IApiIntegrationService apiIntegrationService, IPayrollTypeService payrollTypeService) { _config = config; _departmentService = departmentService; _locationService = locationService; _bankService = bankService; _employeeService = employeeService; _branchService = branchService; // _wfMovementTranService = wfMovementTranService; _designationService = desinationService; _claimBalaceService = claimBalaceService; _dataIntergrationRequestService = dataIntergrationRequestService; _apiIntegrationService = apiIntegrationService; _payrollTypeService = payrollTypeService; } #endregion #region Functions [HttpGet("getBudgetDataAllowance")] public ActionResult getBudgetDataAllowance() { CurrentUser currentUser = CurrentUser.GetCurrentUser(HttpContext.User); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { ds = _dataIntergrationRequestService.GetBudgetDataAllowance((int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID); } catch (Exception ex) { return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.Message); } return Ok(ds); } [HttpGet("getBudgetData")] public ActionResult getBudgetData() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); CurrentUser currentUser = CurrentUser.GetCurrentUser(HttpContext.User); try { ds = _dataIntergrationRequestService.GetBudgetData((int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID); } catch (Exception ex) { return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.Message); } return Ok(ds); } [HttpGet("getSuccessorErrorData/{batchId}")] public ActionResult GetSuccessorErrorData(string batchId) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { ds = _dataIntergrationRequestService.GetSuccessorErrorData(batchId); } catch (Exception ex) { return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.Message); } return Ok(ds); } [HttpPost] [Route("dataintergration")] [AllowAnonymous] public ActionResult dataintergration([FromBody] DataIntegrationHeader data) { IntregraionReponse returnItem = new IntregraionReponse(); try { _dataIntergrationRequestService.SaveBulkRequest(_oHRDataUploads); _oHRDataUploads = data.Items; CheckFieldValidation(); if (_oErrorList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in _oErrorList) { item.Type = EnumDataIntegrationType.EmployeeBasic; } _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(_oErrorList); throw new Exception("There occurs some errors while validating data"); } _dataIntergrationRequestService.ImportEmpBasicInfo(_oHRDataUploads, 1, 1); //var response = new IntregraionReponse() //{ // ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.OK.ToString(), // ReturnName = "OK", // InternalError = ex.Message, // Details = _oErrorList //}; return Ok(); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new IntregraionReponse() { ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError.ToString(), ReturnName = "Internal Server Error", InternalError = ex.Message, Details = _oErrorList }; return StatusCode(500, response); } } [HttpGet] [Route("employeebasicintegrationapi/{empNo}")] public async Task employeebasicintegrationapi(string empNo) { IntregraionReponse returnItem = new IntregraionReponse(); CurrentUser currentUser = CurrentUser.GetCurrentUser(HttpContext.User); DataIntegrationHeader data = null; string ErrorString = ""; PayrollType payrollType = null; try { payrollType = this._payrollTypeService.Get((int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID); var token = await _apiIntegrationService.GetAccessTokenAsync(); if (token != null) { data = new DataIntegrationHeader(); data = await _apiIntegrationService.GetMasterDataAsync(token.access_token); data.Items.ForEach(x => { x.payrolltypeid =(int) currentUser.PayrollTypeID; }); } empNo = GlobalFunctions.GetApiDefaultData(empNo); if (empNo.Length >0) { string[] emps = empNo.Split(','); List items = new List(); foreach (var ep in emps) { var existemp = data.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeNo == ep); if (existemp != null) items.Add(existemp); } data.Items = items; } List TempItems = new List(); if (data != null) { if (data.Items.Count > 0) { // TempItems = data.Items.Where(x => x.EmployeeNo == "103" || x.EmployeeNo == "1953").ToList(); TempItems = data.Items.Where(x => (x.Company.ToLower().Trim().Replace(" ", "") == payrollType.Description.ToLower().Trim().Replace(" ", "")) && (x.CategoryCode == "1" || x.CategoryCode == "2")).ToList(); foreach (var item in TempItems) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CategoryCode)) { item.CategoryCode = item.CategoryCode.PadLeft(3, '0'); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ReligionCode) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Religion)) { item.Religion = "Unknown"; item.ReligionCode = "005"; } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.EmailAddress)){ // item.EmailAddress = ""; //} } _oHRDataUploads = TempItems; } } ErrorString = "Error in saving Raw-Data"; string batchID = _dataIntergrationRequestService.SaveBulkRequest(_oHRDataUploads); ErrorString = "Error in validating Raw-Data"; CheckFieldValidation(); if (_oErrorList != null && _oErrorList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in _oErrorList) { item.Type = EnumDataIntegrationType.EmployeeBasic; item.BatchId = batchID; } ErrorString = "Error in Saving Error List"; _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(_oErrorList); return Ok(_oHRDataUploads); } ErrorString = "Error in Processing Data"; _dataIntergrationRequestService.ImportEmpBasicInfo(_oHRDataUploads, (int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID, currentUser.UserID); _dataIntergrationRequestService.getErrorORSuccessList().ForEach(item => { item.Type = EnumDataIntegrationType.EmployeeBasic; item.BatchId = batchID; }); var errrorList = _dataIntergrationRequestService.getErrorORSuccessList().FindAll(x=>x.Status == EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); var successList = _dataIntergrationRequestService.getErrorORSuccessList().FindAll(x => x.Status == EnumSAPProcessStatus.Success); #region ////successList if (errrorList.Count == 0) { if (successList.Count > 0) { ErrorString = "Error in updating/inserting employee..."; _dataIntergrationRequestService.Save((int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID, currentUser.UserID, EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeWithBasic); ErrorString = "Error in success list employee..."; _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(successList); } } else { ErrorString = "Error in saving Final Error list"; _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(errrorList); } #endregion return Ok(_oHRDataUploads); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new IntregraionReponse() { ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError.ToString(), ReturnName = "Internal Server Error", InternalError = ErrorString + " : " + ex.Message, Details = _oErrorList }; return StatusCode(500, response); } } [HttpGet] [Route("IndividualAllowanceApi/{empNo}")] public async Task IndividualAllowanceApi(string empNo) { IntregraionReponse returnItem = new IntregraionReponse(); CurrentUser currentUser = CurrentUser.GetCurrentUser(HttpContext.User); try { //var filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "data", "allowancedata.json"); //if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) //{ // return NotFound("The JSON file could not be found."); //} _oEmployeeStatus = new EmployeeStatusService().GetByUserID(currentUser.UserID); var token = await _apiIntegrationService.GetAccessTokenAsync(); var data = new IndividualAllowanceModel(); if (token != null) { data = await _apiIntegrationService.GetConpensationDataAsync(token.access_token); } empNo = GlobalFunctions.GetApiDefaultData(empNo); if (empNo.Length > 0) { string[] emps = empNo.Split(','); List items = new List(); foreach (var ep in emps) { var existemp = data.row.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EMPLOYEE_NO == ep); if (existemp != null) items.Add(existemp); } data.row = items; } DataIntergrationIndividualAllowanceHeader ds = new DataIntergrationIndividualAllowanceHeader(); ds.Items = new List(); int nCount = 1; List oemps = new EmployeeService().GetAllEmps((int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID); List categories = new CategoryService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, (int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID); var cats = categories.FindAll(x => x.Code == "001" || x.Code == "002"); foreach (var row in data.row) { DataIntergrationIndividualAllowance di = new DataIntergrationIndividualAllowance(); di.EmployeeNo = row.EMPLOYEE_NO; if(di.EmployeeNo == "20") { } di.RowNo = nCount; di.Items = new List(); foreach (var compdata in row.COMP_DATA) { if (compdata != null) { if (compdata.ITEM_NAME.Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == "basicsalary") continue; ComnpData temp = new ComnpData(); temp.ItemName = compdata.ITEM_NAME; temp.BenifitCode = compdata.ITEM_CODE; temp.FromDate = compdata.FROM_DATE; temp.ToDate = IsValidDate(compdata.TO_DATE, "yyyy-MM-dd") ? compdata.TO_DATE : ""; temp.Amount = compdata.AMOUNT; di.Items.Add(temp); } } nCount++; if (di.Items != null && di.Items.Count > 0) { var empitem = oemps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeNo == di.EmployeeNo); if (empitem != null) { var cat = cats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == empitem.CategoryID); if (cat != null) ds.Items.Add(di); } } } _oIADataUploads = ds.Items; ds.Items.ForEach(x => { x.payrolltypeid = (int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID; }); string batchID= _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSaveIndividualAllowance(ds.Items); CheckIndividualAllowanceFieldValidation(); if (_oErrorList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in _oErrorList) { item.Type = EnumDataIntegrationType.IndividualAllowance; item.BatchId = batchID; } _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(_oErrorList); return Ok(_oIADataUploadItems); } _dataIntergrationRequestService.ImportEmpIndividualAllowanceDeduction((int)currentUser.PayrollTypeID, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, ds.Items,empNo); var errorList = _dataIntergrationRequestService.getErrorORSuccessList().FindAll(x => x.Status == EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); ; var successList = _dataIntergrationRequestService.getErrorORSuccessList().FindAll(x => x.Status == EnumSAPProcessStatus.Success); ; if (errorList.Count > 0) { errorList.ForEach(x => { x.BatchId = batchID; x.Type = EnumDataIntegrationType.IndividualAllowance; }); _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(errorList); } else if (successList.Count > 0) { successList.ForEach(x => { x.BatchId = batchID; x.Type = EnumDataIntegrationType.IndividualAllowance; }); _dataIntergrationRequestService.BulkSave(successList); } return Ok(_oIADataUploadItems); } catch (Exception ex) { //internal method error return StatusCode(500, ex.Message); } } static bool IsValidDate(string dateInput, string format) { DateTime dateValue; bool isValid = DateTime.TryParse(dateInput, out dateValue); if (isValid) { if (dateValue.Year > 2050) // Restrict dates beyond 2050 { isValid = false; } } return isValid; } private void Save() { try { _employeeService.SaveIntegration(this._oEmployeeCollection, 1, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now); // new Employee().BulkSave(_oErrorList); } catch (Exception exp) { } } #endregion private void CheckFieldValidation() { _oErrorList = new List(); SuccessorErrorList oItem = new SuccessorErrorList(); int nCount = 1; foreach (DataIntegration item in _oHRDataUploads) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.EmployeeNo)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "EmployeeNo is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.EmployeeNo.Length > 10) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "EmployeeNo exceeds 6-digits", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.EmployeeName)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "EmployeeName is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.EmployeeName.Length > 150) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "EmployeeName exceeds 150-digits", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FathersName)) { if (item.FathersName.Length > 150) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "FathersName exceeds 150-digits", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Designation)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Designation is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.Designation.Length > 200) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Designation exceeds 200-digits", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //if (item.GlobalID.Length > 20) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Global ID's length is greater then 20 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PreviousEmployeeNo)) //{ // if (item.PreviousEmployeeNo.Length > 6) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "PreviousEmployeeNo is not in 6-digits", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (item.ContractChangeEndDate != null && Convert.ToDateTime(item.ContractChangeEndDate) == DateTime.MinValue) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "ContractChangeEndDate is not valid date.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.DateOfBirth == null) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "DateOfBirth is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.DateOfBirth) == DateTime.MinValue) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "DateOfBirth is not valid date.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.DateOfJoining != null) { //AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "DateOfJoining is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.DateOfJoining) == DateTime.MinValue) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "DateOfJoining is not valid date.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.EmailAddress)) //{ // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Email Address is Missing.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Category)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Category is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //else //{ // Category oObj = _oCategories.Find(x => x.Name == item.Category); // if (oObj == null) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Category is not valid.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Religion)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Religion Can not be Empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } ////else //{ // Religion oObj = _oReligions.Find(x => x.Name == item.Religion); // if (oObj == null) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Religion is not valid.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Gender)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Gender Can not be Empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.Gender.ToLower() == "male" || item.Gender.ToLower() == "female") { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Gender is not valid. It should be Male or Female", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (item.TIN.Length > 50) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "TIN exceeds 50 character.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.IsForeignExpatriate)) item.IsForeignExpatriate = "FALSE"; else { if (item.IsForeignExpatriate.ToUpper() == "TRUE" || item.IsForeignExpatriate.ToUpper() == "FALSE") { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "IsForeignExpatriate is not valid.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Grade)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Grade is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //else //{ // Grade oObj = _oGrades.Find(x => x.Name == item.Grade); // if (oObj == null) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Grade is not valid.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BasicSalary)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Basic Salary is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else { if (Convert.ToDouble(item.BasicSalary) <= 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Basic salary should greater than 0.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //else //{ // if (item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE != "Joining" && item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE != "Promotion" // && item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE != "Confirmation" && item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE != "Annual Increment" // && item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE != "Salary Revised" && item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE != "Other") // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Salary Change Type is not recognized.It must be like (Joining,Promotion,Confirmation,Annual Increment,Salary Revised,Other)", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubUnit)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Unit)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubSection)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Section)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Department is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Section is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Sub Section is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Unit is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Unit)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubSection)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Section)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Department is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Section is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Sub Section is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubSection)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Section)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Department is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Section is not found.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Section)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubDepartment)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "SubDepartment is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Department is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) { } else AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division Name is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.Division.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Division Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.Division.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty Division is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { if (item.Department.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Department Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.Department.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty Department is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Section)) { if (item.Section.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Section Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.Section.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty Section is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubDepartment)) { if (item.SubDepartment.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "SubDepartment Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.SubDepartment.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty SubDepartment is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Unit)) { if (item.Unit.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Unit Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.Unit.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty Unit is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubUnit)) { if (item.SubUnit.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "SubUnit Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.SubUnit.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty SubUnit is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Zone)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Zone Name is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.Zone.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Zone Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.Zone.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty Zone is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Location)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Location Name is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.Location.Length > 100) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Location Name is greater then 100 characters.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (item.Location.Length == 0) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Empty Location is not allowed.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (item.SalaryAccountNumber != "") { if (item.SalaryBank == "" || item.SalaryBranch == "") { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Bank or branch can't be empty", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (item.SALARY_ACCOUNT_EFFECT_DATE == "") { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Salary Account Add/Change Effect Date can't be Empty", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else { DateTime dDate = DateTime.Now; if (DateTime.TryParse(item.SALARY_ACCOUNT_EFFECT_DATE, out dDate) == false) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Invalid Salary Account effect Date", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //else //{ // if(ptype.LastPayProcessDate <= dDate) //} } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LIFE_CYCLE_EVENT)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Life Cycle Event can't be Empty", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LIFE_CYCLE_EVENT)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Life Cycle Event can't be Empty", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //else //{ // var isExist = _oEmployeeStatus.Find(x => x.Description.ToLower().Trim().Replace(" ", "") == item.LIFE_CYCLE_EVENT.ToLower().Trim().Replace(" ", "")); // if (isExist == null) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "invalid Event", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} if (item.BasicSalaryEffectDate == null || item.BasicSalaryEffectDate == "") AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "BasicSalaryEffectDate is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //if (Convert.ToDateTime(item.BasicSalaryEffectDate) == DateTime.MinValue) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "BasicSalaryEffectDate is not valid date.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SALARY_CHANGE_TYPE)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Salary Change Type is empty.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } //if (item.AssignmentChangeDate == "") //{ // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Event Date can't be Empty", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //} //else //{ // DateTime dDate = DateTime.Now; // if (DateTime.TryParse(item.AssignmentChangeDate,out dDate) == false) // { // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Invalid Event Date", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); // } //} nCount++; } } private void AddStatus(int nCount, string sEmployeeNo, string sMessege, EnumSAPProcessStatus eStstus) { SuccessorErrorList item = new SuccessorErrorList(); item.RowNo = nCount; item.EmployeeNo = sEmployeeNo; item.Message = sMessege; item.Status = eStstus; item.UploadDate = DateTime.Now; item.UploadDate = DateTime.Now; _oErrorList.Add(item); } private void CreateBasicData() { string ss = ""; try { int nParentID = 0; int nTier = 0; foreach (DataIntegration item in _oHRDataUploads) { //ss = item.EmployeeNo; //if (item.EmployeeNo == "3615") // ss = "3615"; nParentID = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Division)) { Department dep = _oDepartments.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == item.Division.ToLower().Trim()); if (dep == null) { dep = new Department(); dep.Code = item.Division.Substring(0, 2) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); dep.Name = item.Division; dep.ParentID = null; dep.Tier = 1; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _departmentService.Save(dep); _oDepartments.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; nTier = 1; } else { //dep.Tier = 1; //dep.Save(); nParentID = dep.ID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Department)) { Department dep = _oDepartments.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == item.Department.ToLower().Trim()); if (dep == null) { dep = new Department(); dep.Code = item.Department.Substring(0, 2) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); dep.Name = item.Department; dep.ParentID = nParentID; //dep.RCCode = item.RCCode; dep.Tier = 2; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _departmentService.Save(dep); _oDepartments.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { //dep.ParentID = nParentID; //dep.Tier = 2; //dep.Save(); nParentID = dep.ID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Section)) { Department dep = _oDepartments.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == item.Section.ToLower().Trim()); if (dep == null) { dep = new Department(); dep.Code = item.Section.Substring(0, 2) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); dep.Name = item.Section; dep.ParentID = nParentID; dep.Tier = 3; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _departmentService.Save(dep); _oDepartments.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { //dep.ParentID = nParentID; //dep.Tier = 3; //dep.Save(); nParentID = dep.ID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubSection)) { Department dep = _oDepartments.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == item.SubSection.ToLower().Trim()); if (dep == null) { dep = new Department(); dep.Code = item.SubSection.Substring(0, 2) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); dep.Name = item.SubSection; dep.ParentID = nParentID; dep.Tier = 4; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _departmentService.Save(dep); _oDepartments.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { //dep.ParentID = nParentID; //dep.Tier = 4; //dep.Save(); nParentID = dep.ID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Unit)) { Department dep = _oDepartments.Find(x => x.Name == item.Unit); if (dep == null) { dep = new Department(); dep.Code = item.Unit.Substring(0, 2) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); dep.Name = item.Unit; dep.ParentID = nParentID; dep.Tier = 5; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _departmentService.Save(dep); _oDepartments.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { //dep.ParentID = nParentID; //dep.Tier = 5; //dep.Save(); nParentID = dep.ID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SubUnit)) { Department dep = _oDepartments.Find(x => x.Name == item.SubUnit); if (dep == null) { dep = new Department(); dep.Code = item.SubUnit.Substring(0, 2) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); dep.Name = item.SubUnit; dep.ParentID = nParentID; dep.Tier = 6; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _departmentService.Save(dep); _oDepartments.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { //dep.ParentID = nParentID; //dep.Tier = 6; //dep.Save(); nParentID = dep.ID; } } nParentID = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Zone)) { Location dep = _oLocations.Find(x => x.Name == item.Zone); if (dep == null) { dep = new Location(); dep.Code = item.ZoneCode; dep.Name = item.Zone; dep.ParentID = null; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; dep.Tier = nTier + 1; nTier = dep.Tier; _locationService.Save(dep); _oLocations.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { dep.ParentID = nParentID; _locationService.Save(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Location)) { Location dep = _oLocations.Find(x => x.Name == item.Location); if (dep == null) { dep = new Location(); dep.Code = item.LocationCode; dep.Name = item.Location; dep.ParentID = nParentID; dep.Tier = nTier + 1; nTier = dep.Tier; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _locationService.Save(dep); _oLocations.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else { dep.ParentID = nParentID; _locationService.Save(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } } nParentID = 0; nTier = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SalaryBank)) { Bank dep = _oBanks.Find(x => x.Name == item.SalaryBank); if (dep == null) { dep = new Bank(); dep.Code = item.SalaryBankCode; dep.Name = item.SalaryBank; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _bankService.Save(dep); _oBanks.Add(dep); nParentID = dep.ID; } else nParentID = dep.ID; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SalaryBranch)) { Branch dep = _oBranchs.Find(x => x.Name == item.SalaryBranch); if (dep == null) { dep = new Branch(); dep.Code = item.SalaryBranchCode; dep.Name = item.SalaryBranch; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; dep.BankID = nParentID; _branchService.Save(dep); _oBranchs.Add(dep); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Designation)) { Designation dep = _oDesignations.Find(x => x.Name == item.Designation); if (dep == null) { dep = new Designation(); dep.Code = item.Designation.Substring(0, 2); dep.Name = item.Designation; dep.Status = EnumStatus.Active; _designationService.Save(dep); _oDesignations.Add(dep); } } } } catch { ss = ss; } } private int GetGradeChangeType2(string sName) { int nType = 0; if (sName.ToLower() == "joining") { nType = 5; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "promotion") { nType = 6; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "confirmation") { nType = 3; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "annual increment") { nType = 7; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "salary revised") { nType = 8; } else { nType = 18; } return nType; } private int GetGradeChangeType(string sName) { int nType = 0; if (sName.ToLower() == "joining") { nType = 5; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "promotion") { nType = 6; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "confirmation") { nType = 3; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "annual increment") { nType = 7; } else if (sName.ToLower() == "salary revised") { nType = 8; } else { nType = 23; } return nType; } private void CheckIndividualAllowanceFieldValidation() { _oErrorList = new List(); SuccessorErrorList oItem = new SuccessorErrorList(); int nCount = 0; List branches = new BranchService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless, 1); List banks = new BankService().Get(); foreach (DataIntergrationIndividualAllowance item in _oIADataUploads) { nCount = item.RowNo; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.EmployeeNo)) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "EmployeeNo is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); else { if (item.EmployeeNo.Length > 10) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "EmployeeNo exceeds 10-digits", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (item.Items == null) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "From Date is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "To Date is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Item Code is Missing.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Item Name is Missing.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } else { foreach (var comnpData in item.Items) { if (comnpData.FromDate == null) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "From Date is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (Convert.ToDateTime(comnpData.FromDate) == DateTime.MinValue) AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "From Date is not valid date.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //if (comnpData.ToDate == null) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "To Date is not found", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); //if (Convert.ToDateTime(comnpData.ToDate) == DateTime.MinValue) // AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "To Date is not valid date.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comnpData.BenifitCode)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Item Code is Missing.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comnpData.ItemName)) { AddStatus(nCount, item.EmployeeNo, "Item Name is Missing.", EnumSAPProcessStatus.Error); } } } // nCount++; } } } }