using HRM.BO; using Ease.Core.DataAccess; using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace HRM.DA { #region ConfigarationDA internal class SystemConfigarationDA { #region Constructor private SystemConfigarationDA() { } #endregion internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, SystemConfigaration item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery( "INSERT INTO Configuration(ConfigurationID, ParentID, Node, Value, Type, CreatedBy, CreatedDate)" + " VALUES(%n, %n, %s, %s, %n, %n, %d)", item.ID, DataReader.GetNullValue(item.ParentID), item.Node, item.Value, item.Type, item.CreatedBy, item.CreatedDate); } internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, SystemConfigaration.ConfigurationAttribute item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ConfigurationAttribute(AttributeID, ParentID, AttributeName,Value)" + " VALUES(%n, %n, %s, %s)", item.ID, item.ConfigurationID, item.AttributeName, item.Value); } internal static void Update(TransactionContext tc, SystemConfigaration item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery( "UPDATE Configuration SET ParentID=%n, Node=%s, Value=%s, Type=%n, ModifiedBy=%n, ModifiedDate=%d" + " WHERE ConfigurationID=%n", DataReader.GetNullValue(item.ParentID), item.Node, item.Value, item.Type, item.ModifiedBy, item.ModifiedDate, item.ID); } internal static void UpdateRolePermission(TransactionContext tc) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery( @"select distinct a.value PCode, b.value pname, c.value Link INTO #TEMPMENU from (select * from CONFIGURATIONATTRIBUTE where attributeName = 'key' and value != '') a, (select * from CONFIGURATIONATTRIBUTE where attributeName = 'name' and value != '') b, (select * from CONFIGURATIONATTRIBUTE where attributeName = 'url' ) c where a.parentid = b.parentid and a.parentid = c.parentid"); tc.ExecuteNonQuery( @"UPDATE RP SET = t.pname, = FROM RolePermission RP INNER JOIN #TEMPMENU t ON RP.PermissionCode = t.PCode; "); tc.ExecuteNonQuery( "DROP TABLE #TEMPMENU"); } internal static void DeleteChildren(TransactionContext tc, int parentID) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery(@"DELETE FROM ConfigurationAttribute WHERE ParentID=%n", parentID); } internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, int parentID) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery(@"DELETE FROM ConfigurationAttribute WHERE ParentID=%n; DELETE FROM Configuration WHERE ParentID=%n", parentID, parentID); } internal static IDataReader GetAllParent(TransactionContext tc) { //return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Configuration Order by ConfigurationID"); return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Configuration Order by ConfigurationID"); } internal static void DeleteAll(TransactionContext tc, EnumConfigurationType type) { string SQLAttribute = string.Format( "Delete from configurationAttribute where ParentID in (Select ConfigurationID from Configuration where type={0})", Convert.ToInt32(type)); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(SQLAttribute); string SQLConfig = string.Format("Delete from configuration Where type = {0}", Convert.ToInt32(type)); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(SQLConfig); } internal static IDataReader GetAllChildrens(TransactionContext tc) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ConfigurationAttribute Order by AttributeID"); } internal static IDataReader GetAllParent(TransactionContext tc, EnumConfigurationType type) { //return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Configuration Order by ConfigurationID"); return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Configuration where type=%n Order by ConfigurationID", type); } internal static IDataReader GetAttribute(TransactionContext tc, int attributeID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ConfigurationAttribute WHERE AttributeID=%n", attributeID); } internal static IDataReader GetChildren(TransactionContext tc, int ConfigurationID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ConfigurationAttribute WHERE ParentID=%n Order by AttributeID", ConfigurationID); } internal static IDataReader GetallChildren(TransactionContext tc, string parentid) { return tc.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT * FROM ConfigurationAttribute WHERE ParentID IN ( %q) Order by AttributeID", parentid); } internal static IDataReader GetChildrenbyType(TransactionContext tc, EnumConfigurationType type) { return tc.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT a.* FROM ConfigurationAttribute a, Configuration c WHERE a.ParentID=c.ConfigurationID and c.type=%n", type); } internal static IDataReader GetChildrenByNode(TransactionContext tc, int sNode) { return tc.ExecuteReader("select * from dbo.ConfigurationAttribute where parentid=%n Order by AttributeID", sNode); } internal static IDataReader GetChildrenByValue(TransactionContext tc, string sMenuKey) { return tc.ExecuteReader( "select * from dbo.ConfigurationAttribute where parentid in(select parentid from dbo.ConfigurationAttribute where value=%s and attributename='key') Order by AttributeID", sMenuKey); } internal static IDataReader GetAllChildren(TransactionContext tc) { return tc.ExecuteReader( "select * from dbo.ConfigurationAttribute where parentid in(select parentid from dbo.ConfigurationAttribute where attributename='key') Order by AttributeID"); } internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, int ConfigurationID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Configuration WHERE ConfigurationID=%n", ConfigurationID); } internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumConfigurationType configType) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM Configuration Where Type=%n Order by ConfigurationID", configType); } internal static IDataReader GetChildren(TransactionContext tc) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ConfigurationAttribute Order by AttributeID"); } internal static IDataReader GetAllChildrenByParentNode(TransactionContext tc, EnumConfigurationType type, string parentNode) { return tc.ExecuteReader(@";WITH cte AS ( SELECT a.* FROM CONFIGURATION a WHERE Node=%s and a.type=%n UNION ALL SELECT a.* FROM CONFIGURATION a JOIN cte c ON a.parentId = c.CONFIGURATIONID ) SELECT * FROM cte", parentNode, type); } internal static object getconfigValue(TransactionContext tc, EnumConfigurationType type, string firstParent, string secondParent) { object returnValue = null; Object obj = tc.ExecuteScalar(@"select value from configuration where PARENTID in (select CONFIGURATIONID from configuration where type = %n and node = %s ) and node = %s", type, firstParent.ToLower(), secondParent.ToLower()); if (obj != DBNull.Value) returnValue = obj; return returnValue; } } #endregion }