<p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>Ref.:</strong> BL/HR/EC/{{Serial Number}}-{{EMPLOYEENO}}/{{System Date2}}</font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>Date:</strong> {{System Date}}</font></p> <br/> <br/> <br/> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="250"> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>{{EMBASSYNAME}}</strong></font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>{{EMBASSYADDRESS1}}</strong></font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>{{EMBASSYADDRESS2}}</strong></font></p> </td> <td> <img src="{{BARCODE}}" alt="smiley face" width="152" height="50"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br/> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>Subject : </strong> <strong><u>Employment Certificate</u></strong></font></p> <br/> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong><u> </u></strong></font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">This is to certify that {{FULLNAME}} (Employee ID: {{EMPLOYEENO}}) has been working with Banglalink Digital Communications Limited since {{EMPLOYEEJOININGDATE}}. At present, {{LASTNAME}} is holding the position of {{EMPLOYEEDESIG}} ({{EMPLOYEEGRADE}}) in {{Empdivision}} Division.</font></p> <br/> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">For any further information, please contact the undersigned during business hours.</font></p> <br/> <br/> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">Yours sincerely,</font></p> <br/> <img src="{{SIGNATURE}}" alt="smiley face" width="150" height="50"> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">______________________</font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2"><strong>{{Name of Salary Approver }}</strong></font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">{{Designation of Salary Approver}}</font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">{{Division of Salary Approver}}</font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">{{email add of Salary Approver}}</font></p> <p><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "2">Mobile: +88{{phone no of Salary Approver}}</font></p> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="25%"> </td> <td> <h6><font face = "Helvetica Neue" size = "1.5">This is a system generated printout with digital signature.</font></h6> </td> <td width="20%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>