0 SQL 21ca233a-d45d-40d1-b7d8-92347180bae2 DummyDataSource /* Local Query */ true Division System.String BanglaDivision System.String Name System.String BanglaName System.String Designation System.String BanglaDesignation System.String CardNo System.String Line System.String BanglaLine System.String Floor System.String FloorBangla System.String Section System.String SectionBangla System.String DOfJoining System.String TotalWorkDays System.String BasicSalary System.String HouseRent System.String Medical System.String Conveynce System.String Food System.String PF System.String Absence System.String DeductSalaryAdvance System.String GivenSalary System.String AttBon System.String BehaviourAllowance System.String OTHours System.String OTRate System.String OTPayable System.String TotalTaka System.String HolidayDays System.String PresentDays System.String AbsentDays System.String Comment System.String NetPayment System.String SalaryMonth System.String EmpNo System.String ConductBonus System.String ProdBonus System.String ExtraAllowance System.String ExtraAllowanceDays System.String ExtraAllowanceRate System.String DeductPF System.String DeductAmnt System.String ProcessDate System.String ProcessDateBng System.String BankAccountNo System.String DeductOther System.String TifinLunch System.String ConductBonusDeduct System.String EidBonus System.String TINNO System.String ShopAdvance System.String TDS System.String IfterBill System.String GrossPercentage System.String Special System.String NightShift System.String NHAmount System.String NHDays System.String NHRate System.String PayrollDataSet D:\SVN\SanofiNew\HRM.Report\PayrollDataSet\PayrollDataSet.xsd BanglaPaySlipNew 8.00944in 4.595in true true =Parameters!companyName.Value & " (" & Fields!Floor.Value & ")" 0.12069in 5.71986in 0.21431in 2.20042in true true ="Wages of " & Parameters!salaryMonthEng.Value 0.335in 5.73028in 0.17931in 2.19in 1 true true N.B : This is the computer-generated payslip. It does no required signature. 4.38444in 0.01944in 0.1in 3.89in true =Fields!BanglaDivision.Value 0.16944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 1 1pt BanglaPSlipSub =Fields!EmpNo.Value true 0.29444in 2.05014in 1.54694in 1.77in 2 0.29444in 3.93944in 0.18in 1.41in 3 true wefvM 1pt true true =Parameters!companyNameBangla.Value & IIF(Fields!FloorBangla.Value<>""," (" & Fields!FloorBangla.Value & ")","") 0.21in 1.98in 5 true true ‡eZb I Ifvi UvBg cÖ`v‡bi iwk` 0.07444in 2.04944in 0.21in 1.77in 6 true =Fields!BanglaName.Value 0.27944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 7 1pt true bvg 1pt true =Fields!BanglaDesignation.Value 0.38944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 9 1pt true c`ex 1pt true =Fields!EmpNo.Value 0.49944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 11 1pt true KvW© bs 1pt true =Fields!BanglaLine.Value 0.60944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 13 1pt true jvBb 1pt true =Fields!DOfJoining.Value 0.71944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 15 1pt true ‡hvM`v‡bi ZvwiL 1pt true =Fields!TotalWorkDays.Value 1.08444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 17 1pt true ‡gvU Kg©w`em 1pt true =Fields!HolidayDays.Value 1.19444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 19 1pt true mvßvwnK I ce©Kvjxb QzwU 1pt true =Fields!PresentDays.Value 1.30444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 21 1pt true ‡gvU Dcw¯’Z 1pt true =Fields!AbsentDays.Value 1.41444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 23 1pt true Abycw¯’Z 1pt true =Fields!DeductPF.Value 1.52444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 25 1pt true ft Znwej Rgv 1pt true =Fields!NetPayment.Value 1.63444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 27 1pt true me©‡gvU †eZb 1pt true =Fields!BasicSalary.Value 1.74444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 29 1pt true g~j †eZb 1pt true =Fields!HouseRent.Value 1.85444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 31 1pt true evox fvov 1pt true =Fields!Medical.Value 1.96444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 33 1pt true wPwKrmv fvZv 1pt true =Fields!Conveynce.Value 2.07444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 35 1pt true hvZvqvZ fvZv 1pt true =Fields!Food.Value 2.18444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 37 1pt true Lv`¨ fvZv 1pt true =Fields!DeductAmnt.Value 2.29444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 39 1pt true KZ©b(Abycw¯’Z) 1pt true =Fields!DeductSalaryAdvance.Value 2.40444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 41 1pt true KZ©b(AMÖxg †eZb) 1pt true =Fields!DeductOther.Value 2.63944in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 43 1pt true ‡gvU KZ©b 1pt true =Fields!GivenSalary.Value 2.97444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 45 1pt true cÖ‡`q †eZb(UvKv) 1pt true ="" & Floor(Fields!OTHours.Value) & ":" & (Fields!OTHours.Value mod 1)*60 3.08444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 47 1pt true ‡gvU I.wU N›Uv 1pt true =Fields!OTRate.Value 3.19444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 49 1pt true I.wU †iU(cÖwZ N›Uv) 1pt true =Fields!OTPayable.Value 3.30444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 51 1pt true cÖ‡`q AwZwi³ mgq(UvKv) 1pt true =Fields!ExtraAllowanceDays.Value 3.41444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 53 1pt true AwZwi³ fvZv w`b 1pt true =Fields!ExtraAllowanceRate.Value 3.52444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 55 1pt true AwZwi³ fvZv †iU(‰`wbK) 1pt true =Fields!ExtraAllowance.Value 3.63444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 57 1pt true AwZwi³ fvZv(UvKv) 1pt true =Fields!AttBon.Value 3.74444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 59 1pt true nvwRiv †evbvm 1pt true =Fields!ConductBonus.Value 3.85444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 61 1pt true AvPiY fvZv 1pt true =Fields!TotalTaka.Value 3.96444in 1.00944in 0.18222in 0.97in 63 1pt true me©‡gvU cÖ`vb (UvKv) 1pt true Middle true gšÍe¨ 1pt true true >UvKv D‡Ivj‡bi mgq GB iwk` Aek¨B m‡½ Avb‡Z n‡e < 4.25055in 0.01944in 0.12in 2.28in 67 0.01444in 4.08944in 0.21in 1.455in 68 true =Fields!BankAccountNo.Value 0.82944in 1.00944in 0.12in 0.97in 69 1pt true e¨vsK GKvD›U bs 1pt true true Tiffin + Lunch bill 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!TifinLunch.Value 1.93944in 3.31444in 0.2in 0.5057in 72 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt BanglaPSlipBonus =Fields!EmpNo.Value true 3.23694in 2.05084in 0.42in 1.77in 73 1pt true =Fields!ConductBonusDeduct.Value 2.87444in 1.00944in 0.1in 0.97in 75 1pt true =Fields!TINNO.Value 0.95055in 1.01in 0.12in 0.97in 76 1pt true wU AvB Gb bs 1pt true =Fields!ShopAdvance.Value 2.52555in 1.01in 0.1in 0.97in 78 1pt true KZ©b(‡`vKvb) 1pt true =Fields!TDS.Value 2.75333in 1.01in 0.1in 0.97in 80 1pt true wU wW Gm / G AvB wU 1pt true true Ifter bill 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!IfterBill.Value 2.20888in 3.31514in 0.2in 0.5057in 83 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Special Allowance 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Special.Value 2.45791in 3.31514in 0.2in 0.5057in 85 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true Night Shift Allowance 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!NightShift.Value 2.70472in 3.31584in 0.2in 0.5057in 87 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true National Holiday Allowance 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!NHAmount.Value 2.96028in 3.31584in 0.2in 0.5057in 89 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt ContentsOnly 0.11056in 4.48444in 5.55944in 2 true true Office Copy 3.23917in 0.7575in 0.1875in 0.675in true true Kg©x ¯^vÿi 3.03958in 0.76042in 0.18in 0.675in 1 true true =Fields!BankAccountNo.Value 1.43125in 1.02in 0.20875in 1.14in 2 1.43125in 0.06in 0.14in 0.9in 3 0.27in 0.06in 0.15in 0.69in 5 0.63in 0.06in 0.15in 0.69in 7 1.08125in 0.06in 0.15in 0.69in 8 1.08in 0.93in 0.27931in 1.04in 9 2.54in 0in 2.19in 11 true true =Fields!TotalTaka.Value & " /=" 2.14056in 0.09in 0.22764in 2.01in 12 1.97278in 0.045in 0.14in 1.00958in 13 0.02875in 0.9in 0.15in 1.26in 14 1.68167in 1.005in 0.20875in 1.14in 15 1.68167in 0.045in 0.14in 0.9in 16 true Avcwb Avcbvi Awf‡hvM I g~j¨evb Z_¨ gvbe m¤ú` / Kgc­v‡qÝ Awdmvi / I‡qj‡dqvi Awdmvi / cvwU©wm‡cUix KwgwU ev Awf‡hvM ev‡·i gva¨‡g c«`vb Ki‡Z cv‡ib| 2pt 2pt 2pt 1pt true 4.595in