Ref.: BL/HR/VAL/{{Serial Number}}-{{EMPLOYEENO}}/{{System Date2}}

Date: {{System Date}}




smiley face

Subject: REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF {{visatype}} VISA

Dear Sir/Madam,

Banglalink Digital Communication Ltd. is engaged in GSM Telecommunication Service in Bangladesh. The following official is going to visit {{COUNTRYTOVISIT}} to attend in {{conferrencename}}  arranged by {{Organizer}} in {{Hostingcity}} starting from {{conferrencestartdate}} to {{conferrenceenddate}} and {{heshe}} will be returning to work after this.

Name: {{FULLNAME}}
Nationality: {{NATIONALITY}}
Passport No: {{PassportNo}}
Issued On: {{Passportissuedate}}
Expire On: {{Passportexpiredate}}

{{FULLNAME}} has been working in Banglalink since {{EMPLOYEEJOININGDATE}} and currently working in {{Empdivision}} division.
All the expenses for the trip will be borne by Banglalink. Health insurance of the above is covered by the company.
We would highly appreciate your kind issuance of {{visatype}} visa valid for 1 Year, to the aforementioned person to enable {{himher}} to visit to {{COUNTRYTOVISIT}}.

Yours sincerely,

smiley face


{{Name of Salary Approver }}

{{Designation of Salary Approver}}

{{Division of Salary Approver}}

{{email add of Salary Approver}}

Mobile: +88{{phone no of Salary Approver}}

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