2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using Payroll.BO ;
using Ease.CoreV35 ;
using Ease.Core.Model ;
using Ease.Core.Utility ;
using System.Windows ;
using HRM.BO ;
using HRM.DA ;
using System.IO ;
using Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore ;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters ;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Multiplier ;
using static HRM . BO . ADParameter ;
using static System . Net . Mime . MediaTypeNames ;
using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions ;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic ;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation ;
namespace HRM.Report
public class AttendanceReport
List < AllowanceDeduction > oAllDeducts ;
public byte [ ] GetMonthlyAttendanceReportNew ( DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
DataRow tempDatarow = null ;
DataSet resultingDataSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLCName = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.MonthlyAttendanceReportNew.rdlc" ;
int presentDays = 0 , absentDays = 0 , lateDays = 0 , leaveDays = 0 , weeklyHolidays = 0 , osdDays = 0 , festivalHolidays = 0 ;
Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable oMonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable = new Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable ( ) ;
DataSet AttendanceReportData = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetMonthlyAttendanceReportData ( dFromDate , dToDate , sEmpID ) ;
if ( AttendanceReportData ! = null & & AttendanceReportData . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataRow dr in AttendanceReportData . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
tempDatarow = oMonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable . NewRow ( ) ;
tempDatarow [ "DEPNAME" ] = dr [ "DEPNAME" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "DEPNAME" ] . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] = dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "NAME" ] = dr [ "NAME" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "NAME" ] . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "DESNAME" ] = dr [ "DESNAME" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "DESNAME" ] . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "LOC" ] = dr [ "LOC" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "LOC" ] . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "AttnDate" ] = dr [ "AttnDate" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? Convert . ToDateTime ( dr [ "AttnDate" ] . ToString ( ) ) . ToString ( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "InTime" ] = dr [ "InTime" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? Convert . ToDateTime ( dr [ "InTime" ] . ToString ( ) ) . ToString ( "hh:mm tt" ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "OutTime" ] = dr [ "OutTime" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? Convert . ToDateTime ( dr [ "OutTime" ] . ToString ( ) ) . ToString ( "hh:mm tt" ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "WorkHour" ] = dr [ "WorkHour" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? Convert . ToDouble ( dr [ "WorkHour" ] . ToString ( ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "LateHour" ] = dr [ "LateHour" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? Convert . ToDouble ( dr [ "LateHour" ] . ToString ( ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) : string . Empty ;
tempDatarow [ "AttenType" ] = dr [ "AttenType" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "AttenType" ] . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ;
string tempAttnType = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( ( EnumAttendanceType ) Convert . ToInt32 ( dr [ "AttenType" ] . ToString ( ) ) , ref presentDays , ref absentDays , ref lateDays , ref leaveDays , ref weeklyHolidays , ref osdDays , ref festivalHolidays ) ;
tempDatarow [ "WorkDayName" ] = dr [ "WorkDayName" ] ! = DBNull . Value ? dr [ "WorkDayName" ] . ToString ( ) : tempAttnType ;
oMonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable . Rows . Add ( tempDatarow ) ;
oMonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_MonthlyAttendanceReportNew" ;
resultingDataSet . Tables . Add ( oMonthlyAttendanceReportNewDataTable ) ;
List < ReportParameter > PReportParameters = SetExtraMonthlyAttendanceReportNewParameter ( dFromDate , dToDate ) ;
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , RDLCName , resultingDataSet , null , PReportParameters , true , payrollTypeID , reportType ) ;
public List < ReportParameter > SetExtraMonthlyAttendanceReportNewParameter ( DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate )
List < ReportParameter > PReportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter oReportParameter = null ;
oReportParameter = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , fromDate . ToString ( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) ) ;
PReportParameters . Add ( oReportParameter ) ;
oReportParameter = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , toDate . ToString ( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) ) ;
PReportParameters . Add ( oReportParameter ) ;
return PReportParameters ;
public byte [ ] GetMonthlyKPI ( EnumAttendanceType eAttnType , DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DataSet oMonthlyKPIDetail = null ;
oMonthlyKPIDetail = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetMonthlyKPIDetail ( dFromDate , dToDate , sEmpID , eAttnType ) ;
//DataSet MonthlyKpiDetailsWithLeave = calculateLeave(oMonthlyKPIDetail);
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MnthlyKPIDtlSummaryDataTable oMnthlyKPIDtlSummary = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MnthlyKPIDtlSummaryDataTable ( ) ;
#region Summary Parts
if ( oMonthlyKPIDetail . Tables . Count > 0 & & oMonthlyKPIDetail . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows . Count > 0 )
var groupedData = oMonthlyKPIDetail . Tables [ 0 ]
. AsEnumerable ( )
. GroupBy ( x = > x . Field < string > ( "IDNo" ) )
. Select ( g = > new { EmployeeNo = g . Key , OTSum = g . Sum ( x = > Convert . ToDouble ( x [ "OTHour" ] . ToString ( ) ) ) , OTAvg = g . Sum ( x = > Convert . ToDouble ( x [ "OTHour" ] . ToString ( ) ) ) / g . Count ( ) , OTGreaterThan5 = g . Count ( x = > Convert . ToDouble ( x [ "OTHour" ] . ToString ( ) ) > 5 ) } )
. ToList ( ) ;
DataRow dRow = oMnthlyKPIDtlSummary . NewRow ( ) ;
dRow [ "ManPower" ] = groupedData . Count ( ) ;
dRow [ "PerAvgOTGreater2" ] = groupedData . Count ( x = > x . OTAvg > 2 ) ;
dRow [ "PerSumOTGreater75" ] = groupedData . Count ( x = > x . OTSum > 75 ) ;
dRow [ "PerSumOTGreater100" ] = groupedData . Count ( x = > x . OTSum > 100 ) ;
dRow [ "PerSumOTGreater52" ] = groupedData . Count ( x = > x . OTSum > 52 ) ;
dRow [ "PerOneOTGreater5" ] = groupedData . Count ( x = > x . OTGreaterThan5 > 0 ) ;
oMnthlyKPIDtlSummary . Rows . Add ( dRow ) ;
oMnthlyKPIDtlSummary . TableName = "MnthlyKPIDtlSummary" ;
oMonthlyKPIDetail . Tables . Add ( oMnthlyKPIDtlSummary ) ;
List < ReportParameter > _parameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , dFromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_parameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , dToDate . LastDateOfMonth ( ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_parameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
string filePath = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.MonthlyAttendanceReport.rdlc" ;
return reportProcessor . CommonReportView ( null , filePath , oMonthlyKPIDetail , null , _parameters , true , payrollTypeID , reportType ) ;
#region for Schedular
private DataSet RefreshDataSetForMailSender ( DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid )
Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyAttnReportForMailSenderDataTable attnData = new Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyAttnReportForMailSenderDataTable ( ) ;
List < DailyAttnMailSenderReport > empDapForlastDay = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . AttendanceDataForMailSchedular ( fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
List < LeaveEntry > leaveEntrys = new LeaveEntryService ( ) . Get ( fromDate , toDate , EnumLeaveStatus . OnApproval ) ;
List < Leave > leaves = new LeaveService ( ) . GetLeaves ( payrollTypeid ) ;
foreach ( DailyAttnMailSenderReport item in empDapForlastDay )
LeaveEntry tempLeaveEntry = leaveEntrys . Find ( le = > le . EmpID = = item . EmployeeId & & le . AppliedFromDate < = item . AttnDate & & le . AppliedToDate > = item . AttnDate ) ;
Leave tempLeave = tempLeaveEntry ! = null ? leaves . Find ( l = > l . ID = = tempLeaveEntry . LeaveID ) : null ;
DataRow dRow = attnData . NewRow ( ) ;
dRow [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] = item . EmployeeNo ;
dRow [ "NAME" ] = item . Name ;
dRow [ "DESIGNATION" ] = item . Designation ;
dRow [ "DEPARTMENT" ] = item . Department ;
dRow [ "AttnDate" ] = item . AttnDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRow [ "day" ] = item . Day ;
dRow [ "InTime" ] = item . InTime ! = DateTime . MinValue ? item . InTime . ToString ( "hh:mm tt" ) : string . Empty ;
dRow [ "OutTime" ] = item . OutTime ! = DateTime . MinValue ? item . OutTime . ToString ( "hh:mm tt" ) : string . Empty ;
dRow [ "AttnType" ] = item . AttnType ;
dRow [ "NotPresentType" ] = item . NotPresentType . Trim ( ) ! = string . Empty ? item . NotPresentType . Trim ( ) : tempLeave ! = null ? tempLeave . Description : item . AttnType ;
dRow [ "LINEMANAGERNO" ] = item . LineManagerNo ;
dRow [ "LINEMANAGERNAME" ] = item . LineManagerName ;
dRow [ "TotalWorkingHour" ] = item . TotalWorkingHour ! = "0:0" ? item . TotalWorkingHour : string . Empty ;
dRow [ "LateCount" ] = item . LateCount ;
attnData . Rows . Add ( dRow ) ;
DataSet DailyAttnMailSenderReportDs = new DataSet ( ) ;
attnData . TableName = "AttendanceDataSet_DailyAttnReportForMailSender" ;
DailyAttnMailSenderReportDs . Tables . Add ( attnData ) ;
return DailyAttnMailSenderReportDs ;
private DataSet RefreshDataSetForMonthlyAttendanceSummaryCordinator ( int id , DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid )
DataSet monthlyAttendanceSummaryDataSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
//Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.MonthlyAttendanceSummaryDataTable oDTable = new Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.MonthlyAttendanceSummaryDataTable();
//List<DailyAttnMailSenderReport> empDapForlastDay = new DailyAttnProcessService().AttendanceDataForMailSchedular(fromDate, toDate, attnType, payrollTypeid);
//List<LeaveEntry> leaveEntrys = new LeaveEntryService().Get(fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval);
List < Leave > leaves = new LeaveService ( ) . GetLeaves ( payrollTypeid ) ;
//List<MonthlyAttendanceSummary> monthlyAttendanceSummary = new DailyAttnProcessService().MonthlyAttendanceSummaryForMailSchedular(fromDate, toDate, attnType, payrollTypeid);
monthlyAttendanceSummaryDataSet = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . MonthlyAttendanceSummaryForMailSchedularCordinator ( id , fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
DataTable oDTable = new DataTable ( ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "SlNo" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "ID" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "Name" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "Position" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "OrgUnit" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "WorkDays" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotAttend" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotAbsent" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotLate" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotLeave" ) ;
DataRow oDR = null ;
int serial = 1 ;
foreach ( DataRow oDRow in monthlyAttendanceSummaryDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
oDR = oDTable . NewRow ( ) ;
oDR [ "SlNo" ] = serial . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "ID" ] = oDRow [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
oDR [ "Name" ] = oDRow [ "Name" ] ;
oDR [ "Position" ] = oDRow [ "Designation" ] ;
oDR [ "OrgUnit" ] = " " ;
oDR [ "WorkDays" ] = oDRow [ "TotalWorkingDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotAttend" ] = oDRow [ "TotalAttendedDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotAbsent" ] = oDRow [ "TotalAbsentDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotLate" ] = oDRow [ "TotalLateDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotLeave" ] = oDRow [ "TotalLeaveDays" ] ;
oDTable . Rows . Add ( oDR ) ;
serial + + ;
DataSet MonthlyAttendanceSummary = new DataSet ( ) ;
oDTable . TableName = "AttendanceDataSet_MonthlyAttendanceSummary" ;
MonthlyAttendanceSummary . Tables . Add ( oDTable ) ;
return MonthlyAttendanceSummary ;
private DataSet RefreshDataSetForMonthlyAttendanceSummary ( int id , DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid )
DataSet monthlyAttendanceSummaryDataSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
//Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.MonthlyAttendanceSummaryDataTable oDTable = new Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.MonthlyAttendanceSummaryDataTable();
//List<DailyAttnMailSenderReport> empDapForlastDay = new DailyAttnProcessService().AttendanceDataForMailSchedular(fromDate, toDate, attnType, payrollTypeid);
//List<LeaveEntry> leaveEntrys = new LeaveEntryService().Get(fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval);
List < Leave > leaves = new LeaveService ( ) . GetLeaves ( payrollTypeid ) ;
//List<MonthlyAttendanceSummary> monthlyAttendanceSummary = new DailyAttnProcessService().MonthlyAttendanceSummaryForMailSchedular(fromDate, toDate, attnType, payrollTypeid);
monthlyAttendanceSummaryDataSet = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . MonthlyAttendanceSummaryForMailSchedular ( id , fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
DataTable oDTable = new DataTable ( ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "SlNo" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "ID" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "Name" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "Position" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "OrgUnit" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "WorkDays" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotAttend" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotAbsent" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotLate" ) ;
oDTable . Columns . Add ( "TotLeave" ) ;
DataRow oDR = null ;
int serial = 1 ;
foreach ( DataRow oDRow in monthlyAttendanceSummaryDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
oDR = oDTable . NewRow ( ) ;
oDR [ "SlNo" ] = serial ;
oDR [ "ID" ] = oDRow [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
oDR [ "Name" ] = oDRow [ "Name" ] ;
oDR [ "Position" ] = oDRow [ "Designation" ] ;
oDR [ "OrgUnit" ] = " " ;
oDR [ "WorkDays" ] = oDRow [ "TotalWorkingDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotAttend" ] = oDRow [ "TotalAttendedDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotAbsent" ] = oDRow [ "TotalAbsentDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotLate" ] = oDRow [ "TotalLateDays" ] ;
oDR [ "TotLeave" ] = oDRow [ "TotalLeaveDays" ] ;
oDTable . Rows . Add ( oDR ) ;
serial + + ;
DataSet MonthlyAttendanceSummary = new DataSet ( ) ;
oDTable . TableName = "AttendanceDataSet_MonthlyAttendanceSummary" ;
MonthlyAttendanceSummary . Tables . Add ( oDTable ) ;
return MonthlyAttendanceSummary ;
public byte [ ] GetDailyAttnReport ( DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid , string fileFormate = "PDF" , bool hideColumn = false )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
string rdlcName = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.EmpDailyAttnReportForMailSender.rdlc" ; // build action of this rdlc has to be embedded resource
string reportTitle = "Daily Attendance Report" ;
DataSet tempDataSet = RefreshDataSetForMailSender ( fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
return reportProcessor . ShowReportForSchedular ( null , rdlcName , tempDataSet , null , true , reportTitle , fileFormate , hideColumn ) ;
public byte [ ] GetWeeklyAttnReport ( DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid , string fileFormate = "PDF" )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
string rdlcName = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.EmpWeeklyAttnReportForMailSender.rdlc" ; // build action of this rdlc has to be embedded resource
string reportTitle = "Weekly Attendance Report From " + fromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) + " to " + toDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
DataSet tempDataSet = RefreshDataSetForMailSender ( fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
return reportProcessor . ShowReportForSchedular ( null , rdlcName , tempDataSet , null , true , reportTitle , fileFormate ) ;
public byte [ ] GetMonthlyAttnReport ( DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid , string fileFormate = "PDF" )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
string rdlcName = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.EmpMonthlyAttnReportForMailSender.rdlc" ; // build action of this rdlc has to be embedded resource
string reportTitle = "SPP Attendance Report: For the month of " + fromDate . ToString ( "MMMM yyyy" ) ;
DataSet tempDataSet = RefreshDataSetForMailSender ( fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
return reportProcessor . ShowReportForSchedular ( null , rdlcName , tempDataSet , null , true , reportTitle , fileFormate ) ;
public byte [ ] GetMonthlyAttendanceSummary ( int id , DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid , string fileFormate = "PDF" )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
string rdlcName = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.MonthlyAttendanceSummary.rdlc" ; // build action of this rdlc has to be embedded resource
string reportTitle = "Monthly Attendance Summary: For the month of " + ( fromDate . AddMonths ( - 1 ) ) . ToString ( "MMMM yyyy" ) ;
DataSet tempDataSet = RefreshDataSetForMonthlyAttendanceSummary ( id , fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
return reportProcessor . ShowReportForSchedular ( null , rdlcName , tempDataSet , null , true , reportTitle , fileFormate ) ;
public byte [ ] GetMonthlyAttendanceSummaryCordinator ( int id , DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , EnumAttendanceType attnType , int payrollTypeid , string fileFormate = "PDF" )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
string rdlcName = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.MonthlyAttendanceSummary.rdlc" ; // build action of this rdlc has to be embedded resource
string reportTitle = "Monthly Attendance Summary: For the month of " + ( fromDate . AddMonths ( - 1 ) ) . ToString ( "MMMM yyyy" ) ;
DataSet tempDataSet = RefreshDataSetForMonthlyAttendanceSummaryCordinator ( id , fromDate , toDate , attnType , payrollTypeid ) ;
return reportProcessor . ShowReportForSchedular ( null , rdlcName , tempDataSet , null , true , reportTitle , fileFormate ) ;
private DataSet calculateLeave ( DataSet oMonthlyKPIDetail )
DataSet dsMonthlyKPIDetail = oMonthlyKPIDetail ;
DataTable dtMonthlyKPIDetail = oMonthlyKPIDetail . Tables [ 0 ] ;
return dsMonthlyKPIDetail ;
public byte [ ] ShowDateRangeJobCardMultiple ( DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , string sEmpID , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
if ( dFromDate > dToDate )
var temp = dFromDate ;
dFromDate = dToDate ;
dToDate = temp ;
List < Employee > oEmp = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetByEmpIDs ( sEmpID , payrollTypeId ) ;
List < Department > oDepartment = new DepartmentService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeId ) ;
List < Designation > oDesignation = new DesignationService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeId ) ;
String RDLC = string . Empty ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable oSubDataTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnParentNewDataTable dTableParent = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnParentNewDataTable ( ) ;
foreach ( Employee emp in oEmp )
List < String > oTHours = new List < String > ( ) ;
List < String > latehours = new List < String > ( ) ;
Department tempDepartment = emp . DepartmentID ! = null ? oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DepartmentID ) : null ;
Designation tempDesignation = emp . DesignationID ! = null ? oDesignation . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DesignationID ) : null ;
DataTable tempSub = GetEmpDailyAttn ( emp . ID , dFromDate , dToDate , payrollTypeId ) ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in tempSub . Rows )
var dRowSub = oSubDataTable . NewRow ( ) ;
dRowSub [ "EmpNo" ] = emp . EmployeeNo ;
dRowSub [ "Date" ] = dr [ "Date" ] ;
dRowSub [ "InTime" ] = dr [ "InTime" ] ;
dRowSub [ "OutTime" ] = dr [ "OutTime" ] ;
dRowSub [ "LateBy" ] = dr [ "LateBy" ] ;
dRowSub [ "OTHr" ] = dr [ "OTHr" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Status" ] = dr [ "Status" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Remarks" ] = dr [ "Remarks" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Shift" ] = dr [ "Shift" ] ;
dRowSub [ "AttnType" ] = dr [ "AttnType" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Description" ] = dr [ "Description" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Amount" ] = dr [ "Amount" ] ;
dRowSub [ "WorkPlanGroup" ] = dr [ "WorkPlanGroup" ] ;
dRowSub [ "AttnDate" ] = dr [ "AttnDate" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Day" ] = dr [ "Day" ] ;
dRowSub [ "WorkingHour" ] = dr [ "WorkingHour" ] ;
dRowSub [ "InTimeShow" ] = dr [ "InTimeShow" ] ;
oSubDataTable . Rows . Add ( dRowSub ) ;
string oTHour = Convert . ToString ( dr [ "OTHr" ] ) ;
string latehour = Convert . ToString ( dr [ "LateBy" ] ) ;
oTHours . Add ( oTHour ) ;
latehours . Add ( latehour ) ;
string totalOT = GlobalFunctions . GetHourMinutes ( oTHours ) ;
string totalLateHour = GlobalFunctions . GetHourMinutes ( latehours ) ;
var dRowParent = dTableParent . NewRow ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "EmpNo" ] = emp . EmployeeNo . ToString ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "Name" ] = emp . Name . ToString ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "Designation" ] = tempDesignation ! = null ? tempDesignation . Name : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "Department" ] = tempDepartment ! = null ? tempDepartment . Name : string . Empty ;
//dRowParent["JoiningDate"] = emp.Grade == null ? "" : emp.JoiningDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
dRowParent [ "JoiningDate" ] = emp . JoiningDate ! = DateTime . MinValue ? emp . JoiningDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "FromDate" ] = dFromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRowParent [ "ToDate" ] = dToDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRowParent [ "TotalLate" ] = totalLateHour ;
dRowParent [ "TotalOT" ] = totalOT ;
dTableParent . Rows . Add ( dRowParent ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw ;
DataSet dSetSub = new DataSet ( ) ;
oSubDataTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn" ;
dSetSub . Tables . Add ( oSubDataTable ) ;
DataSet dSetParent = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTableParent . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttnParentNew" ;
dSetParent . Tables . Add ( dTableParent ) ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.DateRangeMultipleJobCardNew.rdlc" ;
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , RDLC , dSetParent , dSetSub , null , true , payrollTypeId , reportType ) ;
public byte [ ] ShowDateRangeJobCardMultipleForLiFung ( DateTime fromDate , string sEmpID , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DateTime dFromDate = GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( fromDate ) ;
DateTime dToDate = GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) ;
if ( dFromDate > dToDate )
var temp = dFromDate ;
dFromDate = dToDate ;
dToDate = temp ;
List < Employee > oEmp = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetByEmpIDs ( sEmpID , payrollTypeId ) ;
List < Department > oDepartment = new DepartmentService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeId ) ;
List < Designation > oDesignation = new DesignationService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeId ) ;
String RDLC = string . Empty ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable oSubDataTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnParentNewLiFungDataTable dTableParent = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnParentNewLiFungDataTable ( ) ;
foreach ( Employee emp in oEmp )
List < String > oTHours = new List < String > ( ) ;
List < String > latehours = new List < String > ( ) ;
Department tempDepartment = emp . DepartmentID ! = null ? oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DepartmentID ) : null ;
Designation tempDesignation = emp . DesignationID ! = null ? oDesignation . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DesignationID ) : null ;
DataTable tempSub = GetEmpDailyAttn ( emp . ID , dFromDate , dToDate , payrollTypeId ) ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in tempSub . Rows )
var dRowSub = oSubDataTable . NewRow ( ) ;
dRowSub [ "EmpNo" ] = emp . EmployeeNo ;
dRowSub [ "Date" ] = dr [ "Date" ] ;
dRowSub [ "InTime" ] = dr [ "InTime" ] ;
dRowSub [ "OutTime" ] = dr [ "OutTime" ] ;
dRowSub [ "LateBy" ] = dr [ "LateBy" ] ;
dRowSub [ "OTHr" ] = dr [ "OTHr" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Status" ] = dr [ "Status" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Remarks" ] = dr [ "Remarks" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Shift" ] = dr [ "Shift" ] ;
dRowSub [ "AttnType" ] = dr [ "AttnType" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Description" ] = dr [ "Description" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Amount" ] = dr [ "Amount" ] ;
dRowSub [ "WorkPlanGroup" ] = dr [ "WorkPlanGroup" ] ;
dRowSub [ "AttnDate" ] = dr [ "AttnDate" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Day" ] = dr [ "Day" ] ;
dRowSub [ "WorkingHour" ] = dr [ "WorkingHour" ] ;
dRowSub [ "InTimeShow" ] = dr [ "InTimeShow" ] ;
oSubDataTable . Rows . Add ( dRowSub ) ;
string oTHour = Convert . ToString ( dr [ "OTHr" ] ) ;
string latehour = Convert . ToString ( dr [ "LateBy" ] ) ;
oTHours . Add ( oTHour ) ;
latehours . Add ( latehour ) ;
string totalOT = GlobalFunctions . GetHourMinutes ( oTHours ) ;
string totalLateHour = GlobalFunctions . GetHourMinutes ( latehours ) ;
var dRowParent = dTableParent . NewRow ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "EmpNo" ] = emp . EmployeeNo . ToString ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "Name" ] = emp . Name . ToString ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "Designation" ] = tempDesignation ! = null ? tempDesignation . Name : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "Department" ] = tempDepartment ! = null ? tempDepartment . Name : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "Division" ] = tempDepartment . ParentID = = null ? "" : oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = tempDepartment . ParentID ) . Name ;
//dRowParent["JoiningDate"] = emp.Grade == null ? "" : emp.JoiningDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
dRowParent [ "JoiningDate" ] = emp . JoiningDate ! = DateTime . MinValue ? emp . JoiningDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "FromDate" ] = dFromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRowParent [ "ToDate" ] = dToDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRowParent [ "TotalLate" ] = totalLateHour ;
dRowParent [ "TotalOT" ] = totalOT ;
dTableParent . Rows . Add ( dRowParent ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw ;
DataSet dSetSub = new DataSet ( ) ;
oSubDataTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn" ;
dSetSub . Tables . Add ( oSubDataTable ) ;
DataSet dSetParent = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTableParent . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttnParentNew" ;
dSetParent . Tables . Add ( dTableParent ) ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.DateRangeMultipleJobCardNewLiFung.rdlc" ;
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , RDLC , dSetParent , dSetSub , null , true , payrollTypeId , reportType ) ;
//return new ReportProcessor().CommonReportViewer(null, RDLC, dSetParent, dSetSub, null, payrollTypeId);
public byte [ ] ShowDateRangeJobCardSingleForLiFung ( DateTime fromDate , string sEmpID , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DateTime dFromDate = GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( fromDate ) ;
DateTime dToDate = GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) ;
if ( dFromDate > dToDate )
var temp = dFromDate ;
dFromDate = dToDate ;
dToDate = temp ;
List < Employee > oEmp = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetByEmpIDs ( sEmpID , payrollTypeId ) ;
List < Department > oDepartment = new DepartmentService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeId ) ;
List < Designation > oDesignation = new DesignationService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeId ) ;
String RDLC = string . Empty ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable oSubDataTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnParentNewLiFungDataTable dTableParent = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnParentNewLiFungDataTable ( ) ;
foreach ( Employee emp in oEmp )
List < String > oTHours = new List < String > ( ) ;
List < String > latehours = new List < String > ( ) ;
Department tempDepartment = emp . DepartmentID ! = null ? oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DepartmentID ) : null ;
Designation tempDesignation = emp . DesignationID ! = null ? oDesignation . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DesignationID ) : null ;
DataTable tempSub = GetEmpDailyAttn ( emp . ID , dFromDate , dToDate , payrollTypeId ) ;
foreach ( DataRow dr in tempSub . Rows )
var dRowSub = oSubDataTable . NewRow ( ) ;
dRowSub [ "EmpNo" ] = emp . EmployeeNo ;
dRowSub [ "Date" ] = dr [ "Date" ] ;
dRowSub [ "InTime" ] = dr [ "InTime" ] ;
dRowSub [ "OutTime" ] = dr [ "OutTime" ] ;
dRowSub [ "LateBy" ] = dr [ "LateBy" ] ;
dRowSub [ "OTHr" ] = dr [ "OTHr" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Status" ] = dr [ "Status" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Remarks" ] = dr [ "Remarks" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Shift" ] = dr [ "Shift" ] ;
dRowSub [ "AttnType" ] = dr [ "AttnType" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Description" ] = dr [ "Description" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Amount" ] = dr [ "Amount" ] ;
dRowSub [ "WorkPlanGroup" ] = dr [ "WorkPlanGroup" ] ;
dRowSub [ "AttnDate" ] = dr [ "AttnDate" ] ;
dRowSub [ "Day" ] = dr [ "Day" ] ;
dRowSub [ "WorkingHour" ] = dr [ "WorkingHour" ] ;
dRowSub [ "InTimeShow" ] = dr [ "InTimeShow" ] ;
oSubDataTable . Rows . Add ( dRowSub ) ;
string oTHour = Convert . ToString ( dr [ "OTHr" ] ) ;
string latehour = Convert . ToString ( dr [ "LateBy" ] ) ;
oTHours . Add ( oTHour ) ;
latehours . Add ( latehour ) ;
string totalOT = GlobalFunctions . GetHourMinutes ( oTHours ) ;
string totalLateHour = GlobalFunctions . GetHourMinutes ( latehours ) ;
var dRowParent = dTableParent . NewRow ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "EmpNo" ] = emp . EmployeeNo . ToString ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "Name" ] = emp . Name . ToString ( ) ;
dRowParent [ "Designation" ] = tempDesignation ! = null ? tempDesignation . Name : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "Department" ] = tempDepartment ! = null ? tempDepartment . Name : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "Division" ] = oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = tempDepartment . ParentID ) . Name ;
//dRowParent["JoiningDate"] = emp.Grade == null ? "" : emp.JoiningDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
dRowParent [ "JoiningDate" ] = emp . JoiningDate ! = DateTime . MinValue ? emp . JoiningDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) : string . Empty ;
dRowParent [ "FromDate" ] = dFromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRowParent [ "ToDate" ] = dToDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRowParent [ "TotalLate" ] = totalLateHour ;
dRowParent [ "TotalOT" ] = totalOT ;
dTableParent . Rows . Add ( dRowParent ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw ;
DataSet dSetSub = new DataSet ( ) ;
oSubDataTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn" ;
dSetSub . Tables . Add ( oSubDataTable ) ;
DataSet dSetParent = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTableParent . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttnParentNew" ;
dSetParent . Tables . Add ( dTableParent ) ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.DateRangeMultipleJobCardNewLiFung.rdlc" ;
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , RDLC , dSetParent , dSetSub , null , true , payrollTypeId , reportType ) ;
//RDLC = "DateRangeMultipleJobCardNewLiFung.rdlc";
//return new ReportProcessor().CommonReportViewer(null, RDLC, dSetParent, dSetSub, null, payrollTypeId);
public byte [ ] GetAttendanceSummaryForLiFung ( DateTime dFromDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DataSet oAttendanceSummary = null ;
oAttendanceSummary = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetMonthlyAttn ( GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) , GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) , sEmpID ) ;
List < Department > oDepartment = new DepartmentService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeID ) ;
//DataSet MonthlyKpiDetailsWithLeave = calculateLeave(oAttendanceSummary);
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MonthlyAttnDataTable oAttendanceSummaryDTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MonthlyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
#region Summary Parts
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oAttendanceSummary . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
DataRow dRow = oAttendanceSummaryDTable . NewRow ( ) ;
Employee emp = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetFromAll ( Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] . ToString ( ) , payrollTypeID ) ;
Department tempDepartment = emp . DepartmentID ! = null ? oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = emp . DepartmentID ) : null ;
dRow [ "EmpNo" ] = Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
dRow [ "Name" ] = Dr [ "NAME" ] ;
dRow [ "CardNo" ] = Dr [ "CardNo" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Designation" ] = Dr [ "Designation" ] ;
dRow [ "Grade" ] = Dr [ "Grade" ] ;
dRow [ "Division" ] = tempDepartment . ParentID = = null ? "" : oDepartment . Find ( item = > item . ID = = tempDepartment . ParentID ) . Name ;
dRow [ "JoinDate" ] = Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "JOININGDATE" ] ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRow [ "GrossSalary" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "GROSSSALARY" ] ) ;
dRow [ "Present" ] = Dr [ "Present" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Present" ] ;
dRow [ "Department" ] = Dr [ "Department" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Section" ] = Dr [ "Section" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Line" ] = Dr [ "Line" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Floor" ] = Dr [ "Floor" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Late" ] = Dr [ "Late" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Late" ] ;
dRow [ "Absent" ] = Dr [ "Absent" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Absent" ] ;
dRow [ "Holiday" ] = Dr [ "Holiday" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Holiday" ] ;
dRow [ "Leave" ] = Dr [ "Leave" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Leave" ] ;
dRow [ "TotalAttn" ] = Dr [ "TotalAttn" ] ;
dRow [ "TotalOT" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "TotalOT" ] ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
dRow [ "TotalOTDBL" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "TotalOT" ] ) ;
dRow [ "Remarks" ] = "" ;
oAttendanceSummaryDTable . Rows . Add ( dRow ) ;
oAttendanceSummaryDTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_MonthlyAttn" ;
oAttendanceSummary . Tables . Add ( oAttendanceSummaryDTable ) ;
List < ReportParameter > _parameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_parameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_parameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
string filePath = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.MonthlyAttnLiFung.rdlc" ;
//return new ReportProcessor().CommonReportView(null, oAttendanceSummary, null, filePath, _parameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , filePath , oAttendanceSummary , null , _parameters , true , payrollTypeID , reportType ) ;
public byte [ ] DailyPresentForLiFung ( DateTime dFromDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DateTime attnDate = dFromDate ;
//string sEmpID = sEmpID;
DataRow oDR = null ;
DataSet oDailyInOut = null ;
//new DailyAttnProcessService().GetDailyDataByStatus(attnDate, sEmpID, EnumAttendanceType.Present, EnumAttendanceType.Late, EnumAttendanceType.Early, EnumAttendanceType.Delay, EnumAttendanceType.On_Business_Travel, EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty);
//oDailyInOut = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetDailyDataByStatus(attnDate, sEmpID, EnumAttendanceType.Present, EnumAttendanceType.Late, EnumAttendanceType.Early, EnumAttendanceType.Delay, EnumAttendanceType.HalfDay, EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty);
oDailyInOut = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetDailyDataByStatus ( attnDate , sEmpID , EnumAttendanceType . Present , EnumAttendanceType . Late , EnumAttendanceType . Early , EnumAttendanceType . Delay , EnumAttendanceType . OutSideDuty ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyInOutDataTable dTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyInOutDataTable ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oDailyInOut . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
oDR = dTable . NewRow ( ) ;
oDR [ "EmployeeNo" ] = Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
oDR [ "Name" ] = Dr [ "Name" ] ;
oDR [ "Designation" ] = Dr [ "Designation" ] ;
oDR [ "InTime" ] = Dr [ "InTime" ] is DBNull ? "00:00" : Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "InTime" ] ) . ToString ( "HH:mm" ) ;
oDR [ "OutTime" ] = Dr [ "OutTime" ] is DBNull ? "00:00" : Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "OutTime" ] ) . ToString ( "HH:mm" ) ;
oDR [ "EmpType" ] = Dr [ "EmpType" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Status" ] = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( ( EnumAttendanceType ) Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "Status" ] ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHour" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHourDBL" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ;
oDR [ "DeptID" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "DeptID" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
oDR [ "DeptName" ] = Dr [ "DeptName" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Department" ] = Dr [ "Department" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Section" ] = Dr [ "Section" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Line" ] = Dr [ "Line" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Floor" ] = Dr [ "Floor" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Shift" ] = Dr [ "Shift" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "CardNo" ] = Dr [ "CardNo" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dTable . Rows . Add ( oDR ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_DailyInOut" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dTable ) ;
//string RDLC = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.DailyPresent.rdlc";
string RDLC = "DailyPresentLiFung.rdlc" ;
List < ReportParameter > _reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AttnDate" , attnDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Fax", "");
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Email", systemInfo.email);
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportViewer ( null , RDLC , dSet , _reportParameters , payrollTypeID ) ;
//return reportProcessor.AttendanceReportsView(null, dSet, null, RDLC, _reportParameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
//AttendanceReportView(reportItem, dSet, dSubReportDataSet, reportName, parameters, defaultParameterNeeded, payrollTypeId, reportType)
public byte [ ] DailyAbsentForLiFung ( DateTime dFromDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DateTime attnDate = dFromDate ;
DataSet oDailyInOut = null ;
DataRow oDR = null ;
oDailyInOut = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetDailyDataByStatus ( attnDate , sEmpID , EnumAttendanceType . Absent ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyInOutDataTable dTable = new Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyInOutDataTable ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oDailyInOut . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
oDR = dTable . NewRow ( ) ;
oDR [ "EmployeeNo" ] = Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
oDR [ "Name" ] = Dr [ "Name" ] ;
oDR [ "Designation" ] = Dr [ "Designation" ] ;
oDR [ "InTime" ] = Dr [ "InTime" ] is DBNull ? "00:00" : Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "InTime" ] ) . ToString ( "HH:mm tt" ) ;
oDR [ "OutTime" ] = Dr [ "OutTime" ] is DBNull ? "00:00" : Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "OutTime" ] ) . ToString ( "HH:mm tt" ) ;
oDR [ "EmpType" ] = Dr [ "EmpType" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Status" ] = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( ( ( EnumAttendanceType ) Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "Status" ] ) ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHour" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHourDBL" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ;
oDR [ "DeptID" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "DeptID" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
oDR [ "DeptName" ] = Dr [ "DeptName" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Department" ] = Dr [ "Department" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Section" ] = Dr [ "Section" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Line" ] = Dr [ "Line" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Floor" ] = Dr [ "Floor" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Shift" ] = Dr [ "Shift" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "CardNo" ] = Dr [ "CardNo" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dTable . Rows . Add ( oDR ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_DailyInOut" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dTable ) ;
string RDLC = "DailyAbsentLiFung.rdlc" ;
ReportParameter rParam ;
List < ReportParameter > _reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AttnDate" , attnDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//return reportProcessor.AttendanceReportsView(null, dSet, null, RDLC, _reportParameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
return reportProcessor . CommonReportViewer ( null , RDLC , dSet , _reportParameters , payrollTypeID ) ;
public byte [ ] DailyOddForLiFung ( DateTime dFromDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
//DateTime attnFromDate, attnToDate;
DateTime attnFromDate = dFromDate ;
var sinMissingHour = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "overtime" , "inmissinghour" ) ;
double inMissingHour = 0 ;
if ( sinMissingHour ! = null ) inMissingHour = Convert . ToDouble ( sinMissingHour ) ;
//if (dFromDate <= dToDate)
// attnFromDate = dFromDate;
// attnToDate = dToDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);
// attnFromDate = dToDate;
// attnToDate = dFromDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);
List < Shift > shifts = new ShiftService ( ) . GetAllShift ( ) ;
DataSet oDailyInOut = null ;
DataRow oDR = null ;
//oDailyInOut = new EchoTexExceptionReportService().GetDateRangeDataByStatus(attnFromDate, attnToDate, sEmpID, EnumAttendanceType.Present, EnumAttendanceType.Delay, EnumAttendanceType.Late, EnumAttendanceType.Early, EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty, EnumAttendanceType.HalfDay);
oDailyInOut = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetDailyOddDataByStatusReportDataset ( dFromDate , sEmpID ) ;
Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . InOutMissingDataTable dTable = new Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . InOutMissingDataTable ( ) ;
DateTime Intime , OutTime , AttnDate , ShiftInTime , ShiftOutTime ;
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oDailyInOut . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
Intime = DateTime . MinValue ; OutTime = DateTime . MinValue ;
oDR = dTable . NewRow ( ) ;
oDR [ "EmployeeNo" ] = Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
oDR [ "Name" ] = Dr [ "Name" ] ;
oDR [ "Designation" ] = Dr [ "Designation" ] ;
//oDR["EmpType"] = Dr["EmpType"].ToString();
oDR [ "Status" ] = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( ( EnumAttendanceType ) Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "Status" ] ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHour" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ) ;
//oDR["OTHourDBL"] = Convert.ToDouble(Dr["OTHour"]);
//oDR["DeptID"] = Convert.ToInt32(Dr["DeptID"].ToString());
oDR [ "DeptName" ] = Dr [ "DeptName" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Shift" ] = Dr [ "Shift" ] . ToString ( ) ;
//oDR["CardNo"] = Dr["CardNo"].ToString();
oDR [ "AttnDate" ] = Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "attndate" ] ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
if ( Dr [ "OutTime" ] is DBNull )
Intime = Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "InTime" ] ) ;
oDR [ "InTime" ] = Intime . ToString ( "HH:mm" ) ;
oDR [ "OutTime" ] = string . Empty ;
//oDR["MissingStatus"] = "Out Time Missing";
OutTime = Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "OutTime" ] ) ;
oDR [ "InTime" ] = string . Empty ;
oDR [ "OutTime" ] = OutTime . ToString ( "HH:mm" ) ;
//oDR["MissingStatus"] = "In Time Missing";
////oDR["Floor"] = Dr["Floor"].ToString();
////oDR["Section"] = Dr["Section"].ToString();
////oDR["Line"] = Dr["Line"].ToString();
//Shift shft = shifts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(Dr["ShiftID"].ToString()));
//if (shft != null)
// ShiftInTime = new DateTime(AttnDate.Year, AttnDate.Month, AttnDate.Day, shft.InTime.Hour, shft.InTime.Minute, shft.InTime.Second);
// ShiftOutTime = new DateTime(AttnDate.Year, AttnDate.Month, AttnDate.Day, shft.OutTime.Hour, shft.OutTime.Minute, shft.OutTime.Second);
// if (ShiftInTime > ShiftOutTime)
// ShiftOutTime = ShiftOutTime.AddDays(1);
// oDR["ShiftIn"] = ShiftInTime.ToString("HH:mm");
// oDR["ShiftOut"] = ShiftOutTime.ToString("HH:mm");
// if (Intime == DateTime.MinValue && ShiftInTime.AddHours(inMissingHour) < Intime)
// {
// oDR["OutTime"] = oDR["InTime"].ToString();
// oDR["InTime"] = string.Empty;
// oDR["MissingStatus"] = "In Time Missing";
// }
dTable . Rows . Add ( oDR ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_InOutMissing" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dTable ) ;
string RDLC = "DailyOddStatusLiFung.rdlc" ;
ReportParameter rParam ;
List < ReportParameter > _reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AttnFromDate" , attnFromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("AttnToDate", attnToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));
//return reportProcessor.AttendanceReportsView(null, dSet, null, RDLC, _reportParameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
return reportProcessor . CommonReportViewer ( null , RDLC , dSet , _reportParameters , payrollTypeID ) ;
public byte [ ] DailyAttnForLiFung ( DateTime dFromDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
//DateTime dFromDate = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(fromDate);
//DateTime dToDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dFromDate);
//if (dFromDate > dToDate)
// var temp = dFromDate;
// dFromDate = dToDate;
// dToDate = temp;
DataRow oDR = null ;
DataSet oDailyInOut = null ;
List < Employee > oEmp = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetByEmpIDs ( sEmpID , payrollTypeID ) ;
List < Department > oDepartment = new DepartmentService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeID ) ;
List < Designation > oDesignation = new DesignationService ( ) . GetAll ( payrollTypeID ) ;
EnumAttendanceType [ ] statuses = { EnumAttendanceType . Present , EnumAttendanceType . Absent , EnumAttendanceType . Delay , EnumAttendanceType . Late , EnumAttendanceType . Early , EnumAttendanceType . OutSideDuty } ;
String status = string . Join ( "," , Array . ConvertAll ( statuses , x = > ( ( int ) x ) . ToString ( ) ) ) ;
//oDailyInOut = new DailyAttnProcessService().GetDailyDataByStatus(dFromDate, sEmpID, EnumAttendanceType.Present, EnumAttendanceType.Late, EnumAttendanceType.Early, EnumAttendanceType.Delay, EnumAttendanceType.OutSideDuty);
oDailyInOut = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetDailyDataByStatusDateset ( dFromDate , status , sEmpID ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable oSubDataTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
//HRM.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.EmpDailyAttnParentNewLiFungDataTable dTableParent = new HRM.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.EmpDailyAttnParentNewLiFungDataTable();
List < String > oTHours = new List < String > ( ) ;
List < String > latehours = new List < String > ( ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyInOutDataTable dTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . DailyInOutDataTable ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oDailyInOut . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
oDR = dTable . NewRow ( ) ;
oDR [ "EmployeeNo" ] = Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
oDR [ "Name" ] = Dr [ "Name" ] ;
oDR [ "Designation" ] = Dr [ "Designation" ] ;
oDR [ "InTime" ] = Dr [ "InTime" ] is DBNull ? "00:00" : Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "InTime" ] ) . ToString ( "HH:mm" ) ;
oDR [ "OutTime" ] = Dr [ "OutTime" ] is DBNull ? "00:00" : Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "OutTime" ] ) . ToString ( "HH:mm" ) ;
oDR [ "EmpType" ] = Dr [ "EmpType" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Status" ] = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( ( EnumAttendanceType ) Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "Status" ] ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHour" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ) ;
oDR [ "OTHourDBL" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "OTHour" ] ) ;
oDR [ "DeptID" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( Dr [ "DeptID" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
oDR [ "DeptName" ] = Dr [ "DeptName" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Department" ] = Dr [ "Department" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Section" ] = Dr [ "Section" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Line" ] = Dr [ "Line" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Floor" ] = Dr [ "Floor" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "Shift" ] = Dr [ "Shift" ] . ToString ( ) ;
oDR [ "CardNo" ] = Dr [ "CardNo" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dTable . Rows . Add ( oDR ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
dTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_DailyInOut" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dTable ) ;
//string RDLC = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.DailyPresent.rdlc";
string RDLC = "DailyAttendanceLiFung.rdlc" ;
List < ReportParameter > _reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AttnDate" , dFromDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Fax", "");
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Email", systemInfo.email);
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportViewer ( null , RDLC , dSet , _reportParameters , payrollTypeID ) ;
//return reportProcessor.AttendanceReportsView(null, dSet, null, RDLC, _reportParameters, true, payrollTypeID, reportType);
//AttendanceReportView(reportItem, dSet, dSubReportDataSet, reportName, parameters, defaultParameterNeeded, payrollTypeId, reportType)
//public byte[] ShowDateRangeJobCardMultipleLiNFung(DateTime dFromDate, DateTime dToDate, string sEmpID, int payrollTypeId, string reportType)
// if (dFromDate > dToDate)
// {
// var temp = dFromDate;
// dFromDate = dToDate;
// dToDate = temp;
// }
// List<Employee> oEmp = new EmployeeService().GetByEmpIDs(sEmpID, payrollTypeId);
// List<Department> oDepartment = new DepartmentService().GetAll(payrollTypeId);
// List<Designation> oDesignation = new DesignationService().GetAll(payrollTypeId);
// String RDLC = string.Empty;
// HRM.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.EmpDailyAttnDataTable oSubDataTable = new HRM.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.EmpDailyAttnDataTable();
// HRM.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.EmpDailyAttnParentNewDataTable dTableParent = new HRM.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.EmpDailyAttnParentNewDataTable();
// foreach (Employee emp in oEmp)
// {
// try
// {
// List<String> oTHours = new List<String>();
// List<String> latehours = new List<String>();
// Department tempDepartment = emp.DepartmentID != null ? oDepartment.Find(item => item.ID == emp.DepartmentID) : null;
// Designation tempDesignation = emp.DesignationID != null ? oDesignation.Find(item => item.ID == emp.DesignationID) : null;
// DataTable tempSub = GetEmpDailyAttn(emp.ID, dFromDate, dToDate, payrollTypeId);
// foreach (DataRow dr in tempSub.Rows)
// {
// var dRowSub = oSubDataTable.NewRow();
// dRowSub["EmployeeNo"] = emp.EmployeeNo;
// dRowSub["Date"] = dr["Date"];
// dRowSub["InTime"] = dr["InTime"];
// dRowSub["OutTime"] = dr["OutTime"];
// dRowSub["LateBy"] = dr["LateBy"];
// dRowSub["OTHr"] = dr["OTHr"];
// dRowSub["Status"] = dr["Status"];
// dRowSub["Remarks"] = dr["Remarks"];
// dRowSub["Shift"] = dr["Shift"];
// dRowSub["AttnType"] = dr["AttnType"];
// dRowSub["Description"] = dr["Description"];
// dRowSub["Amount"] = dr["Amount"];
// dRowSub["WorkPlanGroup"] = dr["WorkPlanGroup"];
// dRowSub["AttnDate"] = dr["AttnDate"];
// dRowSub["Day"] = dr["Day"];
// dRowSub["WorkingHour"] = dr["WorkingHour"];
// dRowSub["InTimeShow"] = dr["InTimeShow"];
// oSubDataTable.Rows.Add(dRowSub);
// string oTHour = Convert.ToString(dr["OTHr"]);
// string latehour = Convert.ToString(dr["LateBy"]);
// oTHours.Add(oTHour);
// latehours.Add(latehour);
// }
// string totalOT = GlobalFunctions.GetHourMinutes(oTHours);
// string totalLateHour = GlobalFunctions.GetHourMinutes(latehours);
// var dRowParent = dTableParent.NewRow();
// dRowParent["EmpNo"] = emp.EmployeeNo.ToString();
// dRowParent["Name"] = emp.Name.ToString();
// dRowParent["Designation"] = tempDesignation != null ? tempDesignation.Name : string.Empty;
// dRowParent["Department"] = tempDepartment != null ? tempDepartment.Name : string.Empty;
// //dRowParent["JoiningDate"] = emp.Grade == null ? "" : emp.JoiningDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// dRowParent["JoiningDate"] = emp.JoiningDate != DateTime.MinValue ? emp.JoiningDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy") : string.Empty;
// dRowParent["FromDate"] = dFromDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// dRowParent["ToDate"] = dToDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
// dRowParent["TotalLate"] = totalLateHour;
// dRowParent["TotalOT"] = totalOT;
// dTableParent.Rows.Add(dRowParent);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw;
// }
// }
// DataSet dSetSub = new DataSet();
// oSubDataTable.TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn";
// dSetSub.Tables.Add(oSubDataTable);
// DataSet dSetParent = new DataSet();
// dTableParent.TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttnParentNew";
// dSetParent.Tables.Add(dTableParent);
// RDLC = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC.DateRangeMultipleJobCardNew.rdlc";
// return new ReportProcessor().CommonReportView(null, RDLC, dSetParent, dSetSub, null, true, payrollTypeId, reportType);
public byte [ ] MonthlyJobCard ( DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , string sEmpID , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
if ( dFromDate > dToDate )
var temp = dFromDate ;
dFromDate = dToDate ;
dToDate = temp ;
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
AttendanceReport attnReport = new AttendanceReport ( ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
DataTable oDataTable = null ;
double totalOTHour , totalLateHour ;
oDataTable = attnReport . GetEmpDailyAttnNew ( Convert . ToInt32 ( sEmpID ) , GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) , GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dToDate ) , out totalOTHour , out totalLateHour , payrollTypeId ) ;
DataSet dsEmp = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetAllEmpBasicInfo ( sEmpID ) ;
//DataSet MonthlyKpiDetailsWithLeave = calculateLeave(dSet);
string sDepartment = string . Empty , sSection = string . Empty , sFloor = string . Empty , sDesignation = string . Empty ;
if ( dsEmp . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows . Count > 0 )
var dRow = dsEmp . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows [ 0 ] ;
sDepartment = dRow [ "Department" ] . ToString ( ) ;
sSection = dRow [ "Section" ] . ToString ( ) ;
sFloor = dRow [ "Floor" ] . ToString ( ) ;
sDesignation = dRow [ "Designation" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string totalOTHR = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( totalOTHour ) ;
string totalLateHourString = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( totalLateHour ) ;
Employee employee = new Employee ( ) ;
employee = new EmployeeService ( ) . Get ( Convert . ToInt32 ( sEmpID ) ) ;
#region Parameter Addition
List < ReportParameter > parameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter _parameter = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpNo" , employee . EmployeeNo ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpName" , employee . Name ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpDesignation" , sDesignation ! = null ? sDesignation : string . Empty ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpJoinDate" , employee . JoiningDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpDepartment" , sDepartment ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpSection" , sSection ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "TotalOT" , totalOTHR ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "TotalLateHour" , totalLateHourString ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
_parameter = new ReportParameter ( "EmpFloor" , sFloor ) ;
parameters . Add ( _parameter ) ;
oDataTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn" ;
string filePath = "EmpDailyAttn.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oDataTable ) ;
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , dSet , null , filePath , parameters , true , payrollTypeId , reportType ) ;
public byte [ ] GetAttendanceSummary ( DateTime dFromDate , string sEmpID , string reportType , int payrollTypeID )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DataSet oAttendanceSummary = null ;
oAttendanceSummary = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetMonthlyAttn ( GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) , GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) , sEmpID ) ;
//DataSet MonthlyKpiDetailsWithLeave = calculateLeave(oAttendanceSummary);
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MonthlyAttnDataTable oAttendanceSummaryDTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . MonthlyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
#region Summary Parts
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oAttendanceSummary . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
DataRow dRow = oAttendanceSummaryDTable . NewRow ( ) ;
dRow [ "EmpNo" ] = Dr [ "EMPLOYEENO" ] ;
dRow [ "Name" ] = Dr [ "NAME" ] ;
dRow [ "CardNo" ] = Dr [ "CardNo" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Designation" ] = Dr [ "Designation" ] ;
dRow [ "Grade" ] = Dr [ "Grade" ] ;
dRow [ "JoinDate" ] = Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "JOININGDATE" ] ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
dRow [ "GrossSalary" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "GROSSSALARY" ] ) ;
dRow [ "Present" ] = Dr [ "Present" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Present" ] ;
dRow [ "Department" ] = Dr [ "Department" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Section" ] = Dr [ "Section" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Line" ] = Dr [ "Line" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Floor" ] = Dr [ "Floor" ] . ToString ( ) ;
dRow [ "Late" ] = Dr [ "Late" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Late" ] ;
dRow [ "Absent" ] = Dr [ "Absent" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Absent" ] ;
dRow [ "Holiday" ] = Dr [ "Holiday" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Holiday" ] ;
dRow [ "Leave" ] = Dr [ "Leave" ] is DBNull ? 0 : Dr [ "Leave" ] ;
dRow [ "TotalAttn" ] = Dr [ "TotalAttn" ] ;
dRow [ "TotalOT" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "TotalOT" ] ) ) ;
dRow [ "TotalOTDBL" ] = Convert . ToDouble ( Dr [ "TotalOT" ] ) ;
dRow [ "Remarks" ] = "" ;
oAttendanceSummaryDTable . Rows . Add ( dRow ) ;
oAttendanceSummaryDTable . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_MonthlyAttn" ;
oAttendanceSummary . Tables . Add ( oAttendanceSummaryDTable ) ;
List < ReportParameter > _parameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , GlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_parameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , GlobalFunctions . LastDateOfMonth ( dFromDate ) . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
_parameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
string filePath = "MonthlyAttn.rdlc" ;
return new ReportProcessor ( ) . CommonReportView ( null , oAttendanceSummary , null , filePath , _parameters , true , payrollTypeID , reportType ) ;
public DataTable GetEmpDailyAttnNew ( int EmpID , DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , out double totalOTHour , out double totalLateHour , int payrollTypeID )
List < AttnNationalHoliday > oNationalHolidays = new AttnNationalHolidayService ( ) . GetByMonth ( PayrollGlobalFunctions . FirstDateOfYear ( dFromDate ) , PayrollGlobalFunctions . LastDateOfYear ( dToDate ) ) ;
//dFromDate.FirstDateOfMonth(), dFromDate.FirstDateOfMonth());
totalOTHour = 0 ; totalLateHour = 0 ;
List < DailyAttnProcess > dAttnProcessess = new List < DailyAttnProcess > ( ) ;
dAttnProcessess = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . Get ( EmpID , dFromDate , dToDate ) ;
List < ADParameter > _adps = new ADParameterService ( ) . Get ( EnumStatus . Regardless , EnumAllowOrDeduct . Allowance , payrollTypeID ) ;
List < AllowanceDeduction > oAllowanceDeduction = new AllowanceDeductionService ( ) . Get ( EnumStatus . Regardless ) ;
List < ADParameterEmployee > oADParameterEmployee = new ADParameterEmployeeService ( ) . Get ( EnumADEmpType . NotApplicable ) ;
List < ADParameter . ADParameterShift > oADParameterShift = new ADParameterService ( ) . GetAllShifts ( ) ;
foreach ( ADParameter item in _adps )
//item.AllowanceDeduction = new AllowanceDeductionService().Get(item.AllowDeductID);
//item.NotApplicable = new ADParameterEmployeeService().GetbyParameter(item.ID, EnumADEmpType.NotApplicable);
//item.ADParameterShifts = new ADParameterService().GetShifts(item.ID);
item . AllowanceDeduction = oAllowanceDeduction . Where ( x = > x . ID = = item . AllowDeductID ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
item . NotApplicable = oADParameterEmployee . Where ( x = > x . ADParameterID = = item . ID & & x . ADEmpType = = EnumADEmpType . NotApplicable ) . ToList ( ) ;
item . ADParameterShifts = oADParameterShift . Where ( x = > x . ADParameterID = = item . ID ) . ToList ( ) ;
oAllDeducts = new AllowanceDeductionService ( ) . Get ( EnumStatus . Regardless ) ;
AllowanceDeduction oAttnNightAllowance = oAllDeducts . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Code . Trim ( ) . ToUpper ( ) = = "023" & & x . AllowOrDeductType = = EnumAllowOrDeduct . Allowance ) ;
AllowanceDeduction oAttnSpacialAllowance = oAllDeducts . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Code . Trim ( ) . ToUpper ( ) = = "022" & & x . AllowOrDeductType = = EnumAllowOrDeduct . Allowance ) ;
List < int > oShiftIDs = ( _adps ! = null & & _adps . Count > 0 ) ? _adps . Where ( y = > y . AllowDeductID = = oAttnNightAllowance . ID ) . SelectMany ( z = > z . ADParameterShifts ) . Select ( a = > Convert . ToInt32 ( a . ShiftID ) ) . ToList ( ) : null ;
List < int > oShiftIDsSpecial = ( _adps ! = null & & _adps . Count > 0 ) ? _adps . Where ( y = > y . AllowDeductID = = oAttnSpacialAllowance . ID ) . SelectMany ( z = > z . ADParameterShifts ) . Select ( a = > Convert . ToInt32 ( a . ShiftID ) ) . ToList ( ) : null ;
List < Leave > oLeaves = new LeaveService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable dTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
List < Shift > oShifts = new ShiftService ( ) . GetAllShift ( ) ;
//var tfshifts = oShifts.FindAll(x => x.NightAllowanceID != null);
//List<int> oShiftIDs = tfshifts.Select(a => a.ID).ToList();
//var tfshiftsSpecial = oShifts.FindAll(x => x.SpecialAllowanceID != null);
//List<int> oShiftIDsSpecial = tfshiftsSpecial.Select(a => a.ID).ToList();
string sLeaveName = string . Empty ;
List < int > oOverlappingShiftIDs = oShifts . Where ( x = > x . IsOverlapingDay ) . Select ( x = > x . ID ) . ToList ( ) ;
AllowanceDeduction oAttnLunchAssistanceAllowance = oAllDeducts . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Code . Trim ( ) . ToUpper ( ) = = "015" & & x . AllowOrDeductType = = EnumAllowOrDeduct . Allowance ) ;
string lunchAllowDaysString = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigStringValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "attendence" , "lunchallowanceday" ) ;
////---------Added for Just manual testing-------
//lunchAllowDaysString = "Fryday";
DayOfWeek lunchAllowanceDOW ;
if ( ! Enum . TryParse ( lunchAllowDaysString , out lunchAllowanceDOW ) ) lunchAllowanceDOW = DayOfWeek . Friday ;
////---------Added for Just manual testing-------
//tiffinAllowanceCodeString = "003,012,019";
string tiffinAllowanceCodeString = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigStringValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "attendence" , "nightshiftcodes" ) ;
List < string > tiffinAllowanceCodes = tiffinAllowanceCodeString . Trim ( ) . Split ( ',' ) . ToList ( ) ;
List < int > oNightShiftIDs = oShifts . Where ( x = > tiffinAllowanceCodes . Contains ( x . Code . Trim ( ) ) ) . Select ( x = > x . ID ) . ToList ( ) ;
//AllowanceDeduction oAttnExtraAllowance = oAllDeducts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code.Trim().ToUpper() == "004" && x.AllowOrDeductType == EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance);
List < ADParameter > _Adparameters = new ADParameterService ( ) . Get ( EnumStatus . Active , EnumAllowOrDeduct . Allowance , payrollTypeID ) . Where ( x = > x . AllowDeductID = = 4 ) . ToList ( ) ; // AllowDeductID = 4 is Extra Allowance in ALLOWANCEDEDUCTION table
//List<Grade> ogrades = new GradeService().Get(EnumStatus.Regardless);
List < Grade > ogrades = new GradeService ( ) . GetAllPayrollTypes ( EnumStatus . Regardless ) ;
Employee emp = new EmployeeService ( ) . Get ( EmpID ) ;
//string sExtraAllowanceHour = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.ConfigUtility.GetAppSettings("ExtraAllowanceHour");
double dExtraAllowanceHours = 13.5 ;
//if (!double.TryParse(sExtraAllowanceHour, out dExtraAllowanceHours))
// dExtraAllowanceHours = 13.5; // Default if Hour not given
DateTime ? startTime ;
DateTime ? endTime ;
string shortAttnType = "" ;
if ( ! ( dAttnProcessess = = null | | dAttnProcessess . Count < = 0 ) )
2025-01-13 14:40:31 +06:00
dAttnProcessess = dAttnProcessess . OrderBy ( x = > x . AttnDate ) . ToList ( ) ;
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
foreach ( DailyAttnProcess dAttnProcess in dAttnProcessess )
sLeaveName = string . Empty ;
StringBuilder sRemarks ;
DataRow Rowbody = dTable . NewRow ( ) ;
DailyAttnProcess dap = dAttnProcessess . Where ( x = > x . ShiftID ! = null & &
x . ShiftID ! = 0 & &
oShiftIDs . Contains ( Convert . ToInt32 ( x . ShiftID ) ) & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Absent & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Holiday & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Leave & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . WeeklyHoliday
& & x . AttnDate = = dAttnProcess . AttnDate ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
Rowbody [ "NightShiftAllowance" ] = dap ! = null ? 1 : 0 ;
DailyAttnProcess dapSpecial = dAttnProcessess . Where ( x = > x . ShiftID ! = null & &
x . ShiftID ! = 0 & &
oShiftIDsSpecial . Contains ( Convert . ToInt32 ( x . ShiftID ) ) & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Absent & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Holiday & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Leave & &
x . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . WeeklyHoliday & & x . AttnDate = = dAttnProcess . AttnDate ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
Rowbody [ "SpecialAllowance" ] = dapSpecial ! = null ? 1 : 0 ;
Rowbody [ "Date" ] = dAttnProcess . AttnDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yy" ) ;
Rowbody [ "Day" ] = dAttnProcess . AttnDate . ToString ( "ddd" ) ;
if ( dAttnProcess . InTime = = DateTime . MinValue | | dAttnProcess . InTime = = null )
Rowbody [ "InTime" ] = "00:00" ;
Rowbody [ "InTime" ] = ( ( DateTime ) dAttnProcess . InTime ) . ToString ( "HH:mm:ss" ) ;
if ( dAttnProcess . OutTime = = DateTime . MinValue | | dAttnProcess . OutTime = = null )
Rowbody [ "OutTime" ] = "00:00" ;
Rowbody [ "OutTime" ] = ( ( DateTime ) dAttnProcess . OutTime ) . ToString ( "HH:mm:ss" ) ;
totalLateHour + = dAttnProcess . LateHour ;
Rowbody [ "LateBy" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( dAttnProcess . LateHour ) ;
totalOTHour + = dAttnProcess . OTHour ;
Rowbody [ "OTHr" ] = GlobalFunctions . ConvertDoubleHourToHourMinute ( dAttnProcess . OTHour ) ;
shortAttnType = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( dAttnProcess . AttenType ) ;
Rowbody [ "Status" ] = shortAttnType ;
AttnNationalHoliday nh = oNationalHolidays . Find ( x = > dAttnProcess . AttnDate > = x . FromDate & & dAttnProcess . AttnDate < = x . ToDate ) ;
if ( nh ! = null )
Rowbody [ "Status" ] = "N" ;
Rowbody [ "Lunch" ] = 0 ;
if ( dAttnProcess . AttnDate . DayOfWeek = = lunchAllowanceDOW & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Absent & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Holiday & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Leave & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . WeeklyHoliday & &
! oOverlappingShiftIDs . Contains ( ( dAttnProcess . ShiftID ! = null & & dAttnProcess . ShiftID ! = 0 ) ? Convert . ToInt32 ( dAttnProcess . ShiftID ) : 0 ) )
Rowbody [ "Lunch" ] = 1 ;
Rowbody [ "Tiffin" ] = 0 ;
if ( dAttnProcess . ShiftID ! = null & &
dAttnProcess . ShiftID ! = 0 & &
oNightShiftIDs . Contains ( Convert . ToInt32 ( dAttnProcess . ShiftID ) ) & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Absent & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Holiday & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . Leave & &
dAttnProcess . AttenType ! = EnumAttendanceType . WeeklyHoliday )
Rowbody [ "Tiffin" ] = 1 ;
ADParameter ad = _adps . Where ( x = > x . AllowanceDeduction . Code = = "016" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( ad ! = null & & ad . NotApplicable ! = null & & ad . NotApplicable . Count > 0 )
ADParameterEmployee adpe = ad . NotApplicable . Where ( x = > x . EmployeeID = = emp . ID ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( adpe ! = null )
Rowbody [ "Tiffin" ] = 0 ;
Rowbody [ "ExtraAllowance" ] = 0 ;
if ( _Adparameters ! = null & & emp ! = null )
foreach ( ADParameter adparam in _Adparameters )
foreach ( ADParameter . ADParameterGrade grn in adparam . ADParameterGrades )
//Grade gr = ogrades.GetItem(grn.GradeID);
Grade gr = ogrades . Where ( x = > x . ID = = grn . GradeID ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( gr ! = null & & gr . ID = = emp . GradeID )
if ( /*dAttnProcess.InTime != DateTime.MinValue ||*/ dAttnProcess . InTime ! = null )
Shift sft = oShifts . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . ID = = dAttnProcess . ShiftID ) ;
if ( sft ! = null | | dAttnProcess . ShiftID ! = null )
startTime = dAttnProcess . InTime . Value . Add ( sft . InTime . TimeOfDay ) ;
startTime = startTime . Value . AddMinutes ( - 15 ) > dAttnProcess . InTime ? startTime . Value . AddMinutes ( - 15 ) : dAttnProcess . InTime ;
endTime = dAttnProcess . OutTime ;
2025-01-06 18:28:16 +06:00
if ( endTime ! = DateTime . MinValue & & endTime ! = null )
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
if ( endTime . Value . Subtract ( startTime . Value ) . Add ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 1 ) ) . TotalHours > = dExtraAllowanceHours )
Rowbody [ "ExtraAllowance" ] = 1 ;
//Rowbody["ExtraAllowance"] = 0;
//if (dAttnProcess.InTime != null && dAttnProcess.InTime != DateTime.MinValue)
// Shift sft = oShifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == dAttnProcess.ShiftID);
// startTime = ((DateTime)dAttnProcess.InTime).Date.Add(sft.InTime.TimeOfDay);
// startTime = ((DateTime)startTime).AddMinutes(-15) > (DateTime)dAttnProcess.InTime
// ? Convert.ToDateTime(startTime).AddMinutes(-15) : (DateTime)dAttnProcess.InTime;
// endTime = dAttnProcess.OutTime;
// if (endTime != null && endTime != DateTime.MinValue)
// {
// if (((DateTime)endTime).Subtract(startTime).Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)).TotalHours >= dExtraAllowanceHours)
// {
// Rowbody["ExtraAllowance"] = 1;
// }
// }
if ( dAttnProcess . AttenType = = EnumAttendanceType . Leave )
var oLeave = oLeaves . FirstOrDefault ( x = > Convert . ToInt32 ( x . ID ) = = Convert . ToInt32 ( dAttnProcess . ReferenceID ) ) ;
if ( oLeave ! = null )
sLeaveName = oLeave . Description ;
sRemarks = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
sRemarks . AppendFormat ( "{0}." , sLeaveName ) ;
sRemarks . AppendFormat ( "{0}." , dAttnProcess . Comments ) ;
Rowbody [ "Remarks" ] = sRemarks . ToString ( ) . Trim ( '.' ) ;
Shift oSft = oShifts . Where ( o = > Convert . ToInt32 ( o . ID ) = = Convert . ToInt32 ( dAttnProcess . ShiftID ) ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( oSft ! = null )
Rowbody [ "Shift" ] = oSft . ShortName ;
Rowbody [ "Shift" ] = string . Empty ;
Rowbody [ "IsManualEntry" ] = dAttnProcess . IsManualEntry ;
dTable . Rows . Add ( Rowbody ) ;
2025-01-13 14:40:31 +06:00
//DataView dv = dTable.DefaultView;
//dv.Sort = "Date ASC";
//DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable();
return dTable ;
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
public DataTable GetEmpDailyAttn ( int EmpID , DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , int PayrollTypeID )
List < EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave > _unAuthorizedLeaves = new EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeaveService ( ) . GetByEmployeeID ( EmpID ) ;
_unAuthorizedLeaves = _unAuthorizedLeaves . Where ( o = > o . IsLateAttendanceRelated = = false ) . ToList ( ) ;
EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave unAuthorizedLeave = null ;
EmployeeUnAuthorizeLeave unAuthorizedLeaveHalfDay = null ;
string workingHour = string . Empty ;
List < Leave > oLeaves = new LeaveService ( ) . Get ( EnumStatus . Active , PayrollTypeID ) ;
List < AttnMonthlyBenefit > amBenefits = null ;
DateTime fromSalaryMonth = dFromDate ;
DateTime toSalaryMonth = dToDate ;
fromSalaryMonth = GlobalFunctions . GetAttandaceSalaryMonth ( dFromDate ) ;
toSalaryMonth = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService ( ) . GetAttandaceSalaryMonth ( dToDate ) ;
amBenefits = new AttnMonthlyBenefitService ( ) . Get ( EmpID , fromSalaryMonth , toSalaryMonth ) ;
List < DailyAttnProcess > dAttnProcessess = new List < DailyAttnProcess > ( ) ;
dAttnProcessess = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . Get ( EmpID , dFromDate , dToDate ) ;
HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable dTable = new HRM . Report . Attendence . AttendenceDataSet . AttendenceDataSet . EmpDailyAttnDataTable ( ) ;
//PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.LaonPaymentDueDataTable dTable = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.LaonPaymentDueDataTable();
List < Shift > oShifts = new ShiftService ( ) . GetAllShift ( ) ;
if ( ! ( dAttnProcessess = = null | | dAttnProcessess . Count < = 0 ) )
foreach ( DailyAttnProcess dAttnProcess in dAttnProcessess )
DataRow Rowbody = dTable . NewRow ( ) ;
Rowbody [ "Date" ] = dAttnProcess . AttnDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
Rowbody [ "Day" ] = dAttnProcess . AttnDate . ToString ( "dddd" ) ;
if ( dAttnProcess . InTime = = DateTime . MinValue | | dAttnProcess . InTime = = null )
Rowbody [ "InTime" ] = "00:00" ;
Rowbody [ "InTime" ] = ( ( DateTime ) dAttnProcess . InTime ) . ToString ( "hh:mm tt" ) ;
if ( dAttnProcess . OutTime = = DateTime . MinValue | | dAttnProcess . OutTime = = null )
Rowbody [ "OutTime" ] = "00:00" ;
Rowbody [ "OutTime" ] = ( ( DateTime ) dAttnProcess . OutTime ) . ToString ( "hh:mm tt" ) ;
Rowbody [ "WorkingHour" ] = dAttnProcess . WorkHour . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Rowbody [ "LateBy" ] = dAttnProcess . LateHour . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Rowbody [ "OTHr" ] = dAttnProcess . OTHour . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( dAttnProcess . AttenType = = EnumAttendanceType . Leave )
Rowbody [ "Status" ] = GetLeaveType ( dAttnProcess . ReferenceID = = null ? 0 : dAttnProcess . ReferenceID . Value , oLeaves ) ;
Rowbody [ "Status" ] = GlobalFunctions . GetShortAttnType ( dAttnProcess . AttenType , dAttnProcess . WorkDayType , dAttnProcess . LateHour ) ;
unAuthorizedLeaveHalfDay = _unAuthorizedLeaves . Where ( o = > o . LeaveDays = = 0.5 & & o . FromDate . Date = = dAttnProcess . AttnDate & & o . ToDate . Date = = dAttnProcess . AttnDate ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
unAuthorizedLeave = _unAuthorizedLeaves . Where ( o = > dAttnProcess . AttnDate > = o . FromDate & & dAttnProcess . AttnDate < = o . ToDate ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
//oAttNHoliday = attNHolidays.Where(o => dDate.Date >= o.FromDate.Date && dDate.Date <= o.ToDate.Date).FirstOrDefault();
Rowbody [ "Remarks" ] = unAuthorizedLeaveHalfDay = = null ? dAttnProcess . Comments : "1/2 day" ;
if ( unAuthorizedLeave ! = null )
Rowbody [ "Status" ] = "LWP" ;
if ( dAttnProcess . ShiftID ! = null )
Shift oSft = oShifts . Where ( o = > o . ID = = dAttnProcess . ShiftID ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( oSft ! = null )
Rowbody [ "Shift" ] = oSft . ShortName ;
Rowbody [ "Shift" ] = string . Empty ;
dTable . Rows . Add ( Rowbody ) ;
return dTable ;
private string GetLeaveType ( int ReferenceID , List < Leave > _leaves )
string leaveType = string . Empty ;
Leave leave = null ;
if ( ReferenceID ! = 0 )
leave = new Leave ( ) ;
leave = _leaves . Where ( o = > o . ID = = ReferenceID ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( leave ! = null )
leaveType = leave . Code ;
return leaveType ;
public byte [ ] ShowEmpCardInfoPerPage ( string EmpIDs , int authPersonID , string RDLC , bool IsAssignDateChecked , string ExpireYear , DateTime AssignmentDate , int reportCategory )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DataSet oCardInfo = null ;
string signaturePath = string . Empty ;
string folderPath = string . Empty ;
if ( authPersonID ! = 0 )
AuthorizedPerson oAuthPerson = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authPersonID ) ;
DataTable dtImage = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . GetImage ( authPersonID ) ;
if ( dtImage ! = null & & dtImage . Rows . Count > 0 )
DataRow dRow = ( DataRow ) dtImage . Rows [ 0 ] ;
byte [ ] SignatureData = ( byte [ ] ) dRow [ "SignatureData" ] ;
folderPath = Path . Combine ( Environment . CurrentDirectory + @"\ClientApp\src\assets\photos" ) ;
signaturePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "AuthSign.jpg" ) ;
File . WriteAllBytes ( signaturePath , SignatureData ) ;
List < Employee > oEmployees = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetByEmpIDs ( EmpIDs ) ;
bool isDesigFromEmp = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigBooleanValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "designation" , "desigfromdescriptiontext" ) ;
oCardInfo = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetEmpCardInfoPerPage ( EmpIDs ) ;
PhotoPath pPath = new PhotoPathService ( ) . Get ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
Employee oEmp = oEmployees . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . EmployeeNo . Trim ( ) = = Dr [ "IDNo" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
Dr [ "Desig" ] = ( isDesigFromEmp & & oEmp ! = null ) ? oEmp . DescriptionText : Dr [ "Desig" ] ;
Dr [ "EmpPhoto" ] = Dr [ "EmpPhoto" ] . ToString ( ) ;
Dr [ "EmpSign" ] = Dr [ "EmpSign" ] . ToString ( ) ;
Dr [ "IssueDate" ] = DateTime . Today ;
oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_IDCard" ;
SystemInformation _systemInfo = new SystemInformationService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
ReportParameter rParam ;
List < ReportParameter > _reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
string LogoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "Logo.png" ) ;
string EmpSignPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "EmpSign.png" ) ;
string EmpPhotoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "EmpPhoto.jpg" ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Resource\IDCardBanner.png";
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EchoTextLogo" , LogoPath ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SignatureColor" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyNameBangla" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CAddress" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CPhone" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Dhara" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SignPath" , signaturePath ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportCategory = = 1 )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpSignPath" , EmpSignPath ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpPhotoPath" , EmpPhotoPath ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
return reportProcessor . CommonReportViewer ( null , RDLC , oCardInfo , _reportParameters , false ) ;
public byte [ ] ShowEmpCardInfoPerPageBangla ( string EmpIDs , int authPersonID , string RDLC , bool IsAssignDateChecked , string ExpireYear , DateTime AssignmentDate )
ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor ( ) ;
DataSet oCardInfo = null ;
string signaturePath = string . Empty ;
string folderPath = string . Empty ;
if ( authPersonID ! = 0 )
AuthorizedPerson oAuthPerson = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authPersonID ) ;
DataTable dtImage = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . GetImage ( authPersonID ) ;
if ( dtImage ! = null & & dtImage . Rows . Count > 0 )
DataRow dRow = ( DataRow ) dtImage . Rows [ 0 ] ;
byte [ ] SignatureData = ( byte [ ] ) dRow [ "SignatureData" ] ;
folderPath = Path . Combine ( Environment . CurrentDirectory + @"\ClientApp\src\assets\photos" ) ;
signaturePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "AuthSign.jpg" ) ;
File . WriteAllBytes ( signaturePath , SignatureData ) ;
List < Employee > oEmployees = new EmployeeService ( ) . GetByEmpIDs ( EmpIDs ) ;
bool isDesigFromEmp = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigBooleanValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "designation" , "desigfromdescriptiontext" ) ;
oCardInfo = new DailyAttnProcessService ( ) . GetEmpCardInfoPerPageBangla ( EmpIDs ) ;
//Payroll.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.IDCardDataTable dTable = new Payroll.Report.Attendence.AttendenceDataSet.AttendenceDataSet.IDCardDataTable();
//PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.LaonPaymentDueDataTable dTable = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.LaonPaymentDueDataTable();
oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . Columns . Add ( "DOJBangla" , typeof ( string ) ) ;
oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . Columns . Add ( "IssueDateBangla" , typeof ( string ) ) ;
oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . Columns . Add ( "ExpireDateBangla" , typeof ( string ) ) ;
foreach ( DataRow Dr in oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows )
Employee oEmp = oEmployees . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . EmployeeNo . Trim ( ) = = Dr [ "IDNo" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
Dr [ "Desig" ] = ( isDesigFromEmp & & oEmp ! = null ) ? oEmp . DescriptionText : Dr [ "Desig" ] ;
Dr [ "EmpPhoto" ] = Dr [ "EmpPhoto" ] . ToString ( ) ;
Dr [ "EmpSign" ] = Dr [ "EmpSign" ] . ToString ( ) ;
DateTime joiningDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( Dr [ "DOJ" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
Dr [ "DOJBangla" ] = joiningDate . Day . ToString ( ) + " " + joiningDate . BanglaMonth ( ) + " " + joiningDate . Year . ToString ( ) ;
DateTime AssignDate ;
string ExpireDate = string . Empty ;
if ( IsAssignDateChecked )
AssignDate = AssignmentDate ;
ExpireDate = ExpireYear = = "3" ? "3 eQi|" : "5 eQi|" ;
AssignDate = oEmp . JoiningDate ;
ExpireDate = ExpireYear = = "3" ? "3 eQi|" : "5 eQi|" ;
// DateTime IssueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Dr["IssueDate"].ToString());
Dr [ "IssueDateBangla" ] = AssignDate ! = DateTime . MinValue ? AssignDate . Day . ToString ( ) + " " + AssignDate . BanglaMonth ( ) + " " + AssignDate . Year . ToString ( ) : "" ;
//DateTime ExpireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Dr["ExpireDate"].ToString());
Dr [ "ExpireDateBangla" ] = ExpireDate ;
//DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
oCardInfo . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName = "AttendenceDataSet_IDCard" ;
//string RDLC = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.IDCardBothSidePrint.rdlc";// "Payroll.Report.RDLC.IDCardPrint.rdlc";
//SystemInformation _systemInfo = new SystemInformation().Get();
ReportParameter rParam ;
List < ReportParameter > _reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
string _PATH = string . Empty ;
_PATH = string . Empty ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EchoTextLogo" , _PATH ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SignatureColor" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyNameBangla" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CAddress" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CPhone" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Dhara" , "" ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SignPath" , signaturePath ) ;
_reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
return reportProcessor . CommonReportViewer ( null , RDLC , oCardInfo , _reportParameters , false ) ;