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using HRM.BO;
using Ease.Core.DataAccess;
using System;
using System.Data;
namespace HRM.DA
#region OpiItem
internal class OpiItemDA
#region Constructor
public OpiItemDA()
#region Insert function
internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, OpiItem oItem)
"INSERT INTO OpiItem(OpiItemID, Code, Name, OpiType, SequenceNO, Status, CreatedBy, CreationDate, payrolltypeid)" +
" VALUES(%n, %s, %s, %n, %n, %n, %n, %D, %n)", oItem.ID, oItem.Code, oItem.Name, oItem.OpiType,
oItem.Sequence, oItem.Status, DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.CreatedBy),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.CreatedDate), oItem.PayrolltypeID);
#region Update function
internal static void Update(TransactionContext tc, OpiItem oItem)
"UPDATE OpiItem SET Code=%s, Name=%s, OpiType=%n, SequenceNO=%n, Status=%n, ModifiedBy=%n, ModifiedDate=%d" +
" WHERE OpiItemID=%n", oItem.Code, oItem.Name, oItem.OpiType, oItem.Sequence, oItem.Status,
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.ModifiedBy), DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.ModifiedDate), oItem.ID);
#region Get Function
internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem WHERE STATUS=%n Order By Code", (int)EnumStatus.Active);
internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, int nID)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem WHERE OpiItemID=%n", nID);
internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumStatus status)
if (EnumStatus.Active == status || EnumStatus.Inactive == status)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem where Status=%n Order By SequenceNo", status);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem Order By SequenceNo");
internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumStatus status, int payrollTypeID)
if (EnumStatus.Active == status || EnumStatus.Inactive == status)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem where Status=%n and payrollTypeID = %n order by SequenceNO", status, payrollTypeID);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem where payrolltypeid=%n order by SequenceNO", payrollTypeID);
internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumOpiType opiType, EnumStatus status)
if (EnumStatus.Active == status || EnumStatus.Inactive == status)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem WHERE OpiType=%n AND Status=%n", opiType, status);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM OpiItem WHERE OpiType=%n", opiType);
#region Delete function
internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, int nID)
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM OpiItem WHERE OpiItemID=%n", nID);
internal static IDataReader GetMonthyIndividualAndOneOff(TransactionContext tc, int payrolltypeid, EnumStatus status)
return tc.ExecuteReader("Select DISTINCT ALLWD.* from OpiItem ALLWD,OPIParameter ADPB"
+ " Where ALLWD.OpiItemID=ADPB.OpiItemID"
+ " AND ALLWD.Status=%n"
+ " AND (( ADPB.OpiPeriodicity =%n ) OR ( ADPB.OpiPeriodicity =%n " +
" and ADPB.EntitleType=%n )) AND ALLWD.PayrollTypeID=%n ", status,
EnumPeriodicity.OneOff, EnumPeriodicity.Monthly, EnumEntitleType.Individual, payrolltypeid);