2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using HRM.BO ;
using HRM.DA ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Net.Mime ;
using Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore ;
using HRM.Report.PayrollDataSet ;
using static System . Net . Mime . MediaTypeNames ;
using static iTextSharp . text . pdf . AcroFields ;
using static NPOI . HSSF . Util . HSSFColor ;
namespace HRM.Report
public class ReportProcessor
private string folderPath = "" ;
private string photoPath = "" ;
private string signaturePath = "" ;
//= @"D:\LOCAL\cel.hrm\branches\SanofiNew\HRM.Report\RDLC"; //Niloy
//string folderPath = @"D:\SVN\Synovia\HRM.Report\RDLC"; //Tanvir
//string folderPath = @"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\synovia\RDLC"; //37
LocalReport _localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
string _rdlcName = string . Empty ;
ReportParameter rParam = null ;
DataSet _oSubReportDataSet = null ;
private List < ReportParameter > reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
SystemInformation sf = null ;
string _PATH = string . Empty ;
public ReportProcessor ( )
folderPath = System . IO . Path . Combine ( System . Environment . CurrentDirectory + @"\RDLC" ) ;
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo.png" ) ;
signaturePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "signature.png" ) ;
sf = new SystemInformationService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
ReportItem _item = null ;
DataSet _subreportDataSet = null ;
#region CommonReportView
public byte [ ] CommonReportView ( ReportItem reportItem , DataSet dSet , DataSet dSubReportDataSet , string reportName , List < ReportParameter > parameters , bool defaultParameterNeeded , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_rdlcName = reportName ;
_oSubReportDataSet = dSubReportDataSet ;
_localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
_localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
_item = reportItem ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , reportName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
_localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
if ( _oSubReportDataSet ! = null )
_localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ) ;
_localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
if ( defaultParameterNeeded )
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( parameters ! = null )
foreach ( ReportParameter parItem in parameters )
reportParameters . Add ( parItem ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null & & reportParameters . Count > 0 )
_localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = _localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] CommonReportViewer ( ReportItem item , string rdlcName , DataSet dSet , List < ReportParameter > reportParameters , bool isBasicParametersNeeded , string reportType = "PDF" )
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
if ( isBasicParametersNeeded )
GetBasicParameters ( ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] CommonReportViewer ( ReportItem item , string rdlcName , DataSet dSet , List < ReportParameter > PReportParameters , int payrollTypeId , string reportType = "PDF" )
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( PReportParameters ! = null & & PReportParameters . Count > 0 )
reportParameters . AddRange ( PReportParameters ) ;
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] CommonReportViewer ( ReportItem item , string rdlcName , DataSet dSet , DataSet dSubReportDataSet , List < ReportParameter > PReportParameters , int payrollTypeId , string reportType = "PDF" )
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_rdlcName = filePath ;
_item = item ;
_oSubReportDataSet = dSubReportDataSet ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ; // important
//localReport.ReportPath = rdlcName;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
if ( dSubReportDataSet ! = null )
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( PReportParameters ! = null & & PReportParameters . Count > 0 )
reportParameters . AddRange ( PReportParameters ) ;
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowMonthlyPFReport ( DateTime dateTime , DataTable dtMonthlyPF , DataTable dtCRGTotal , string sLocation , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
dtMonthlyPF . TableName = "dsCompany_DTMonthlyPF" ;
dtCRGTotal . TableName = "dsCompany_DtCostCenterTotal" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.MonthlyPFAmount.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dtMonthlyPF ) ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dtCRGTotal ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Month" , dateTime . ToString ( "MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Location" , sLocation ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//this.ReportParams = _parameters;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] CommonReportView ( ReportItem item , string rdlcName , DataSet dSet , DataSet dSubReportDataSet , List < ReportParameter > PReportParameters , bool isBasicParametersNeeded , int payrollTypeId , string reportType = "PDF" )
// for embeded RDLC
// Place RDLC inside HRM.Report & change the Build Action as Embeded from the properties of the RDLC file
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_item = item ;
_rdlcName = rdlcName ;
_oSubReportDataSet = dSubReportDataSet ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = rdlcName ; // important
//localReport.ReportPath = rdlcName;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
if ( dSubReportDataSet ! = null )
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ) ;
if ( isBasicParametersNeeded )
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//if (reportParameters != null && reportParameters.Count > 0)
// reportParameters = new List<ReportParameter>();
if ( PReportParameters ! = null & & PReportParameters . Count > 0 )
reportParameters . AddRange ( PReportParameters ) ;
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out string mimeType , out string encoding , out string filenameExtension , out string [ ] streamids , out Warning [ ] warnings ) ;
//bytes = localReport.Render(reportType, null, out string mimeType, out string encoding, out string filenameExtension, out string[] streamids, out Warning[] warnings);
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] CommonReportViewForReports ( ReportItem reportItem , DataSet dSet , DataSet dSubReportDataSet , string reportName , List < ReportParameter > parameters , bool defaultParameterNeeded , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_rdlcName = reportName ;
_oSubReportDataSet = dSubReportDataSet ;
_localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
_localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
_localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = "HRM.Report.RDLC" + "." + reportName ;
_item = reportItem ;
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, reportName);
string filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC" + "." + reportName ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
//ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null;
//oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService().Get(nReportID);
//oFinalDT.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalarySheet";
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
if ( dSubReportDataSet ! = null )
//localReport.SubreportProcessing += new SubreportProcessingEventHandler(LocalReport_SubreportProcessing);
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessingHRMReport ) ;
//_localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
if ( defaultParameterNeeded )
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//if (parameters != null)
// foreach (ReportParameter parItem in parameters)
// {
// reportParameters.Add(parItem);
// }
if ( parameters ! = null & & parameters . Count > 0 )
reportParameters . AddRange ( parameters ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null & & reportParameters . Count > 0 )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] AttendanceReportsView ( ReportItem reportItem , DataSet dSet , DataSet dSubReportDataSet , string reportName , List < ReportParameter > parameters , bool defaultParameterNeeded , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_rdlcName = reportName ;
_oSubReportDataSet = dSubReportDataSet ;
_localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
_localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
_localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC" + "." + reportName ;
_item = reportItem ;
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, reportName);
string filePath = "HRM.Report.Attendence.RDLC" + "." + reportName ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
//ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null;
//oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService().Get(nReportID);
//oFinalDT.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalarySheet";
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
if ( dSubReportDataSet ! = null )
//localReport.SubreportProcessing += new SubreportProcessingEventHandler(LocalReport_SubreportProcessing);
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessingHRMReport ) ;
//_localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
if ( defaultParameterNeeded )
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//if (parameters != null)
// foreach (ReportParameter parItem in parameters)
// {
// reportParameters.Add(parItem);
// }
if ( parameters ! = null & & parameters . Count > 0 )
reportParameters . AddRange ( parameters ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null & & reportParameters . Count > 0 )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
#region Sub_Report Processing
private void LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ( object sender , SubreportProcessingEventArgs e )
LocalReport lReport = _localReport ;
if ( lReport ! = null )
string [ ] tempReportName = _rdlcName . Split ( '.' ) ;
string sederReportName = tempReportName [ tempReportName . Length - 2 ] ;
if ( sederReportName = = "PaySlipForGT" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PaySlipIncomeTaxForGT" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PaySlipIncomeTaxSlabForGT" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PaySlipIncomTaxOtherForGT" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PaySlipSubReportForGT" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_Payslip" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_Payslip" ] ) ) ;
if ( sederReportName = = "MultipleLeaveLedger" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "MultipleLeaveLedger2" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "dsEmpLeaveLedger_LeaveBalance" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "dsEmpLeaveLedger_LeaveBalance" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "MultipleLeaveLedger3" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpLeaveLedger" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpLeaveLedger" ] ) ) ;
if ( sederReportName = = "PaySlipForGT2" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PaySlipSubReportForGT" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_Payslip" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_Payslip" ] ) ) ;
if ( sederReportName = = "PaySlipForAnwar" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PayslipGrossForAnwar" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "SalaryMonthlysGross" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "SalaryMonthlysGross" ] ) ) ;
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "RemainingLoanforPayslip" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "RemainingLoanforPayslip" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "PaySlipNew" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PayslipGross" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "SalaryMonthlysGross" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "SalaryMonthlysGross" ] ) ) ;
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "RemainingLoanforPayslip" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "RemainingLoanforPayslip" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "PaySlipNewNMGT" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PayslipGross" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "SalaryMonthlysGross" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "SalaryMonthlysGross" ] ) ) ;
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "RemainingLoanforPayslip" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "RemainingLoanforPayslip" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "DateRangeMultipleJobCard" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "DateRangeMultipleJobCardNew" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "DateRangeMultipleJobCardNewLiFung" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "LeaveLedgers" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "LeaveLedgersType" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "TeamLeaveType" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "TeamLeaveType" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "LeaveLedgersDetails" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "TeamLeaveDetails" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "TeamLeaveDetails" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "MultipleJobCard" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "AttendenceDataSet_EmpDailyAttn" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "LeaveLedgerNmgtMultiple" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "LeaveLedgerNmgtLeaveType" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "dsEmpLeaveLedger_LeaveBalance" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "dsEmpLeaveLedger_LeaveBalance" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "LeaveLedgerNmgtDetails" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpLeaveLedger" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpLeaveLedger" ] ) ) ;
public void LocalReport_SubreportProcessingHRMReport ( object sender , SubreportProcessingEventArgs e )
LocalReport lReport = _localReport ;
if ( lReport ! = null )
string sederReportName = lReport . ReportEmbeddedResource . Split ( '.' ) . Last ( x = > x ! = "rdlc" ) ;
if ( sederReportName = = "BanglaPSlip" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "BanglaPSlipSub" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "BanglaPSlipBonus" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 1 ] . TableName , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ 1 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "BanglaPSlipMay2020" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "BanglaPSlipSub" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "BanglaPSlipBonus" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 1 ] . TableName , _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 1 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "rptEmployeeEvaluation" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "rptEmpEvaluationSalarySub" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "EmpEvaluationSalaryIncrement" , _subreportDataSet . Tables [ "EmpEvaluationSalaryIncrement" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "rptEmpEvaluationLeaveSub" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "EmpEvaluationleave" , _subreportDataSet . Tables [ "EmpEvaluationleave" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "MultipleJobCard" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "DateRangeMultipleJobCard" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] . TableName , _subreportDataSet . Tables [ 0 ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "NewTaxCard" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTax" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxSlab" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxRebate" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxRebeatInvestment" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxRebeatInvestment" ] ) ) ;
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxOther" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "PrevTaxCard" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PrevIncomeTax" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PrevTaxSlab" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxRebate" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxRebeatInvestment" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxRebeatInvestment" ] ) ) ;
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxOther" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PrevTaxChallan" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" ] ) ) ;
else if ( sederReportName = = "PrevTaxCardNew" )
if ( e . ReportPath = = "PrevIncomeTaxNew" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTax" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PrevTaxSlab" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxSlab" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxRebate" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxRebeatInvestment" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxRebeatInvestment" ] ) ) ;
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "NewIncomeTaxOther" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_IncomeTaxOther" ] ) ) ;
else if ( e . ReportPath = = "PrevTaxChallan" )
e . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" , _oSubReportDataSet . Tables [ "PayrollDataSet_TaxChallan" ] ) ) ;
//else if (sederReportName == "LeaveLedgerNmgtMultiple")
// if (e.ReportPath == "LeaveLedgerNmgtLeaveType")
// {
// e.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsEmpLeaveLedger_LeaveBalance", _oSubReportDataSet.Tables["dsEmpLeaveLedger_LeaveBalance"]));
// }
// else if (e.ReportPath == "LeaveLedgerNmgtDetails")
// {
// e.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpLeaveLedger", _oSubReportDataSet.Tables["dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpLeaveLedger"]));
// }
#region GetReportParameters
public void GetBasicParameters ( )
//reportParameters = new List<ReportParameter>();
SystemInformation systemInfo = new SystemInformation ( ) ; // Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.Get();
if ( reportParameters = = null )
reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
List < PayrollType > oPRTypes = new List < PayrollType > ( ) ; // PayrollType.Get();
PayrollType oPT = new PayrollType ( ) ; //oPRTypes.Find(delegate (PayrollType oItemPT) { return oItemPT.ID == Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.PayrollTypeID; });
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Resource\Logo.png";
//if (!File.Exists(_PATH))
// //_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
// if (oPT != null)
// {
// if (oPT.ID == ID.FromInteger(1))
// {excel
// _PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\HNOKIA.png";//HNOKIA.png
// }
// else if (oPT.ID == ID.FromInteger(2))
// {
// _PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\HImsLogo.png";
// }
// else if (oPT.ID == ID.FromInteger(3))
// {
// _PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Hapll.png";
// }
// }
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Logo" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
// rParam = new ReportParameter("CompanyInfo", oPT.Description.ToString());
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyInfo" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Address" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Phone" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Fax", "");
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Email" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
public void GetParameters ( int payrollTypeId )
PayrollType payrollType = new PayrollTypeService ( ) . Get ( payrollTypeId ) ;
SystemInformation systemInformation = new SystemInformationService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
if ( reportParameters = = null )
reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
if ( payrollTypeId = = 1 )
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo.png" ) ;
else if ( payrollTypeId = = 2 )
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo1.png" ) ;
else if ( payrollTypeId = = 3 )
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo2.png" ) ;
else if ( payrollTypeId = = 4 )
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo3.png" ) ;
else if ( payrollTypeId = = 5 )
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo4.png" ) ;
photoPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "reportlogo.png" ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Logo" , photoPath ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
// rParam = new ReportParameter("CompanyInfo", oPT.Description.ToString());
2025-01-14 18:23:48 +06:00
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyInfo" , payrollType ! = null ? ( payrollType . CompanyName ! = null & & payrollType . CompanyName . Trim ( ) ! = "" ? payrollType . CompanyName : systemInformation ? . name ) : string . Empty ) ;
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SearchCriteria" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Address" , payrollType ! = null ? payrollType . Address : string . Empty ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Phone" , systemInformation ! = null ? ( systemInformation . TelephoneNo ! = string . Empty ? "Tel : " + systemInformation . TelephoneNo : string . Empty ) : string . Empty ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
private void GetParametersForLoanPaymentDue ( int payrollTypeId , string LoanMonth )
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "LoanMonth" , LoanMonth ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
private void GetParametersForLoanIssue ( string EmpName , string EmpNo , double LAmount , double IntRate , int noOfInstalment , DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , string LoanName , DateTime dIssueDate , int payrollTypeId )
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Name" , EmpName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpNo" , EmpNo ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Amount" , Convert . ToString ( LAmount ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "InterestRate" , Convert . ToString ( IntRate ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "NoOfInstallment" , Convert . ToString ( noOfInstalment ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "IssueDate" , dIssueDate . ToString ( "dd MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , dIssueDate . ToString ( "MMM-yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , dToDate . ToString ( "MMM-yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "LoanName" , LoanName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
public void GetParametersForGeneralReport ( )
HRM . BO . SystemInformation _systemInfo = new SystemInformationService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
List < PayrollType > oPRTypes = new PayrollTypeService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
oPT = new PayrollType ( ) ; // oPRTypes.Find(delegate (PayrollType oItemPT) { return oItemPT.ID == SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.PayrollTypeID; });
string _PATH = string . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Resource\Logo.png";
if ( ! File . Exists ( _PATH ) )
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
if ( oPT ! = null )
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Logo" , _PATH ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("CompanyInfo", oPT.Description.ToString());
// rParam = new ReportParameter("CompanyInfo", _systemInfo.name.ToString()+", "+ oPT.Description.ToString());
//rParam = new ReportParameter("CompanyInfo", "Employee General Information Report For " + oPT.Name.ToString());
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyInfo" , string . Empty ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//if (_item != null)
// rParam = new ReportParameter("SearchCriteria", " ", _item.IsSearchCriteria);
// reportParameters.Add(rParam);
// rParam = new ReportParameter("SearchCriteria", "", false);
// reportParameters.Add(rParam);
//rParam = new ReportParameter("SearchCriteria", " ", false);
// rParam = new ReportParameter("Address", _systemInfo.corporateAddress.ToString());
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Address" , string . Empty ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Address", "6th-9th Floors ,Noor Tower,110, Bir Uttam C.R Dattta Road, Dhaka-1205");
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Phone" , string . Empty ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Phone", "0124232323");
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Fax", "++03423232323");
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Email", _systemInfo.webAddress);
public void GetParametersForEmployeeDetail ( )
SystemInformation _systemInfo = new SystemInformationService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
List < PayrollType > oPRTypes = new PayrollTypeService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
oPT = new PayrollType ( ) ; // oPRTypes.Find(delegate (PayrollType oItemPT) { return oItemPT.ID == Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.PayrollTypeID; });
string _PATH = string . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Resource\Logo.png";
if ( ! File . Exists ( _PATH ) )
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
if ( oPT ! = null )
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Logo" , _PATH ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("CompanyInfo", oPT.Description.ToString());
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyInfo" , string . Empty ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//if (_item != null)
// rParam = new ReportParameter("SearchCriteria", " ", _item.IsSearchCriteria);
// reportParameters.Add(rParam);
// rParam = new ReportParameter("SearchCriteria", "", false);
// reportParameters.Add(rParam);
//rParam = new ReportParameter("SearchCriteria", " ", false);
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Address" , string . Empty ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Address", "6th-9th Floors ,Noor Tower,110, Bir Uttam C.R Dattta Road, Dhaka-1205");
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Phone" , _systemInfo . TelephoneNo . ToString ( ) ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Phone", "0124232323");
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Fax", "++03423232323");
//rParam = new ReportParameter("Email", _systemInfo.webAddress);
private void GetParametersNew ( int PayrollTypeID )
if ( reportParameters = = null )
reportParameters = new List < ReportParameter > ( ) ;
GetImageFromPayrollType ( PayrollTypeID ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Logo" , photoPath . Contains ( "jpg" ) ? photoPath : "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CompanyInfo" , sf ! = null ? sf . name : "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SearchCriteria" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Address" , sf ! = null ? sf . corporateAddress : "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Phone" , sf ! = null ? sf . TelephoneNo : "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalarySheetNonMngt ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int nReportID , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalarySheetForNonMngnt.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null ;
oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalarySheet" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
int authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 1 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 2 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 3 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 4 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("DynamicGroup",DynamicGroup);
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowDlgForEmployeeConfirmation ( DataSet dSet , string RDLCName , DateTime dConfirmationMonth , int payrollType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , RDLCName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollType ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ConfirmationMonth" , dConfirmationMonth . ToString ( "MMMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForAnnualIncomeCertificate ( ReportItem reportItem , DataTable oSalary , string TaxPeriod , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "AnnualIncomeCertificate.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oSalary . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_AnnualIncomeCertificate" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oSalary ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//DateTime formDate = GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(FromDate);
//int fromYear = FromDate.Year;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("FormDate", formDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"));
//rParam = new ReportParameter("FormYear", fromYear.ToString());
//DateTime _toDate = GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(toDate);
//int toYear = toDate.Year;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("ToDate", _toDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"));
//rParam = new ReportParameter("ToYear", toYear.ToString());
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "TaxPeriod" , TaxPeriod ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
List < AuthorizedPerson > authPersons = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
AuthorizedPerson authPerson = null ;
//byte[] signature = null;
if ( authPersons . Count > 0 )
authPerson = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authPersons [ 0 ] . ID ) ;
signaturePath = Convert . ToBase64String ( authPerson . Signature ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "signature" , signaturePath ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "authName" , authPerson ! = null ? authPerson . Name : null ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "authDesignation" , authPerson ! = null ? authPerson . Designation : null ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBankRegister ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType , string rdlcName )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_BonusBankAdvice" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
isRoundOff = false ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBonusPaySlip ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string bonusName , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "BonusPayslp.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_BonusPaySlip" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "BonusName" , bonusName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
isRoundOff = false ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBonusRegister ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType , string rdlcName )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_BonusRegister" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
isRoundOff = false ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForLoyaltyBonusRegister ( DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_BonusRegister" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.rptLoyaltyBonusRegister.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalaryReconcilSummary ( ReportItem reportItem , DataTable oFinalDT , DataTable _salaryReconDecuction , string FirstMonth , string Nextmonth , string CurrMonEmp , string PrevMonEmp , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalaryReconciliationSummary.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalaryReconciliationSummary" ;
_salaryReconDecuction . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalaryReconDeduction" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( _salaryReconDecuction ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = reportItem ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FirstMonth" , FirstMonth ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Nextmonth" , Nextmonth ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CurrmonthEmp" , CurrMonEmp ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PrevmonthEmp" , PrevMonEmp ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
isRoundOff = false ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalaryReconcilNew ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalaryReconciliationNew.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalaryReconNew" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowItemWiseSalary ( ReportItem reportItem , DataTable oSalary , DateTime _SalaryMonth , DateTime toDate , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
// DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "ItemWiseSalary.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oSalary . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmpItemWiseSalary" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oSalary ) ;
_item = reportItem ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
PayrollType oPT = new PayrollTypeService ( ) . Get ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string payrollType = oPT . Description ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FormDate" , _SalaryMonth . ToString ( "MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , toDate . ToString ( "MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ItemName" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("PayrollType", payrollType);
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
// this.ShowDialog();
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForCCWiswSalarySummary ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "CCWSSummary.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_CCWSaSummary" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalarySheetByCC ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "CCWiseSalarySheet.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_SalarySheet" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension , out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowReportForSchedular ( ReportItem item , string rdlcName , DataSet dSet , List < ReportParameter > PReportParameters , bool isBasicParametersNeeded , string reportTitle , string reportType = "PDF" , bool hideColumn = false )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = rdlcName ; // important
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
if ( isBasicParametersNeeded )
GetBasicParameters ( ) ;
if ( reportTitle . Trim ( ) ! = string . Empty )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportTitle" , reportTitle . Trim ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( hideColumn )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HideColumn" , hideColumn . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null & & reportParameters . Count > 0 )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
if ( PReportParameters ! = null & & PReportParameters . Count > 0 )
reportParameters . AddRange ( PReportParameters ) ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out string mimeType , out string encoding , out string filenameExtension , out string [ ] streamids , out Warning [ ] warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] LatestIndividualLoanReport ( ReportItem item , DataSet dSet , string RDLC , string EmpName , string EmpNo , double LAmount , double IntRate , int noOfInstalment , DateTime dFromDate , DateTime dToDate , string LoanName , DateTime dIssueDate , int payrollTypeId , string reportType = "PDF" )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
_item = item ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
GetParametersForLoanIssue ( EmpName , EmpNo , LAmount , IntRate , noOfInstalment , dFromDate , dToDate , LoanName , dIssueDate , payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null & & reportParameters . Count > 0 )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out string mimeType , out string encoding , out string filenameExtension , out string [ ] streamids , out Warning [ ] warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] MonthlyLoanReport ( ReportItem item , DataSet dSet , string RDLC , string LoanMonth , int payrollTypeId , string locantionName , string reportType = "PDF" )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
GetParametersForLoanPaymentDue ( payrollTypeId , LoanMonth ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Location" , locantionName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null & & reportParameters . Count > 0 )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out string mimeType , out string encoding , out string filenameExtension , out string [ ] streamids , out Warning [ ] warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForReport108 ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType , string AssessmentYear )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "Report108New_2022.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_Report108" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AssessmentYear" , AssessmentYear ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForReport177 ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType , string SalaryMonth )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "Report108New_2022.rdlc");
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "Report177.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_Report108" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AssessmentYear" , SalaryMonth ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForPaySlipOverAllSummary ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
string sCurrentDirectory = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory ;
sCurrentDirectory2 =
System . Environment
. CurrentDirectory ; // System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\ClientApp\src\assets\resource\UserRecordConfig.xml");
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
string RDLCName = null ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
RDLCName = "OverAllSummarySGS.rdlc" ;
RDLCName = "OverAllSummary.rdlc" ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , RDLCName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_OverAllSummary" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
//_ArrearExit = IsArrear;
//_UnAuthorizedExit = IsUnAuthorized;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalarySheetWithoutCostcenter ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int nReportID , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalarySheetWithoutCostcenter.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null ;
oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalarySheet" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
int authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 1 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 2 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 3 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 4 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("DynamicGroup",DynamicGroup);
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalarySheet ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int nReportID , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalarySheet.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null ;
oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalarySheet" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
int authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 1 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 2 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 3 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 4 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("DynamicGroup",DynamicGroup);
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalarySheetWithoutCostCenterOT ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int nReportID , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "SalarySheetWithoutCostCenterOT.rdlc");
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "ExtendedSalarySheet.rdlc" ) ;
//string filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC.ExtendedSalarySheet.rdlc";
string RDLC = filePath ;
ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null ;
oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SalarySheet" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
int authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 1 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 2 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 3 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 4 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("DynamicGroup",DynamicGroup);
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBankDisbursment ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalaryBankDisbursement.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_BankAdvice" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForNewBankDisbursment ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string reportType , int payrollTypeId , string rdlcName , DateTime SalaryMonth )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "Bank Advice.rdlc");
string filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC." + rdlcName ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC.BankAdviceSGS.rdlc" ;
if ( companyName = = "HNM" )
filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC.BankAdviceSalaryHnm.rdlc" ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_BankAdvice" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("ReportType", reportType);
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Month" , SalaryMonth . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowEmpServiceBook ( ReportItem item , DataSet dSet , string empPicPath , int payrollTypeID )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_rdlcName = "EmpInfoReport.rdlc" ;
_item = item ;
string RDLC = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
// extra property for emp picture
reportParameters . Add ( new ReportParameter ( "EmpPic" , empPicPath ) ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out string mimeType , out string encoding , out string filenameExtension , out string [ ] streamids , out Warning [ ] warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForEmpBasic ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmployeeInfo" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.EmployeeInfo.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string _PATH = string . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
ReportItem _item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForNewPaySlip ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , DataSet oDS , int payrollTypeId )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
_rdlcName = "PaySlipNew.rdlc" ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "PaySlipNew.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_oSubReportDataSet = oDS ;
string _PATH = String . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
//if (oDS != null && oDS.Tables.Count > 0)
// foreach (DataTable table in oDS.Tables)
// {
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( oFinalDT . TableName , oFinalDT ) ) ;
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ) ;
//localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isBold" , false . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
bool isHnM = false ;
string addressLine1 = null ;
string addressLine2 = null ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
isRoundOff = false ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//new added fro H&M
if ( companyName = = "HNM" )
PayrollType payrollType = new PayrollTypeService ( ) . Get ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string [ ] words = payrollType . Address . Split ( ' ' ) ;
int lastWordIndex = words . Length - 1 ;
// Extract the last word
string lastWord = words [ lastWordIndex ] ;
// Join the remaining words except the last one
string firstPart = string . Join ( " " , words , 0 , lastWordIndex ) ;
// Create an array to store the first part and the last word
string [ ] result = { firstPart , lastWord } ;
isHnM = true ;
addressLine1 = result [ 0 ] ;
addressLine2 = result [ 1 ] ;
isHnM = false ;
addressLine1 = null ;
addressLine2 = null ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isHnM" , isHnM . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "addressLine1" , addressLine1 ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "addressLine2" , addressLine2 ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] GetPayslipReport ( ReportItem item , DataSet oDS , int payrollTypeId )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "PaySlipNew.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
string _PATH = String . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( oDS ! = null & & oDS . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in oDS . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isBold" , false . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ReportViewForEmployeeDetails ( ReportItem reportItem , DataSet dSet , string reportName ,
List < ReportParameter > parameters )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
_item = reportItem ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
string folderPath = @"E:\Local SVN\SanofiNew\HRM.Report\RDLC" ;
localReport . ReportPath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , reportName ) ;
GetParametersForEmployeeDetail ( ) ;
if ( parameters ! = null )
foreach ( ReportParameter parItem in parameters )
reportParameters . Add ( parItem ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForTaxCard ( ReportItem item , DataSet dSet , string EmpName , string EmpNo , string TINNo ,
string AssYear , string FisYear , int payrollTypeId , bool ITStatus , string reportType , TaxParameter oTaxparam )
// _PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//string filePath = "";// ITStatus ? Path.Combine(folderPath, "IncomeTax.rdlc") : Path.Combine(folderPath, "ITCertificate.rdlc");
string filePath = ITStatus ? Path . Combine ( folderPath , "IncomeTax.rdlc" ) :
( oTaxparam . FiscalyearDatefrom < new DateTime ( 2022 , 7 , 1 ) ? Path . Combine ( folderPath , "ITCertificate.rdlc" ) : Path . Combine ( folderPath , "ITCertificatePrev.rdlc" ) ) ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
//if (ITStatus)
// filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "IncomeTax.rdlc");
// if (oTaxparam.FiscalyearDatefrom < new DateTime(2022, 7, 1))
// {
// filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "ITCertificate.rdlc");
// }
// else
// {
// filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "ITCertificatePrev.rdlc");
// }
//if (companyName == "SGS Bangladesh Limited")
// filePath = ITStatus ? Path.Combine(folderPath, "IncomeTax.rdlc") :
// (oTaxparam.FiscalyearDatefrom < new DateTime(2022, 7, 1) ? Path.Combine(folderPath, "ITCertificateSGS.rdlc") : Path.Combine(folderPath, "ITCertificatePrevSGS.rdlc"));
string RDLC = filePath ;
// = IsArrear;
//_UnAuthorizedExit = IsUnAuthorized;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . EnableHyperlinks = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
bool otherInvestment = false ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
otherInvestment = true ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
ReportParameter rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpName" , EmpName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpNo" , EmpNo ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "TINNo" , TINNo ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "AssesmentYear" , AssYear ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FiscalYear" , FisYear ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "OtherInvestment" , otherInvestment . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowMultipleEmpLeaveBalance ( ReportItem reportItem , DataSet dSet , string reportName ,
string leaveYear , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "MultipleLeaveEmp.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
// this.ReportParams = reportParameters;
ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter ( "LeaveYear" , leaveYear ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
//internal byte[] ShowMultipleEmpLeaveRegister(ReportItem reportItem, DataSet dSet, string reportName, string leaveYear, int payrollTypeId, string reportType)
// //DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
// byte[] bytes = null;
// string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, reportName);
// string RDLC = filePath;
// LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport();
// localReport.DataSources.Clear();
// localReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
// try
// {
// if (dSet != null && dSet.Tables.Count > 0)
// {
// foreach (DataTable table in dSet.Tables)
// {
// localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(table.TableName, table));
// }
// localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
// }
// GetParameters(payrollTypeId);
// // this.ReportParams = reportParameters;
// ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter("LeaveYear", leaveYear);
// reportParameters.Add(parameter);
// if (reportParameters != null)
// localReport.SetParameters(reportParameters);
// Warning[] warnings;
// string[] streamids;
// string mimeType;
// string encoding;
// string filenameExtension;
// bytes = localReport.Render(reportType, null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension,
// out streamids, out warnings);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
// }
// return bytes;
public byte [ ] ShowCashAdviceReport ( ReportItem reportItem , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "CashAdviceNew.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_BankAdvice" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
isRoundOff = false ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowLeaveBalanceNew ( List < ReportDataSource > dataSource , string embeddedResource , string caption ,
int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "LeaveLedgerNmgt.rdlc" ) ;
_rdlcName = "LeaveLedgerNmgt.rdlc" ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
//_oSubReportDataSet = dataSource;
DataTable cInformation = null ;
//dtEmp.TableName = "dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpInformation";
cInformation = new PayrollDataSet . dsCompany . ComapnyInformationDataTable ( ) ;
DataRow row = cInformation . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "Name" ] = "sysInfo.name" ;
row [ "Address" ] = "sysInfo.corporateAddress" ;
row [ "Email" ] = "sysInfo.email" ;
row [ "Web" ] = "sysInfo.webAddress" ;
cInformation . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
dataSource . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( "CompanyInformation_ComapnyInformation" , cInformation ) ) ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
foreach ( ReportDataSource source in dataSource )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( source ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = embeddedResource ;
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
// GetParametersForLeave();
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter();
//this.ReportParams = reportParameters;
//if (reportParameters != null)
// ReportViewer.LocalReport.SetParameters(reportParameters);
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowLeaveLedger ( DataTable dtEmp , DataSet dataSource , string embeddedResource , string caption , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "MultipleLeaveLedger.rdlc" ) ;
_rdlcName = "MultipleLeaveLedger.rdlc" ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
_oSubReportDataSet = dataSource ;
DataTable cInformation = null ;
dtEmp . TableName = "dsEmpLeaveLedger_EmpInformation" ;
cInformation = new PayrollDataSet . dsCompany . ComapnyInformationDataTable ( ) ;
DataRow row = cInformation . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "Name" ] = "sysInfo.name" ;
row [ "Address" ] = "sysInfo.corporateAddress" ;
row [ "Email" ] = "sysInfo.email" ;
row [ "Web" ] = "sysInfo.webAddress" ;
cInformation . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
// dataSource.Add(new ReportDataSource("CompanyInformation_ComapnyInformation", cInformation));
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( dtEmp . TableName , dtEmp ) ) ;
localReport . SubreportProcessing + = new SubreportProcessingEventHandler ( LocalReport_SubreportProcessing ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
// GetParametersForLeave();
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter();
//this.ReportParams = reportParameters;
//if (reportParameters != null)
// ReportViewer.LocalReport.SetParameters(reportParameters);
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForMonthlyOTSheet ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , DateTime ProcessMonth , int PayrollTypeID , string reportType )
bool fixedotmonth = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigBooleanValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "overtime" , "fixedotmonth" ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_OTMonthlySheet" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
if ( fixedotmonth )
_rdlcName = "OTMonthlySheet.rdlc" ;
_rdlcName = "OTMonthlySheetWithMonth.rdlc" ;
_item = item ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( oFinalDT . TableName , oFinalDT ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
// GetParametersNew(PayrollTypeID);
GetParameters ( PayrollTypeID ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ProcessMonth" , ProcessMonth . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForOTBankDisbursement ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , DateTime OTMonth , int PayrollTypeID , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_DTOPI" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_rdlcName = "OTBankDisbursement.rdlc" ;
_item = item ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( oFinalDT . TableName , oFinalDT ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
// GetParametersNew(PayrollTypeID);
GetParameters ( PayrollTypeID ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Month" , OTMonth . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
return bytes ;
//public byte[] OTCostCenter(ReportItem item, DataSet dSet, DateTime OTMonth, int PayrollTypeID, string reportType)
// byte[] bytes = null;
// _rdlcName = "CCWiseOTSummary.rdlc";
// _item = item;
// string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, _rdlcName);
// string RDLC = filePath;
// LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport();
// localReport.DataSources.Clear();
// localReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
// localReport.Refresh();
// try
// {
// if (dSet != null && dSet.Tables.Count > 0)
// {
// foreach (DataTable table in dSet.Tables)
// {
// localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(table.TableName, table));
// }
// }
// localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
// // GetParametersNew(PayrollTypeID);
// GetParameters(PayrollTypeID);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
// }
// if (reportParameters != null)
// {
// localReport.SetParameters(reportParameters);
// }
// Warning[] warnings;
// string[] streamids;
// string mimeType;
// string encoding;
// string filenameExtension;
// bytes = localReport.Render(reportType, null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension,
// out streamids, out warnings);
// return bytes;
public byte [ ] ShowForEmpJoiningExceptionReport ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string dSalaryMonth , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
_rdlcName = "EmployeeJoiningInfo.rdlc" ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmpJoining4Novartis" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
// localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter ( "ExceptionMonth" , dSalaryMonth ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowForDiscontinueExceptionReport ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmployeeHistory" ;
_rdlcName = "EmployeeHistory.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowForBasicAndGradeReport ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmpGradeBasic" ;
_rdlcName = "EmpBasicGrade.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowForDesignationExceptionReport ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmpDesCatChange" ;
_rdlcName = "DesignationChange.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowForEmpAllowDeduct ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , DateTime fromDate , DateTime toDate , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmpAllowDeduct" ;
_rdlcName = "EmpAllowDeduct.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
ReportParameter oReportParameter = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , fromDate . ToString ( "MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( oReportParameter ) ;
oReportParameter = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , toDate . ToString ( "MMM yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( oReportParameter ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowFSSReport ( DataTable dtFSS , DataTable dtItems , string sAmount , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "rptNewFSS.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
dtFSS . TableName = "dsCompany_DTFSS" ;
dtItems . TableName = "dsCompany_DTFSSItems" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dtFSS ) ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dtItems ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , "PDF" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Amount" , sAmount ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBankAdvice ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int nReportID , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SalarySheet.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null ;
oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_BankAdvice" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
int authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 1 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 2 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 3 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 4 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , "" ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("DynamicGroup",DynamicGroup);
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSettlementAdvice ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "SettlementAdviceSheetNew.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_SettlementAdvice" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ReportType" , reportType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
//public byte[] ShowDlgForAssetAcknowledgement(ReportItem item, DataTable oFinalDT, string reportType, int payrollTypeId)
// byte[] bytes = null;
// DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
// string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "AssetSerial.rdlc");//change
// string RDLC = filePath;
// oFinalDT.TableName = "PayrollDataSet_AssetAcknowledgement";//change
// dSet.Tables.Add(oFinalDT);
// _item = item;
// LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport();
// localReport.DataSources.Clear();
// localReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
// try
// {
// if (dSet != null && dSet.Tables.Count > 0)
// {
// foreach (DataTable table in dSet.Tables)
// {
// localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(table.TableName, table));
// }
// localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
// }
// GetParameters(payrollTypeId);
// string name = string.Empty;
// rParam = new ReportParameter("ReportType", reportType);
// reportParameters.Add(rParam);
// if (reportParameters != null)
// localReport.SetParameters(reportParameters);
// Warning[] warnings;
// string[] streamids;
// string mimeType;
// string encoding;
// string filenameExtension;
// bytes = localReport.Render(reportType, null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension,
// out streamids, out warnings);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
// }
// return bytes;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForOPITotalValueRegister ( string item , DataTable oFinalDT , DateTime sFromOPIMonth , DateTime sToOPIMonth , int payrollTypeId , int itemId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_OPITotalValueRegister" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.OPITotalValueRegister.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
OpiItem opiItem = null ;
if ( itemId ! = null )
List < OpiItem > opiItems = new OpiItemService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
opiItem = opiItems . Where ( x = > x . ID = = itemId ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//List<ReportParameter> reportParameters = new List<ReportParameter>();
ReportParameter rParam1 = new ReportParameter ( "FromOPIMonth" , sFromOPIMonth . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam1 ) ;
ReportParameter rParam2 = new ReportParameter ( "ToOPIMonth" , sToOPIMonth . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam2 ) ;
ReportParameter rParam3 = new ReportParameter ( "OPIitem" , opiItem . Name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam3 ) ;
//this.ReportParams = _parameters;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( item , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowDlgForDigitalServiceBookReport ( ReportItem item , DataSet dSet , int empId , int payrollTypeId )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
2025-03-17 15:04:14 +06:00
string RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.DigitalServiceBook.rdlc" ; //AllDigitalServiceBook.rdlc";
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "../HRM.Report/RDLC/DigitalServiceBook.rdlc");
//string RDLC = filePath;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Photo" , _PATH ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( "PDF" , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
private void GetImageFromPayrollType ( int PayrollTypeID )
photoPath + = @"\PayrollTypeLogo_" + PayrollTypeID . ToString ( ) + ".jpg" ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( photoPath ) )
File . WriteAllBytes ( photoPath , new PayrollTypeService ( ) . GetCompanyImage ( PayrollTypeID ) ) ;
private void CreateTempDirectory ( )
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( photoPath ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( photoPath ) ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForEmpPosting ( DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_PostingDetails" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.EmpPostingDetails.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//this.ReportParams = _parameters;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForCCWReport ( string item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_CCWReport" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.CCWReport.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForCCDetailWReport ( string item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_CCDetailReport" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.CCDetailReport.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForUpCommingEmpForRekit ( string reportType , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_UpCommingEmp" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.UpCommingEmp.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForMRange ( string reportType , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId )
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_OTMonthRange" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.OTMonthRange.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBranchWOT ( string reportType , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeID )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_BranchWiseOT" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.BranchWiseOT.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeID ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForDivisionWOT ( string reportType , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeID )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_DivisionWiseOT" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.DivisionWiseOT.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeID ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowShowAllPFandDetails ( string reportType , DataSet dSet , int payrollTypeID )
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.ShowITPfAndOtherDetails.rdlc" ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeID ) ;
ReportItem ritm = new ReportItem ( ) ;
//this.ReportParams = _parameters;
//this.ReportParams =
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowPFLedger ( DataTable dTPFLedger , string reportType , string sEmpID , DateTime FromDate , DateTime toDate , string sEmpName , string sEmpNo , double opening , int payrollTypeID )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
dTPFLedger . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_PFLedger" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.PFLedger.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dTPFLedger ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeID ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "FromDate" , FromDate . ToString ( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "ToDate" , toDate . ToString ( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpName" , sEmpName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpNo" , sEmpNo ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Opening" , opening . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowPFExceptionReport ( string reportType , DataTable dtMonthlyPF , DataTable dtCRG , int payrollTypeID )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
dtMonthlyPF . TableName = "dsCompany_DTMonthlyPF" ;
dtCRG . TableName = "dsCompany_DtCostCenterTotal" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.PFExceptionNew.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dtMonthlyPF ) ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( dtCRG ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeID ) ;
//this.reportParameters = _parameters;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowForCandidateInfoReport ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string sessionDate , string sessionTime , string positionName , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
_rdlcName = "CandidateAssesmentDetails.rdlc" ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataset_CandidateInformation" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
// localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
ReportParameter parameter = new ReportParameter ( "SessionDate" , sessionDate ) ;
ReportParameter parameter1 = new ReportParameter ( "SessionTime" , sessionTime ) ;
ReportParameter parameter3 = new ReportParameter ( "PositionName" , positionName ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( parameter1 ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( parameter3 ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForSalarySheetNew ( string reportType , DataTable oFinalDT , int nReportID , int PayrollTypeID )
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC ;
ReportAuthorization oReportAuthorization = null ;
oReportAuthorization = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID ) ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_CCWiseSalarySheetNew" ;
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.NewCCWiseSalarySheet.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
//_item = item;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( PayrollTypeID ) ;
string name = string . Empty ;
int authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 1 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "PreparedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 2 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CheckedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 3 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "HeadofHRApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
authorizePersionId = new ReportAuthorizationService ( ) . Get ( nReportID , 4 ) . AuthorizePersionId ;
if ( authorizePersionId ! = 0 )
name = new AuthorizedPersonService ( ) . Get ( authorizePersionId ) . Name ;
if ( name ! = "" )
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "CCOApprovedBy" , name ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("DynamicGroup",DynamicGroup);
//this.ReportParams = reportParameters;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
internal byte [ ] ShowEmpLeaveEncashBalance ( ReportItem reportItem , DataSet dSet , string reportName , string reportType , int payrollTypeId )
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
//_item = reportItem;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = reportName ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
//this.ReportParams = _parameters;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowPerquisiteReport ( DataTable oDatatable , string salaryMonth , string salaryMonth2 , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
oDatatable . TableName = "dsCompany_dtPerquisite" ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , "TaxPerquisite.rdlc" ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oDatatable ) ;
List < PayrollType > oPRTypes = new PayrollTypeService ( ) . Get ( ) ;
PayrollType oPT = oPRTypes . Find ( delegate ( PayrollType oItemPT ) { return oItemPT . ID = = payrollTypeId ; } ) ;
string payrollType = oPT . Description ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SalaryMonth" , salaryMonth ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "SalaryMonth2" , salaryMonth2 ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "EmpParam" , payrollType ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out string mimeType , out string encoding , out string filenameExtension , out string [ ] streamids , out Warning [ ] warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] getAttendanceReport ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
_rdlcName = "EmployeeAttendance.rdlc" ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmpAttendance" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string filePath = Path . Combine ( folderPath , _rdlcName ) ;
string RDLC = filePath ;
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
localReport . Refresh ( ) ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
localReport . ReportPath = RDLC ;
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForBankDisbursmentWithRoutingNo ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , string reportType , int payrollTypeId , string rdlcName , DateTime SalaryMonth )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
//string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "Bank Advice.rdlc");
string filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC." + rdlcName ;
var companyNameObj = new SystemConfigarationService ( ) . GetconfigValue ( EnumConfigurationType . Logic , "system" , "company" ) ;
string companyName = Convert . ToString ( companyNameObj ) ;
//if (companyName == "SGS Bangladesh Limited")
// filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC.BankAdviceSGS.rdlc";
//if (companyName == "HNM")
// filePath = "HRM.Report.RDLC.BankAdviceSalaryHnm.rdlc";
string RDLC = filePath ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "dsCompany_BankAdviceWithRoutingNo" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
//_PATH = Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.jpg";
_item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//localReport.ReportPath = RDLC;
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//rParam = new ReportParameter("ReportType", reportType);
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
bool isRoundOff = false ;
if ( companyName = = "SGS Bangladesh Limited" )
isRoundOff = true ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "isRoundOff" , isRoundOff . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
rParam = new ReportParameter ( "Month" , SalaryMonth . ToString ( ) ) ;
reportParameters . Add ( rParam ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
2024-12-12 16:44:47 +06:00
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForEmployeeBasic ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC = "" ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmployeeInfoBasic" ;
if ( reportType = = "PDF" )
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.EmployeeInfoBasic.rdlc" ;
if ( reportType = = "EXCEL" )
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.EmployeeInfoBasicForExcel.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string _PATH = string . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
ReportItem _item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForEmployeeEvaluationSheet ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC = "" ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_EmployeeInfoBasic" ;
if ( reportType = = "PDF" )
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.EmployeeInfoBasic.rdlc" ;
if ( reportType = = "EXCEL" )
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.EmployeeInfoBasicForExcel.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string _PATH = string . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
ReportItem _item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
public byte [ ] ShowDlgForEmpLFDeletedHistory ( ReportItem item , DataTable oFinalDT , int payrollTypeId , string reportType )
DataSet dSet = new DataSet ( ) ;
string RDLC = "" ;
byte [ ] bytes = null ;
oFinalDT . TableName = "PayrollDataSet_DeletedLifeCycle" ;
if ( reportType = = "PDF" )
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.rptDeletedLifeCycle.rdlc" ;
if ( reportType = = "EXCEL" )
RDLC = "HRM.Report.RDLC.rptDeletedLifeCycleForExcel.rdlc" ;
dSet . Tables . Add ( oFinalDT ) ;
string _PATH = string . Empty ; // Application.StartupPath + @"\Logo.png";
ReportItem _item = item ;
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport ( ) ;
localReport . DataSources . Clear ( ) ;
localReport . EnableExternalImages = true ;
if ( dSet ! = null & & dSet . Tables . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataTable table in dSet . Tables )
localReport . DataSources . Add ( new ReportDataSource ( table . TableName , table ) ) ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("", table));
localReport . ReportEmbeddedResource = RDLC ;
//ReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Payroll.Report.RDLC.Payslip.rdlc";
GetParameters ( payrollTypeId ) ;
if ( reportParameters ! = null )
localReport . SetParameters ( reportParameters ) ;
Warning [ ] warnings ;
string [ ] streamids ;
string mimeType ;
string encoding ;
string filenameExtension ;
bytes = localReport . Render ( reportType , null , out mimeType , out encoding , out filenameExtension ,
out streamids , out warnings ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
throw new Exception ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return bytes ;
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00