
1222 lines
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2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
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<ConnectString>/* Local Connection */</ConnectString>
<DataSet Name="PayrollDataSet_Employee">
<CommandText>/* Local Query */</CommandText>
<Field Name="EmployeeID">
<Field Name="EmployeeNo">
<Field Name="EmployeeName">
<Field Name="TINNo">
<Field Name="Designation">
<Field Name="Location">
<Field Name="Division">
<Field Name="Gender">
<Field Name="Department">
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<Value>Assessment Year</Value>
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<Value>Income Year</Value>
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<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<TablixMember />
<Subreport Name="Subreport1">
<Parameter Name="prmEmpID">
<Subreport Name="Subreport2">
<Parameter Name="prmEmpID">
<Subreport Name="Subreport3">
<Parameter Name="prmEmpID">
<Parameter Name="OtherInvestment">
<Subreport Name="Subreport4">
<Parameter Name="prmEmpID">
<Textbox Name="Textbox3">
<Value>="This statement is electronicaly generated on " &amp;Format(Today(), "dd MMM yyyy") &amp;" and does not require any signature. You are resposible for ensuring the confidentility of this statement."</Value>
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<Value>Income Certificate</Value>
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<Value>="file:///" &amp; Parameters!Logo.Value</Value>
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<Value>="Print Date : " &amp; Format(Today(), "dd MMM yyyy")</Value>
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<Value>="Page " &amp; Globals!PageNumber &amp; " of " &amp; Globals!TotalPages</Value>
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<ReportParameter Name="CompanyInfo">
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<ReportParameter Name="Address">
<ReportParameter Name="Phone">
<ReportParameter Name="AssesmentYear">
<ReportParameter Name="FiscalYear">
<ReportParameter Name="SearchCriteria">
<ReportParameter Name="OtherInvestment">