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2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HRM.BO
public class EnumHelper
public static string GetEnumDescription(Enum value)
FieldInfo fi = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
DescriptionAttribute[] attributes =
(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
return (attributes.Length > 0) ? attributes[0].Description : value.ToString();
public enum EnumAuthStatus : short
None = 0,
Active = 1,
NewNotYetApprove = 2,
DeletedNotYetApprove = 3,
EditedNotYetApprove = 4,
Approved = 5,
Locked = 6,
Archived = 7,
Inactive = 8,
Inactive_Not_Yet_Approve = 9
public enum EnumRoleType : short
Admin = 1,
Self_Service = 2,
Mobile = 3,
public enum EnumUserFrom : short
Google = 1,
Facebook = 2,
SystemUser = 3,
public enum EnumLocation
Mirpur = 1,
Mirpur_security = 2,
Rupganj = 3,
Rupganj_security = 4,
Operational_HQ = 5,
Operational_HQ_security = 6,
Shalna = 7,
Shalna_security = 8,
Tongi = 9,
Tongi_security = 10
public enum EnumAttendanceDB
None = 0,
SQLServer = 1,
Access = 2,
Oracle = 3,
Text = 4
public enum EnumDataPermissionType
Cagtegory =1,
Grade =2 ,
Department = 3,
Location = 4
public enum EnumAgreementLetterStatus : short
None = 0,
IssueLetter = 1,
AcceptanceLetter = 2
public enum EnumTrackType
Branch = 0,
Client = 1
public enum EnumUserType
SuperUser = 0,
User = 1,
Employee = 2
public enum EnumAttachmentType
Leave = 1,
EmployeeTraining = 2,
EmployeeAcademic = 3,
EFiling = 4,
Notice = 5
public enum EnumReminderStatus
Pending = 0,
Done = 1
public enum EnumStatus : short
Regardless = 0,
Active = 1,
Inactive = 2,
//Role_Created_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 7,
//Role_Menu_Assigned_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 8,
//Role_Menu_Modified_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 9,
//User_Created_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 10,
//Role_Assigned_To_User_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 11,
//Role_Modified_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 13,
//Archived = 12,
//User_Inactive_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 15,
//Role_Approved_and_Menu_Not_Yet_Assigned = 16,
//Role_Approved_and_Menu_Assigned = 17,
//User_Active_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 18,
//PendingForActive = 19,
//PendingForInactive = 20,
//User_Modified_And_Waiting_For_Approve = 21,
//Locked = 22
public enum EnumClaimValueType
SystemGenerated = 1,
Manual = 2
public enum EnumTaxInvestment
Regardless = 0,
ESS = 1,
Admin = 2
public enum EnumTaxInvestmentStatus
Not_Yet_Approve = 0,
Approve = 1,
Reject = 2
public enum EnumTaxAITInvestment
Not_Yet_Approve = 0,
Approve = 1,
Reject = 2
public enum EnumTaxAttachment
Investment = 1,
Ait = 2
public enum EnumFieldTypeStatus
None = 0,
String = 1,
Date = 2,
Number = 3
public enum EnumSystemMode
Desktop = 1,
Web = 2,
Kiosk = 3,
Mobile = 4
public enum HolidayDayOfWeek
None = -1,
Auto = 0,
Sunday = 1,
Monday = 2,
Tuesday = 3,
Wednesday = 4,
Thursday = 5,
Friday = 6,
Saturday = 7
public enum EnumClaimWFStatus
[Description("Not Yet Submitted")]
None = 0,
EmpSubmitted = 1,
LMApproved = 2,
Rejected = 3,
[Description("Not Applicable")]
Not_Applicable = 4,
[Description("Desktop Entry")]
DesktopEntry = 7,
Revert = 5
public enum EnumConfigurationType : short
None = 1,
UI = 2,
Logic = 3,
Menu = 4
public enum EnumSearchObjDataType
String = 1,
Number = 2,
Date = 3,
DateWithTime = 4,
Object = 5,
boolean = 6
public enum EnumSearchToolColumnType
Employee = 0,
Organization = 1,
EmpContact = 2,
EmpNominee = 3,
EmpSpouse = 4,
EmpChildren = 5
public enum EnumQTModuleType
Employee = 0,
Leave = 1,
Attendance = 2,
Salary = 3
public enum ColumnDataTypeEnum : byte
Fixed = 0,
Boolean = 1,
String = 2,
Numeric = 3,
DateTime = 4
public enum OrderByEnum
None = 0,
Ascending = 1,
Descending = 2
public enum PickerTypeEnum : byte
None = 0,
Table = 1,
ManualSQL = 2,
UserDefined = 3
public enum EnumJdEducation : byte
None = 0,
Masters_Of_Business_Administration = 1,
Masters_Of_Science = 2,
Masters_Of_Social_Science = 3,
Masters_Of_Arts = 4,
Masters_Of_Commerce = 5,
Masters_Of_Business_Studies = 6,
Bachelor_Of_Business_Administration = 7,
Bachelor_Of_Science = 8,
Bachelor_Of_Commerce = 9,
Honours = 10,
Bachelor_Of_Arts = 11,
Bachelor_Of_Business_Studies = 12,
Bachelor_Of_Social_Science = 13,
Diploma_In_Engineering = 14,
Higher_Secondary_Certificate = 15,
Secondary_Certificate = 16,
Junior_School_Certificate = 17,
Below_Junior_School_Certificate = 18,
Not_Available = 19
public enum ColumnAlignmentEnum : byte
Left = 1,
Center = 2,
Right = 3
public enum enumStatusComponent
Grade = 1,
Location = 2,
Department = 3,
Designation = 4,
BasicSalary = 5,
GrossSalary = 6,
Function = 7,
Company = 8,
Confirmation = 9,
PFmember = 10,
Discontinue = 11,
Continue = 12,
Role = 13
public enum EnumMenuPermissionStatus
Approved = 1,
Added = 2,
Removed = 3
public enum EnumActor
Employee = 1,
Line_Manager = 2,
Second_Line_Manager = 3
public enum EnumObjectiveChangeType
Title = 1,
Description = 2,
Weightages = 3,
MeasuresOfSuccess = 4,
MeasuresOfSuccess2 = 5,
MYEmployeeComments = 6,
MYLMComments = 7,
ObjectiveType = 8,
YEEmployeeComments = 9,
YELMComments = 10,
StartDate = 11,
EndDate = 12,
MYAssessRating = 13,
MYLMAssessRating = 14,
MYEmpOverallComment = 15,
MYLMOverallComment = 16
public enum EnumWFSubmitStatus
Accept = 1,
Reject = 2,
Revert = 3,
Redirect = 4
public enum EnumReplacementDueTo
Regardless = 0,
Resignation = 1,
Termination = 2,
Transfer = 3,
Dismissal = 4,
Death = 5,
Other = 6
public enum EnumObjectiveStatus : short
No_Change = 0, New = 1, Updated = 2, Removed = 3, Freeze = 4
public enum EnumAssessment
None = 0,
BehindTarget = 1,
OnTarget = 2,
AheadOfTarget = 3
public enum EnumExceptionType
Error = 0,
Warning = 1,
Informational = 2,
Validation = 3
public enum EnumBATBBonusType
Management_Festival = 38,
Management_Corporate = 39,
NonMgt_Festival = 40,
NonMgt_Spring = 41,
NonMgt_Corporate = 42,
KLF_Spring = 43
////public enum EnumSurveyType
//// None = 0,
//// Self,
//// Managerial
public enum EnumDocType
Email = 1,
Event = 2,
Letter = 3
public enum EnumLeaveDayPeriod
FullDay = 1,
FirstHalf = 2,
SecondHalf = 3
public enum EnumBonusStatus
Open = 1,
Close = 2,
Suspended = 3,
public enum EnumCVOrgType
None = 0,
CVDesignation = 1,
CVOrganogram = 2,
public enum EnumApprovalFinancialData
Allowance = 1,
Deduction = 2,
Lifecycle = 3,
BankAccountHistory = 4
public enum EnumBadliStatus
Not_Assigned = 0,
Recruit = 1,
Confirm = 2,
Depart = 3,
Reject = 4
public enum EnumletterCreationType
Manual = 1,
file_selection = 2
public static class TagOutputConstant
#region Employee info
//employee info
public const string EmployeeNo = "<<EMPLOYEENO>>";
//public const string EmployeeName = "<<EMPLOYEENAME>>";
public const string FirstName = "<<FIRSTNAME>>";
public const string MiddleName = "<<MIDDLENAME>>";
public const string LastName = "<<LASTNAME>>";
public const string FullName = "<<FULLNAME>>";
public const string EmployeeDesig = "<<EMPLOYEEDESIG>>";
public const string EmployeeGrade = "<<EMPLOYEEGRADE>>";
public const string EmployeePresentAddress = "<<EMPLOYEEPRESENTADDRESS>>";
public const string EmployeeJoiningDate = "<<EMPLOYEEJOININGDATE>>";
public const string EmployeeBasicSalary = "<<EMPLOYEEBASICSALARY>>";
public const string EmployeeGrossSalary = "<<EMPGrossSalary>>";
public const string EmployeeLocation = "<<EMPLOYEELOCATION>>";
public const string EmployeeCC = "<<EMPLOYEECC>>";
public const string EmployeeDept = "<<EMPLOYEEDEPT>>";
public const string EmployeeDiv = "<<EMPLOYEEDIV>>";
public const string BasicInWords = "<<BASICWORDS>>";
public const string EmpConfirmDate = "<<EmpConfirmDate>>";
public const string EmpPassportNo = "<<EmpPassportNo>>";
public const string EmpPrvDesignation = "<<EmpPrvDesig>>";
public const string EmpPrvGrade = "<<EmpPrvGrade>>";
public const string EmpPrvRC = "<<EmpPrvRC>>";
public const string EmpPrvLocation = "<<EmpPrvLocation>>";
public const string PromotionEffectiveDate = "<<ProEffDate>>";
public const string PassportNo = "<<PassportNo>>";
public const string ParmanentAddress = "<<EMPPermanentAddress>>";
public const string TIN = "<<EMPTIN>>";
public const string FatherName = "<<EMPFather'sName>>";
public const string MotherName = "<<EMPMother'sName>>";
public const string BirthDate = "<<EMPBirthDate>>";
public const string PFDeduction = "<<EMPPFDeduction>>";
// offer letter & joining letter
public const string Salutation = "<<SALUTATION>>";
public const string Reference = "<<REFERENCE>>";
public const string CurrentDate = "<<CURRENTDATE>>";
public const string Subject = "<<SUBJECT>>";
public const string SBUName = "<<COMNAME>>";
public const string LineManagerName = "<<LINEMANAGERNAME>>";
public const string LineManagerDesig = "<<LINEMANAGERDESIG>>";
public const string SBUAddress = "<<COMADDRESS>>";
public const string GroupHeadHRName = "<<HEADHRNAME>>";
public const string GroupHeadHR = "<<HEADHR>>";
public const string DateOfConfirmation = "<<DATEOFCONFIRMATION>>";
public const string RetirementDate = "<<RetirementDate>>";
public const string EmploymentType = "<<EmploymentType>>"; //category
public const string EndOfContractDate = "<<EndOfContractDate>>";
public const string NoticeDate = "<<NoticeDate>>";
//miscellaneous---case sensitive
public const string HeShe = "<<HeShe>>";
public const string heshe = "<<heshe>>";
public const string HisHer = "<<HisHer>>";
public const string hisher = "<<hisher>>";
public const string HimHer = "<<HimHer>>";
public const string himher = "<<himher>>";
// training
public const string TrainingType = "<<TRAININGTYPE>>";
public const string TrainingName = "<<TRAININGNAME>>";
public const string ScheduleStartDate = "<<SCHEDULESTARTDATE>>";
public const string ScheduleEndDate = "<<SCHEDULEENDDATE>>";
public const string ScheduleStatus = "<<SCHEDULESTATUS>>";
// For Recruitment
public const string RecruitmentName = "<<RecruitementName>>";
public const string RecruitmentStartDate = "<<RecruitmentStartDate>>";
public const string ExamName = "<<ExamName>>";
public const string ExamDateTime = " <<ExamDateTime>>";
public const string CandidateAddress = "<<CANDIDATEADDRESS>>";
public const string CandidateName = "<<CANDIDATENAME>>";
public const string CandidateDesig = "<<CANDIDATEDESIGNATION>>";
public const string CandidateGrade = "<<CANDIDATEGRADE>>";
public const string CandidateBasic = "<<CANDIDATEBASIC>>";
public const string AllowHR = "<<ALLOWHR>>";
public const string AllowLTA = "<<ALLOWLTA>>";
public const string AllowConveyance = "<<ALLOWCONVEYANCE>>";
public const string AllowTotal = "<<TOTAL>>";
public const string AcceptWithIN = "<<ACCEPTWITHIN>>";
public const string JoiningBefore = "<<JOINBEFORE>>";
public const string NoticePeriodMonth = "<<NOTICEPERIODMONTH>>";
public const string StartDate = "<<STARTDATE>>";
public const string CarAllowDesript = "<<CARALLOWANCEDESCRIPTION>>";
public const string IssueDate = "<<ISSUEDATE>>";
public const string ParentDeptName = "<<PARENTDEPTNAME>>";
public const string DeptName = "<<DEPARTMENT>>";
public const string JoiningDate = "<<JOININGDATE>>";
public const string Gender = "<<GENDER>>";
public const string BasicSalary = "<<BASICSALARY>>";
public const string SalaryInWords = "<<SALARYINWORDS>>";
public const string JobLocation = "<<JOBLOCATION>>";
public const string LineManagerDesignation = "<<SUPERVISORDESIGNATION>>";
public const string FathersName = "<<FATHERSNAME>>";
public const string MothersName = "<<MOTHERSNAME>>";
#region Candidate info
//public const string CandidateName = "<<CANDIDATENAME>>";
public enum EnumUserLogInMode
SuperUser = 1,
Normal = 2,
PowerUser = 3
public enum HolidayType
General = 1,
Executive_Order = 2,
Hartal = 3,
Other = 4,
Festival_Holiday = 5
public enum EnumPURequestType
public enum EnumPURequestStatus
None = 0,
Requested = 1,
Approve = 2,
Reject = 3
public enum EnumArearProcessItemType
Basic = 1,
Allowance = 2,
Deduction = 3,
OT = 4,
Bonus = 5,
PF = 6,
IncomeTax = 7,
OPI = 8,
NetPay = 9,
Miscellaneous = 10,
Gross = 11,
TotalDeduct = 12,
OtherDeductions = 13
//Basic_Salary = -101,=>1
//Over_Time_Hours = -102,=>4
//Bonus = -107,=>5
//Allowance = -113,=>2 ItemID
//Deduction = -115,=>3, ItemID
//PF_Contribution = -128,=>6
//Inc_Tax_Deduction = -129,=>7
//OPI ?
public enum EnumArearTranSide
None = 0,
Debit = 1,
Credit = 2
public enum EnumLoanGroup
PF_Loan = 1,
General_Loan = 2,
Flat_Amount = 3
public enum EnumLetterOrganizationType
Embassy = 1,
Bank = 2,
//University = 2,
Others = 3,
public enum EnumLetterRequestPurpose
NOC = 1,
Business_Visa_Letter = 2,
[Description("Experience Certificate")]
Employment_Certificate = 3,
Employment_Certificate_with_JD = 4,
Salary_Certificate = 5,
NOC_To_Whom_it_may_concern = 6,
Employment_Certificate_to_whom_it_may_concern = 7,
Salary_Certificate_to_whom_it_may_concern = 8,
// Travel_NOC_Personal = 9,
[Description("NOC For Embassy/Immigration")]
NOC_For_Immigration =9,
[Description("NOC For Embassy/Immigration")]
Visa_Request_NOC_Personal = 10,
Registration_Letter_With_Notice_Period = 11,
[Description("Employment Certificate")]
Experience_Certificate = 12
public enum EnumBusinessTemplateType
Salary_Certificate = 1,
Visa_Application = 2,
University_Admission = 3,
Credit_Card = 4,
Experience_Certificate = 5,
Travel_NOC_Business = 6,
Travel_NOC_Personal_with_Family = 7,
Travel_NOC_Personal_without_Family = 8,
Employment_Certificate = 9,
Salary_Without_Increment_Letter = 10,
Salary_With_Increment_Letter = 11,
Letter_Request_Business_Letter = 12,
Letter_Request_Employment_Certificate = 13,
Letter_Request_Employment_Certificate_with_JD = 14,
Letter_Request_Salary_Certificate = 15,
Letter_Request_NOC_To_Whom_it_may_concern = 16,
Letter_Request_Employment_Certificate_to_whom_it_may_concern = 17,
Letter_Request_Salary_template_to_whom_it_may_concern = 18,
Letter_Request_Insurance_of_visa_perosnal_trip = 19,
Letter_Request_Resignation_letter_with_notice_period = 20,
public enum enumLetterVisaType
Single_Entry = 1,
Multiple_Entry = 2,
Multiple_Entry_Schengen = 3
public enum EnumLetterRequestApprovalNeeded
Yes = 1,
No = 2
public enum EnumLetterRequestTrip
None = 0,
Personal_Trip = 1,
Business_Trip = 2
public enum EnumLetterRequestStatus
//Approved = 1,
//Waiting_For_Approve = 2,
//Rejected = 3,
//Approval_Not_Required = 4
Draft = 0,
Submitted = 1,
Approved = 2,
Rejected = 3
public enum enumwfStatus
// Do not change this enum values without discuss shamim
Not_yet_Initiated = 0,
Received = 1,
Passed = 2,
Revert = 3,
Decline = 4,
Approve = 5,
End = 6,
Exception = 7,
Not_yet_Submitted = 8,
Cancel_Request = 9,
Cancel = 10,
Cancel_Reverted = 11,
Settled = 12
public enum EnumRelationType
Spouse = 0,
Child = 1,
Self = 2
public enum EnumClaimRequsitionStatus
Darft = 0,
Submitted = 1,
Approved = 2,
Rejected =3,
[Description("Approved and Paid")]
Approved_and_Paid = 4,
public enum EnumClaimPaymentType
Paid = 1,
With_Salary = 2,
Reject = 4,
Paid_By_Clearance = 5
public enum EnumFinancialApproveType
None = 0,
Salary = 1,
Bonus = 2,
JV = 3,
Final_Settlement = 4
public enum EnumBarcodeFor
Letter = 1,
InsuranceClaim = 2
public enum EnumCustomBasicControl
None = 0,
Grade = 1,
Category = 2,
Department = 3,
Location = 4,
Designation = 5,
GradeSagment = 6,
CostCenter = 7,
Religion = 8,
Function = 9,
Company = 10,
TrainingType = 11,
Complaints = 12,
Punishment = 13,
Skills = 14,
SkillLevel = 15,
SurveyQuestion = 16,
ProdBonusSetup = 17
public enum EnumControlType
None = 0,
AutoComplete = 1
public enum EnumColumnDataType
Int = 0,
Double = 1,
String = 2,
Date = 3,
Boolean = 4
public enum EnumAssessmentFor : short
Employee = 0,
Candidate = 1,
Trainee = 2
public enum EnumAssessmentFormType : short
Recruitement = 0,
Training = 1,
Confirmation = 2
public enum EnumPRBStatus
None = 0,
Submitted = 2,
Approved = 3,
Rejected = 4
public enum EnumSendMail
None = 0,
public enum EnumBasicDataItemGroup
Category = 0,
Grade = 1,
Department = 2,
Location = 3,
Religion = 4,
Designation = 5
public enum BasicCodeItem
Code = 0,
Name = 1
public enum LogInStatus
InvalidPassword = 1,
public enum EnumCustomBasicControlType
ListView = 0,
TreeView = 1
public enum EnumBonusItemType
Department = 0,
Designation = 1
public enum EnumProductionBonusType
Sewing = 1,
Printing = 2,
Cutting = 3,
Finishing = 4
public enum EnumAccessType
None = 0,
SelfAccessType = 1,
ManagerialAccessType = 2
public static class OvertimeConstant
public const int SHIFT_OVER_TIME = 1;
public const int HARTAL_OVER_TIME = 2;
public const int NATIONAL_HOLIDAY_OVER_TIME = 3;
public const int ADDITIONAL_HOUR_OVERTIME = 5;
public static class PayrollTypeIDConstant
public const int Management = 1;
public const int Non_Management = 2;
public const int Kustia = 3;
public const int Kustia_Seasonal = 4;
public const int Badli_Casual = 5;
public const int Apprentice = 6;
public enum EnumGradeSalaryEffect
Grade = 1,
Salary = 2,
Both = 3
public enum EnumAllowOrDeduct
Allowance = 1,
Deduction = 2,
public enum EnumOverTimeType
NONE = 0,
DailyFlatAmount = 1,
HourlyFlatAmount = 2,
DailyBasicPercent = 3,
HourlyBasicPercent = 4,
FixedAmount = 5,
HoursOfMonth = 6,
Slab = 7,
AnyAmount = 8
public enum EnumPaymentType
GeneralType = 1,
Daily = 2,
Hourly = 3,
FixedType = 4
public enum EnumPaymentNature
Employee = 1,
ThirdParty = 2,
PaidInKind = 3
public enum EnumChronology
NotNeeded = 1,
Month = 2,
MonthRange = 3,
Date = 4,
DateRange = 5,
Year = 6
public enum EnumOpiType
Provision = 1,
Payment = 2,
Final_Settlement = 3
public enum EnumOpiPeriodicity
Monthly = 1,
OnceOff = 2,
Annual = 3,
//AveragePayment = 4,
//OnAmount = 5,
//BonusProvision = 6
public enum EnumOpiPaymentType
Manually = 1,
FromSetup = 2,
FromProvision = 3
public enum EnumLTType
None = 0,
LTIP = 1,
DSBS = 2
public enum EnumPaymentMode
CashPayment = 1,
BankTransfer = 2,
Provision = 3
public enum EnumLoanPaymentMode
NotYetpayment = 0,
Salary = 2,
Cash = 3
public enum EnumTaxMergeType
NONE = 1,
Allowance = 2,
Deduction = 3,
OT = 4,
Bonus = 5,
Settlement = 6,
TaxAdjustItem = 7,
LeaveEncashment = 8,
Compensation = 9,
NoticePayDeduction = 10
public enum EnumIncomeTaxDataFrom
ProcessedData = 1,
ProcessTempData = 2,
SalaryITTempData = 3,
BonusITTempData = 4
public enum EnumAttnBenefitProcessType
Daily_Attendance = 1,
Manual_Entry = 2,
Manual_Entry_Single_Employee = 3
//public enum EnumIncomeTaxType
// Male = 1,
// Female = 2,
// Age = 3
//public enum EnumTaxMergeComponent
// BASIC = 1,
// Allowance = 2,
// Deduction = 3,
// TimeCard = 4,
// Bonus = 5,
// PF = 6,
// Settlement = 7,
// Other = 8
public enum EnumComponentType
Allowance = 1,
Deduction = 2,
PF = 3,
OPI = 4,
OverTime = 5,
Bonus = 6,
Loan = 7
public enum EnumBATGrandFather
Allowance = 1,
Bonus = 2,
Leave = 3,
Gratuity = 4,
OPI = 5,
Pension = 6
public enum EnumBenefitDefinationType
Gross = 1,
Guranteed_Cash = 2
public enum EnumBasicItem
None = 0,
Category = 1,
Location = 2,
Department = 3,
Religion = 4,
Designation = 5,
Grade = 6,
CostCenter = 7
public enum EnumPayScaleItemType
None = 0,
Basic = 1,
Allowance = 2
public enum EnumLoanFraction
WithFraction = 0,
FractionFirstMonth = 1,
FractionLastMonth = 2,
RemoveFraction =3
public enum EnumArrearType
Regardless = 0,
NotPresent = 1,
ToCalculate = 2,
Paid = 3
public enum EnumSalaryGroup
Gross = 1,
UnauthLeave = 2,
Deductions = 3,
Miscellaneous = 4,
OtherItem = 5,
Arrear = 8
public enum ITHead
Rent_Free_Accomodation = 2,
Free_Use_Company_Transport = 1
public enum EnumTaxSlabType
Male = 1,
Female = 2,
Age = 3,
Disable = 4,
Freedom_Fighter = 5
public enum EnumPersonType
None = 0,
Disable = 1,
Freedom_Fighter = 2
public enum EnumProfileStatus
Inserted_By_Employee = 0,
Approve = 1,
Edit_By_Employee = 2,
Edit_By_Admin = 3,
Delete_By_Employee = 4,
Delete_By_Admin = 5
public enum EnumFileFormat
Picture = 1,
Pdf = 2
public enum enumEmpFileUploadType
photo = 1,
signature = 2,
certificates = 3,
nationalID = 4,
Mobile = 5,
passport = 6,
bloodGroup = 7,
training = 8,
TIN = 9,
Education = 10,
Experience = 11,
Nominee = 12,
NomineePicture = 13,
NomineeSignature = 14,
DrivingLicense = 15,
MarriageCertificate = 16,
BirthCertificate = 17,
PermanentAddress = 18,
PresentAddress = 19
public enum EnumTaxAttachmentType
TaxReturn = 1
public enum EnumIncomeTaxSide
Inc_SalaryIncome = 6,
Dec_SalaryIncome = 7,
Inc_AnnualIncome = 8,
Dec_AnnualIncome = 9,
Tax_fixed_Item = 10,
Inc_GrossTax = 11,
Dec_GrossTax = 12,
Tax_Info_Item = 13
public enum EnumLeaveSuspension
Suspended = 1,
UnauthorizedLeave = 2
public enum EnumDynamicControlType
public enum EnumGender
None = 0,
Male = 1,
Female = 2,
Other = 3
public enum EnumBaseStation
None = 0,
Dhaka = 1,
Other = 2
public enum EnumFileType
InternalRecruitment = 1,
CV = 2,
Image = 3,
PDF = 4,
Word = 5,
Excel = 6,
Text = 7,
ClaimRequisition = 8,
ErCVProfilePhoto = 9,
CVProfilePhoto = 10,
ErCV = 11
public enum EnumQuestionAnswerFileType
Question = 1,
Answer = 2
public enum EnumShortLeaveType
UnOfficial = 0,
Official = 1
public enum EnumMealDeductionType
Employee = 0,
Driver = 1
public enum EnumMaritalStatus
None = 0,
Married = 1,
UnMarried = 2,
Divorced = 3,
Widow = 4
public enum EnumOrganizationType
None = 0,
Academic = 1,
Charitable = 2,
Professional = 3,
Social = 4
public enum EnumCrestTranType
Credit = 1,
Debit = 2,
NONE = 3
public enum EnumTranSide
Debit = 1,
Credit = 2
public enum EnumTrainingCompletedFrom
None = 0,
Own = 1,
Company = 2
//TrainingInstitute = 1,
//TrainingConductedByCompany = 2,
public enum EnumBloodGroup
None = 0,
APos = 1,
ANeg = 2,
BPos = 3,
BNeg = 4,
OPos = 5,
ONeg = 6,
ABPos = 7,
ABNeg = 8,
NA = 9
public enum EnumOGPositionType
CEO = 1,
HOHR = 2,
DH = 3,
BM = 4,
Man_COM = 5,
Others = 6,
Trusty = 7
public enum EnumSalaryItemCode
Basic_Salary = -101,
Over_Time_Hours = -102,
Over_Time_Amount = -103,
Bonus = -107,
Allowance = -113,
Deduction = -115,
Advance_Deduction = -116,
Loan_Monthly_Installment = -118,
Loan_Monthly_Interest = -119,
Loan_Payment = -201,
Loan_Remain_Installment = -124,
Loan_Remain_Interest = -125,
Loan_Remain_Balance = -126,
PF_Contribution = -128,
Inc_Tax_Deduction = -129,
Inc_Tax_Tot_Taxable = -130,
Inc_Tax_Yearly_Amount = -131,
Net_Payable = -132,
Tot_UnauthLeave_Days = -133,
Tot_Arrear_Days = -134,
Tot_Attend_Days = -135,
Conv_Days = -136,
Short_Leave_Amount = -137,
OPI = -138,
Leave_Days = -139,
Total_HoliDays = -140,
Delay_Days = -141,
Total_Days = -142,
Working_Hour = -143,
Tot_UnauthLeave_Adjust_Days = -134,
Extra_Allowance_Days = -144,
Lunch_Allowance_Days = -145,
Lunch_Allowance_Rate = -146,
Tifin_Allowance_Days = -147,
Tifin_Allowance_Rate = -148,
Special_Allowance_Days = -149,
Special_Allowance_Rate = -150,
Night_Allowance_Days = -151,
Night_Allowance_Rate = -152,
National_Holiday_Allowance_Days = -153,
National_Holiday_Allowance_Rate = -154,
public enum EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup : int
None = 0,
Basic_Salary = -201,
Other_Allowance = -202, // All allowance except house rent, conveyance, medical and LFA, if these items are not exampted
House_Rent_Allowance = -203,
Exemption_House_Rent_Allowance = -204,
Conveyance_Allowance = -205,
Exemption_Conveyance_Allowance = -206,
Medical_Allowance = -222,
Exemption_Medical_Allowance = -223,
Company_Contri_PF = -207,
Interest_Credited_PF = -208,
Exemption_Interest_PF = -209,
TimeCard = -224, // OT
Bonus = -213,
Bonus_TaxAmount = -221, // might be currently not used
Adjusted_Cash_Deduct = -229,
Earned_Leave = -230,
Adjusted_Cash_Add = -231,
Other_Cash_Benefits = -214, // might be currently not used
Cmp_Provided_car = -215,
Cmp_Provided_House = -232,
Annual_Salary_Income = -216,
Annual_Income = -217,
Gross_Tax = -218,
Tax_Credit_On_Investment = -210,
Tax_Gross_Rebate = -225,
Tax_Gross_Refund = -226,
Tax_Gross_OtherRebate = -227,
Tax_Gross_OtherAddable = -228,
Net_Payable = -211,
Tax_Deducted = -212,
Investment_Actual = -219,
Investment_Allowed = -220,
LFA_Allowance = -233,
Exemption_LFA_Allowance = -234,
Tax_Refund_On_Current_Year = -235,
WPPF_Allowance = -236,
WPPF_Examption = -237,
AnnualExemption = -305,
OPI = -138,
Leave_Days = -139,
Total_HoliDays = -140,
Delay_Days = -141,
Total_Days = -142,
Working_Hour = -143,
Extra_Allowance_Days = -144,
Lunch_Allowance_Days = -145,
Lunch_Allowance_Rate = -146,
Tifin_Allowance_Days = -147,
Tifin_Allowance_Rate = -148,
Special_Allowance_Days = -149,
Special_Allowance_Rate = -150,
Night_Allowance_Days = -151,
Night_Allowance_Rate = -152,
National_Holiday_Allowance_Rate = -154,
public enum EnumTrainingSchStatus
Not_yet_Approved = 1,
Approved = 2,
Completed = 3
//public enum EnumEmployeeStatus
// StatusLive = 1,
// Discontinue = 2,
// StatusSuspend = 3,
// DiscontinueAfterSalary = 4,
// WithHeld = 5,
// LiveHeldNotPaid = 6
#region EnumOperationalStatus
public enum EnumOperationalStatus
None = 0,
Add = 1,
Edit = 2,
Delete = 3,
Unchanged = 4
public enum EnumLoanActivity
LoanIssue = 19, // accroding to SyatemTranType Table
BodilyShift = 2,
Reschedule = 3,
DelayCharge = 4,
EarlySettlement = 5,
public enum EnumLoanTransactionType
None = 0,
LoanIssue = 19, //Accroding to SystemTranType Table
MonthlyInstallmentRealization = 20,
LoanEarlySettlement = 21
public enum EnumEmployeeStatus
Live = 1,
Discontinued = 2,
Secondy = 3,
Suspend = 4,
Withheld = 5,
Waitingforjoin = 6,
Didnotjoin = 7,
IA = 8,
Regardless = 9
////For Wartsila
public enum EnumRole
Front_Office = 1,
Back_Office = 2,
None = 3
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
//public enum EnumEmployeeOtherStatus
// Confirmed = 4,
// Converted = 10,
// Posting_Change = 11,
// CostCenter_Change = 12,
// Grade_Salary_Change = 13,
// Discontinue_AfterNext_Salary = 14
public enum EnumSlabType
BasicSalary = 0,
CasualLeave = 1
public enum EnumSlabAmountType
FlatAmount = 0,
ActualBasic = 1,
Percentage = 2
public enum EnumFSLeaveHead
Basic = 1,
Houserent = 2,
Medical = 3,
Utility = 4,
Upkeep = 5
public enum EnumFASOwnComp
Own = 1,
Comp = 2
public enum EnumPFParmaType
PF = 1,
CPF = 2,
IntRate = 3
public enum EnumPFMembershipType
NotYetLive = 0,
Live = 1,
DiscontinuedfromPayroll = 2
public enum EnumSide
Add = 1,
Deduct = -1
public enum EnumTranType
Advance = 1,
Expense = 2,
public enum EnumJVEmpType
RegardLess = 1,
Expat = 2,
Local = 3
public enum enumPayrollComponentType
Basic_salary = 1,
Allowance = 2,
Deduction = 3,
Over_Time = 4,
Bonus = 5,
Loan = 6,
LoanInterest = 7,
PF = 8,
CPF = 9,
Gratuity = 10,
IncomeTax = 11,
Net_pay = 12,
OPI = 13,
Final_settlement = 14,
Earn_Leave = 15,
FSSNoticePay = 16,
FSSNetPay = 17,
FSSLeave = 19,
OPINetPay = 20,
public enum EnumEmployeeType : short
Regardless = 0,
Salary = 1,
Wages = 2
public enum EnumPeriodicity
Monthly = 1,
OneOff = 2,
RegardLess = 3,
Schedule = 4,
Periodic = 5
public enum EnumEntitleType
Regardless = 0,
Grade = 1,
Individual = 2
public enum EnumPFTranType
PFAmount = 1,
CPFAmount = 2,
Withdrawal = 3,
OwnInt = 4,
CompInt = 5,
OpeningPFAmount = 6,
OpeningCPFAmount = 7,
OpeningOwnInt = 8,
OpeningCompInt = 9,
OwnYearlyInt = 10,
CompYearlyInt = 11
public enum EnumBankAccountType
SalaryAccount = 1,
OutPayAccount = 2
public enum EnumPageType
HorizonPage = 1,
VerticPage = 2
public enum EnumLeaveType
General = 3,
Unauthorized = 2,
SuspendedEmp = 1,
RegardlessLeave = 0
public enum EnumMaternityLeaveStatus
Prenatal = 0,
Postnatal = 1,
FullPayment = 2
public enum EnumMaternityItemDetailType
GrossSalary = 1, //GrossSalary=Basic + House Rent allowance + Conveyance Allowance + Special Allowance
OT = 2,
ExtraWorkAllowance = 3,
BonusFestival = 4,
BonusDressAllowance = 5,
MedicalAllowance = 6,
SpecialConveyanceAllowance = 7,
Others = 8,
Days = 9,
Total = 10
public enum EnumFASHeadItem
FASSalComponent = 1,
FASOT = 2,
FASNetPay2Bank = 3,
FASPF = 4,
FASAUL = 10,
public enum EnumSearchEmployeeGroup
None = 1,
Category = 2,
Grade = 3,
Department = 4,
Location = 5,
public enum EnumAddress
CorporateAddress = 1,
FactoryAddress = 2
public enum EnumFooterAppearance
OnEachPage = 1,
OnLastPage = 2
public enum enumFalgStatus
True = 0,
False = 1
public enum EnumSalaryHead
Allowance = 1,
Deduction = 2,
Reimbursement = 3,
public enum EnumSearchFrom
Employee = 1,
Salary = 2,
Bonus = 3,
OutSidePayroll = 4,
PFTran = 5,
OverTime = 6,
Loan = 7,
IT = 8,
Attendance = 9,
WorkPlanGroup = 10
public enum EnumReportType
None = 100,
DLP = 1,
Grade = 2,
GradeSegment = 3,
Designations = 4,
Categiries = 5,
//Employee (16-30)
Employees = 16,
EmployeePosting = 17,
EmployeeAllInfo = 18,
EmpCostCenter = 19,
BankGuarantee = 20,
EmpIndvidualDetail = 21,
EmpUpcomingInfo = 22,
EmpHistory = 23,
EmpRetirement = 24,
EmpService = 25,
EmpEnvelop = 26,
EmpServiceBook = 27,
//OverTime (31-35 and 167-168)
OTHour = 31,
OTPaySlip = 32,
OTBankAdvice = 33,
OTHourSheet = 34,
OTMonthRange = 35,
OTBranch = 167,
OTDivision = 168,
OTCostCenter = 169,
OTBankDisbursement = 170,
BankAdvice = 36,
BankAdviceWithRoutingNo = 50,
BankAdviceSGS = 360,
NewBankAdvice = 1111, //new
CashDisbursement = 37,
PayRegister = 38,
OverAllSummary = 39,
SalaryControl = 40,
PaySlip = 41,
Envelop = 42,
SalaryReconcil = 43,
SalaryReconcilItemWise = 143,
SalaryReconcilSGS = 430,
SalaryControl1Page = 44,
IndvSalaryComponent = 45,
ChangeNotes = 46,
ChangeNotesSummary = 47,
CCSalaryDetails = 48,
CCSalarySummary = 49,
CCSalarySheet = 249,
SalaryComparison = 51,
Memorandum = 52,
SalarySMS = 53,
SalarySheetSummary = 54,
ExtendedSalarySheet = 540,
SalarySheetArrear = 57,
SalaryBankSummary = 55,
SalaryWithheldSheetSummary =56 ,
SalaryByMonthAndYear = 111111,
SalarySheetForIDLC = 110,
SalarySheetWithOPIItems = 111,
SalarySheetForIDLCWithOPIItems = 112,
PayrollSummary = 113,
BranchWiseSalarySummary = 302,
CostCenterWiseSalaryDetails = 303,
DivisionWiseReport = 305,
DepartmentWiseReport = 306,
CTCDetail = 307,
CCReportToFinance = 308,
CostCenterWiseSummary = 309,
PreRequisite = 310,
CTCComparison = 311,
PromotionSalarySheetDetail = 312,
PromotionSalarySheetSummary = 313,
ChangeInLocation = 314,
JoiningReport = 315,
IncrementDetail = 316,
IncrementSummary = 317,
IncrementComparison = 318,
BranchWiseSalaryDetail = 321,
BranchWiseOPIDetails = 322,
BranchWiseDeductionDetails = 323,
CashAdviceReport = 324,
CashRegister = 98,
DivisionWiseSalary = 58,
CostCenterWise = 59,
SalarySheetExtended = 60,
CostInformation = 260,
SalarySheetBuyerWise = 261,
SalarySheetDeptWise = 262,
BanglaPayslip = 263,
BuyerWiseBanglaPayslip = 264,
SalaryStracture = 223,
SalaryReconciliationSummary = 501,
ItemWiseSalary = 502,
SalaryreconciliationForAllitems = 503,
SalaryCertificate = 504,
EmployeesMasterData = 505,
StuffListWithoutSalary = 506,
StuffAccountWithoutSalary = 507,
SalaryComparisonNew = 508,
AuditReport = 509,
PFLedger = 61,
PFRegister = 62,
PFCertificate = 63,
PFYrlyRegister = 64,
PFTotalInvestment = 65,
MonthlyPF = 24,
//Income Tax(66-70)
ITAnnual = 66,
ITMonthly = 67,
ITRegister = 68,
ITIndividual = 69,
ITInvestment = 70,
ITPerquisite = 147,
ITReport108 = 252,
ITReport177 = 177,
EmployeeTaxDetails = 253,
ITReportWithoutProjection = 255,
EmployeesTaxDeducted = 256,
ITReport108onPaidAmount = 257,
TaxInvestment = 258,
TaxChallan = 259,
EssTaxCard = 270,
TaxCertificate = 271,
MultipleTaxCard = 272,
TaxPerquisite = 273,
BonusBankAdvice = 71,
BonusRegister = 72,
PaySlipForBonus = 73,
LoanIssue = 81,
LoanDue = 82,
Loan = 83,
//Outside Payslip
OutPayslip = 86,
OutPayRegister = 87,
OutCashDisbursementRegister = 88,
OutPayBankAdvice = 89,
OutPaymentRegister = 90,
OutPayLedger = 91,
OutPayEmployeeCost = 92,
DetailOtherPayrollItem = 300,
DeductionReport = 301,
CostCenterWiseOPIDetails = 304,
OPIPayslip = 319,
IDLCOPIRegister = 320,
ItemWiseOPI = 321,
ManagersPtt = 322,
//ManagersMedical = 323,
UnAuthorizedLeave = 93,
EmpWorkingHours = 94,
EmpITInvestment = 95,
MultipleEmpLeaveBalance = 96,
EmpLeaveLedger = 97,
MultipleEmpLeaveLedger = 102,
LeaveEncashmentBankAdvice = 99,
CCWiseLeaveEncashmentReturn = 101,
MarketSurvey = 106,
URBProvision = 116,
Appraisal = 117,
URBRegister = 150,
URBDetail = 151,
//Payroll Type Change Histry
PTCHistry = 118,
//Final Sattlement
FinalSattlement = 119,
BankLetter = 120,
EmployeeHistory = 121,
PermissionList = 145,
ChangeHistry = 146,
CCHistory = 147,
PositionWiseSalary = 148,
Payscale = 149,
EmailPayslip = 999,
//For Attendance Module
DailyAttendance = 160,
MonthlyAttendances = 161,
MonthlyLateAtten = 162,
FASSalaryAllocation = 163,
FASSWJV = 164,
PFrevenue = 165,
GL = 166,
//Attendance report
DailyInOut = 200,
DailyAbsent = 201,
MonthlyAttendance = 202,
MonthlyDetailAttendance = 203,
AttendanceInformation = 204,
DailyInOutAndAbsent = 205,
MultipleEmpJobCard = 206,
AttendanceSummary = 207,
AttendanceSummaryWithInOut = 208,
SingleEmpJobCard = 209,
//Attendance Report For Buyer
DailyInOutForBuyer = 230,
DailyAbsentForBuyer = 231,
MonthlyAttendanceForBuyer = 232,
MonthlyDetailAttendanceForBuyer = 233,
//Journal Voucher(240-245)
JVReport = 240,
EmployeeWiseJVReport = 241,
CCWiseJVReport = 242,
JVSummaryReport = 243,
FinalSettlement = 244,
//Employee Life Cycle
EmpLifeCycle = 245,
Workflow = 246,
HnMEmpLeaveLedger = 401,
LeaveRegister = 402,
DigitalServiceBook = 1000,
SalaryAllocationReportEmployeeWise = 1001,
SalaryAllocationReportCostCenterWise = 1002,
SalaryAllocationSummaryReport = 1003,
PaySlipEcho = 701,
EchoSalarySheet = 702,
SalarySheetEcho = 703,
SalarySheetEchoNew = 704,
BankAdviceEcho = 705,
OverallSummaryEcho = 706,
SalaryReconEcho = 707,
SalaryReconSummaryEcho = 708,
BanglaPaySlipEcho = 709,
ItemWiseSalaryEcho =710,
CashAdviceEcho = 711,
MultipleEmployeeJobCardEcho = 712,
DailyPresentEcho = 713,
DailyAbsentEcho = 714,
AttendanceInformationEcho = 715,
DailyInOutEcho = 716,
DailyAttnSummaryEcho = 717,
InOutMissingEcho = 718,
MonthlyKpiEcho = 719,
EmployeeWiseCardInfoEcho =720,
EmployeeBasicInfoEcho = 721,
EmployeeEvaluationSheet = 722,
LifeCycleDeletedHistor = 723,
2024-10-14 10:01:49 +06:00
OtBankDisbursementHnm = 801,
BonusRegisterHnm = 802,
BankAdviceSalaryHnm = 803,
BonusBankAdviceHnm =804,
OpiBankDisbursementHnm = 805,
OpiRegisterForTotalValue = 806,
CostCenterWiseSalaryDetailsHNM = 807,
SingleJobCardLiNFunf = 605,
MultipleEmployeeJobCardLiNFunf = 606,
AttendanceSummaryLiFung = 607,
DailyPresentLiFung = 608,
DailyAbsentLiFung = 609,
DailyOddLiFung = 610,
DailyAttnLiFung = 611,
EmployeeBasicInformationSGS = 901,
EmployeeCurrentPostingDetailSGS = 902,
EmployeesCostAllocationDetailsSGS = 903,
EmployeesCostInformationDetailsSGS = 904,
ShowItInvestmentSGS = 905,
CCSalaryDetailsSGS = 906,
CCSalarySummarySGS = 907,
PRBCalculationSGS = 908,
public enum EnumProductionBonusReportType
Monthly_Production_Bonus = 0,
Employee_and_Design_Wise_Prod_Bonus = 1,
Production_Bonus_Detail = 2,
Design_Wise_Prod_Bonus_Attendance = 3
public enum EnumItemType
NotNeeded = 1,
LeaveType = 2,
Bonus = 3,
Advance = 4,
IncomeTax = 5,
VPA = 6,
SalaryItem = 7,
PF = 8
public enum EnumPropertyValue
Regardless = 3,
Yes = 1,
OtherThan = 0
public enum EnumSQLOperator
None = 0,
EqualTo = 1,
NotEqualTo = 2,
GraterThan = 3,
SmallerThan = 4,
Between = 5,
NotBetween = 6,
In = 7,
NotIn = 8,
Like = 9,
Null = 10,
NotNull = 11
public enum EnumRegularDataUpload
None = 0,
EmployeeWithBasic = 1,
Allowance = 2,
Deduction = 3,
OPI = 4,
TC = 5,
Leave = 6,
EmployeeConfirmation = 7,
EmpDiscontinue = 8,
SalaryData = 9,
Bonus = 10,
TaxAdjustCurrYear = 11,
EmployeeBankAccount = 12,
ITInvestment = 13,
TaxChallan = 14,
SalaryRemarks = 15,
ESB = 16,
EmpGradeSalary = 17,
EmployeeAttendance = 18,
TaxData = 19,
EmployeeLoan = 20,
EmployeeLoanSetup = 21,
EmpSalaryComponent = 22,
EmpCC = 23,
EmpVendorCode = 24,
EmpHRData = 25,
EmpAllHRData = 26,
CVDocument = 27,
LifeCycle = 28,
EmpRole = 29,
EmpSingle = 30,
EmpMultiple = 31,
EmpGeneralCont = 32,
PFOpening = 33,
OPI_Parameter_Individual = 34,
EmpAddressData = 35,
ExceptionAllowance = 36,
NotApplicableAllowance = 37,
Organogram = 38,
LTAdata = 39,
WPPFAllowance = 40,
EmployeeRegularUpload = 41,
EmpCardInfo = 42,
EmpWorkPlanSetup = 43,
OrganogramData = 44,
LineManager = 45,
EmployeeProfileUpload = 46,
LeaveBalance = 47,
LeaveEntry = 48,
TaxInvestment = 49,
AitUpload = 50,
OTImport = 51,
EmpWorkplanUpload = 52,
TemporaryShiftAssignmentUpload = 53,
PFYearlyInterest = 54,
LeaveEntryLf = 55,
EmployeeLineManagerUpload = 200,
CoordinatorUpload = 201,
LeaveEncashDays = 57,
EmployeeAttendanceLM = 58,
EmployeeAttendanceCordinator = 59
public enum EnumMessageType
Error = 1,
Success = 2
public enum EnumCardStatus
UnAssigned = 0,
Free = 1,
Temporary = 2,
Lost = 3,
Found = 4,
Attached = 5,
Detached = 6
public enum EnmSetupManagerTranType
None = 0, Grade = 1, Location = 2, Category = 3, Designation = 4
public enum EnumSetupDetailType : short
OT = 1,
Bonus = 2
public enum EnumAttendanceType
//Present = 1,
//Absent = 2,
//Delay = 3,
//Leave = 4,
//Holiday = 5,
WeeklyOff = 6,
//TourDuty = 7,
//OfficialDuty = 8,
Compensation = 9,
ManualEntry = 10,
//Late = 11
None = 0,
Present = 1,
Absent = 2,
Delay = 3,
Late = 11,
Early = 12,
Leave = 4,
Holiday = 5,
OutSideDuty = 7,
WeeklyHoliday = 8,
HalfDay = 18,
LOA = 22
public enum EnumAttendanceStatus
All = 1,
Present = 2,
Rest = 3,
Present_Odd = 4,
Leave = 5,
National_Holiday = 6,
Absent = 7
public enum EnumReportItemType
NotNeeded = 1,
LeaveType = 2,
Bonus = 3,
Advance = 4,
IncomeTax = 5,
VPA = 6,
SalaryItem = 7,
PF = 8,
OPI = 9,
BankAdviceSalary = 10,
EmployeeBasicAndDetails = 11,
Loan = 12
public enum EnumBankCash
All = 0,
Bank = 1,
Cash = 2
public enum EnumLogoutType : short
NotInitiate = 0,
User = 1,
Superuser = 2,
ResetLoginTime = 3,
WebUser = 4
public enum EnumTermType : short
Normal = 1,
Slab = 2,
AnyAmount = 3
public enum EnumTaxCircle : short
CityCorporation = 0,
Municipal = 1,
Union =2
public enum EnumADEmpType : short
Exception = 1,
NotApplicable = 2,
AppliedToIndividual = 3,
public enum EnumOPIIndivdualType : short
Exception = 1,
NotApplicable = 2,
AppliedToIndividual = 3,
public enum EnumValueType : short
Amount = 1,
Other = 2
public enum EnumFSTranType : short
FSReceivable = 1,
FSPayable = 2,
FSProvisionReverse = 3
public enum EnumFSItemCode : short
Leave = 1,
PF = 2,
Gratuity = 3,
OT = 4,
Bonus = 5,
Gross = 6,
FractionateSalary = 7,
Other = 8,
Loan = 9,
CPF = 10,
LFA = 11,
NoticePay = 12,
Provision = 13,
FSProvision = 14,
WPPF = 15,
PFLoan = 16,
OPI = 17,
LTA = 18,
Medical = 19,
LeaveEncashment = 20,
Compensation = 22,
NoticPeriodAmount = 23,
Benifit = 24,
Voluntary_Gratuity = 25,
Pension = 26,
Asset = 27,
PFLapsAndForfeiture = 28,
PFLoanInterest = 29,
WPPFTax = 30,
Claim = 32
public enum EnumParameterSetup
None = 0,
OT = 1,
Bonus = 2,
SalaryDeduct = 3,
Gratuity = 4,
Leave = 5
public enum EnumIncomeTaxHead : short
None = 0,
House = 1,
Car = 2,
public enum EnumSearchParameter : short
FromDate = 1,
ToDate = 2,
CategoryID = 5,
DesignationID = 6,
GradeID = 7,
ReligionID = 8,
DepartmentID = 9,
BranchID = 10,
Name = 11,
FromEmployeeNO = 12,
ToEmployeeNO = 13,
Status = 14,
Posted = 15,
Confirm = 16,
OTEligible = 17,
BonusId = 18,
Gender = 19,
JoiningDate = 22,
FinalizedSalary = 24,
SalaryBarchID = 25,
OPIID = 26,
Expatriate = 27,
TermID = 28,
BankID = 29,
PFMember = 30,
AssingedAccCard = 31,
LocationID = 32,
GradeSegmentID = 33,
CostCenterID = 34,
PayrollTypeID = 35,
EmployeeNo = 36,
CompanyID = 37,
TrainingTypeID = 38,
TaxParameterID = 39,
ComplaintID = 40,
PunishmentID = 41,
SkillID = 42,
BonusProcessID = 43,
ReportID = 44,
ProductionBonusSetupID = 45,
NationalID = 46,
IA = 47,
WorkPlanGroupID = 48,
LM = 49,
JoiningDateFrom = 50,
JoiningDateTo = 51,
EmployeeNoIn = 52,
public enum EnumLeaveStatus
/* Drafted = 0, OnApproval = 1, Approved = 2, Declined = 3, Availed = 4*/
Regardless = -1, Drafted = 0, OnApproval = 1, Approved = 6, Reverted = 3, Declined = 4, Availed = 5, Cancel_Request = 9, Cancel = 10, Cancelled_by_user = 11
public enum LeaveApplicableType
Probetionary = 0, Confirmed = 1, Regardless = 2
public enum EnumGatePassStatus
None = 0, Applied = 1, Approved = 2, Rejected = 3
#region Attendence
public enum EnumEntryMode
Unknown = 0,
In = 1,
Out = 2
public enum EnumHolidayType
Weekend = 1,
National = 2,
Other = 3
//Added by Motiur
public enum EnumWorkPlanGroup
Fixed = 2,
Counter_Clock_1 = 1,
Counter_Clock_2 = 3,
Counter_Clock_3 = 4,
Counter_Clock_4 = 5,
Counter_Clock_5 = 6,
Counter_Clock_6 = 7,
Counter_Clock_7 = 8,
Counter_Clock_8 = 9,
Double_Shift_1 = 10,
Double_Shift_2 = 11,
Double_Shift_3 = 12,
Double_Shift_4 = 13,
Two_Days_Shift_1 = 14,
Two_Days_Shift_2 = 15,
Three_Days_Shift_1 = 16,
Three_Days_Shift_2 = 17,
//public enum EnumWorkPlanGroupType
// Fixed = 1,
// Triple_Shift_Auto = 2,
// Triple_Shift_Fixed = 3,
// Double_Shift_Fixed = 4,
// Exception = 5
public enum EnumLateAttendanceType
NotApplicable = 1,
Nine_0am_to_Nine_14am = 2,
Nine_15am_to_Nine_29am = 3,
Nine_30am_to_Ten_59am = 4,
Eleven_0am_to_One_30pm = 5,
public enum EnumWorkPlanDayType
WeeklyHoliday = 1,
NationalHoliday = 2,
WorkingDay = 3,
HartalDay = 4,
public enum EnumattnBeniftsType
Basic = 1,
Allowance = 2,
OT = 3
//public enum EnumPayrollType : short
// Management = 1,
// TopManagement = 2,
// NonManagement = 3
public enum EnumLifeCycleComponent
Category = 1,
Department = 2,
Position_With_Properties = 3,
Designation = 4,
Grade = 5,
Location = 6,
Basic_salary = 7,
PF_Member = 8,
Continue = 9,
Confirm = 10,
Discontinue = 11,
Function = 12,
Company = 13,
Gross_salary = 14,
Cost_Center = 15,
Position_Without_Properties = 16,
Force_Remove_From_Position = 17,
Role = 18,
IA = 19,
undo_salary_Withheld = 21
public enum EnumAuthorityType
Reporting = 1,
Doted = 2
public enum EnumWFRuleType
StraightAuthority = 1,
FixedOGNode = 2,
Designation = 3,
Manual = 4,
OrganizationStructure = 5
public class workflowConstants
public const int WF_Initiator_Tier = 1;
//public enum enumwfStatus
// Not_yet_Initiated = 0,
// Received = 1,
// Passed = 2,
// Revert = 3,
// Decline = 4,
// Approve = 5,
// End = 6,
// Exception = 7,
// Not_yet_Submitted = 8,
// Cancel_Request = 9,
// Cancel = 10
public enum EnumWFCvSortStatus
Not_Yet_Completed = 0,
Completed = 1
public enum EnumWFReceiveStatus
public enum EnumWFNotifyType
Email = 1,
SysNotification = 2
public enum enumMailSendType
To = 1,
CC = 2,
BCC = 3
//public enum EnumDays : short
// Friday = 1,
// Saturday = 2,
// Sunday = 3,
// Monday = 4,
// Tuesday = 5,
// Wednesday = 6,
// Thursday = 7
public enum EnumWeeklyHolidayType
None = 0,
Normal = 1,
Alternative = 2,
HalfDay = 3,
All = 4
#region Enumeration : InstituteType
public enum EnmInstituteType
None = 0, Educational = 1, Training = 2, EduactionalAndTraining = 3
public enum EnumSystemType
Admin = 1,
Self_Service = 2
public enum EnumCompensatoryLeaveFor
None = 0,
Day_Off = 1,
Hartal = 2,
Festival = 3
public enum EnumHalf
First_Half = 1,
Second_Half = 2
public enum EnumLanguageEfficiency
None = 0,
Basic = 1,
Intermideate = 2,
Advanced = 3
public enum EnumAnswerType
None = 0,
INT = 1,
public enum EnumBasedOnPercent
None = 0,
Basic = 1,
Base = 2,
Gross = 3,
Fixed_Amount = 4
public enum EnumBudgetChangeType
None = 0,
Discontinue = 1,
Basic = 2,
Grade = 4,
Function = 5,
Department = 6,
Location = 7,
CC = 8
public enum EnumBudgetComponent
None = 0,
Allowance = 1,
Deduction = 2,
OPI = 3,
Bonus = 4
public enum EnumBudgetDetailType
None = 0,
Individual = 1,
Exception = 2,
Not_Applicable = 3
public enum EnumIsPrimary
YES = 1,
NO = 0
public enum EnumMonths
None = 0,
January = 1,
February = 2,
March = 3,
April = 4,
May = 5,
June = 6,
July = 7,
August = 8,
September = 9,
October = 10,
November = 11,
December = 12
public enum EnumBudgetGroup
Gross = 1,
Deduction = 2,
Miscellanies = 3
public enum EnumBudgetCode
Basic_Salary = 1,
Allowance = 2,
Deduction = 3,
OPI = 4,
Bonus = 5,
IncomeTax = 6,
CTC = 7,
PF = 8,
Guranted_Cash = 9
public enum EnumSurveyOn
Basic = 1,
Base = 2,
Cash = 3,
CTC = 4
public enum EnumSurveyQuestionType
None = 0,
// Weight = 1
public enum EnumSurveyType
None = 0,
Weight = 1,
public enum PMPStatus
NotYetInitiate = 0,
Target_Setting = 1,
Midyear_Appraisal = 2,
Final_Appraisal = 3
public enum PMPWFStatus
Draft = 1,
InProcess = 2,
Complete = 3,
Decline = 4,
Revert = 5
public enum EnumOnBoradStatus
None = 0,
NotYetInitiated = 1,
CVPosting = 2,
CVCollection = 3,
InterviewStarted = 4,
InterviewCompleted = 5,
OfferLetterProvided = 6,
Appointmentletterprovided = 7,
Joined = 8,
//None = 0,
//NotYetInitiated = 1,
//CVPosting = 2,
//CVCollectionInitiated = 3,
//CVCollectionInitiatedDone = 4,
//CVSortingbyUser = 5,
//CVCollectionComplete = 6,
//Viva = 7,
//Written = 8,
//FinalSelectionComplete = 9,
//OfferLetterProvided = 10,
//Appointmentletterprovided = 11,
//Joined = 12
public enum EnumReferredBy
CompanyEmployee = 1,
Other = 2
public enum EnumResult
Pass = 1,
Fail = 2
public enum EnumRecruitementProcess
None = 0,
Started = 1,
Posponed = 2,
Completed = 3
public enum EnumAssesmentStatus
None = 0,
Start = 1,
Complete = 2
public enum EnumRecruitementStep
Viva = 1,
Written = 2,
Final_Selection = 3
public enum EnumInterViewSesstionStatus
Not_Yet_initiated = 1,
Rescheduled = 2,
Cancelled = 3,
Completed = 4
public enum EnumTrainingFrequency
Select_Frequency = 0,
ONE_OFF = 1,
public enum EnumTSStatus
Nominated = 6,
Enrolled = 7,
Incomplete = 9,
Complete = 8,
Request_Declined = 4,
Requested = 1
public enum EnumVendorType
//Courier = 1,
//TrainingInstitute = 2,
//RecruitementVendor = 3
public enum EnumVendorPaymentMode
Receive = 1,
Payment = 2
public enum EnumNotificationMedium
Email = 1,
SMS = 2,
WEB = 3
public enum EnumNotificationStatus
InProcess = 1,
Closed = 2
public enum EnumNotificationType
Notification = 1,
Action_Monitoring = 2,
Meeting_Minutes = 3
public enum EnumHrNotificationType
Manual = 1,
System_Generated = 2
public enum EnumPerticipantType
Employee = 1,
Vendor = 2,
Applicant = 3,
WFID = 4
public enum EnumSendStatus
NotEligable = 1,
NotSent = 2,
Sent = 3
public enum EnumResignationClearanceStatus{
public enum EnumResignationType
Resign = 1,
Terminate = 2,
Retire = 3
public enum EnumResignStatus
Sumitted = 1,
Approved = 2,
Rejected = 3,
Payment_Advice_forwarded =7,
public enum EnumRequestType
LTA = 1,
Medical = 2,
Insurance = 3,
Letter = 4,
Loan = 5,
MedicalClaim = 6,
AIT = 7,
Recognition = 8
public enum EnumHeadCountRequestType
None = 0,
New = 1,
Additional = 2,
Replacement = 3
public enum EnumLetterType
Visa_Letter_Business_Trip_With_Family = 1,
Salary_Certificate = 2,
Visa_Letter_Business_Trip = 3,
Visa_Letter_Personal_Trip = 4,
Visa_Letter_Personal_Trip_With_Family = 5,
Loan_Letter_Bank = 6
public enum EnumTransferCombination
None = 0,
SMS = 1,
Email = 2,
Web = 3,
SMS_Email = 4,
SMS_Web = 5,
Email_Web = 6,
SMS_Email_WEb = 7
public enum EnumCardUserType
Employee = 0,
Father = 1,
Mother = 2,
Spouse = 3,
Children = 4
public enum EnumEmpReqStatus : short
RM = 0,
DH = 1,
HR = 2,
CEO = 3,
Approved = 4
public enum EnumAssetInventoryType : short
Asset = 1,
FixedItem = 2
public enum EnumAssetStatus : short
None = 0,
Free = 1,
Assigned = 2,
public enum EnumClaimType : short
General_In_Patient = 1,
General_Out_Patient = 2,
Optical = 3,
Maternity = 4,
Dental = 5,
Mobile_Bill = 6,
Car_Fuel = 7,
Others = 8
public enum EnumAssetTranType : short
Receive = 1,
Assign = 2,
HandOver = 3,
public enum EnumAssetReceiverType : short
Employee = 1,
Department = 2,
Location = 3
public enum EnumAssetHandoverType:short
Faulty = 1,
Lost = 2,
public enum EnumReasonForLeaveing : short
PromotionalOpportunity = 0,
Changeintypeofwork = 1,
Lackofchallengeinjob = 2,
Poorsupervision = 3,
Jobdidnotmeetoriginalexpectations = 4,
Redeployment = 5,
Relocation = 6,
CompensationorBenefits = 7,
Personal = 8,
Returningtoschool = 9,
Companycultureclimate = 10,
Other = 11,
public enum EnumUPDStatus : short
None = 0,
Regular = 1,
Absent = 2,
Late = 3,
Accept = 4,
Reject = 5
public enum EnumProcessMode
Auto = 0,
Manual = 1
public enum EnumAttnProcessStatus
SuccessWithoutError = 0,
Error = 1,
SuccessWithError = 2
public enum EnumBaordMemberMarkEntryStatus
Not_Required = 1,
Permission_Given = 2,
Entry_Completed = 3
public enum EnumErrorType
WorkGroupUndefine = 0,
ShiftNotFound = 1,
ServiceException = 2,
Exception = 3,
//InTime = 2,
//OutTime = 3,
//WeekEnd = 4,
//Leave = 5,
//Holiday = 6,
Others = 4,
BasicData = 5,
MonthlyRosterUndefined = 6
public enum EnumCicularColumnType
Position = 1,
KeySellingPoints = 2,
Vacancy = 3,
JobContext = 4,
JobResponsibilities = 5,
EmploymentStatus = 6,
Workplace = 7,
EducationalRequirements = 8,
ExperienceRequirements = 9,
AdditionalRequirements = 10,
JobLocation = 11,
Salary = 12,
CompensationandOtherBenefits = 13,
JobSource = 14
public enum EnumLeaveCalculationType
Hourly = 0,
Yearly = 1,
Monthly_Earn = 2,
Hourly_365Day = 3,
Hourly_Monthly = 4,
OneDay_On_18Day_Present = 5,
Hourly_Prorated = 6,
Days_365 = 7,
Yearly_without_Prorated = 8
public enum EnumLeaveparamOn
Grade = 1,
Location = 2
public enum EnumPhotoType
EmployeePicture = 0,
EmployeeSignature = 1,
NomineePicture = 2,
NomineeSignature = 3,
HospitalizationPicture = 4
public enum EnumWagesType
Monthly = 1,
Daily = 2,
Hourly = 3,
Apprentice = 4
public enum EnumShiftHourType
Consider_Shift_Hour = 0,
Consider_Entire_Present_Hour = 1,
Hours_Over_Shift = 2
public enum EnumMinimumTaxType
Municipal = 1,
City_Corporation = 2
public enum EnumRewardStatement
Cash_Component = 1,
Benefit_Component = 2,
Benefit_Description = 3
public enum EnumGradeLocationType
Grade = 1,
Location = 2
public enum EnumTopTeam
Top_Team = 1,
Non_Top_Team = 2
public enum EnumSAPProcessStatus
None = 0,
Success = 1,
Error = 2
public enum EnumDataIntegrationType
EmployeeBasic = 1,
public enum EnumReceiveStatus : short
Success = 1,
Error = 2
public enum EnumPMPStatus
NotYetInitiate = 0,
Objective_Setting = 1,
Midyear_Appraisal = 2,
Final_Appraisal = 3
//public enum EnumRecommendationType : short
// Transfer = 1,
// TransferWithPromotion = 2,
// Allowance = 3,
// Confirm = 4,
// ConfrimWithPromotion = 5,
// ConfrimExtend = 6,
// ContractRenew = 7
public enum EnumRecomendationLevel : short
LM = 1,
SecondLM = 2,
HR = 3,
Director = 4,
Board = 5
public enum EnumRecommendationType : short
//Transfer = 1,
//Promotion = 2,
//Allowance_Monthly = 3,
// Contract_Renew = 4,
//Confirm = 5,
//Others = 6,
//Transfer_With_Promotion = 7,
//Confirm_With_Promotion = 8,
//Transfer_With_Allowance = 9,
//Transfer_With_Confirm = 10
Promotion = 1,
Slab = 2,
Yearly = 3,
Others = 4
public enum EnumPMPActor : short
//All = 1,
Employee = 2,
Supervisor = 3,
SecondSupervisor = 4
public enum EnumPMPActorMidYear : short
//All = 1,
Employee = 2,
Supervisor = 3
public enum EnumPMPProcess : short
Objective_Setting = 1,
Development_Plan = 2,
Mid_Year = 3,
Year_End = 4
public enum EnumPMPStatus2 : short
NotYetDone = 1,
Done = 2,
Agreed = 3,
/*Conversation_Not_Done = 4,
Conversation_Status_Pending = 5*/
public enum EnumPMPStatusSupervisor : short
Done = 2,
Aggred = 3
public enum EnumPMPStatusSESupervisor : short
Done = 2
public enum EnumPMPStatusObjectiveSetting : short
Not_Yet_Done = 1,
Done = 2,
LM_Agreed = 3
public enum EnumPMPAutorizedType : short
PMP = 1,
//Midyear = 2,
//Yearend = 3,
Apprisal_Form = 4
public enum EnumObjectiveCategory : short
Band = 1,
Tier = 2
public enum EnumObjectiveType : short
Strategic = 1, Operation = 2, People = 3
public enum EnumObjectiveFlowStatus : short
Not_Yet_Initiated = 0, Agreed = 1, Not_yet_Agreed = 2, Revert = 3, Draft = 4, Submit = 5, Draft_For_Employee = 6, Not_Agreed = 7, Editable = 8
public enum EnumPMSNotificationStatus : short
None = 0, OBJNotify = 1, MidNotify = 2, YENotify = 3, YE2Notify = 4
public enum EnumObjectiveRating
None = 0,
UnderAchieved = 1,
Achieved = 2,
OverAchieved = 3
public enum EnumPMPReports
Program_Project_Status_Low_Performing_Staff = 0,
public enum EnumTaskType
None = 0,
Notification = 1,
PendingJob = 2
public enum EnumWFAttnStatus
[Description("Not Yet Submitted")]
None = 0,
[Description("Employee Submitted")]
EmpSubmitted = 1,
[Description("LM Approved")]
LMApproved = 2,
[Description("DH Approved")]
DHApproved = 3,
[Description("HR Approved")]
HRApproved = 4,
[Description("Not Applicable")]
NotApplicable = 5,
Reject = 6
public enum EnumInternalRecruitmentType
None = 0,
New = 1,
Replacement = 2
//public enum EnumRequisitionApprovalStatus
// Not_Initiated = 0,
// InProcess = 1,
// Approved = 2
public enum EducationEnum
None = 0,
Any = 1,
Diploma = 2,
Bachelors_Honors = 3,
Masters = 4,
Doctorial = 5,
Others = 6
public enum EnumRequisitionApprovalStatus
[Description("Not Initiated")]
Not_Initiated = 0,
[Description("In Process")]
InProcess = 1,
Approved = 2,
Decline = 3
public enum EnumOfferLetterStatus
not_Initiated = 0,
InProcess = 1,
Approved = 2
public enum ComputerRequisitionEnum
Yes = 1,
No = 2,
public enum EnumSalaryComponent
Basic = 1,
Allowance = 2,
Bonus = 3
#region Fund
public enum EnumTrustyStatus : short
None = 0,
Inactive = 1,
Active = 2
public enum EnumEmpStatus : short
All = 0,
public enum EnumTranEffect : short
Nothing = 0,
Increase = 1,
Decrease = 2,
public enum EnumElementType : short
None = 0,
NonTotalType = 1,
TotalType = 2
public enum EnumTranTypeCategory : short
None = 0,
Member = 1,
Loan = 2,
Investment = 3
public enum EnumVoucherSetupStatus : short
None = 0,
Active = 1,
Inactive = 2
public enum VoucherTypeEnum : short
None = 0,
BankPayment = 1,
BankReceipt = 2,
BankToBank = 3,
BankToCash = 4,
CashToBank = 5,
CashToCash = 6,
CashPayment = 7,
CashReceipt = 8,
JournalVoucher = 9,
public enum EnumMemberTranType : short
Nothing = 0,
Contribution_Of_Employee_Provident_Fund = 1,
Contribution_Of_Company_Provident_Fund = 2,
Opening_Employee_Provident_Fund = 3,
Opening_Company_Provident_Fund = 4,
Opening_Actual_Employee_Provident_Fund_Interest = 5,
Opening_Actual_Company_Provident_Fund_Interest = 6,
Monthly_Actual_Employee_Provident_Fund_Interest = 7,
Monthly_Actual_Company_Provident_Fund_Interest = 8,
Yearly_Actual_Employee_Provident_Fund_Interest = 9,
Yearly_Actual_Company_Provident_Fund_Interest = 10,
Monthly_Dividend_Realization = 11, // accroding to SystemTranType Table
Withdrawl_Of_Employee_Provident_Fund = 22,
Withdrawl_Of_Company_Provident_Fund = 23,
Withdrawl_Of_Employee_Provident_Fund_Interest = 24,
Withdrawl_Of_Company_Provident_Fund_Interest = 25,
Settlement_Interest_Employee_Provident_Fund = 27,
Settlement_Interest_Company_Provident_Fund = 28,
Employee_Provident_Fund_LTA = 31,
Company_Provident_Fund_LTA = 32
public enum EnumFundType : short
Nothing = 0,
public enum EnumMemberDvdntDuration : short
Half_Yearly = 0,
Yearly = 1
public enum EnumLoanStatus
All = 1,
Running = 2,
Close = 3,
Open = 4
public enum EnumLoanIssueStatus
Loan_Initiated = 1,
Loan_Verified = 2,
Loan_Approved_By_GS = 3,
Loan_Approved_By_Treasurer = 4,
Loan_Approved_By_Chairman = 5,
Loan_Decline = 6,
Loan_Issued = 7,
Installments_Recovered = 8
public enum EnumLoanCategoryStatus
None = 0,
Active = 1,
Inactive = 2
public enum EmpSuppotInfoTypeEnum : short
All = 0,
EmpCategory = 1,
Grade = 2,
Dept = 3,
CC = 4,
Designation = 5
public enum EnumGLType
None = 0,
Asset = 1,
Liability = 2,
Income = 3,
Expenditure = 4,
public enum EnumGLHeadType
None = 0,
AccountPayable = 1,
AccountReceiveable = 2,
Bank = 3,
Cash = 4,
CostOfGoodsSold = 5,
CostAccountCurrent = 6,
CostAccountOpening = 7,
CostAccountClosing = 8,
FinishedGoods = 9,
FixedAsset = 10,
ProfitLossAccount = 11,
PurchaseAccount = 12,
RawMaterials = 13,
WorkInProcess = 14,
WPPF = 15,
ProvisionForIncomeTax = 16,
ProvisionForDeferredIncomeTax = 17,
FactoryOverHead = 18,
Packing = 19,
InventoryAccount = 20
public enum EnumAttnRegularizationModule
Personal = 0,
LineManager = 1,
DepartmentHead = 2
public enum EnumSchedularType
None = 0,
Birthday = 1,
Work_Aniversary = 2,
Daily_Attendance_Report = 3,
Previous_Weekly_Attendance_Report = 4,
Previous_Monthly_Attendance_Report = 5,
Pending_Approval = 6,
Previous_Day_Attendance_Report = 7,
Previous_Day_Approved_LeaveEntry_Report = 8,
Yesterday_Absent_Notification_LM = 10,
LiFung_Leave_upload = 11,
MonthlyAttendanceSummaryLM = 13,
AttendanceAutoProcess = 14
public enum EnumActorType
None = 0,
Admin = 1,
Applicant = 2
public enum EnumSchedularReportFormat
None = 0,
PDF = 1,
public enum EnumSettlementClearanceStatus
Pending = 1,
Completed = 2
public enum EnumSettlmentAdviceStatus
Prepared = 1,
InApproval = 2,
Approved = 3,
Payment_Done = 4
public enum EnumMobilePunchType
In = 0,
Out = 1,
Visit = 2
public enum EnumIsFromMobile
None = 0,
FixedIn = 1,
FixedOut = 2,
FixedInOut = 3,
RemoteIn = 4,
RemoteOut = 5,
RemoteInOut = 6,
FixedInRemoteOut = 7,
FixedOutRemoteIn = 8
public enum EnumSponsoredType
None = 0,
TrainingBeforeJoining = 1,
TrainingConductedByCompany= 2,
SelfInitiatedTraining = 3,
TrainingBeforeJoiningButAtCompany = 4
public enum EnumAppraisalPointType
None = 0,
Objective = 1,
Values = 2
public enum EnumPMPRatingType
//None = 0,
//Values = 1,
//BellCurve = 2,
//Objective = 3,
//Recommendation = 4,
//All = 5
All = 0,
Objective = 1,
Values = 2,
BellCurve = 3,
Recommendation = 4
public enum EnumBellCurveType
None = 0,
LineManager = 1,
Employee = 2,
Standard = 3
public enum EnumCalibrationStatus : short
NotYetAssigned = 0,
Assigned = 1,
Calibrated = 2
public enum EnumSuccessorType : short
Internal = 1,
OutSide = 2
public enum EnumSuccessorReadiness : short
ReadyNow = 1,
ReadyInOneYear = 2,
ReadyInTwoYears = 3