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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Payroll.BO;
using Ease.CoreV35;
using Ease.CoreV35.Model;
using Ease.CoreV35.Caching;
using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms;
namespace Payroll.Report
public class rptBankAdvice
private ReportSetup _selectedParameter;
public rptBankAdvice()
public ReportSetup SelectedParameter
_selectedParameter = value;
//public void ShowReport()
// fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
// DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
// string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
// int count = 1;
// DataRow oDR = null;
// Bank oBank;
// if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
// oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
// else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
// DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
// PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
// double nTotal = 0.0;
// foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
// oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
// oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
// oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
// oDR["Amount"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
// oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
// oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
// oDR["SLNo"] = count;
// oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"].ToString();
// nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
// bankAdvice.Rows.Add(oDR);
// count++;
// }
// string amountInWord = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal);
// form.ShowDlgForBankAdvice(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice, amountInWord);
public void ShowReport()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
//string month = salaryMonth.ToString("MMMM-yyyy");
string takaInWord = string.Empty;
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"].ToString();
nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
takaInWord = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
bankAdvice.TableName = "dsCompany_BankAdvice";
List<ReportAuthorization> oAuthorizations = ReportAuthorization.GetByReportID(_selectedParameter.ReportItem.ReportID);
List<AuthorizedPerson> oPersons = AuthorizedPerson.Get();
List<ReportParameter> _parameters = new List<ReportParameter>();
int nCount = 1;
foreach(ReportAuthorization item in oAuthorizations)
AuthorizedPerson person = oPersons.Find(x => x.ID == item.AuthorizePersionId);
if (person != null)
if (nCount == 1)
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Person1", person.Name));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Designation1", person.Designation));
if (nCount == 2)
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Person2", person.Name));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Designation2", person.Designation));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Person3", "na"));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Designation3","na"));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("SalaryMonth", salaryMonth.ToString("MMMM-yyyy")));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("Month", salaryMonth.ToString("MMM-yyyy")));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("TakaInWord", takaInWord));
_parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("BankName", oBank.Name));
form.CommonReportView(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, ds, "Payroll.Report.RDLC.BankAdvice.rdlc", _parameters);
public void ShowBankForwordingLetter()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
//oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
//oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
//oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
//oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
//oDR["Amount"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
//oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
//oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
//oDR["SLNo"] = count;
//oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"].ToString();
nTotal += Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
string amountInWord = string.Empty;
amountInWord = "Tk "+nTotal+" ("+ Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal)+")";
form.ShowDlgForBankForwordingLetter(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice, amountInWord, salaryMonth.ToString("MMM yy"), oBank);
public DataTable ExportBankAdvice(DateTime dMonth, ID nRepID, string sEmpIDs,List<Bank> oBanks)
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = dMonth;
string sEmpID = sEmpIDs;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
if (oBanks.Count > 0)
oBank = oBanks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
DataTable bankAdvice = new DataTable();
bankAdvice.Columns.Add("SL", typeof(int));
bankAdvice.Columns.Add("Employee ID", typeof(int));
bankAdvice.Columns.Add("Employee Name");
bankAdvice.Columns.Add("Account No.");
bankAdvice.Columns.Add("Amount BDT.",typeof(double));
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["Employee ID"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["Employee Name"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["Account No."] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount BDT."] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
//nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
oDR["SL"] = count;
string amountInWord = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal);
return bankAdvice;
//form.ShowDlgForBankAdvice(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice, amountInWord);
public void ShowCashChequePaymentReport(DateTime month, string PaymentType)
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DataRow oDR = null;
DataSet CashChequePaymentdSet = MiscellaneousDataset.GetCashChequePaymentReport(month, PaymentType);
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.CashChequePaymentDataTable cashChecqueDTable = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.CashChequePaymentDataTable();
string smonth = month.ToString("MMM yyyy");
foreach (DataRow oDRow in CashChequePaymentdSet.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = cashChecqueDTable.NewRow();
oDR["EmployeeNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["Name"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["Department"] = oDRow["Department"];
oDR["Designation"] = oDRow["Designation"];
oDR["Amount"] = oDRow["Amount"];
form.ShowDlgForCashChequePaymentReport(cashChecqueDTable, smonth, PaymentType);
public void ShowCashChequePaymentReportBonus(DateTime month, string PaymentType)
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DataRow oDR = null;
DataSet CashChequePaymentdSet = MiscellaneousDataset.GetCashChequePaymentReportBonus(month, PaymentType);
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.CashChequePaymentDataTable cashChecqueDTable = new PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.CashChequePaymentDataTable();
string smonth = month.ToString("MMM yyyy");
foreach (DataRow oDRow in CashChequePaymentdSet.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = cashChecqueDTable.NewRow();
oDR["EmployeeNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["Name"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["Department"] = oDRow["Department"];
oDR["Designation"] = oDRow["Designation"];
oDR["Amount"] = oDRow["Amount"];
form.ShowDlgForCashChequePaymentReport(cashChecqueDTable, smonth, PaymentType);
public void ShowReportOPI()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetOPIEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID, oBank.ID.Integer);
DataSet oEmpExpenseAmount = new DataSet();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = oDRow["Amount"];
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
string amountInWord = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal);
form.ShowDlgForOPIBankAdvice(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice, amountInWord);
public void BonusRegisterBankAdviceCarFuel()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
ID nBonusID = _selectedParameter.Bonuses[0].ID;
Bonus oBonus = Bonus.Get(nBonusID);
DateTime dBonusMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
DataSet oBonusRegister = null;
oBonusRegister = BonusProcess.GetBonusRegister(nBonusID, GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dBonusMonth), sEmpID);
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BonusRegisterDataTable dBonusRegData = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BonusRegisterDataTable();
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oBonusRegister.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = dBonusRegData.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["Name"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["Basic"] = oDRow["BasicSalary"];
oDR["BonusAmount"] = oDRow["ChangeBonusAmount"];
oDR["TaxAmount"] = oDRow["ChangeTaxAmount"];
oDR["Gross"] = oDRow["GROSSSALARY"];
oDR["JoiningDate"] = oDRow["JOININGDATE"];
oDR["BonusMonth"] = dBonusMonth;
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
form.ShowDlgForBonusRegister(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, dBonusRegData);
public void ShowReportCarFuel()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpCarFuelBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID, oBank.ID.Integer);
DataSet oEmpExpenseAmount = new DataSet();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = oDRow["Amount"];
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
string amountInWord = Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal);
form.ShowDlgForOPIBankAdvice(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice, amountInWord);
public void ShowReportHNMOPI()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
//else throw new ServiceException("please select a division");
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetHNMOPIEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
DataSet oEmpExpenseAmount = new DataSet();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceHNMDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceHNMDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
//DataRow[] oEmpExpAmount = oEmpExpenseAmount.Tables[0].Select("EmployeeNo='" + oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() + "'");
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["Amount"]));
oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"];
//oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
//oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
//nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
//string sRefNo = "Reference No." +
// Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.Year.ToString() + "/" +
// Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMM") + "/" +
// oBank.Code + "/" + oDivision.Name;
//string sDateTaka = Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM, yyyy") +
// " of total BDT " + Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.TakaFormat(nTotal) + " (" + Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal) + ")";
////string sAccount = oBank.Code=="400"?"01-6174914-03":"171.120.119";
//string sAccount = oBank.AccountNo;
//string sTaka = "BDT " + Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.TakaFormat(nTotal) + " (" + Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal) + ")";
//bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sDateTaka, sAccount, oDivision.Name, DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), oBank.Name, Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"), sTaka);
//return bankAdvice;
form.ShowDlgForHNMOPIBankAdvice(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice);
public void OPIBankDisbursement()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
//else throw new ServiceException("please select a division");
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetHNMOPIEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
DataSet oEmpExpenseAmount = new DataSet();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceHNMDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceHNMDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.PayrollDataSet.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
//DataRow[] oEmpExpAmount = oEmpExpenseAmount.Tables[0].Select("EmployeeNo='" + oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"].ToString() + "'");
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["Amount"]));
oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"];
//oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
//oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
//nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
//string sRefNo = "Reference No." +
// Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.Year.ToString() + "/" +
// Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMM") + "/" +
// oBank.Code + "/" + oDivision.Name;
//string sDateTaka = Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM, yyyy") +
// " of total BDT " + Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.TakaFormat(nTotal) + " (" + Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal) + ")";
////string sAccount = oBank.Code=="400"?"01-6174914-03":"171.120.119";
//string sAccount = oBank.AccountNo;
//string sTaka = "BDT " + Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.TakaFormat(nTotal) + " (" + Ease.CoreV35.Utility.Global.NumericFunctions.TakaWords(nTotal) + ")";
//bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sDateTaka, sAccount, oDivision.Name, DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), oBank.Name, Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"), sTaka);
//return bankAdvice;
form.OPIBankDisbursement(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice);
internal List<string> ShowBankAdvice(DateTime salaryMonth, Bank obank)
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
List<string> col = new List<string>();
int count = 1;
string sRefNo = string.Empty;
string sSub = string.Empty;
DataRow oDR = null;
// start
string processDate = string.Empty;
DateTime pDate = DateTime.MinValue;
ObjectsTemplate<SalaryProcess> sProcesses = new ObjectsTemplate<SalaryProcess>();
sProcesses = SalaryProcess.Get(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth));
SalaryProcess sProcess = new SalaryProcess();
foreach (SalaryProcess sp in sProcesses)
pDate = sp.ProcessDate;
processDate = pDate.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), obank.ID.Integer);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceParametersDataTable bankAdviceParameter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceParametersDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"].ToString()));
oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["Maintenance"] = "A";
oDR["Currency"] = "BDT";
oDR["Method"] = "T";
oDR["ProcessDate"] = processDate;
oDR["Cheque"] = "";
oDR["DeNomination"] = "";
oDR["Bank"] = obank.Name;
oDR["Branch"] = oDRow["Branch"].ToString();
oDR["Remarks"] = "Salary-" + salaryMonth.ToString("MMM yy");
oDR["SenderAccNo"] = obank.Accountingformat;
oDR["BankRouting"] = oDRow["Code"].ToString();
oDR["AccType"] = "Savings Account";
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
sSub = "Subject: Transfer of Salary for the month of ";
if (obank.ID.Integer == 2)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS - P- ";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 3)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS - P-";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 4)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS -P-";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 5)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS - P-";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 1)
sRefNo = "Ref.: HSBC / DIS -P- ";// +" (001-004175-011" + obank.Accountingformat + ")";
oDR = bankAdviceParameter.NewRow();
oDR["OrderingCustomer"] = "Eskayef Bangladesh Limited";
oDR["DAccountID"] = "";
oDR["DAccountNo"] = obank.Accountingformat;
oDR["Date"] = "";// salaryMonth.ToString("m/dd/yyyy");
oDR["MapTable"] = "";
oDR["Field"] = "";
oDR["PaymentReference"] = "";
oDR["TransactionAmount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(nTotal);
oDR["PayeesAccNo"] = "";
oDR["AccName"] = obank.Name;
oDR["PayRef1"] = count.ToString();
oDR["PayRef2"] = "";
oDR["PayRef3"] = "";
oDR["PayRef4"] = "";
sSub = "Subject : Disbursement of Employees Salary for the month of ";
string sAmount = NumWordsWrapper(Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.Round(nTotal));
string sDateTaka = "BDT. " + sAmount;
string sAccount = obank.Accountingformat;
double dAmount = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.Round(nTotal);
string sTaka = "BDT " + dAmount.ToString("###,##") + "/-(BDT. " + sAmount + ")";
if (oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sDateTaka, sAccount, oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Branch"].ToString(), DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), obank.Name, salaryMonth.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"), sTaka);
bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sDateTaka, sAccount, "", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), obank.Name, salaryMonth.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"), sTaka);
//if (obank.ID.Integer != 6 && obank.ID.Integer != 7)
form.ShowDlgForBankAdvice(salaryMonth, bankAdvice, bankAdviceLetter, bankAdviceParameter, obank, sSub, sAmount);
if (obank.ID.Integer == 1)
col.Add(salaryMonth.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"));
if (obank.ID.Integer == 2)
col.Add(salaryMonth.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"));
return col;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ServiceException(ex.Message);
internal void ShowOPIBankAdvice(DateTime salaryMonth, Bank obank)
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
int count = 1;
string sRefNo = string.Empty;
string sSub = string.Empty;
DataRow oDR = null;
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpOPIBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), obank.ID.Integer);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceLetterDataTable bankAdviceLetter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceLetterDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceParametersDataTable bankAdviceParameter = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceParametersDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"].ToString()));
oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["Maintenance"] = "A";
oDR["Currency"] = "BDT";
oDR["Method"] = "T";
oDR["Cheque"] = "";
oDR["DeNomination"] = "";
oDR["Bank"] = obank.Name;
oDR["Branch"] = oDRow["Branch"].ToString();
// For HSBC & DBBL
if (obank.ID.Integer == 1 || obank.ID.Integer == 2)
oDR["Remarks"] = "Expenses-" + salaryMonth.ToString("MMM yy");
oDR["Remarks"] = "Salary-" + salaryMonth.ToString("MMM yy");
oDR["SenderAccNo"] = obank.Accountingformat;
oDR["BankRouting"] = oDRow["Code"].ToString();
oDR["AccType"] = "Savings Account";
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
sSub = "Subject: Transfer of OPI for the month of ";
if (obank.ID.Integer == 2)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS - P-"; //69/" + salaryMonth.ToString("yy");
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 3)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS - P-";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 4)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS -P-";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 5)
sRefNo = "Our Ref : " + obank.Name + " / DIS - P-";
else if (obank.ID.Integer == 1)
sRefNo = "Ref.: HSBC / DIS -P-";//50/" + salaryMonth.ToString("yyyy") + " (Current Account # " + obank.Accountingformat + ")";
oDR = bankAdviceParameter.NewRow();
oDR["OrderingCustomer"] = "Eskayef Bangladesh Limited";
oDR["DAccountID"] = "";
oDR["DAccountNo"] = obank.Accountingformat;
oDR["Date"] = ""; salaryMonth.ToString("m/dd/yyyy");
oDR["MapTable"] = "";
oDR["Field"] = "";
oDR["PaymentReference"] = "";
oDR["TransactionAmount"] = GlobalFunctions.Round(nTotal);
oDR["PayeesAccNo"] = "";
oDR["AccName"] = obank.Name;
oDR["PayRef1"] = count.ToString();
oDR["PayRef2"] = "";
oDR["PayRef3"] = "";
oDR["PayRef4"] = "";
sSub = "Subject : Disbursement of Employees OPI for the month of ";
string sAmount = NumWordsWrapper(Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.Round(nTotal));
string sDateTaka = "BDT. " + sAmount;
string sAccount = obank.Accountingformat;
double dAmount = Payroll.BO.GlobalFunctions.Round(nTotal);
string sTaka = "BDT " + dAmount.ToString("###,##") + "/-(BDT. " + sAmount + ")";
if (oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sDateTaka, sAccount, oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Branch"].ToString(), DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), obank.Name, Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"), sTaka);
bankAdviceLetter.Rows.Add(sRefNo, sDateTaka, sAccount, "", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), obank.Name, Payroll.BO.SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.NextPayProcessDate.ToString("MMMM, yyyy"), sTaka);
//if (obank.ID.Integer != 6 && obank.ID.Integer != 7)
form.ShowDlgForBankAdvice(salaryMonth, bankAdvice, bankAdviceLetter, bankAdviceParameter, obank, sSub, sAmount);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ServiceException(ex.Message);
public static String NumWordsWrapper(double value)
string words = "";
double intPart;
double decPart = 0;
if (value == 0)
return "zero";
string[] splitter = value.ToString().Split('.');
intPart = double.Parse(splitter[0]);
if (splitter.Length > 1)
decPart = double.Parse(splitter[1]);
intPart = value;
words = NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(intPart));
if (decPart > 0)
if (words != "")
words += " and ";
int counter = decPart.ToString().Length;
switch (counter)
case 1: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// tenths
case 2: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// hundredths
case 3: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// thousandths
case 4: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// ten-thousandths
case 5: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// hundred-thousandths
case 6: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// millionths
case 7: words += NumWords(Convert.ToInt32(decPart)) + ""; break;// ten-millionths
return words + " Only";
private static string NumWords(int Num)
#region Old Code
//string[] numbersArr = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" };
//string[] tensArr = new string[] { "twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninty" };
//string[] suffixesArr = new string[] { "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion", "duodecillion", "tredecillion", "Quattuordecillion", "Quindecillion", "Sexdecillion", "Septdecillion", "Octodecillion", "Novemdecillion", "Vigintillion" };
//string words = "";
//bool tens = false;
//if (n < 0)
// words += "negative ";
// n *= -1;
//int power = (suffixesArr.Length + 1) * 3;
//while (power > 3)
// double pow = Math.Pow(10, power);
// if (n > pow)
// {
// if (n % Math.Pow(10, power) > 0)
// {
// words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / pow)) + " " + suffixesArr[(power / 3) - 1] + " and ";
// }
// else if (n % pow > 0)
// {
// words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / pow)) + " " + suffixesArr[(power / 3) - 1];
// }
// n %= pow;
// }
// power -= 3;
//if (n >= 1000)
// if (n % 1000 > 0) words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / 1000)) + " thousand and ";
// else words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / 1000)) + " thousand";
// n %= 1000;
//if (0 <= n && n <= 999)
// if ((int)n / 100 > 0)
// {
// words += NumWords(Math.Floor(n / 100)) + " hundred";
// n %= 100;
// }
// if ((int)n / 10 > 1)
// {
// if (words != "")
// words += " ";
// words += tensArr[(int)n / 10 - 2];
// tens = true;
// n %= 10;
// }
// if (n < 20)
// {
// if (words != "" && tens == false)
// words += " ";
// words += (tens ? "-" + numbersArr[(int)n - 1] : numbersArr[(int)n - 1]);
// n -= Math.Floor(n);
// }
//return words;
string[] Below20 = { "", "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ",
"Five ", "Six " , "Seven ", "Eight ",
"Nine ", "Ten ", "Eleven ",
"Twelve " , "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ","Fifteen ",
"Sixteen " , "Seventeen ","Eighteen " , "Nineteen "
string[] Below100 = { "", "", "Twenty ", "Thirty ",
"Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety "
string InWords = "";
if (Num >= 1 && Num < 20)
InWords += Below20[Num];
if (Num >= 20 && Num <= 99)
InWords += Below100[Num / 10] + Below20[Num % 10];
if (Num >= 100 && Num <= 999)
InWords += NumWords(Num / 100) + " Hundred " + NumWords(Num % 100);
if (Num >= 1000 && Num <= 99999)
InWords += NumWords(Num / 1000) + " Thousand " + NumWords(Num % 1000);
if (Num >= 100000 && Num <= 9999999)
InWords += NumWords(Num / 100000) + " Lac " + NumWords(Num % 100000);
if (Num >= 10000000)
InWords += NumWords(Num / 10000000) + " Crore " + NumWords(Num % 10000000);
return InWords;
public void ShowBankDisbursmentReport()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["ACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"].ToString();
nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
form.ShowDlgForBankDisbursment(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice);
public void ShowEuroBankAdviceReport()
fReportViewer form = new fReportViewer();
DateTime salaryMonth = _selectedParameter.FromDate.Value;
string sEmpID = _selectedParameter.ReportItem.INSQL;
int count = 1;
DataRow oDR = null;
Bank oBank;
if (_selectedParameter.Banks.Count > 0)
oBank = _selectedParameter.Banks[0];
else throw new ServiceException("please select a bank");
DataSet oEmpBankAcc = EmployeeBankAccount.GetEmpEuroBankAdvice(GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(salaryMonth), sEmpID);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable bankAdvice = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankAdviceDataTable();
double nTotal = 0.0;
foreach (DataRow oDRow in oEmpBankAcc.Tables[0].Rows)
oDR = bankAdvice.NewRow();
oDR["EmpNo"] = oDRow["EMPLOYEENO"];
oDR["EmpName"] = oDRow["NAME"];
oDR["AccountNo"] = oDRow["EUROACCOUNTNO"];
oDR["Amount"] = oDRow["Amount"];// Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(oDRow["CHANGEDAMOUNT"]));
//oDR["Email"] = oDRow["EMAILADDRESS"];
//oDR["SalaryMonth"] = salaryMonth;
oDR["SLNo"] = count;
//oDR["CostCenter"] = oDRow["CostCenter"].ToString();
//nTotal += Convert.ToDouble(oDR["Amount"]);
form.ShowDlgForEuroBankAdvice(_selectedParameter.ReportItem, bankAdvice);
internal void PrepareBankPaymentSummaryReport(DateTime dateTime)
fReportViewer oviewer = new fReportViewer();
DataSet dsBankPaymentSummary = new DataSet();
DataRow oRow = null;
dsBankPaymentSummary = MiscellaneousDataset.GetBankPaymentSummaryData(dateTime);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankPaymentSummaryDataTable dtBankPaymentSummary = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankPaymentSummaryDataTable();
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankPaymentSummaryDataTable dtBankPaymentSummary1 = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.BankPaymentSummaryDataTable();
if (dsBankPaymentSummary != null)
if (dsBankPaymentSummary.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
string sbankName = "";
string sPrvBankName = "";
foreach (DataRow orr in dsBankPaymentSummary.Tables[0].Rows)
sbankName = orr["Bank"].ToString();
if (sbankName != sPrvBankName)
if (orr["Bank"].ToString() == "HSBC")
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["Bank2"] = orr["Bank"].ToString();
oRow["Bank1"] = "A) ";
oRow["Serial"] = 1;
oRow["Description"] = "Salary, Allowances & OPI";
sPrvBankName = sbankName;
else if (orr["Bank"].ToString() == "SCB")
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["Bank2"] = orr["Bank"].ToString();
oRow["Bank1"] = "B) ";
oRow["Serial"] = 2;
oRow["Description"] = "Salary, Allowances & OPI";
sPrvBankName = sbankName;
else if (orr["Bank"].ToString() == "EBL")
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["Bank2"] = orr["Bank"].ToString();
oRow["Bank1"] = "C) ";
oRow["Serial"] = 6;
oRow["Description"] = "Salary, Allowances & OPI";
sPrvBankName = sbankName;
else if (orr["Bank"].ToString() == "CBCL")
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["Bank2"] = orr["Bank"].ToString();
oRow["Bank1"] = "D) ";
oRow["Serial"] = 7;
oRow["Description"] = "Salary, Allowances & OPI";
sPrvBankName = sbankName;
else if (orr["Bank"].ToString() == "DBBL")
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["Bank2"] = orr["Bank"].ToString();
oRow["Bank1"] = "E) ";
oRow["Serial"] = 8;
oRow["Description"] = "Salary, Allowances & OPI";
sPrvBankName = sbankName;
if (sPrvBankName == sbankName)
oRow["HSBC00"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-00"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC01"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-01"].ToString()); ;
oRow["HSBC03"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-03"].ToString());
oRow["HSBS04"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-04"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC05"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-05"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC06"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-06"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC08"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-08"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC09"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-09"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC10"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-10"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU0"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-00"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU1"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-01"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU3"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-03"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU5"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-05"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU8"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-08"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU9"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-09"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU10"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-10"].ToString());
if (dsBankPaymentSummary.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow orr in dsBankPaymentSummary.Tables[1].Rows)
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["Bank2"] = "SCB";
oRow["Bank1"] = "B) ";
oRow["Description"] = orr["Description"].ToString();
if (oRow["Description"].ToString() == "Advance Income Tax")
oRow["Serial"] = 3;
else if (oRow["Description"].ToString() == "Employees Provident Fund")
oRow["Serial"] = 4;
else if (oRow["Description"].ToString() == "Article Loan")
oRow["Serial"] = 5;
oRow["HSBC00"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-00"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC01"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-01"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC03"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-03"].ToString());
oRow["HSBS04"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-04"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC05"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-05"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC06"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-06"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC08"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-08"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC09"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-09"].ToString());
oRow["HSBC10"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["Unit-10"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU0"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-00"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU1"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-01"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU3"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-03"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU5"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-05"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU8"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-08"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU9"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-09"].ToString());
oRow["HSBCU10"] = Convert.ToDouble(orr["U-10"].ToString());
var sortedTempData = from DataRow dr in dtBankPaymentSummary.Rows orderby dr["Serial"] select dr;
foreach (DataRow dr in sortedTempData)
if (dtBankPaymentSummary1.Rows.Count > 0)
oviewer.ShowBankPaymentSummaryReport(dtBankPaymentSummary1, dateTime);
throw new ServiceException("No Data Found!!!");
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ServiceException(ex.Message);
internal void PrepareCashPaymentSummaryReport(DateTime dateTime)
fReportViewer oviewer = new fReportViewer();
DataSet dsCashPaymentSummary = new DataSet();
DataRow oRow = null;
dsCashPaymentSummary = MiscellaneousDataset.GetCashPaymentSummaryData(dateTime);
PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.CashPaymentSummaryDataTable dtBankPaymentSummary = new Payroll.Report.PayrollDataSet.dsCompany.CashPaymentSummaryDataTable();
foreach (DataRow dr in dsCashPaymentSummary.Tables[0].Rows)
oRow = dtBankPaymentSummary.NewRow();
oRow["EmpCode"] = dr["EmployeeNo"];
oRow["Name"] = dr["NAME"];
oRow["Department"] = dr["Department"];
oRow["Unit"] = dr["Unit"];
oRow["UnitName"] = dr["UnitName"];
oRow["Designation"] = dr["Designation"];
oRow["Amount"] = dr["Amount"];
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ServiceException(ex.Message);