2966 lines
97 KiB
2966 lines
97 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Ease.CoreV35.Model;
using SpreadsheetGear;
using Ease.CoreV35.Utility;
namespace Payroll.BO
public class DataUploadColumnDefinition : ColumnDefinationException
#region Declarations
public DataUploadColumnDefinition()
_sheetName = string.Empty;
_columnName = new List<string>();
_SheetCollection = new List<string>();
_dataType = new List<string>();
_allowNull = new List<string>();
_itemOneCombo = null;
_itemTwoCombo = null;
_itemThreeDate = null;
_selectedItemOneID = ID.FromInteger(0);
_selectedItemTwoID = ID.FromInteger(0);
_selectedItemOneText = String.Empty;
//_itemThreeSelectedDate = DateTime.Today;
#region Property
#region Property SheetName : String
private string _sheetName;
public string SheetName
get { return _sheetName; }
set { _sheetName = value; }
#region Property SheetCollection : Collection
private List<string> _SheetCollection;
public List<string> SheetCollection
get { return _SheetCollection; }
set { _SheetCollection = value; }
#region Property ColumnName : Collection
private List<string> _columnName;
public List<string> ColumnName
get { return _columnName; }
set { _columnName = value; }
#region Property DataType : Collection
private List<string> _dataType;
public List<string> DataType
get { return _dataType; }
set { _dataType = value; }
#region Property AllowNull : Collection
private List<string> _allowNull;
public List<string> AllowNull
get { return _allowNull; }
set { _allowNull = value; }
#region Property Item One : string
private string _itemOneComboText;
public string ItemOneComboText
get { return _itemOneComboText; }
set { _itemOneComboText = value; }
#region Property Item One : Collection
private Dictionary<ID, string> _itemOneCombo;
public Dictionary<ID, string> ItemOneComboData
get { return _itemOneCombo; }
set { _itemOneCombo = value; }
#region Property Item One Selected Value : ID
private ID _selectedItemOneID;
public ID SelectedItemOneID
get { return _selectedItemOneID; }
set { _selectedItemOneID = value; }
#region Property Item One Selected Text : ID
private string _selectedItemOneText;
public string SelectedItemOneText
get { return _selectedItemOneText; }
set { _selectedItemOneText = value; }
#region Property Item Two Text : string
private string _itemTwoComboText;
public string ItemTwoComboText
get { return _itemTwoComboText; }
set { _itemTwoComboText = value; }
#region Property Item Two : Collection
private Dictionary<ID, string> _itemTwoCombo;
public Dictionary<ID, string> ItemTwoComboData
get { return _itemTwoCombo; }
set { _itemTwoCombo = value; }
#region Property Item Two Selected Value : ID
private ID _selectedItemTwoID;
public ID SelectedItemTwoID
get { return _selectedItemTwoID; }
set { _selectedItemTwoID = value; }
#region Property Item Three Text : string
private string _itemThreeDateText;
public string ItemThreeDateText
get { return _itemThreeDateText; }
set { _itemThreeDateText = value; }
#region Property Item Three : Collection
private DateTime? _itemThreeDate;
public DateTime? ItemThreeDateData
get { return _itemThreeDate; }
set { _itemThreeDate = value; }
#region Property Item Three Selected Value: DateTime
private DateTime? _itemThreeSelectedDate;
public DateTime? ItemThreeSelectedDate
get { return _itemThreeSelectedDate; }
set { _itemThreeSelectedDate = value; }
#region Property From Text : string
private string _formText;
public string FormText
get { return _formText; }
set { _formText = value; }
#region Functions
#region Column Definition for Tax Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxData()
ObjectsTemplate<TaxMergeMaster> taxmasters = TaxMergeMaster.GetbyTaxParameter(SystemInformation.CurrentSysInfo.TaxParamID);
this.SheetName = "Tax Data";
Add("Employee Code", "String", "No"); //1
foreach (TaxMergeMaster item in taxmasters)
if (item.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Tax_Gross_Refund ||
item.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Exemption_House_Rent_Allowance ||
item.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Exemption_Medical_Allowance ||
item.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Exemption_LFA_Allowance ||
item.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Exemption_Conveyance_Allowance ||
item.ItemGroup == EnumIncomeTaxItemGroup.Tax_Gross_OtherRebate)
Add(item.Description, "Double", "Yes");
//Add("Tax Deducted", "Double", "Yes"); //Last Column
return this;
#region Column Definition For Employee Basic Information
public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpBasicInfo()
bool CodeautoGenerate = false;
ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager();
ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> deptTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(deptConfig, "tiernames");
this.SheetName = "EmpBasicInformation";
Add("Employee Code", "String", "No"); //3
Add("Employee Name", "String", "No"); //4
Add("Father's Name", "String", "Yes"); //5
Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "No"); //6
Add("Date of Joining", "Date", "No"); //7
//CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("category", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
//if (CodeautoGenerate == false)
// Add("Category Code", "String", "No"); //14
//Add("Category Name", "String", "No"); //15
Add("Gender", "String", "No"); //9
CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("religion", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
if (CodeautoGenerate == false)
Add("Relegion Code", "String", "No"); //14
Add("Religion Name", "String", "No"); //15
Add("Marital Status", "String", "No"); //11
Add("Tax Circle", "String", "Yes"); //12
Add("TIN", "String", "Yes"); //13
CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
if (CodeautoGenerate == false)
Add("Grade Code", "String", "No"); //14
Add("Grade Name", "String", "No"); //15
//CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "grossapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
//if (CodeautoGenerate == true)
// Add("Gross Salary", "Double", "No"); //15
//CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "payscaleapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
//if (CodeautoGenerate == true)
// Add("PayScaleID", "String", "Yes"); //15
Add("Basic Salary", "Double", "No"); //16
Add("Confirmation Date", "Date", "Yes"); //17
#region Department
int nIndex = 0;
foreach (Configaration oconfig in deptTiers)
string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier");
if (sValue == "") continue;
nIndex = nIndex + 1;
CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("department", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
if (CodeautoGenerate == false)
Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16
Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16
//ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> locConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("location", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
//ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> locTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(locConfig, "tiernames");
//#region Location
//nIndex = 0;
//foreach (Configaration oconfig in locConfig)
// string sValue = oconfig.ConAttributes.GetAttributeValue("tier");
// if (sValue == "") continue;
// nIndex = nIndex + 1;
// CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("location", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
// if (CodeautoGenerate == false)
// Add(oconfig.Value + " Code", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16
// Add(oconfig.Value + " Name", "String", (nIndex == 1) ? "No" : "Yes"); //16
CodeautoGenerate = false;
CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("designation", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
if (CodeautoGenerate == false)
Add("Designation Code", "String", "No");
Add("Designation Name", "String", "No"); //21 con
//Add("PF Membership", "String", "Yes"); //22
//Add("Is Foreign Expatriate", "String", "Yes"); //23
Add("Salary Bank Name", "String", "Yes"); //24
bool branchCodeAutoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("branch", "codeautogenerate", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
if (!branchCodeAutoGenerate)
Add("Salary Branch Code", "String", "Yes");
Add("Salary Branch Name", "String", "Yes"); //25
Add("Salary Account Number", "String", "Yes"); //26
//Add("OPI Bank Name", "String", "Yes"); //27
//if (!branchCodeAutoGenerate)
// Add("OPI Branch Code", "String", "Yes");
//Add("OPI Branch Name", "String", "Yes"); //28
//Add("OPI Account Number", "String", "Yes"); //29
Add("Mobile No", "String", "Yes"); //30
Add("Email Address", "String", "Yes"); //31
//Add("Access Card ID", "String", "Yes"); //32
//Add("Shift", "String", "Yes"); //33
return this;
#region Column Definition For Employee Grade Salary
public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpGradeSalary()
bool CodeautoGenerate = false;
this.SheetName = "EmpGradeSalary";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No"); //01
Add("Grade", "String", "No"); //02
Add("Effect Date", "Date", "No"); //03
Add("Basic", "Double", "Yes"); //04
CodeautoGenerate = ConfigurationManager.GetBoolValue("grade", "grossapplicable", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
if (CodeautoGenerate == true)
Add("Gross", "Double", "Yes");
ObjectsTemplate<GradeSalaryChangeType> gstypes = new ObjectsTemplate<GradeSalaryChangeType>();
gstypes = GradeSalaryChangeType.Get();
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (GradeSalaryChangeType item in gstypes)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "Salary Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Grade Salary Assignment";
return this;
#region Column Definition For Loan
public DataUploadColumnDefinition LoanInformation()
this.SheetName = "EmpLoanInformation";
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
Add("Loan Number", "String", "No");
Add("LoanType", "String", "No");
Add("Loan Amount", "String", "No");
Add("Interest", "String", "No");
Add("Schedule", "String", "No");
Add("Disburse from Month", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Loan Information";
return this;
#region Column Definition For Loan
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupLoanInformation()
this.SheetName = "SetupEmpLoanInformation";
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
Add("LoanType", "String", "No");
Add("Principal", "Double", "No");
Add("Interest", "Double", "No");
Add("Month", "Date", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Setup Loan Information";
return this;
#region IncomeTaxSalaryData
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupSalaryComponent()
this.SheetName = "Salary Component";
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
Add("ItemCode", "Double", "No");
Add("ItemGroup", "Double", "No");
Add("ItemID", "Double", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Income Tax Salary Data";
return this;
#region SetupEmpShortInfo
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupEmpShortInfo()
this.SheetName = "EmpShortInfo";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Email Address", "String", "No");
Add("Joining Date", "String", "No");
Add("Confirmation Date", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Short Information";
return this;
#region Column Definition For Individual Allowance
public DataUploadColumnDefinition IndividualAllowance()
this.SheetName = "EmpAllowance";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Amount", "Double", "Yes");
ObjectsTemplate<AllowanceDeduction> types = new ObjectsTemplate<AllowanceDeduction>();
//types = AllowanceDeduction.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, EnumPeriodicity.OneOff);
types = types = AllowanceDeduction.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (AllowanceDeduction item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "Allowance Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Individual Allowance";
return this;
#region Column Definition For UnAuthorized Leave
public DataUploadColumnDefinition UnAuthorizedLeave()
this.SheetName = "UnAuthorizedLeave";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("To Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Leave Month", "Date", "No");
Add("Days", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<UnAuthorizeLeave> oLeaveTypes = new ObjectsTemplate<UnAuthorizeLeave>();
oLeaveTypes = UnAuthorizeLeave.Get();
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (UnAuthorizeLeave item in oLeaveTypes)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "UnAuthorize Leave Type:";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload UnAuthorize Leave Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For Individual Deduction
public DataUploadColumnDefinition IndividualDeduction()
this.SheetName = "EmpDeduction";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Amount", "Double", "Yes");
ObjectsTemplate<AllowanceDeduction> types = new ObjectsTemplate<AllowanceDeduction>();
types = AllowanceDeduction.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumAllowOrDeduct.Deduction);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (AllowanceDeduction item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "Deduction Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Individual Deduction";
return this;
#region Column Definition For Employee Bank Account
public DataUploadColumnDefinition EmpBankAccount()
this.SheetName = "EmpBankAccount";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Bank Name", "String", "No");
Add("Branch Name", "String", "No");
Add("Account No", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Bank Account Information";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition ChildrenEduationAllowance()
this.SheetName = "ChildEducation";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("From Date", "String", "No");
Add("No Of Children", "Double", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition WPPFClaim()
this.SheetName = "WPPFClaim";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Effect Year", "Int", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition WPPF()
this.SheetName = "WPPF";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Effect Year", "Int", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition WWF()
this.SheetName = "WWF";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Effect Year", "Int", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition CareerData()
this.SheetName = "Career History";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Effect Date", "String", "No");
Add("Grade", "String", "Yes");
Add("Department", "String", "Yes");
Add("Location", "String", "Yes");
Add("Basic Salary", "String", "Yes");
Add("Description", "String", "Yes");
return this;
#region Column Definition For Bonus
public DataUploadColumnDefinition BonusData()
this.SheetName = "EmpBonus";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Value", "String", "No");
this.ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
this.ItemOneComboData.Add(ID.FromInteger(0), "Amount");
this.ItemOneComboData.Add(ID.FromInteger(1), "PercentOfBasic");
this.ItemOneComboData.Add(ID.FromInteger(2), "Day");
this.ItemOneComboData.Add(ID.FromInteger(3), "Individual Percentage");
this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Bonus Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition OverTimeData()
this.SheetName = "Time Card";
Add("SL#", "String", "Yes");//0
Add("Telenor ID", "String", "Yes");//1
Add("Local Emp ID", "String", "No");//2
Add("Employee Name", "String", "No");//3
Add("Job Grade", "String", "Yes");//4
Add("Employee Type", "String", "Yes");//5
Add("Division", "String", "Yes");//6
Add("Department", "String", "Yes");//7
Add("Claiming Month", "String", "No");//8
Add("Claiming Year", "String", "No");//9
Add("Submission Date", "String", "Yes");//10
Add("Approver Id", "String", "Yes");//11
Add("Approval Date", "String", "Yes");//12
Add("Overtime Double Rate (up to 10 pm including weekend)", "Double", "Yes");//13
Add("Overtime Triple Rate (10 PM to 6 AM including weekend)", "Double", "Yes");//14
Add("Overtime Four Times Rate (Govt Holidays)", "Double", "Yes");//15
Add("Overtime Total", "Double", "Yes");//16
Add("Evening Shift", "Double", "Yes");//17
Add("Night Shift", "Double", "Yes");//18
Add("Shift Total", "Double", "Yes");//19
Add("Standby Allowance (Working Day)", "Double", "Yes");//20
Add("Standby Allowance (Weekly holiday)", "Double", "Yes");//21
Add("Standby Allowance (General holiday)", "Double", "Yes");//22
Add("Standby Allowance (Festival holiday)", "Double", "Yes");//23
Add("Transport allowance One Way", "Double", "Yes");//24
Add("Transport Allowance Two Way", "Double", "Yes");//25
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition BonusData2()
this.SheetName = "Bonus";
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
Add("BonusName", "String", "No");
Add("PaidMonth", "String", "No");
Add("BonusAmount", "String", "No");
Add("TaxAmount", "String", "No");
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Bonus Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SalaryData()
this.SheetName = "Salary";
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
Add("Category", "String", "No");
Add("Grade", "String", "No");
Add("Cost-Center", "String", "No");
Add("Department", "String", "No");
Add("Locaion", "String", "No");
Add("Bank", "String", "No");
Add("Branch", "String", "No");
Add("Account", "String", "No");
Add("SalaryMonth", "String", "No");
Add("Description", "String", "No");
Add("Type", "String", "No");
Add("Amount", "String", "No");
this.FormText = "Upload Salary Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For Organogram Position
public DataUploadColumnDefinition OrganogramInfo()
this.SheetName = "OrgPosition";
Add("PositionNo", "String", "No");
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Position Information";
return this;
#region HR Column Definition
#region Column Definition For EmpGeneral Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpGeneralInfo()
Add("GDDB ID", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nick Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("First Name", "String", "No");
Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Last Name", "String", "No");
Add("Gender", "String", "No");
Add("Religion", "String", "No");
Add("Blood Group", "String", "No");
Add("Marital Status", "String", "No");
Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nationality", "String", "No");
Add("National ID", "String", "Yes");
Add("Joining Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "No");
Add("Category", "String", "No");
Add("Father's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Mother's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Place Of Birth", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "General";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpGeneralInfoIDLC()
Add("EmployeeID", "String", "Yes");
Add("GEID", "String", "Yes");
Add("First Name", "String", "No");
Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Last Name", "String", "No");
Add("Gender", "String", "No");
Add("Religion", "String", "No");
Add("Blood Group", "String", "No");
//Add("Marital Status", "String", "No");
Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport Issue Place", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport Issue Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Passport Expire Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nationality", "String", "No");
Add("National ID", "String", "Yes");
Add("Joining Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Birth Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Place Of Birth", "String", "Yes");
Add("Category", "String", "No");
Add("Driving Licence No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Father's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Mother's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "No");
//Contact Information
Add("Permanent Address", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent District", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Address", "String", "No");
Add("Present District", "String", "No");
Add("Present Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Fax", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Offical Mobile No", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "General";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpContact Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpContactInfo()
Add("Parmanent Address", "String", "No");
Add("Parmanent District", "String", "No");
Add("Parmanent Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Parmanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("ParMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Address", "String", "No");
Add("Present District", "String", "No");
Add("Present Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Fax", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "Contacts";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpSpouse Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpSpouseInfo()
Add("Spouse Name", "String", "No");
Add("Spouse Level of Education", "String", "Yes");
Add("Spouse Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Date of Marriage", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Spouse";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpChildren Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpChildrenInfo()
Add("Child's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Gender", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Date of Birth", "Date", "No");
Add("Child's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Marital Status", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Children";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpExperience Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpExperienceInfo()
Add("Employer", "String", "No");
Add("Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("Industry/ Business Type", "String", "No");
Add("Designation", "String", "No");
Add("Role Description", "String", "No");
Add("Employed From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Employed To Date", "Date", "Yes");
//Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Experience";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.SheetName = "Experience";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpTraining Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpTrainingInfo()
Add("Training Type", "String", "Yes");
Add("Training Title", "String", "No");
Add("Nature of Training", "String", "No");
//Add("Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Description", "String", "No");
Add("Institution", "String", "No");
Add("Training Place", "String", "No");
Add("Country", "String", "No");
Add("Achievement", "String", "No");
Add("Sponsor Type", "String", "No");
Add("Training Fees", "Double", "Yes");
Add("Other Cost", "Double", "Yes");
Add("From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("To Date", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Training";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpAcademic Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpAcademicInfo()
Add("Education Type", "String", "No");
Add("Degree Title", "String", "No");
Add("Discipline/ Department", "String", "No");
Add("Institution (Board/University)", "String", "No");
Add("Institution Name", "String", "No");
Add("Exam Held on", "String", "No");
Add("Passing Year", "String", "No");
Add("Result", "String", "Yes");
Add("CGPA/ Marks", "String", "Yes");
Add("Highest Education", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Academic";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpReference Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpReferenceInfo()
Add("Referee's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("E-mail Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Reference";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpPublication Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpPublicationInfo()
Add("Publication Title", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Type", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Name", "String", "No");
Add("Description", "String", "No");
Add("Remarks", "String", "Yes");
Add("Date of Publication", "Date", "No");
this.SheetName = "Publication";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpNominee Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpNomineeInfo()
Add("Nomination Purpose", "String", "No");
Add("Date Of Nomination", "Date", "No");
Add("Nominee's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Percentage", "String", "No");
Add("Nominee's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Nominee's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("E-mail Address", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Nominee";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpHospitalization Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpHospitalizationInfo()
Add("Date Of Registration", "Date", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Name", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Person's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Registered Person's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Email", "String", "Yes");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mobile No (s)", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Hospitalization";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpGuarantor Data
//public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpGuarantorInfo()
// this.SheetCollection.Add("Guarantor");
// Add("Name", "String", "No");
// Add("Occupation", "String", "No");
// Add("Address", "String", "No");
// Add("Email", "String", "Yes");
// Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
// Add("Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes");
// Add("Document Category", "String", "No");
// Add("Document Path", "String", "Yes");
// this.SheetName = "Guarantor";
// //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
// //this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
// this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
// return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpLanguage Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpLanguageInfo()
Add("LanguageName", "String", "No");
Add("SpokenStatus", "String", "No");
Add("WrittenStatus", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "Language";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpRelative Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpRelativeInfo()
this.SheetCollection.Add("Relative in this Company");
Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("Designation", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("JoiningDate", "Date", "No");
Add("EndDate", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Relative in this Company";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpMembership Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpMemberShipInfo()
Add("Organization", "String", "No");
Add("YourRole", "String", "No");
Add("OrganizationType", "String", "No");
//Add("Activity", "String", "No");
Add("FromDate", "Date", "No");
Add("EndDate", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Membership";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpRelation Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpRelationInfo()
this.SheetCollection.Add("Immedite Family");
Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Occupation", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "Immedite Family";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpQuestionnaries Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpQuestionInfo()
Add("QuestionNo", "String", "No");
Add("Question", "String", "No");
Add("QAnswer", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "Questionnarie";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region All HR Column Definition
#region Column Definition For All EmpGeneral Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpGeneralInfo()
#region Old Code
//Add("GDDB ID", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Employee No", "String", "Yes");
//Add("First Name", "String", "No");
//Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Last Name", "String", "No");
//Add("Gender", "String", "No");
//Add("Religion", "String", "No");
//Add("Blood Group", "String", "No");
//Add("Marital Status", "String", "No");
//Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Nationality", "String", "No");
//Add("National ID", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Joining Date", "Date", "No");
//Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "No");
//Add("Category", "String", "No");
//Add("Father's Name", "String", "No");
//Add("Mother's Name", "String", "No");
//Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "No");
//Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "No");
//Add("Place Of Birth", "String", "Yes");
//this.SheetName = "General";
////this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
////this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
//this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
//return this;
#region New Code
//bool CodeautoGenerate = false;
//ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager();
//ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
//ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> deptTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(deptConfig, "tiernames");
this.SheetName = "General";
Add("EmployeeID", "String", "No");
Add("GEID", "String", "No");
Add("First Name", "String", "Yes"); //2
Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Last Name", "String", "Yes"); //5
Add("Gender", "String", "Yes"); //6
Add("Religion", "String", "Yes");
Add("Blood Group", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport Issue Place", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport Issue Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Passport Expire Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nationality", "String", "Yes");
Add("National ID", "String", "Yes");
Add("Joining Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Birth Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Place of Birth", "String", "Yes");
Add("Category", "String", "Yes");
Add("Driving Licence No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Father's Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mother's Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Permanent Address", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent District", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Address", "String", "No");
Add("Present District", "String", "No");
Add("Present Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Fax", "String", "Yes");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee General and Contact";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpContact Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpContactInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Address", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent District", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Address", "String", "No");
Add("Present District", "String", "No");
Add("Present Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Offical Mobile No", "String", "No");
Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Fax", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Contacts";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Contacts";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpSpouse Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpSpouseInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Spouse Name", "String", "No");
Add("Spouse Level of Education", "String", "Yes");
Add("Spouse Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Spouse";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpChildren Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpChildrenInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Gender", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Date of Birth", "Date", "No");
Add("Child's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Marital Status", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Children";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpExperience Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpExperienceInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Employer", "String", "No");
Add("Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("Industry/ Business Type", "String", "No");
Add("Designation", "String", "No");
Add("Role Description", "String", "No");
Add("Employed From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Employed To Date", "Date", "Yes");
//Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Experience";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.SheetName = "Experience";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpTraining Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpTrainingInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Training Type", "String", "No");
Add("Training Title", "String", "No");
Add("Nature of Training", "String", "No");
//Add("Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Description", "String", "No");
Add("Institution", "String", "No");
Add("Training Place", "String", "No");
Add("Country", "String", "No");
Add("Achievement", "String", "No");
Add("Sponsor Type", "String", "No");
Add("Training Fees", "Double", "Yes");
Add("Other Cost", "Double", "Yes");
Add("From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("To Date", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Training";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpAcademic Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpAcademicInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Education Type", "String", "No");
Add("Degree Title", "String", "No");
Add("Discipline/ Department", "String", "No");
Add("Institution (Board/University)", "String", "No");
Add("Institution Name", "String", "No");
Add("Exam Held on", "String", "No");
Add("Passing Year", "String", "No");
Add("Result", "String", "Yes");
Add("CGPA/ Marks", "String", "Yes");
Add("Highest Education", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Academic";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpReference Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpReferenceInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("E-mail Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Reference";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpPublication Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpPublicationInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Title", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Type", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Name", "String", "No");
Add("Description", "String", "No");
Add("Remarks", "String", "Yes");
Add("Date of Publication", "Date", "No");
this.SheetName = "Publication";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpNominee Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpNomineeInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Nomination Purpose", "String", "No");
Add("Date Of Nomination", "Date", "No");
Add("Nominee's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Percentage", "String", "No");
Add("Nominee's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Nominee's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("E-mail Address", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Nominee";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpHospitalization Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpHospitalizationInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Date Of Registration", "Date", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Name", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Person's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Registered Person's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Email", "String", "Yes");
Add("Address", "String", "No");
Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mobile No (s)", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Hospitalization";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For EmpGuarantor Data
//public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpGuarantorInfo()
// this.SheetCollection.Add("Guarantor");
// Add("Name", "String", "No");
// Add("Occupation", "String", "No");
// Add("Address", "String", "No");
// Add("Email", "String", "Yes");
// Add("Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
// Add("Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes");
// Add("Document Category", "String", "No");
// Add("Document Path", "String", "Yes");
// this.SheetName = "Guarantor";
// //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
// //this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
// this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
// return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpLanguage Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpLanguageInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("LanguageName", "String", "No");
Add("SpokenStatus", "String", "No");
Add("WrittenStatus", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "Language";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpRelative Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpRelativeInfo()
this.SheetCollection.Add("Relative in this Company");
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("Designation", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("JoiningDate", "Date", "No");
Add("EndDate", "Date", "Yes");
Add("EmpID", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Relative in this Company";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpMembership Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpMemberShipInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("YourRole", "String", "No");
Add("OrganizationType", "String", "No");
//Add("Organization", "String", "No");
//Add("Activity", "String", "No");
Add("FromDate", "Date", "No");
Add("EndDate", "Date", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Membership";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpRelation Data
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpRelationInfo()
this.SheetCollection.Add("Immedite Family");
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Occupation", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "Immedite Family";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For All EmpQuestionnaries Data
//public DataUploadColumnDefinition HRAllEmpQuestionInfo()
// this.SheetCollection.Add("Questionnarie");
// Add("QuestionNo", "String", "No");
// Add("Question", "String", "No");
// Add("QAnswer", "String", "No");
// this.SheetName = "Questionnarie";
// //this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
// //this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
// this.FormText = "Upload Employee HR Data";
// return this;
#region HR Employee Only Contact Column Definition
public DataUploadColumnDefinition HREmpOnlyContactInfo()
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Permanent District", "String", "Yes");
Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "Yes");
Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present District", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Thana", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Relation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes");
//Add("Offical Mobile No", "String", "No");
Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Fax", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "Contacts";
//this.ItemOneComboText = "Type :";
//this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Contacts";
return this;
#region Column Definition For OPI
public DataUploadColumnDefinition OPI()
this.SheetName = "OPI";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<OpiItem> types = new ObjectsTemplate<OpiItem>();
types = OpiItem.Get(EnumStatus.Active);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (OpiItem item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "OPI Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload OPI Data After Process";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition CarFuel()
this.SheetName = "CarFuel";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("From Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Till Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<CarFuelItem > types = new ObjectsTemplate<CarFuelItem>();
types = CarFuelItem.Get(EnumStatus.Active);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (CarFuelItem item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "CarFuel Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload CarFuel Data After Process";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition BeforeProcessOPI()
this.SheetName = "OPI";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
//Add("FromDate", "Date", "No");
//Add("ToDate", "Date", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<OpiParameter> oparams = new ObjectsTemplate<OpiParameter>();
oparams = OpiParameter.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumEntitleType.Individual);
//OpiParameter.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumOpiType.Provision, EnumEntitleType.Individual);
string opiItemId = "";
foreach (OpiParameter oparam in oparams)
if (opiItemId == "")
opiItemId = oparam.OpiItemID.ToString();
else if (opiItemId != "")
opiItemId = opiItemId + "," + oparam.OpiItemID.ToString();
//ObjectsTemplate<OpiItem> types = new ObjectsTemplate<OpiItem>();
//types = OpiItem.Get(opiItemId);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (OpiParameter item in oparams)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.OpiItem.ID, item.OpiItem.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "OPI Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload OPI Data Before Process";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition BeforeProcessCarFuel()
this.SheetName = "CarFuel";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
//Add("FromDate", "Date", "No");
//Add("ToDate", "Date", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<CarFuelParameter> oparams = new ObjectsTemplate<CarFuelParameter>();
oparams = CarFuelParameter.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumEntitleType.Individual);
//CarFuelParameter.Get(EnumStatus.Active, EnumCarFuelType.Provision, EnumEntitleType.Individual);
string CarFuelItemId = "";
foreach (CarFuelParameter oparam in oparams)
if (CarFuelItemId == "")
CarFuelItemId = oparam.CarFuelItemID.ToString();
else if (CarFuelItemId != "")
CarFuelItemId = CarFuelItemId + "," + oparam.CarFuelItemID.ToString();
//ObjectsTemplate<CarFuelItem> types = new ObjectsTemplate<CarFuelItem>();
//types = CarFuelItem.Get(CarFuelItemId);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (CarFuelParameter item in oparams)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.CarFuelItem.ID, item.CarFuelItem.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "CarFuel Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload CarFuel Data Before Process";
return this;
#region EmpCostCenterData
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupEmpCC()
this.SheetName = "Upload Costcenter";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Costcenter Code", "String", "No");
Add("Involve Percent", "Double", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Cost Center Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupPFOpening()
this.SheetName = "Upload PFOpening";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("PFAmount", "Double", "No");
Add("PFInterest", "Double", "No");
Add("CPFAmount", "Double", "No");
Add("CPFInterest", "Double", "No");
Add("Opening Date", "Date", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload PFOpening";
return this;
#region EmpVendorCode
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetupEmpVendorCode()
this.SheetName = "Upload EmpVendorCode";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("VendorCode", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Vendor Code";
return this;
#region EmpSingle
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetUpEmpSingle()
bool CodeautoGenerate = false;
ConfigurationManager ocManager = new ConfigurationManager();
ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> deptConfig = ocManager.GetChilds("department", EnumConfigurationType.Logic);
ObjectsTemplate<Configaration> deptTiers = ocManager.GetChilds(deptConfig, "tiernames");
this.SheetName = "EmployeeInfo";
Add("EmployeeID", "String", "No");
Add("GEID", "String", "No");
Add("First Name", "String", "Yes"); //2
Add("Middle Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Last Name", "String", "Yes"); //5
Add("Gender", "String", "Yes"); //6
Add("Religion", "String", "Yes");
Add("Blood Group", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport Issue Place", "String", "Yes");
Add("Passport Issue Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Passport Expire Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Tax Identification No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nationality", "String", "Yes");
Add("National ID", "String", "Yes");
Add("Joining Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Birth Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Place of Birth", "String", "Yes");
Add("Category", "String", "Yes");
Add("Driving Licence No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Father's Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Father's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mother's Name", "String", "Yes");
Add("Mother's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Permanent Address", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent District", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Permanent Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PerMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Present Address", "String", "No");
Add("Present District", "String", "No");
Add("Present Thana", "String", "No");
Add("Present Telephone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("PreMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Emergency Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Contact Address", "String", "No");
Add("Emergency Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("EmeMobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Personal Land Phone No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal Mobile No", "String", "Yes");
Add("Personal E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Official E-Mail", "String", "Yes");
Add("Fax", "String", "Yes");
Add("Spouse Name", "String", "No");
Add("Spouse Level of Education", "String", "Yes");
Add("Spouse Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Date of Marriage", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Child's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Gender", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Date of Birth", "Date", "No");
Add("Child's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Child's Marital Status", "String", "Yes");
Add("Employer", "String", "No");
Add("Contact Person", "String", "No");
Add("ConPer Address", "String", "No");
Add("ConPer Telephone No", "String", "No");
Add("Industry/ Business Type", "String", "No");
Add("ConPer Designation", "String", "No");
Add("Role Description", "String", "No");
Add("Employed From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Employed To Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Training Type", "String", "Yes");
Add("Training Title", "String", "No");
Add("Nature of Training", "String", "No");
Add("Training Description", "String", "No");
Add("Institution", "String", "No");
Add("Training Place", "String", "No");
Add("Country", "String", "No");
Add("Achievement", "String", "No");
Add("Sponsor Type", "String", "No");
Add("Training Fees", "Double", "Yes");
Add("Other Cost", "Double", "Yes");
Add("Training From Date", "Date", "No");
Add("Training To Date", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Education Type", "String", "No");
Add("Degree Title", "String", "No");
Add("Discipline/ Department", "String", "No");
Add("Institution (Board/University)", "String", "No");
Add("Institution Name", "String", "No");
Add("Exam Held on", "String", "No");
Add("Passing Year", "String", "No");
Add("EduResult", "String", "Yes");
Add("CGPA/ Marks", "String", "Yes");
Add("Highest Education", "String", "Yes");
Add("Referee's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's Address", "String", "No");
Add("Referee's E-mail Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Referee's Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Referee's Mobile No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Publication Title", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Type", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Name", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Description", "String", "No");
Add("Publication Remarks", "String", "Yes");
Add("Date of Publication", "Date", "No");
Add("Nomination Purpose", "String", "No");
Add("Date Of Nomination", "Date", "No");
Add("Nominee's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Nominee's Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Nominee's Percentage", "String", "No");
Add("Nominee's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Nominee's Occupation", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nominee's Address", "String", "No");
Add("Nominee's Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Nominee's E-mail Address", "String", "Yes");
Add("Date Of Registration", "Date", "No");
Add("Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Name", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Person's Date of Birth", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Registered Person's Occupation", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Person's Email", "String", "Yes");
Add("Registered Person's Address", "String", "No");
Add("Registered Person's Telephone No(s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("Registered Person's Mobile No (s)", "String", "Yes");
Add("LanguageName", "String", "No");
Add("SpokenStatus", "String", "No");
Add("WrittenStatus", "String", "No");
Add("Relative's Name", "String", "No");
Add("Relative's Designation", "String", "No");
Add("Relative's Relation", "String", "No");
Add("Relative's JoiningDate", "Date", "No");
Add("Relative's EndDate", "Date", "Yes");
Add("Membership Organization", "String", "No");
Add("YourRole", "String", "No");
Add("OrganizationType", "String", "No");
Add("Membership FromDate", "Date", "No");
Add("Membership EndDate", "Date", "Yes");
Add("IRName", "String", "No");
Add("IRRelation", "String", "No");
Add("IROccupation", "String", "No");
Add("QuestionNo", "String", "No");
Add("Question", "String", "No");
Add("QAnswer", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Single Employee Information";
return this;
#region EmpMultiple
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetUpEmpMultiple()
this.SheetName = "EmpMultipleInfo";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload Multiple Employee Information";
return this;
#region EmpGeneral&Contact
public DataUploadColumnDefinition SetUpEmpGeneralCont()
this.SheetName = "EmpGeneralInfo";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload General and Contact";
return this;
#region Column Definition For TaxAdjustData
public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxAdjustData()
this.SheetName = "TaxAdjustment";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<TaxAdjustment> types = new ObjectsTemplate<TaxAdjustment>();
types = TaxAdjustment.Get(EnumStatus.Active);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (TaxAdjustment item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "Adjustment Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload TaxAdjustment Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For TaxAdjustData
public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxInvestmentData()
this.SheetName = "TaxInvestment";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<TaxInvestment> types = new ObjectsTemplate<TaxInvestment>();
types = TaxInvestment.Get(EnumStatus.Active);
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (TaxInvestment item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.Name);
this.ItemOneComboText = "Investment Type :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload TaxInvestment Data";
return this;
#region Column Definition For TaxChallanData
public DataUploadColumnDefinition TaxChallanData()
this.SheetName = "TaxChallan";
Add("Employee No", "String", "No");
Add("Month", "Date", "No");
Add("Amount", "Double", "No");
Add("ChallanNo", "String", "No");
ObjectsTemplate<TaxParameter> types = new ObjectsTemplate<TaxParameter>();
types = TaxParameter.Get();
ItemOneComboData = new Dictionary<ID, string>();
foreach (TaxParameter item in types)
ItemOneComboData.Add(item.ID, item.FiscalYear);
this.ItemOneComboText = "Tax Year :";
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.ItemThreeDateData = null;
this.FormText = "Upload TaxChallan Data";
return this;
#region CVDocument Uplaod
public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVMainData()
//this.SheetName = "CVMain";
Add("TrackNo", "String", "No");
Add("TotalYearOfExperience", "Double", "Yes");
Add("SpecialSkill", "String", "Yes");
Add("NationalId", "String", "No");
Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("MotherName", "String", "No");
Add("MobileNo", "String", "No");
Add("FileAddress", "String", "Yes");
Add("FatherName", "String", "No");
Add("ExpectedMinimumSalary", "Double", "Yes");
Add("LandPhoneNo", "String", "Yes");
Add("EmailAddress", "String", "Yes");
Add("IsFresher", "String", "No");
Add("ContactAddress", "String", "No");
Add("ApplicationDate", "Date", "No");
Add("Designation", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "CVMain";
this.FormText = "Upload CVDocument Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVExperienceData()
//this.SheetName = "CVExperience";
Add("ContactNo", "String", "No");
Add("ContactPerson", "String", "No");
Add("Employer", "String", "No");
Add("FromDate", "Date", "Yes");
Add("ToDate", "Date", "Yes");
Add("RoleDefination", "String", "Yes");
this.SheetName = "CVExperience";
this.FormText = "Upload CVExperience Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVReferredByData()
//this.SheetName = "CVReferredBy";
Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("OtherDetail", "String", "No");
Add("ReferredBy", "String", "No");
Add("EmployeeNo", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "CVReferredBy";
this.FormText = "Upload CVReferredBy Data";
return this;
public DataUploadColumnDefinition CVEductionalQualificationData()
//this.SheetName = "CVEductionalQualification";
Add("Board", "String", "No");
Add("CgpaOrMarks", "String", "No");
Add("CgpaOrMarksOutOf", "String", "No");
Add("DegreeTitle", "String", "No");
Add("Discipline", "String", "No");
Add("IsHighestEducation", "String", "No");
//Add("Name", "String", "No");
Add("PassingYear", "String", "No");
Add("Result", "String", "No");
Add("InstituteName", "String", "No");
this.SheetName = "CVEductionalQualification";
this.FormText = "Upload CVEductionalQualification Data";
return this;
#region Prepare Upload
public void PrepareUpload(int uploadId)
switch (uploadId)
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Allowance:
this.FormText = "Upload Individual Allowance Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeWithBasic:
this.FormText = "Transfer Employee Basic Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Children_Eduation_Allowances:
this.FormText = "Upload Children Eduation Allowances";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.WPPFClaim:
this.FormText = "Upload WPPF Claim";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.WPPF:
this.FormText = "Upload WPPF";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.WWF:
this.FormText = "Upload WWF";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LifeCycle:
this.FormText = "Transfer Career History";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OrganogramPosition:
this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Position Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Bonus:
this.FormText = "Upload Bonus Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OverTime:
this.FormText = "Upload Over Time Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.UnAuthorized_Leave:
this.FormText = "Upload UnAuthorized Leave Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpHRData:
this.FormText = "Upload HR Employee Data";
//this.FormText = "Upload Single Employee Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpAllHRData:
this.FormText = "Upload Emploee General and Contact";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.CVDocument:
this.FormText = "Upload CV Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxChallan:
this.FormText = "Upload Tax Challan Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Deduction:
this.FormText = "Upload Individual Deduction";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpDiscontinue:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeBankAccount:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Basic Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeConfirmation:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.ESB:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.ITInvestment:
this.FormText = "Upload Tax Investment Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Leave:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OPI:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.CarFuel:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.SalaryData:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.SalaryRemarks:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxAdjustCurrYear:
this.FormText = "Upload Tax Adjustment Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TC:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpGradeSalary:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Grade Salary Assignment";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeAttendance:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxData:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Tax Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeLoan:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Loan Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeLoanSetup:
this.FormText = "Employee Loan Setup";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpSalaryComponent:
this.FormText = "Upload Salary Component Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpCC:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee CostCenter Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpVendorCode:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Vendor Code";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpSingle:
this.FormText = "Upload Single Employee Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpMultiple:
this.FormText = "Upload Multiple Employee Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpGeneralCont:
this.FormText = "Upload General and Contact";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.PFOpening:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee CostCenter Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OPI_Parameter_Individual:
this.FormText = "Upload OPI Before Process";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.CarFuel_Parameter_Individual:
this.FormText = "Upload CarFuel Before Process";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpAddressData:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Contacts Info";
this.UploadException(uploadId, this);
public void PrepareUpload2(int uploadId)
switch (uploadId)
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeWithBasic:
this.FormText = "Transfer Employee Basic Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.LifeCycle:
this.FormText = "Transfer Career History";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.OrganogramPosition:
this.FormText = "Upload Organogram Position Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Bonus:
this.FormText = "Upload Bonus Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.Leave:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.SalaryData:
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmpGradeSalary:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Grade Salary Assignment";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.TaxData:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Tax Data";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.EmployeeLoan:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee Loan Information";
case (int)EnumRegularDataUpload.PFOpening:
this.FormText = "Upload Employee CostCenter Data";
this.UploadException(uploadId, this);
#region Add Column Name, Data Type, Allow Null Property
public void Add(string fieldName, string dataType, string allowNull)
#region Get Column Names
public string getColumnNames()
string scolName = "";
foreach (string col in this._columnName)
scolName = scolName + col + ", ";
if (scolName.Length > 2)
scolName = scolName.Substring(0, scolName.Length - 2);
return scolName;
//public string getColumnNames(DataTable oTable)
// string scolName = "";
// foreach (string col in oTable.Columns)
// {
// scolName = scolName + col + ", ";
// }
// if (scolName.Length > 2)
// scolName = scolName.Substring(0, scolName.Length - 2);
// return scolName;
#region Check Null
public bool IsAllowNull(string scolumnName)
int nIndex = 0;
foreach (string col in this._columnName)
if (col.ToUpper().Trim() == scolumnName.ToUpper().Trim())
if (this.AllowNull[nIndex].ToUpper() == "YES") return true;
else return false;
nIndex = nIndex + 1;
throw new ServiceException("Column:" + scolumnName + " is not exist in the sheet:" + this.SheetName);
return false;
#region Get Column Data Type
public string GetColumnDataType(string scolumnName)
int nIndex = 0;
foreach (string col in this._columnName)
if (col.ToUpper().Trim() == scolumnName.ToUpper().Trim())
return this.DataType[nIndex].ToUpper();
nIndex = nIndex + 1;
throw new ServiceException("Column not exist in the collection.");
return "";
#region Get Column Index
public int getColumnIndex(string scolumnName)
int index = 0;
foreach (string col in this._columnName)
if (col.ToUpper().Trim() == scolumnName.ToUpper().Trim()) return index;
index = index + 1;
throw new ServiceException("Column not exist in the collection.");
return -1;
#region Data Validation
public List<UploadErrorOrSuccess> ValidateUploadedData(DataTable uploadedData)
DataUploadValidation ovalidation = new DataUploadValidation();
ovalidation.ColumnNameValidation(this, uploadedData);
if (ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList.Count > 0) return ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList;
ovalidation.ValidateInput(this, uploadedData);
return ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList;
public List<UploadErrorOrSuccess> ValidateUploadedData2(DataTable uploadedData)
DataUploadValidation ovalidation = new DataUploadValidation();
ovalidation.ColumnNameValidation(this, uploadedData);
return ovalidation.ErrorOrSuccessList;