using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess; using Ease.CoreV35.Model; using Payroll.BO; namespace Payroll.Service { public class MemberWiseMarkDA { internal static IDataReader Get(ID stepID, ID processID, TransactionContext tc) { string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"Select * From RecruitementMemberWiseMark Where StepId = %n And ProcessId = %n",stepID.Integer,processID.Integer); return tc.ExecuteReader(sql); } internal static void Insert(MemberWiseMark item, TransactionContext tc) { string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL( @"Insert Into RecruitementMemberWiseMark(MemberWiseMarkID,ProcessId,StepId,EmployeeId,CandidateId,Marks,isEmployee) Values(%n,%n,%n,%n,%n,%n,%n)", item.ID.Integer, item.ProcessId.Integer, item.StepId.Integer, item.EmployeeId.Integer, item.CandidateId.Integer, item.Marks,Convert.ToInt32(item.IsEmployee)); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } internal static void Delete(ID stepid, ID processid, TransactionContext tc) { string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"Delete From RecruitementMemberWiseMark Where StepId = %n And ProcessId = %n", stepid.Integer, processid.Integer); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } internal static void Delete(ID procssID, ID stepID, ID memberID,TransactionContext tc) { string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"Delete From RecruitementMemberWiseMark Where ProcessId = %n And StepId = %n And EmployeeId = %n", procssID.Integer, stepID.Integer, memberID.Integer); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } internal static void Delete(ID processID, ID canID, bool isEmployee, TransactionContext tc) { string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL( @"Delete From RecruitementMemberWiseMark Where ProcessId = %n And CandidateId = %n And isEmployee = %n", processID.Integer, canID.Integer, Convert.ToInt32(isEmployee)); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } } }