using System; using Payroll.BO; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using Ease.CoreV35.Model; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess; using System.Collections.Generic; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess.SQL; namespace Payroll.Service { #region AutoObjectDA internal class AutoObjectDA { #region Constructor private AutoObjectDA() { } #endregion #region Insert function internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, AutoObject item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO AutoObjectName(TableID, FormName,MenuKey)" + " VALUES(%n, %s,%s)", item.ID.Integer,item.Name,item.MenuKey); } #endregion #region Update function internal static void Update(TransactionContext tc, AutoObject item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE AutoObjectName SET FormName=%s,MenuKey=%s" + " WHERE TableID=%n", item.Name,item.MenuKey, item.ID.Integer); } #endregion #region Get Function internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, string sFormName) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AutoObjectName WHERE MenuKey=%s", sFormName); } internal static DataSet GetInformation(TransactionContext tc, DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate, string sTableName) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { ds = tc.ExecuteDataSet("select a.Code,a.description Name,case a.__$operation "+ "when 1 then 'Deleted' "+ "when 2 then 'Inserted' "+ "when 3 then 'Before Updated'"+ "when 4 then 'After Updated'"+ " end operation,b.tran_begin_time fromdate from cdc.dbo_Category_CT a, cdc.lsn_time_mapping b" + " where a.__$start_lsn=b.start_lsn AND b.tran_begin_time between %D AND %D ORDER BY b.tran_begin_time", FromDate, ToDate); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return ds; } #endregion #region Delete function internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, ID nID) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM AutoObjectName WHERE TableID=%n", nID.Integer); } internal static void DeleteAll(TransactionContext tc) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM AutoObjectName"); } #endregion } #endregion }