using System; using Payroll.BO; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using Ease.CoreV35.Model; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess; using System.Collections.Generic; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess.SQL; namespace Payroll.Service { #region AllowanceDeductionDA internal class AllowanceDeductionDA { #region Constructor private AllowanceDeductionDA() { } #endregion #region Insert function internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, AllowanceDeduction item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO AllowanceDeduction(ALLOWDEDUCTID, code, name, allowOrDeduct, CreatedBy, CreationDate, SequenceNo, Status)" + " VALUES(%n, %s, %s, %n, %n, %d, %n, %n)", item.ID.Integer, item.Code, item.Name, item.AllowOrDeductType, item.CreatedBy.Integer, item.CreatedDate, item.Sequence, item.Status); } #endregion #region Update function internal static void Update(TransactionContext tc, AllowanceDeduction item) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE AllowanceDeduction SET code=%s, name=%s, allowOrDeduct=%n, ModifiedBy=%n, ModifiedDate=%d, SequenceNo=%n, Status=%n" + " WHERE ALLOWDEDUCTID=%n", item.Code, item.Name, item.AllowOrDeductType, item.ModifiedBy.Integer, item.ModifiedDate, item.Sequence, item.Status, item.ID.Integer); } #endregion #region Get Function internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc,EnumStatus status) { if(EnumStatus.Active==status || EnumStatus.Inactive==status) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where Status=%n AND ALLOWDEDUCTID>0 order by SequenceNo", status); } else { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWDEDUCTID>0 order by SequenceNo"); } } internal static IDataReader GetAllowance(TransactionContext tc,EnumStatus status) { if (EnumStatus.Regardless != status) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n AND Status=%n Order by Name", EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance, status); } else { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n Order by Name", EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance); } //return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n AND AllowDeductID>0 AND Status=%n Order by SequenceNo", allowanceType, status); } internal static IDataReader GetAllowance(TransactionContext tc, EnumPeriodicity periodicity, EnumAllowOrDeduct allowOrdeduct) { string SSQL = string.Empty; if (EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance == allowOrdeduct) { SSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Select * from AllowanceDeduction where AllowDeductID IN (Select AllowDeductID from ADParameterBasic where Periodicity=%n) AND AllowORDeduct=%n ", periodicity, allowOrdeduct); } else { SSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Select * from AllowanceDeduction where AllowDeductID IN (Select AllowDeductID from ADParameterBasic where Periodicity=%n) AND AllowORDeduct=%n ", periodicity, allowOrdeduct); } return tc.ExecuteReader(SSQL); } internal static IDataReader GetAllowance(TransactionContext tc, EnumPeriodicity periodicity, EnumEntitleType enumEntitleType, EnumAllowOrDeduct allowOrdeduct) { string SSQL = string.Empty; if (EnumAllowOrDeduct.Allowance == allowOrdeduct) { SSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Select * from AllowanceDeduction where AllowDeductID IN (Select AllowDeductID from ADParameterBasic where Periodicity=%n and EntitleType=%n) AND AllowORDeduct=%n ", periodicity,enumEntitleType, allowOrdeduct); } else { SSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Select * from AllowanceDeduction where AllowDeductID IN (Select AllowDeductID from ADParameterBasic where Periodicity=%n and EntitleType=%n) AND AllowORDeduct=%n ", periodicity,enumEntitleType, allowOrdeduct); } return tc.ExecuteReader(SSQL); } internal static IDataReader GetDeduction(TransactionContext tc, EnumStatus status) { if (EnumStatus.Regardless != status) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n AND ALLOWDEDUCTID>0 AND Status=%n Order by Name", EnumAllowOrDeduct.Deduction, status); return tc.ExecuteReader(sSQL); } else { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n Order by Name", EnumAllowOrDeduct.Deduction); } //return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n AND AllowDeductID>0 AND Status=%n Order by SequenceNo", allowanceType, status); } internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumStatus status,EnumAllowOrDeduct nType,EnumPeriodicity nPeriodcity) { return tc.ExecuteReader("Select DISTINCT ALLWD.* from ALLOWANCEDEDUCTION as ALLWD,ADParameterBasic as ADPB" + " Where ALLWD.ALLOWDEDUCTID=ADPB.ALLOWDEDUCTID" + " AND ALLWD.Status=%n" + " AND ALLWD.ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n" + " AND ADPB.PERIODICITY=%n",status,nType,nPeriodcity); } internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, EnumStatus status, EnumAllowOrDeduct nType) { return tc.ExecuteReader("Select DISTINCT ALLWD.* from ALLOWANCEDEDUCTION as ALLWD,ADParameterBasic as ADPB" + " Where ALLWD.ALLOWDEDUCTID=ADPB.ALLOWDEDUCTID" + " AND ALLWD.Status=%n" + " AND ALLWD.ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n" + " AND (ADPB.PERIODICITY=%n" + " OR (ADPB.PERIODICITY=%n AND EntitleType=2))", status, nType, (int)EnumPeriodicity.OneOff, (int)EnumPeriodicity.Monthly); } //internal static IDataReader GetAllDeduType(TransactionContext tc, EnumAllowOrDeduct allowanceType, EnumStatus status) //{ // if (EnumStatus.Active == status) // { // return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n AND AllowDeductID>0 AND Status=%n Order by SequenceNo", allowanceType, status); // } // else // { // return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n Order by SequenceNo", allowanceType); // } // //return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction Where ALLOWORDEDUCT=%n AND AllowDeductID>0 AND Status=%n Order by SequenceNo", allowanceType, status); //} internal static IDataReader GetByGradeID(TransactionContext tc, EnumStatus status, ID nGradeID, EnumAllowOrDeduct type) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ALLOWANCEDEDUCTION WHERE ALLOWDEDUCTID IN " + "(SELECT ALLOWDEDUCTID FROM ADPARAMETERBASIC WHERE ENTITLETYPE=%n AND ADParameterID IN " + "(SELECT Distinct ADPARAMETERID FROM ADPARAMETERGRADE WHERE GRADEID =%n))AND ALLOWORDEDUCT = %n AND Status=%n",EnumEntitleType.Individual, nGradeID.Integer, type, status); } internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, ID nID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM AllowanceDeduction WHERE ALLOWDEDUCTID=%n", nID.Integer); } internal static DataSet GetEmpAllowDeduc(TransactionContext tc, DateTime dEffectDate, ID AllowDeducID, ID PayrolltypeID) { DataSet oEmpHistories = new DataSet(); try { oEmpHistories = tc.ExecuteDataSet("Select ADPEmp.employeeid,ADPEmp.adparameterempid, ADPEmp.modifiedBy,ADPEmp.modifiedDate,Emp.EMPLOYEENO,Emp.NAME,Deg.NAME as Designation, gr.DESCRIPTION as Grade, ADPEmp.MONTHLYAMOUNT as Amount" + " from ADPARAMETEREMPLOYEE as ADPEmp,EMPLOYEE as Emp,GRADES as gr,Designation as Deg" + " where Emp.EMPLOYEEID=ADPemp.EMPLOYEEID" + " AND Emp.DesignationID=Deg.DesignationID" + " AND Emp.GradeID=gr.GradeID" + " AND ADPEmp.ALLOWDEDUCTID=%n" + " AND ADPEmp.FROMDATE between %d and %d AND Emp.PayrollTypeID=%n" + " order by Emp.EMPLOYEENO ", AllowDeducID.Integer, GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), PayrolltypeID.Integer); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return oEmpHistories; } internal static DataSet GetEmpAllowDeduc2(TransactionContext tc, DateTime dEffectDate, DateTime dEffectDate2, ID AllowDeducID, ID PayrolltypeID) { DataSet oEmpHistories = new DataSet(); try { oEmpHistories = tc.ExecuteDataSet("Select ADPEmp.employeeid,ADPEmp.adparameterempid, ADPEmp.modifiedBy,ADPEmp.modifiedDate,Emp.EMPLOYEENO,Emp.NAME,Deg.NAME as Designation, gr.DESCRIPTION as Grade, ADPEmp.MONTHLYAMOUNT as Amount" + " from ADPARAMETEREMPLOYEE as ADPEmp,EMPLOYEE as Emp,GRADES as gr,Designation as Deg" + " where Emp.EMPLOYEEID=ADPemp.EMPLOYEEID" + " AND Emp.DesignationID=Deg.DesignationID" + " AND Emp.GradeID=gr.GradeID" + " AND ADPEmp.ALLOWDEDUCTID=%n" + " AND ADPEmp.FROMDATE between %d and %d AND Emp.PayrollTypeID=%n" + " order by Emp.EMPLOYEENO ", AllowDeducID.Integer, GlobalFunctions.FirstDateOfMonth(dEffectDate), GlobalFunctions.LastDateOfMonth(dEffectDate2), PayrolltypeID.Integer); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return oEmpHistories; } #endregion #region Delete function internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, ID nID) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM [AllowanceDeduction] WHERE ALLOWDEDUCTID=%n", nID.Integer); } #endregion } #endregion }