7f1fac9b-90cd-4aea-ae8a-1f963819aa90 SQL 11in String true Report_Parameter_0 String true Report_Parameter_1 String true Report_Parameter_2 String true Report_Parameter_3 String true Report_Parameter_4 String true Report_Parameter_5 String true Report_Parameter_6 String true Report_Parameter_7 String true Report_Parameter_8 String true Report_Parameter_9 true 8.5in 0.05in true 0.01in 0.01in true 2.05in 3 0.2in 0in textbox2 1.65in 2 true 3in 0.25in ="Salary Certificate for the year "+Parameters!FormYear.Value+"-"+Parameters!ToYear.Value textbox1 1.35in 1 true 3in 0.25in ="Citibank, N.A. Bangladesh H.R. Department" Fit 0.05in 1.2in image/bmp External true =Format(Today(), "MMMM dd, yyyy") textbox5 true textbox10 true 0.25in textbox3 true textbox11 true textbox12 true 0.25in textbox13 true ="The Deputy Commissioner of Taxes" textbox14 true textbox15 true 0.23in textbox16 true ="Circle # 120, Taxes Zone # 6" textbox17 true textbox18 true 0.23in textbox19 true ="Dhaka." textbox20 true textbox21 true 0.25in textbox22 true textbox23 true textbox24 true 0.25in 3 textbox25 true ="This is to certify that an amount of Taka: 473,874.41 only have been paid to "+Fields!EmpName.Value+ " towards Salary & Allowances during the period from "+Parameters!FormDate.Value+" to "+Parameters!ToDate.Value+" under the following heads:" 0.25in textbox26 true textbox27 true textbox28 true 0.23in textbox29 true Heads of Salary Income : textbox30 true Amount in Taka : textbox31 true 0.25in textbox6 true ="Basic Salary" textbox44 true textbox45 true 0.22in textbox46 true ="House Rent Allowance " textbox47 true textbox48 true 0.22in textbox49 true ="Conveyance Allowance" textbox50 true textbox51 true 0.22in textbox52 true ="Car Allowance" textbox53 true textbox54 true 0.22in textbox55 true ="Bonus (IC)" textbox56 true textbox57 true 0.22in textbox58 true ="Bonus (Festival)" textbox59 true textbox60 true 0.22in textbox61 true ="Awards" textbox62 true textbox63 true 0.22in textbox64 true ="Bank’s Contribution to PF" textbox65 true textbox66 true 0.22in textbox67 true ="Other Allowances" textbox68 true textbox69 true 0.22in textbox70 true ="L.T.A. / Medical Allowance" textbox71 true textbox72 true 0.22in textbox73 true ="[After submission of valid bills]" textbox74 true textbox75 true 0.16in textbox76 true textbox77 true textbox78 true 0.12in
textbox32 true textbox33 true textbox34 true 0.16in textbox7 true ="Total In Taka :" textbox8 true =Sum(Fields!Amount.Value) textbox9 true 0.23in textbox35 true textbox36 true textbox37 true 0.18in 3 textbox38 true ="We also confirm that we have deducted an amount of Taka: "+Fields!DeductAmount.Value.ToString()+" as Income tax from his/her Salary and deposited the same to LTU Circle, Dhaka." 0.25in
true 7.61667in 3.3in 2.51667in 1.8in 5.49in 0.2in 5.82in en-US true textbox41 1.4in 2.5in 5 true 0.15in 0.25in ="RVP & Head of Human Resources" textbox40 1.2in 2in 4 true 0.15in 0.2in ="Faisal Hussain" Fit 0.3in 1.2in image/bmp External 2 true 0.15in 0.25in ="Regards," textbox43 2.1in 5in 1 true 1.65in 0.25in ="Incorporated with limited liability in the U.S.A." textbox42 1.9in 2.7in true 2.8in 0.2in ="Citibank N.A." 2.4in true 0.29in 11.69in