using System; using Payroll.BO; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using Ease.CoreV35.Model; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess; using System.Collections.Generic; using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess.SQL; namespace Payroll.Service { #region EmployeeCostCenterDA internal class EmployeeCostCenterDA { #region Constructor private EmployeeCostCenterDA() { } #endregion #region Insert function internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, EmployeeCostCenter item) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("INSERT INTO EMPCOSTCENTER(ID, employeeID, monthDate, costCenterID, percentage, CurrentCC, CreatedBy, CreationDate)" + " VALUES(%n, %n, %d, %n, %n, %b, %n, %d)", item.ID.Integer, item.EmployeeID.Integer, item.MonthDate, item.CostCenterID.Integer, item.Percentage, item.IsCurrentCC, item.CreatedBy.Integer, item.CreatedDate); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL); } #endregion #region Update function internal static void Update(TransactionContext tc, EmployeeCostCenter item) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("UPDATE EMPCOSTCENTER SET employeeID=%n, monthDate=%d, costCenterID=%n, percentage=%n, ModifiedBy=%n, ModifiedDate=%d" + " WHERE ID=%n", item.EmployeeID.Integer, item.MonthDate, item.CostCenterID.Integer, item.Percentage, item.ModifiedBy.Integer, DataReader.GetNullValue(item.ModifiedDate), item.ID.Integer); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL); } #endregion #region Get Function internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT EMPCOSTCENTER.* FROM EMPCOSTCENTER, Employee WHERE EMPCOSTCENTER.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID AND Employee.Status=%n AND" + " CurrentCC=%b ORDER BY EmployeeNo, COSTCENTERID", EnumEmployeeStatus.Live, true); } internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, ID employeeID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM EMPCOSTCENTER WHERE " + " EMPLOYEEID=%n AND CurrentCC=%b ", employeeID.Integer, true); } internal static IDataReader GetByCCID(TransactionContext tc, ID nCCID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT EMPCOSTCENTER.* FROM EMPCOSTCENTER, Employee WHERE EMPCOSTCENTER.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID AND Employee.Status=%n AND" + " COSTCENTERID=%n AND CurrentCC=%b ORDER BY EmployeeNo, COSTCENTERID", EnumEmployeeStatus.Live, nCCID.Integer, true); } internal static IDataReader GetByEmpIDCCID(TransactionContext tc, ID nCCID, ID nEmpID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT EMPCOSTCENTER.* FROM EMPCOSTCENTER, Employee WHERE EMPCOSTCENTER.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID AND Employee.Status=%n AND" + " COSTCENTERID=%n AND CurrentCC=%b AND EMPCOSTCENTER.EMPLOYEEID=%n ORDER BY EmployeeNo, COSTCENTERID", EnumEmployeeStatus.Live, nCCID.Integer, true, nEmpID.Integer); } internal static DataSet GetEmpCC(TransactionContext tc,DateTime dEffectDate,string SEmpID) { DataSet Emp = new DataSet(); tc.FillDataset(Emp, new string [] { "Employee"},"Select EmployeeID,EmployeeNo,Name from Employee",""); tc.FillDataset(Emp, new string[] { "EmpCC" }, "Select EmployeeID,CostCenterID,CurrentCC,Percentage from EmpCostCenter", ""); tc.FillDataset(Emp, new string[] { "CRG" }, "Select CRGID,Description from CRG", ""); Emp.Tables["Employee"].Columns.Add("CostCenterID",typeof(int)); Emp.Tables["Employee"].Columns.Add("Description",typeof(string)); Emp.Tables["Employee"].Columns.Add("Percentage", typeof(double)); #region Old Code //return tc.ExecuteDataSet("Select Emp.EMPLOYEENO,Emp.NAME,CC.DESCRIPTION,EMC.PERCENTAGE from EMPCOSTCENTER as EMC,EMPLOYEE as Emp,CRG as CC where" // + " EMC.COSTCENTERID=CC.CRGID" // + " and Emp.EMPLOYEEID=EMC.EMPLOYEEID" // + " and EMP.EMPLOYEEID in(%q)" // + " and EMC.MONTHDATE=%d and EMC.CURRENTCC=1 order by EMp.EMPLOYEENO ", SEmpID, dEffectDate); //return tc.ExecuteDataSet("Select EmpPer.* ," // + " (Select CRG.DESCRIPTION from CRG where CRG.CRGID=EmpPer.CC) as CCDes" // + " from" // + " (Select EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEENO,EMPLOYEE.NAME,EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEID," // + " (select EMPCOSTCENTER.COSTCENTERID from EMPCOSTCENTER where EMPCOSTCENTER.EMPLOYEEID= EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEID ) as CC ," // + " (select EMPCOSTCENTER.CURRENTCC from EMPCOSTCENTER where EMPCOSTCENTER.EMPLOYEEID= EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEID ) as CurrentCC ," // + " (select EMPCOSTCENTER.PERCENTAGE from EMPCOSTCENTER where EMPCOSTCENTER.EMPLOYEEID= EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEID ) as Per " // + " from EMPLOYEE" // + " )as EmpPer" // + " where EmpPer.EMPLOYEEID in(%q)" // + " order by EmpPer.EMPLOYEENO ",SEmpID); #endregion return Emp; } internal static DateTime GetMaxDate(TransactionContext tc, string EmpID, DateTime dMonthDate) { DateTime Result; object ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("Select Max(Monthdate) as MonthDate from EmpCostCenter where MonthDate < %d and EmployeeID=%s", dMonthDate, EmpID); if (ob!=null && ob.ToString().Trim().Length>0) { Result = Convert.ToDateTime(ob); } else { Result = DateTime.MinValue; } return Result; } internal static DataSet GetEmpCCDetails(TransactionContext tc, DateTime dMonthDate, string nEmpID) { if (dMonthDate == DateTime.MinValue) { return tc.ExecuteDataSet("Select Emp.EmployeeNo,Emp.Name,C.Description,EmpCC.Percentage " + " from Employee as Emp,EmpCostCenter as EmpCC,CRG as C" + " where Emp.EmployeeID=EmpCC.EmployeeID" + " AND EmpCC.CostcenterID=C.CRGID" + " AND EmpCC.CurrentCC=1 " + " AND Emp.EmployeeID=%s", nEmpID); } else { return tc.ExecuteDataSet("Select Emp.EmployeeNo,Emp.Name,C.Description,EmpCC.Percentage " + " from Employee as Emp,EmpCostCenter as EmpCC,CRG as C" + " where Emp.EmployeeID=EmpCC.EmployeeID" + " AND EmpCC.CostcenterID=C.CRGID" + " AND EmpCC.Monthdate=%d" + " AND EmpCC.CurrentCC=0 " + " AND Emp.EmployeeID=%s", dMonthDate,nEmpID); } //return tc.ExecuteDataSet("SELECT Emp.EMPLOYEENO,Emp.NAME," // + " CurrCCName =CASE WHEN EMC.MONTHDATE=%d AND EMC.CURRENTCC=1 THEN CC.DESCRIPTION ELSE '' END," // + " CurrCCPer = CASE WHEN EMC.MONTHDATE=%d AND EMC.CURRENTCC=1 THEN EMC.PERCENTAGE ELSE '' END," // + " PrvCCName = CASE WHEN EMC.MONTHDATE=%d THEN CC.DESCRIPTION ELSE '' END," // + " PrvCCPer = CASE WHEN EMC.MONTHDATE=%d THEN EMC.PERCENTAGE ELSE '' END" // + " FROM EMPCOSTCENTER as EMC,EMPLOYEE as Emp,CRG as CC " // + " where" // + " EMC.COSTCENTERID=CC.CRGID" // + " and Emp.EMPLOYEEID=EMC.EMPLOYEEID" // + " and EMP.EMPLOYEEID in(%q)" // + " ORDER BY EMp.EMPLOYEENO ",dFromDate,dFromDate,dToDate,dToDate,SEmpID); } #endregion #region Delete function internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, ID nID) { tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM EMPCOSTCENTER WHERE ID=%n", nID.Integer); } internal static void UpdateCurrentCCbeforeMonth(TransactionContext tc, ID employeeid, bool Iscurrent, DateTime month) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Update EMPCOSTCENTER set CurrentCC=%b WHERE EmployeeID=%n AND MonthDate <=%d", Iscurrent, employeeid.Integer, month); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL); } internal static void UpdatePreviousCC(TransactionContext tc, ID employeeid, bool Iscurrent) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Update EMPCOSTCENTER set CurrentCC=%b WHERE EmployeeID=%n ", Iscurrent, employeeid.Integer); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL); } internal static void UpdateLastCC(TransactionContext tc, int nID, bool Iscurrent,int ccID) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Update EMPCOSTCENTER set CurrentCC=%b,CostCenterID=%n WHERE ID=%n ", Iscurrent, ccID, nID); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL); } internal static Int16 GetlastCC(TransactionContext tc, ID employeeid) { Int16 nID = 0; string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT MAX(ID) from EMPCOSTCENTER WHERE EmployeeID=%n", employeeid.Integer); object ob= tc.ExecuteScalar(sSQL); if (ob != null && ob.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { nID= Convert.ToInt16(ob); } return nID; } internal static void DeleteByMonth(TransactionContext tc, DateTime month, ID employeeID) { string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Delete from EMPCOSTCENTER WHERE EmployeeID=%n And MonthDate =%d",employeeID.Integer, month); tc.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL); } #endregion internal static IDataReader GetByMonthStartEnd(TransactionContext tc, DateTime strt, DateTime end, int payrollTypeID) { return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT EMPCOSTCENTER.* FROM EMPCOSTCENTER, Employee WHERE EMPCOSTCENTER.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID AND Employee.Status=%n AND" + " MonthDate >= %d And MonthDate <= %d and Employee.PayrollTypeId=%n ORDER BY EmployeeNo, COSTCENTERID", EnumEmployeeStatus.Live, strt, end, payrollTypeID); } } #endregion }