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2024-09-17 14:30:13 +06:00
using System;
using Payroll.BO;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using Ease.CoreV35.Model;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess.SQL;
namespace Payroll.Service
#region ESBProvisionDA
internal class ESBProvisionDA
#region Constructor
private ESBProvisionDA() { }
#region Insert function
internal static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, ESBProvision item)
//, ProvisionOne,ProvisionTwo , %n, %n , item.ProvisionOne, item.ProvisionTwo
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO ESBProvision(EmployeeID, SalaryMonthlyID, UserID, ProcessMonthDate, Provision)" +
" VALUES(%n, %n, %n, %d, %n)", item.EmployeeID.Integer, item.SalaryMonthlyID.Integer, item.UserID.Integer, item.ProcessMonthDate, item.Provision);
#region Get Function
internal static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, ID nID)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ESBProvision WHERE EmployeeID=%n",nID.Integer );
internal static IDataReader GetProvision(TransactionContext tc, string sEmpID, DateTime GratuityMonth)
string sSQL = string.Empty;
sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT * FROM ESBProvision WHERE EmployeeID in (%q) and ProcessMonthDate=%d", sEmpID, GratuityMonth);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ESBProvision WHERE EmployeeID in (%q) and ProcessMonthDate=%d", sEmpID, GratuityMonth);
#region Delete function
internal static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, ID nEmpID, ID nSalaryMonthlyID)
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM [ESBProvision] WHERE EmployeeID=%n and SalaryMonthlyID=%n", nEmpID.Integer,nSalaryMonthlyID.Integer);
internal static IDataReader GetProvision(TransactionContext tc, DateTime dFromDate, DateTime dToDate)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ESBProvision where ProcessMonthDate between %d and %d ", dFromDate,dToDate);
internal static IDataReader GetProvision(TransactionContext tc,int nEmpID, DateTime dFromDate, DateTime dToDate)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM ESBProvision where EmployeeID=%n AND ProcessMonthDate between %d and %d ",nEmpID, dFromDate, dToDate);
internal static double GetOpeningBalance(TransactionContext tc, int nEmpID, DateTime fromDate)
object amount = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT SUM(Provision) FROM ESBProvision WHERE"
+ " EmployeeID=%n AND ProcessMonthDate < %d",nEmpID,fromDate);
if (amount == DBNull.Value)
return 0;
else return Convert.ToDouble(amount);
internal static DataSet GetCumulativeProv(TransactionContext tc, DateTime dateTime)
DataSet oCumulativeProvs = new DataSet();
oCumulativeProvs = tc.ExecuteDataSet("SELECT EmployeeID,SUM(Provision) FROM ESBProvision WHERE"
+ " ProcessMonthDate < %d Group by EmployeeID", dateTime);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
return oCumulativeProvs;