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2024-09-17 14:30:13 +06:00
using System;
using Payroll.BO;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using Ease.CoreV35.Model;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Ease.CoreV35.DataAccess.SQL;
namespace Payroll.Service
class LeaveEntryDA
#region Constructor
public LeaveEntryDA() { }
#region Insert function
public static void Insert(TransactionContext tc, LeaveEntry oItem)
string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("INSERT INTO LeaveEntry(TranId, EmpId, EmpGradeId,LeaveYear, AppParamId, AppLeaveDate, AppFromDate, AppToDate, AppTotalDays, AprParamId, AprLeaveDate, AprFromDate, AprToDate, APRTOTALDAYS, ApprovedBy, Remarks, EntryDate,IsDrafted,IsAvailed,LeaveStatus,ErnLeaveRemarks,LeaveID,DepartmentID,DesignationID,AvailFromDate,AvailToDate,AvailTotalDays,AvailRemarks,AvailedBy,DayPeriod,WorkingDate)" +
" VALUES(%n, %n, %n, %n, %n, %d, %d, %d, %n, %n, %d, %d, %d, %n, %n, %s, %d, %n,%n,%n,%s,%n,%n,%n,%d,%d,%n,%s,%n,%s,%d)",
oItem.ID.Integer, oItem.EmpID, DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.EmpGradeId), oItem.LeaveYear, oItem.AppliedParamId, oItem.AppliedLeaveDate, oItem.AppliedFromDate, oItem.AppliedToDate, oItem.AppliedTotalDays, oItem.ApprovedParamId, oItem.ApprovedLeaveDate, oItem.ApprovedFromDate, oItem.ApprovedToDate, oItem.ApprovedTotalDays, DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.ApprovedBy, IDType.Integer), oItem.Remarks, oItem.EntryDate, oItem.IsDrafted, oItem.IsAvailed, (int)oItem.LeaveStatus,
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.LeaveID, IDType.Integer),
//DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.SbuID, IDType.Integer),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.DepartmentID, IDType.Integer),
//DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.FunctionID, IDType.Integer),
//DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.LocationID, IDType.Integer),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.DesignationID, IDType.Integer),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.AvailedBy, IDType.Integer), oItem.LeaveDayPeriod, DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.WorkingDate));
#region Update function
public static void Update(TransactionContext tc, LeaveEntry oItem)
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE LeaveEntry SET EmpId=%n, EmpGradeId=%n, LeaveYear=%n, AppParamId=%n, AppLeaveDate=%d, AppFromDate=%d, AppToDate=%d, AppTotalDays=%n, AprParamId=%n, AprLeaveDate=%d, AprFromDate=%d, AprToDate=%d, APrTOTALDAYS=%n, ApprovedBy=%n, Remarks=%s, EntryDate=%d, IsDrafted=%n, IsAvailed=%n,LeaveStatus=%n, " +
"ErnLeaveRemarks=%s,LeaveID=%n,DepartmentID=%n,DesignationID=%n,AvailFromDate=%d,AvailToDate=%d,AvailTotalDays=%n,AvailRemarks=%s,AvailedBy=%n,DayPeriod=%s,WorkingDate=%d, SBUID=%n" +
" WHERE TranId=%n", oItem.EmpID, oItem.EmpGradeId, oItem.LeaveYear, oItem.AppliedParamId, oItem.AppliedLeaveDate, oItem.AppliedFromDate, oItem.AppliedToDate, oItem.AppliedTotalDays, oItem.ApprovedParamId, oItem.ApprovedLeaveDate, oItem.ApprovedFromDate, oItem.ApprovedToDate, oItem.ApprovedTotalDays, DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.ApprovedBy, IDType.Integer), oItem.Remarks, oItem.EntryDate, oItem.IsDrafted, oItem.IsAvailed, (int)oItem.LeaveStatus,
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.LeaveID, IDType.Integer),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.DepartmentID, IDType.Integer),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.DesignationID, IDType.Integer),
DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.AvailedBy, IDType.Integer),oItem.LeaveDayPeriod,DataReader.GetNullValue(oItem.WorkingDate),1,
public static void UpdateLeaveStatus(TransactionContext tc, LeaveEntry oItem)
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE LeaveEntry SET LEAVESTATUS=%n WHERE TranId=%n", oItem.LeaveStatus, oItem.ID.Integer);
#region ID Generation function
public static int GetNewID(TransactionContext tc)
return tc.GenerateID("LeaveEntry", "TranId");
#region Get Function
public static IDataReader GetByLeaveID(TransactionContext tc, int nLeaveID, int nEmpID, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.* FROM LeaveEntry where LEAVEID=%n AND EmpId=%n AND AprFromDate between %d and %d AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 AND LEAVESTATUS=%n order by AppFromDate DESC", nLeaveID, nEmpID, fromDate, toDate, (int) EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveYear, int LeaveStatus)
if (LeaveStatus == 0)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AppFromDate DESC", empId, leaveYear);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveStatus=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AppFromDate DESC", empId, leaveYear, LeaveStatus);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, int leaveYear, int LeaveStatus)
string inSQL = "";
inSQL = "in (" + empIds + ")";
if (LeaveStatus == 0)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND EmpId %q and LeaveYear=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AppFromDate DESC", inSQL, leaveYear);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND EmpId %q and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveStatus=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AppFromDate DESC", inSQL, leaveYear, LeaveStatus);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int LeaveStatus)
if (LeaveStatus == 0)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AppFromDate DESC", fromDate, toDate);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and LeaveStatus =%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AppFromDate DESC", fromDate, toDate, LeaveStatus);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, DateTime attnDate)
string sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT * FROM LeaveEntry where %d Between APRFROMDATE AND APRTODATE ", attnDate);
return tc.ExecuteReader(sql);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int LeaveStatus)
string inSQL = string.Empty;
string sql = string.Empty;
inSQL = "in (" + empIds + ")";
//if (LeaveStatus == 0)
// sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
// + " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by EmpId ASC", fromDate, toDate, inSQL);
// sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
// + " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d AND %d and LeaveStatus =%n and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by EmpId ASC", fromDate, toDate, LeaveStatus, inSQL);
if (LeaveStatus == 0)
sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND (AprFromDate between %d and %d OR AprToDate between %d and %d OR %d BETWEEN AprFromDate AND AprToDate) and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by EmpId ASC", fromDate, toDate, fromDate, toDate, fromDate, inSQL);
sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d AND %d and LeaveStatus =%n and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by EmpId ASC", fromDate, toDate, LeaveStatus, inSQL);
return tc.ExecuteReader(sql);
public static IDataReader GetPending(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveID, int LeaveStatus)
string sql = string.Empty;
sql = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.* FROM LeaveEntry Where EmpId=%n AND LeaveID=%n AND LeaveStatus=%n ", empId, leaveID, LeaveStatus);
return tc.ExecuteReader(sql);
public static IDataReader GetRecord(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int LeaveStatus)
string inSQL = string.Empty;
string sql = string.Empty;
inSQL = "in (" + empIds + ")";
if (LeaveStatus == 0)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC", fromDate, toDate, inSQL);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.TranID,LeaveEntry.Remarks,LeaveEntry.AprFromDate,LeaveEntry.AprToDate,LeaveEntry.AprTotalDays,LeaveEntry.LeaveStatus,Leave.Description,LeaveEntry.AppLeaveDate FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC", fromDate, toDate, inSQL);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveYearID)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * from LeaveEntry where EMPID=%n AND LEAVEYEAR=%n", empId, leaveYearID);
public static IDataReader GetByLeaveYear(TransactionContext tc, int nLeaveYear)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * from LeaveEntry where LeaveYear=%n", nLeaveYear);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string LeaveStatus)
string inSQL = "";
inSQL = "in (" + empIds + ")";
if (!(LeaveStatus.Trim().Length > 0))
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 Order by EmpId ASC", fromDate, toDate, inSQL);
string str = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and LeaveStatus in (%q) and EmpId %q AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 Order by EmpId ASC", fromDate, toDate, LeaveStatus, inSQL);
return tc.ExecuteReader(str);
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, int tranId)
string sSQL = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter WHERE LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND TranId=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", tranId);
return tc.ExecuteReader(sSQL);
public static IDataReader GetForAdminPanel(TransactionContext tc, int employeeID)
string str = SQLParser.MakeSQL("Select LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID and empID=%n and LeaveStatus in( %n, %n, %n, %n) AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", employeeID, (int)EnumLeaveStatus.Drafted, (int)EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval, (int)EnumLeaveStatus.OnApproval, (int)EnumLeaveStatus.Approved);
return tc.ExecuteReader(str);
public static IDataReader GetYearEndData(TransactionContext tc, int leaveYear)
string sSql = "";
sSql = "Select A.LeaveId,B.EmpId,sum(B.TotalDays)as TotalDays from " +
"LeaveParameter A inner join " +
"(SELECT AppParamId,EmpId,sum(AppTotalDays)as TotalDays FROM " +
"LeaveEntry where LeaveYear= " + leaveYear + " and LeaveStatus =5 AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 group by AppParamId,EmpId " +
")B " +
"on A.LeaveParamId=B.AppParamId " +
" group by LeaveId,EmpId " +
" order by LeaveId,EmpId";
return tc.ExecuteReader(sSql);
public static IDataReader GetAvailedLeave(TransactionContext tc, DateTime stDate, DateTime endDate, string empIds)
string sSql = "";
sSql = "select OrganizationHierarchy.OrganizationId as OrgId,OrganizationHierarchy.Description as Organization,X.* from Employee,OrganizationHierarchy,(" +
"Select A.LeaveId,B.EmpId,sum(B.TotalDays)as TotalDays from " +
"LeaveParameter A inner join " +
"(SELECT AppParamId,EmpId,sum(AppTotalDays)as TotalDays FROM " +
"LeaveEntry where LeaveStatus =5 and EmpId in (" + empIds + ") and AprLeaveDate between '" +
stDate.Date + "' and '" + endDate.Date + "' AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 group by AppParamId,EmpId " +
")B " +
"on A.LeaveParamId=B.AppParamId " +
" group by LeaveId,EmpId)X where Employee.EmployeeId=X.EmpId " +
" and Employee.OrganizationId=OrganizationHierarchy.OrganizationId " +
" order by OrganizationHierarchy.OrganizationId ASC";
return tc.ExecuteReader(sSql);
public static IDataReader GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(TransactionContext tc, int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int leaveType)
string query = string.Empty;
LeaveYear ly = LeaveYear.GetCurrentYear();
if (leaveType == 0)
query = "SELECT * " +
" FROM LeaveEntry" +
" WHERE EmpId = %n AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d " +
" AND (LEAVESTATUS=%n OR LEAVESTATUS=%n) AND LeaveYear=%n AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC";
return tc.ExecuteReader(query, empId, fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved,EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request, ly.ID.Integer);
query = "SELECT * " +
" FROM LeaveEntry" +
" WHERE EmpId = %n AND LEAVEID=%n AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d " +
" AND (LEAVESTATUS=%n OR LEAVESTATUS=%n) AND LeaveYear=%n AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC";
return tc.ExecuteReader(query, empId, leaveType, fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request, ly.ID.Integer);
public static IDataReader GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(TransactionContext tc, int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
string query = string.Empty;
LeaveYear ly = LeaveYear.GetCurrentYear();
query = "SELECT * " +
" FROM LeaveEntry" +
" WHERE EmpId = %n AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d " +
" AND LeaveYear=%n AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC";
return tc.ExecuteReader(query, empId, fromDate, toDate, ly.ID.Integer);
public static IDataReader GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int leaveType)
string query = string.Empty;
LeaveYear ly = LeaveYear.GetCurrentYear();
if (leaveType == 0)
query = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"SELECT *
FROM LeaveEntry
WHERE EmpId in (%q) AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d
AND (LEAVESTATUS=%n OR LEAVESTATUS=%n) AND LeaveYear=%n AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC");
return tc.ExecuteReader(query, empIds, fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request, ly.ID.Integer);
query = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"SELECT *
FROM LeaveEntry
WHERE EmpId in (%q) AND LEAVEID=%n AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d
AND (LEAVESTATUS=%n OR LEAVESTATUS=%n) AND LeaveYear=%n AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC");
return tc.ExecuteReader(query, empIds, leaveType, fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved, EnumLeaveStatus.Cancel_Request, ly.ID.Integer);
public static IDataReader GetEmployeeWiseLeaveDetailReport(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
string query = string.Empty;
LeaveYear ly = LeaveYear.GetCurrentYear();
query = SQLParser.MakeSQL(@"SELECT *
FROM LeaveEntry
WHERE EmpId in (%q) AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d
AND LeaveYear=%n AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 order by AprFromDate DESC");
return tc.ExecuteReader(query, empIds, fromDate, toDate, ly.ID.Integer);
public static int GetEmployeeLeaveBalance(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveYear, int leaveType)
string query = string.Empty;
object ob;
if (leaveType == 0)
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) AS TOTAL " +
" FROM LeaveEntry" +
" WHERE EmpId = %n AND LEAVEYEAR=%n AND LEAVESTATUS=%n", empId, leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ob);
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) AS TOTAL " +
" FROM LeaveEntry" +
" WHERE EmpId = %n AND LEAVEYEAR=%n AND LEAVEID=%n AND LEAVESTATUS=%n", empId, leaveYear, leaveType, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ob);
public static DataSet GetLeaveReport(TransactionContext tc, int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
string query = string.Empty;
DataSet dataSet = null;
query = "Select Leave.description as LeaveType,C.EmpId,C.TotalDays from Leave inner join"
+ " (Select A.LeaveId, B.EmpId, sum(B.TotalDays)as TotalDays from LeaveParameter A inner join"
+ " (SELECT AppParamId,EmpId,sum(AppTotalDays)as TotalDays FROM LeaveEntry where ( AprFromDate >= %d AND AprToDate <= %d)and LeaveStatus =5 AND EmpID = %n group by AppParamId,EmpId )B "
+ " on A.LeaveParamId=B.AppParamId group by A.LeaveId, EmpId)C on Leave.LeaveId=C.LeaveId order by C.LeaveId, C.EmpId";
dataSet = tc.ExecuteDataSet(query, fromDate, toDate, empId);
return dataSet;
public static DataSet GetAvailedLeave(TransactionContext tc, int empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
string query = string.Empty;
DataSet dataSet = null;
query = "Select Leave.LeaveID ,C.EmpId,C.TotalDays from Leave inner join"
+ " (Select A.LeaveId, B.EmpId, sum(B.TotalDays)as TotalDays from LeaveParameter A inner join"
+ " (SELECT AppParamId,EmpId,sum(AppTotalDays)as TotalDays FROM LeaveEntry where ( AprFromDate >= %d AND AprToDate <= %d)and LeaveStatus =%n AND EmpID = %n group by AppParamId,EmpId )B "
+ " on A.LeaveParamId=B.AppParamId group by A.LeaveId, EmpId)C on Leave.LeaveId=C.LeaveId order by C.LeaveId, C.EmpId";
dataSet = tc.ExecuteDataSet(query, fromDate, toDate, EnumLeaveStatus.Approved, empId);
return dataSet;
public static DataSet SBUWiseLeaveReport(TransactionContext tc, string SBUIDs, string LeaveIDs, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
string query = string.Empty;
DataSet dataSet = null;
return dataSet;
public static double GetLeaveAmtByType(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveId, int leaveYear, int leaveStatus)
object ob;
if ((EnumLeaveStatus)leaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Approved)
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveID=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", empId, leaveYear, leaveId, leaveStatus);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
if (leaveStatus == 0)
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveID=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", empId, leaveYear, leaveId);
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveID=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", empId, leaveYear, leaveId, (int)EnumLeaveStatus.Approved);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
public static double GetAvailedLeave(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveId, int leaveYear, int leaveStatus)
object ob;
//if ((EnumLeaveStatus)leaveStatus == EnumLeaveStatus.Availed)
// ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveID=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", empId, leaveYear, leaveId, leaveStatus);
// return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
if (leaveStatus == 0)
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveID=%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", empId, leaveYear, leaveId);
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and LeaveID=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0", empId, leaveYear, leaveId, leaveStatus);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
public static double GetAmountOnFromDate(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveYear,
int leaveID, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus, DateTime dStartDate, DateTime dTodate)
object ob;
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n "
+ " and LeaveYear=%n and AprParamId=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND "
+ " APPTOTALDAYS <> 0 AND AprFromDate BETWEEN %d AND %d", empId,
leaveYear, leaveID, leaveStatus, dStartDate, dTodate);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
public static double GetTotalLeaveAmountInYear(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveYear,
int leaveID, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus)
object ob;
ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT SUM(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n "
+ " and LeaveYear=%n and AprParamId=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND "
+ " APPTOTALDAYS <> 0 ", empId,
leaveYear, leaveID, leaveStatus);
return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
public static IDataReader GetTotalLeaveAmountInYear(TransactionContext tc, int leaveYear, EnumLeaveStatus leaveStatus)
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT Empid,LeaveID,SUM(APPTOTALDAYS) Days FROM LeaveEntry where "
+ " LeaveYear=%n and LeaveStatus =%n AND "
+ " APPTOTALDAYS <> 0 group by empid,LeaveID order by empid,LeaveID", leaveYear, leaveStatus);
//public static DataSet GetEmployeeWiseLeaveReport(TransactionContext tc, Ease.Core.Framework.ID empId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
// string query = string.Empty;
// DataSet dataSet = null;
// query = " SELECT Leave.LeaveID, Leave.Description as LeaveType, LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS as Days " +
// " FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter " +
// " WHERE LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId " +
// " AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID = Leave.LeaveID " +
// " AND EmpId = %n AND LeaveEntry.AprFromDate >= %d AND LeaveEntry.AprToDate <= %d " +
// " AND LeaveEntry.APPTOTALDAYS<>0 ORDER BY Leave.LeaveID ASC";
// dataSet = tc.ExecuteDataSet(query, empId.Integer, fromDate, toDate);
// return dataSet;
public static DataSet GetReport(TransactionContext tc, string query)
DataSet dataSet = null;
dataSet = tc.ExecuteDataSet(query);
return dataSet;
public static IDataReader Get(TransactionContext tc, string empIds, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int LeaveStatus, string sortExpresion)
string inSQL = "";
inSQL = "in (" + empIds + ")";
if (LeaveStatus == 0)
string str = SQLParser.MakeSQL("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 and EmpId %q order by " + sortExpresion, fromDate, toDate, inSQL);
return tc.ExecuteReader(str);
return tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT LeaveEntry.*, Leave.Description FROM LeaveEntry, Leave, LeaveParameter "
+ " where LeaveEntry.AprParamID=LeaveParameter.LeaveParamId AND LeaveParameter.LeaveID= Leave.LeaveID AND AprFromDate between %d and %d and LeaveStatus =%n AND APPTOTALDAYS<>0 and EmpId %q order by %s", fromDate, toDate, LeaveStatus, inSQL, sortExpresion);
public static bool IsEntered(TransactionContext tc, DateTime year)
// nProcessYear = LeaveEntry.getJulyJuneLeaveYear(nProcessYear);
object obj = new object();
obj = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT * FROM LeaveEntry WHERE AprFromDate=%d", year);
return (Convert.ToInt32(obj) != 0);
//public static double GetSubmittedAmt(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear)
// object ob;
// ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and AprParamId=%n and LeaveStatus =5", empId, leaveYear, leaveParamId);
// return ob==DBNull.Value?0:Convert.ToDouble(ob);
//public static double GetApprovedAmt(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear)
// object ob;
// ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and AprParamId=%n and IsDrafted=0 and ApprovedBy is not null", empId, leaveYear, leaveParamId);
// return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
//public static double GetAvailedAmt(TransactionContext tc, int empId, int leaveParamId, int leaveYear)
// object ob;
// ob = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT sum(APPTOTALDAYS) FROM LeaveEntry where EmpId=%n and LeaveYear=%n and AprParamId=%n and IsAvailed=1", empId, leaveYear, leaveParamId);
// return ob == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ob);
public static bool IsExist(TransactionContext tc, Employee oEmployee, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
object obj = new object();
obj = tc.ExecuteScalar("SELECT * FROM LeaveEntry WHERE EMPID=%n AND APPFROMDATE = %d AND APPTODATE = %d", oEmployee.ID.Integer, fromDate, toDate);
return Convert.ToInt32(obj) != 0 ? true : false;
#region Delete function
public static void Delete(TransactionContext tc, int tranId)
//IDataReader rdr=tc.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM LeaveEntry WHERE TranID=%n",tranId);
//NullHandler oreader = new NullHandler(rdr);
// if (oreader.GetInt32("LeaveStatus") == (int)EnumLeaveStatus.Drafted)
// {
// tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM LeavePlanerEntry WHERE TranId=%n", tranId);
// }
//tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM LeaveEntry WHERE TranId=%n", tranId);
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM LeaveEntry WHERE TranId=%n", tranId);
public static void DeleteDummyEntry(TransactionContext tc, LeaveEntry oItem)
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM LeaveEntry WHERE EmpID=%n and LeaveID=%n AND LeaveYear=%n", oItem.EmpID, oItem.LeaveID.Integer,oItem.LeaveYear);
catch (Exception ex) { }
public static void DeleteByLeaveYear(TransactionContext tc, int nYear)
tc.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM LeaveEntry WHERE LeaveYear=%n", nYear);
/*----sbu wise
select Emp.SBUID,L.LeaveID,L.Description, sum(LE.APPTOTALDAYS) as TotalDays from LeaveEntry LE,Employee Emp,Leave L ,LeaveParameter LP
where empid in(select E.EmployeeID from employee E where sbuid in (1,2))
and L.LeaveID=LP.LeaveID
and LP.LeaveParamID=LE.AprParamID
and Emp.EmployeeID=LE.EmpID
group by Emp.SBUID,L.LeaveID,L.Description
order by Emp.SBUID